
Two main sources exist from which you can get the material for expository themes: books, including magazines and papers; and lectures or interviews of any kind. Libraries differ greatly in the degree of convenience, and some lecturers are much more readily intelligible than others, and their lectures much more easily codified in notes. Even the most conveniently arranged library, with the most accommodating librarian, is rather formidable unless one knows the method of approach. And until one has thought out the problem of taking notes from lectures, even the most intelligible speaker presents great difficulties. Perhaps a few words here will be of some use in unriddling the mysteries.

First of all a word needs to be said about the greatest slavery of modern times—slavery to the printed word. "I read it in a book!" is still for many people sufficient reason for believing anything, however untrue, illogical, impossible it may be. It is well to remember that nearly everybody writes books and yet very few of us are wise. Obviously, not everything can be authoritative, especially when it is contradicted in the next book. A reader without a good steadying sense of balance, a shrewd determination to weigh what he reads and judge of its value for himself is as helpless as a man in a whirlpool. You need not be too stiff-necked toward a book, need not deny for the mere sake of denial, but you do need to stand off and regard every book with reasonable caution. Sometimes you can see for yourself that what is said is not true. Sometimes you can at once feel that the spirit of the book is unsafe, wild, unthinking. Sometimes you will detect at once a blinding prejudice. Then be cautious. If the subject is unknown to you, so that you have no safe basis for judgment about it, you are, to look the matter squarely in the face, at the mercy of the book. But shrewd inquiries as to the author's reputation, his opportunities for knowledge of the subject, and an ever-watchful eye for reasonableness and good judgment, will save you from many mistakes. And always remember that the mere fact of a statement's being in print does not make it more true than it was when merely oral. Don't, then, believe a printed statement which you would hotly deny if you heard it from the lips of some one. It is a matter of intellectual self-respect to read and judge, not to read and blindly swallow.

Whether you read or listen, you will need to make notes. It would be delightful if our flattering feeling that we can remember whatever we read or hear were true—the trouble is, it is not. It is better to play safe and have the record in notes, than to be too independent and find a blank in your mind when time to write arrives.

The chief virtue in note-taking is economy. Economy saves time, space, effort. The three interweave and are inextricable, in the total, but may be somewhat distinguished. As to time: there is no virtue whatever in slaving for hours over notes that need only a few minutes. Notes are tools: their object is temporary, to be of service for composition or future reference; they are not an object in themselves. Do not worship them. On the other hand, since dull tools will not cut, don't slight them. No greater pity can exist than for the pale student who wrinkles her brow—it usually is her brow—and attempts to make of notes a complete transcription of a lecture or a book, with each comma and every letter in proper sequence joined—only to pack the notes away in a box in the attic—or perhaps burn them! A builder who should have too meticulous care for his scaffolding is in danger of never seeing his building completed. Notes seek essentials, and therefore time should not be wasted on non-essentials. But, since slovenly, ill-assorted, illegible notes require extraordinary time for deciphering and arranging, it is of the greatest importance that you conserve your future minutes by making your notes neat, ordered, legible. Any abbreviations that you can surely remember are most useful. A complete sentence—which really has no special need for completeness—that you cannot read is worthless, but a few words that indicate the gist of the thought, and are immediately legible, are most valuable. Moreover, if you take time enough for every word, you are in danger of becoming so engrossed in penmanship as to lose the broad sweep of the lecture or book. Notes must drive toward unity and away from chaos. Your first principle, then, should be to set down neatly what will be of real service, and let the rest go.

As to space—any one who has made manuscripts from notes has learned how irritating, how bewildering a huge mass of material can be. Some subjects require such a mass, and in such a case the note-taker will use as much space as he needs. But economy, which is the cardinal virtue, will require as little diffusion, as great concentration as possible. If you can succeed in including everything of value on one sheet, instead of scattering it over several, you are to be congratulated. Only, be sure that you do not neglect something of real value. You can often save much space and effort and the use of stores of connecting words and phrases if you will indent and subordinate sub-topics so that the eye will show the relation at once. Such practice is admirable mental training, also, for it teaches the listener or reader to keep his brain detached for seeing relationships, for grasping the parts in relation to the whole and to each other. If interesting remarks which do not bear directly upon the main subject attract with sufficient intensity to make record worth while, set them down in brackets, to indicate their nature. Remembering, then, that a concentrated barrage is of more value in attack than scattered fire, use as little space as may suffice for the essentials. That is the second principle.

As to effort, remember that the old sea-captain whose boat was so leaky that he declared he had pumped the whole Atlantic through it on one voyage would have entered port more easily with a better boat. If you do not take time and pains for grouping and ordering as you make your notes, be sure that you will have much pumping to do when the article is to be made. Grouping and ordering require concentration in reading or listening—but there is no harm in that. You ought to be able to write one thing and listen to another at the same time. Watch especially for any indication in a lecture of change in topic. And don't be bothered by the demands of formal rhetoric: if a complete sentence stands in your way, set your foot on it and "get the stuff." And, of course, avoid a feverish desire to set down every word that may be uttered; any one who has seen the notebooks of students in which reports of lectures begin with such records as "This morning, in pursuance of our plan, we shall consider the topic mentioned last time, namely,—etc." become aware of the enormous waste of energy that college students show. Essentials, set down in athletic leanness—that is the ideal.

In taking notes from books, people differ greatly. Some use a separate slip for each note, and much can be said in commendation of this system. Some are able to heap everything together and then divine where each topic is. In any case, strive for economy, catch the "high spots," and as far as possible keep like with like, notes on the same topic together. It is always well, often imperative, to jot down the source of each note, so that you can either verify or later judge of the value in the light of the worth of the source.

Note-taking, in other words, is a matter of brains and common sense: brains to see what is important, and sense to see that neatness and order are essential to true economy, the great virtue of notes.

With the best of intentions, then, you enter the library. Since each library is arranged on a somewhat individual scheme, and different collections have different materials, you will need to examine the individual library. A wise student will inquire at the desk for any pamphlet that may help to unriddle the special system. Librarians are benevolent people, do not wish to choke you, and are glad to answer any reasonable question. If your questions are formless, if you really do not know what you want, sit down on the steps and think it over until you do, and then enter boldly and politely ask for information. Don't, if you wish to learn about ship subsidies, for example, stroll in and inquire for "Some'n 'bout boats?" The complimentarily implied power of reading your mind is not especially welcome to even a librarian who is subject to vanity—and incidentally he may think that you are irresponsible. Any one who has been connected with a college library knows that the notorious questions such as "Have you Homer's Eyelid?" are not uncommon—and seldom bring desired results.

Since you have entered for information, summon all your resourcefulness to try every possibility before you agree that there is no help for you there. You can use the Card Catalogue, the Reference Books, the Indexes, Year-Books and Magazine Guides, and finally, if every other source fails, can lay your troubles before the librarian—but not until you have fought bravely. Too many students are faint-hearted: if they wish for information about, let us say, employers' liability, and do not at once find a package of information ready-wrapped, they sigh, and then smile, and then brightly inform the instructor, "The library hasn't a single word about that subject!" The Card Catalogue does not list employers' liability, let us say, and you do not know any authors who have written on the subject. Do not despair; look up insurance, workmen, accidents, social legislation, government help, and other such titles until your brain can think of nothing more. Only then resort to outside help.

The Card Catalogue will contain a card for each book in the library: if you know the title, look for it. If you know the author but not the title, look for the "author card." If you know neither author nor title, look for the general subject heading. For each book will usually have the three cards of subject, author, and title. If the subject is a broad one, such, for example, as Engineering, do not set yourself the task of looking through every card, but, if you wish for a treatise on the history of engineering, look for the word History, in the engineering cards, and then examine what books may be collected under that heading. If you find cross references, that is, a recommendation to "see" other individual cards, or other subject headings, do not overlook the chance to gain added information.

Most of us too often forget the encyclopÆdias. If the catalogue has been exhausted, then see what the encyclopÆdias may contain. Look in the volume that contains the index, first, for often a part of an article will tell you exactly what you wish, but the article as a whole will not be listed under the subject that you are seeking. The EncyclopÆdia Britannica, the New International, the Nelson's Loose Leaf will be of service on general topics. For agriculture consult Bailey's EncyclopÆdia. For religion see the EncyclopÆdia of Religion and Ethics (Scribner), the Jewish EncyclopÆdia, the New Schaff-Herzog EncyclopÆdia of Religious Knowledge (Funk and Wagnalls), the Catholic EncyclopÆdia (Robert Appleton).

For dictionaries you will find the Murray's New English Dictionary, often called the Oxford Dictionary, The Standard Dictionary, The Century, Webster's New International, Black's Law Dictionary and others.

Often you will wish to find contemporary, immediate material. The magazines are regularly catalogued in the Reader's Guide, month by month, with a combined quarterly and yearly and then occasional catalogue, with the articles listed under the subject and the title or author. Use your resourcefulness here, as you did in the card catalogue, and do not give up. Poole's Index will also help.

Many annuals are of value. The World Almanac has a bewildering mass of information, as does the Eagle Almanac for New York City and Long Island especially. The Canadian Annual Review, the Statesman's Year-Book, Heaton's Annual (Canadian), the New International Year Book, which is "a compendium of the world's progress for the year," the Annual Register (English), the Navy League Annual (English, but inclusive), and the American Year-Book, among others, will be of service. Often these books will give you the odd bit of information that you have hunted for in vain elsewhere. For engineering, the Engineering Index (monthly and collected) is useful.

For biography you will find Stephen's Dictionary of National Biography useful, and Lamb's Biographical Dictionary of the United States. Do not forget the Who's Who, the Who's Who in America, and the corresponding foreign books for brief information about current people of note.

For what may be called scattered information you can go to the American Library Association Index to general literature, The Information Quarterly (Bowker), The Book Review Digest (Wilson), The United States Catalog (with its annual Cumulative Book Index), and the (annual) English Catalogue of Books.

In using a book, employ the Table of Contents and the Index to save time. For example, you will thus be referred to page 157 for what you want. If instead you begin to hunt page by page, you will find that after you have patiently run your eyes back and forth over the first 156 pages, your brain will be less responsive than you would wish when you finally arrive at page 157. Moreover, there is all that time lost!

Often individual libraries have compiled lists of their own books on various subjects. If you can find such lists, use them.

In other words, the search for material and the taking of notes is a matter of strategy: it requires that the seeker use his wits, plan his campaign, find what is available, and in the briefest time compatible with thoroughness assimilate whatever of it is of value. Caution and indefatigable zeal and resourcefulness—these are almost sure to win the day.

[1] George Gissing: The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft. By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City.

[2] Words were made to conceal our thoughts.

[3] A. G. Gardiner: Prophets, Priests, and Kings. By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City.

[4] George Gissing: The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, "Summer," XXI. By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City.

[5] Stacy Aumonier, in The Century Magazine, December, 1917. By courtesy of the publisher, The Century Company, New York City.

[6] Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Fate," The Conduct of Life. Houghton Mifflin Company, publishers, Boston.

[7] John Burroughs: Pepacton. Houghton Mifflin Company, publishers, Boston.

[8] R. L. Stevenson: Across the Plains. Copyright, 1892, by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York City.

[9] If this be the meaning of "multitudinous."

[10] Edward Hungerford: The Personality of American Cities. By courtesy of the publisher, Robert M. McBride & Co., New York City.

[11] John Masefield: Gallipoli. By courtesy of the publishers, The Macmillan Company, New York City.

[12] John Masefield: Gallipoli. By courtesy of the publishers, The Macmillan Company, New York City.

[13] Francis M. Burdick: The Essentials of Business Law. By courtesy of the publishers, D. Appleton & Co., New York City. Copyright 1902, 1908, by D. Appleton & Co.

[14] F. L. Billiard: Famous War Correspondents. By courtesy of the publishers, Little, Brown & Co., Boston. Copyright, 1914.

[15] George Gissing: The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, "Autumn." By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City.

[16] George B. Shaw: Socialism and Superior Brains. By courtesy of the publishers, John Lane Company, New York City.

[17] J. B. Morman: Principles of Rural Credit. By courtesy of the publishers, The Macmillan Company, New York City.

[18] Gustav Pollak: Fifty Years of American Idealism. Houghton Mifflin Company. By courtesy of The Nation.

[19] Owen Wister: Quack Novels and Democracy. By courtesy of The Atlantic Monthly Company, Boston.

[20] Bertrand Russell: National Independence and Internationalism. By courtesy of The Atlantic Monthly Company, Boston.

[21] Sainte-Beuve.

[22] Gustav Pollak: Fifty Years of American Idealism. Houghton Mifflin Company. By courtesy of The Nation.

[23] Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The Conservative," in Nature, Addresses, and Lectures. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.

[24] C. E. Lucke: Power. By courtesy of the publishers, the Columbia University Press.

[25] Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Civilization," in Society and Solitude. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.

[26] From B. L. T.'s "The Line o' Type Column." By courtesy of the Chicago Tribune.

[27] George Bernard Shaw: The Sanity of Art. By courtesy of the publishers, Boni & Liveright.

[28] Ralph Adams Cram: The Heart of Europe. By courtesy of the publishers, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York City. Copyright, 1915.

[29] Francis M. Burdick: The Essentials of Business Law. By courtesy of the publishers, D. Appleton & Co., New York City. Copyright, 1902 and 1908.

[30] John Morley: Miscellanies, vol. I. By courtesy of the publishers, The Macmillan Company, New York City.

[31] William Dean Howells: A Boy's Town. By courtesy of the publishers, Harper & Brothers, New York City. Copyright, 1890.

[32] Henry Dwight Sedgwick: The New American Type. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, publishers.

[33] All these are from The Note-Books of Samuel Butler, published by A. C. Fifield, London.

[34] George Bernard Shaw: Socialism and Superior Brains. By courtesy of the publishers, John Lane Company.

[35] George Bernard Shaw: The Sanity of Art, "Wagnerism." By courtesy of the publishers, Boni & Liveright.

[36] Eustace M. Weston: Rock Drills. By courtesy of the publishers, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. Copyright.

[37] George Bernard Shaw: Dramatic Opinions and Essays. Archibald Constable & Co., Ltd., London, publishers.

[38] Arthur U. Dilley: "Oriental Rugs," in The New Country Life, November, 1917. By courtesy of the publishers, Doubleday, Page & Co.

[39] J. R. Green: Short History of the English People.

[40] George Eliot: Mill on the Floss. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, publishers.

[41] Nathaniel Hawthorne: Our Old Home. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, publishers.

[42] George Gissing: The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, "Spring." By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City.

[43] Josiah Royce: Nietzsche. By courtesy of The Atlantic Monthly Company.

[44] Bertrand Russell: Why Men Fight. By courtesy of the publishers, The Century Company, New York City.

[45] Charles E. Lucke: Power. By courtesy of the publishers, the Columbia University Press.

[46] James G. Cannon: Clearing-Houses. By courtesy of the publishers, D. Appleton & Co., New York City. Copyright, 1900.

[47] George Bernard Shaw: The Sanity of Art. By courtesy of the publishers, Boni & Liveright.

[48] A. G. Gardiner: Prophets, Priests, and Kings. By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City.

[49] A. G. Gardiner: Prophets, Priests, and Kings. By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City.

[50] A. G. Gardiner: Prophets, Priests, and Kings. By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City.

[51] Arthur M. Judy: From the Study to the Farm. By courtesy of The Atlantic Monthly Company.

[52] Charles E. Lucke: Power. By courtesy of the publishers, the Columbia University Press.

[53] W. H. Henderson: What is Good Music? By courtesy of the publishers, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York City. Copyright, 1898.

[54] George Bernard Shaw: The Sanity of Art. By courtesy of the publishers, Boni & Liveright.

[55] Thomas W. Corbin: Engineering of To-day. By courtesy of the publishers, Seeley, Service & Co., London.

[56] Taken from The Century Magazine by permission of the publishers, The Century Co.

[57] John Corbin: An American at Oxford. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, publishers.

[58] F. A. Talbot: The Making of a Great Canadian Railway. By courtesy of the publishers, Seeley, Service & Co., London.

[59] F. A. Talbot: The Making of a Great Canadian Railway. By courtesy of the publishers, Seeley, Service & Co., London.

[60] Charles Prelini: Dredges and Dredging. By courtesy of the publishers, D. Van Nostrand Company, New York City.

[61] Taken from The Century Magazine by permission of the publishers, The Century Co.

[62] Dallas Lore Sharp: The Hills of Hingham, "The Dustless Duster." Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, publishers.

[63] Thomas W. Corbin: Engineering of To-day. By courtesy of the publishers, Seeley, Service & Co., London.

[64] Greenough and Kittredge: Words and Their Ways in English Speech. By courtesy of the publishers, The Macmillan Company, New York City.

[65] "The Catskill Water Supply Tunnel," in the Scientific American, vol. 104. By courtesy of The Scientific American Publishing Company.

[66] Mary Antin: The Promised Land. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, publishers.

[67] Gustav Pollak: Fifty Years of American Idealism. Houghton Mifflin Company. By courtesy of The Nation.

[68] Herbert Croly: The Promise of American Life. By courtesy of the publishers, The Macmillan Company, New York City.

[69] From Scribner's Magazine, September, 1917. By courtesy of the publishers, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York City. Copyright, 1917.

[70] Thomas W. Corbin: Engineering of To-day. By courtesy of the publishers, Seeley, Service & Co., London.

[71] Thomas R. Lounsbury: English Spelling and Spelling Reform. By courtesy of the publishers, Harper & Brothers, New York City. Copyright.

[72] Gissing: The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, "Winter." By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York.

[73] George Gissing: The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, "Summer." By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York.

[74] Eustace M. Weston: Rock Drills. By courtesy of the publishers, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.

[75] Gustav Pollak: Fifty Years of American Idealism. Houghton Mifflin Company. By courtesy of The Nation.

[76] George Gissing: The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, "Winter." By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City.

[77] John Burroughs: Birds and Poets. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, publishers.

[78] George Gissing: The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, "Spring." By permission of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York City.

[79] Bertrand Russell: National Independence and Internationalism. By courtesy of The Atlantic Monthly Company.

[80] Walter Bagehot: "The Character of Sir Robert Peel," Works, vol. III. Travelers Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.

[81] W. H. Henderson: What is Good Music? By courtesy of the publishers, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York City. Copyright, 1898.

[82] Rupert Brooke: Collected Poems. By courtesy of the publishers, John Lane Company.

[84] America at Work.

[85] Richard Burton: Little Essays in Literature and Life. By courtesy of the publishers, The Century Company, New York City.

[86] Hilaire Belloc: "On a Great Wind." From First and Last. By courtesy of the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York.

[87] From The Contributors' Club. By courtesy of The Atlantic Monthly Company.

[88] John Burroughs: Leaf and Tendril. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, publishers.

[89] By Frances Lester Warner, from "The Point of View" in Scribner's Magazine.

[90] Gamaliel Bradford: Judah P. Benjamin. By courtesy of The Atlantic Monthly Company.

[91] Vol. 94, p. 363.

[92] Haweis: Music and Morals. By courtesy of the publishers, Longmans, Green & Co., New York City.

[93] A Book of Scoundrels.

[94] T. H. S. Escott: Great Victorians. T. Fisher Unwin, London.

[95] Thomas R. Slicer: From Poet to Premier. By courtesy of the publishers, The Grolier Society, London.

[96] Thomas Carlyle: "Biography," in Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, publishers.

[97] Amiel's Journal.

[98] Barrett Wendell: English Composition. By courtesy of the publishers, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York City. Copyright, 1891.

[99] At the end of the chapter.

[100] William Makepeace Thackeray: The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, publishers.

[101] For translation, see page 296.


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