  • Amiel's Journal, "Mozart and Beethoven", 277-278
  • Antin, Mary, The Promised Land, "The Making of an American", 186-189
  • Atlantic Monthly, The Contributor's Club, "The Privileges of Age", 245-247
  • Aumonier, Stacy, "Solemn-Looking Blokes" (Century Magazine), 29-33
  • Bagehot, Walter, Works, vol. III, "A Constitutional Statesman", 227-229
  • Belloc, Hilaire, First and Last, "On a Great Wind", 244
  • Bradford, Gamaliel, Confederate Portraits, "Judah P. Benjamin", 264
  • Brooke, Rupert, Collected Poems, "The Great Lover", 234-235
  • Bullard, F. Lauriston, Famous War Correspondents, "A Definition of the Correspondent", 78
  • Burdick, Francis M, The Essentials of Business Law
    • "Definition of the Clearing-House", 76
    • "Definition of Sale", 105
  • Burroughs, John, Birds and Bees, "An Idyl of the Honey-Bee", 48-55
    • Outline of "An Idyl of the Honey-Bee", 64-66
    • Birds and Poets, "Emerson's Literary Quality", 224
    • Leaf and Tendril, "A Breath of April", 247-249
  • Burton, Richard, Little Essays in Literature and Life, "The Nature of the Informal Essay", 243-244
  • Butler, Samuel, The Note-Books of Samuel Butler, "A Group of Definitions", 109
  • Cannon, J. G, Clearing-Houses, "Classification of Clearing-Houses", 140
  • Carlyle, Thomas, Essay on Biography, Selection from, 275-276
    • Sartor Resartus, "The Entepfuhl Road", 40
  • Century Magazine, "The Hydraulic Cartridge", 161-162
  • Corbin, John, An American at Oxford, "How to Handle a Punt", 163-164
  • Corbin, T. W, Engineering of To-day, "Cargo Steamers", 203-205
    • "The Oxygen Blow-Pipe", 161
    • "Launching the Neptune", 178-181
  • Cram, R. A., The Heart of Europe, "Definition of the Heart", 104
  • Croly, Herbert, The Promise of American Life, "The American Business Man", 197-199
  • Dilley, Arthur U, Oriental Rugs, "A Classification of Rugs", 119-122
  • Eliot, George, The Mill on the Floss, "The Scenery of the Rhone", 124-125
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Conduct of Life, "Fate", 27-28; 36-37
    • Nature, Addresses, and Lectures, "A Definition of Conserva


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