a>; restricting the genus, 77; two classes of, 78. Demosthenes, 12. De Quincey, 242. Dictionaries, use of, 302. Dilley, Arthur U., 122. Douglas, Stephen A., 274. Economy, in note-taking, 298-299. Edwards, Jonathan, 27. Elimination as a method in definition, 95. Eliot, George, 124-125. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1, 27, 93, 95, 98, 224, 271, 282. Emotions, the, and the controlling purpose, 26-33. EncyclopÆdias, use of, 302. Enumeration as a form of informal analysis, 129. Equation as a form of informal analysis, 130. Escott, T. H. S., 271. Essay. See Informal Essay. Events in hero's life for expository biography, 275-280. Exposition: - amount of, 2;
- answers questions, 1, 2;
- causes for stupidity in writing exposition, 4, 25;
- emotions and exposition, 27;
- problem, the, in writing, 11;
- success of, 12;
- task of, 9-10;
- truth of, 7.
Formal analysis, 118. Franz, Robert, 276. Freeman, Mrs. M. E. W., 199. Friends of the hero in expository biography, 274. Gardiner, A. G., 19, 148, 149, 150. Garland, Hamlin, 45. Gissing, George, 7, 21, 84, 103, 128, 209, 214, 223, 226. Goethe, Johann, 270. Goldsmith, Oliver, 267, 284, Pericles, 273. Poe, E. A., 12. Pollak, Gustav, 86, 93, 194, 222. Prelini, Charles, 170. Problem, statement of a, in informal analysis, 136. Problem of expository biography, 248-261. Processes: 157-162 - (general discussion), 162-164;
- aids to gaining clearness in, 169-172;
- aids to gaining interest in, 172-175.
Relation of events to personality in expository biography, 277-278. Relation of hero to society and times in expository biography, 278-280. Repetition as a method in definition, 93. Reporting vs. interpreting, 5. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 208. Rhetorical strictness absent in informal essay, 242-243. Rhetorical value of events in expository biography, 280. Royce, Josiah, 131. Russell, Bertrand, 90, 135, 227. Sainte-Beuve, 91. Scott, Sir Walter, 200. Sedgwick, H. D., 108. Selection of material, 39-41. Shakespeare, William, 12, 60, 81, 257. Sharp, Dallas Lore, 173, 174, 237, 238. Shaw, G. B., 85, 102, 110, 112, 117, 146, 147, 156. Sidney, Sir Philip, 9. Significance, statement of, as form of informal analysis, 130. Slavery to printed word, 297. Slicer, T. R., 277. Smith, Sydney, 241. Socrates, 263. Sources of the controlling purpose, 16, 26. Standards, criticism by, 202- |