CHAPTER II. Method of Research.


The results of the investigation of radio-active minerals, announced in the preceding chapter, led M. Curie and myself to endeavour to extract a new radio-active body from pitchblende. Our method of procedure could only be based on radio-activity, as we know of no other property of the hypothetical substance. The following is the method pursued for a research based on radio-activity:—The radio-activity of a compound is determined, and a chemical decomposition of this compound is effected; the radio-activity of all the products obtained is determined, having regard to the proportion in which the radio-active substance is distributed among them. In this way, an indication is obtained, which may to a certain extent be compared to that which spectrum analysis furnishes. In order to obtain comparable figures, the activity of the substances must be determined in the solid form well dried.

Polonium, Radium, Actinium.

The analysis of pitchblende with the help of the method just explained, led us to the discovery in this mineral of two strongly radio-active substances, chemically dissimilar:—Polonium, discovered by ourselves, and radium, which we discovered in conjunction with M. BÉmont.

Polonium from the analytical point of view, is analogous to bismuth, and separates out with the latter. By one of the following methods of fractionating, bismuth products are obtained increasingly rich in polonium:—

1. Sublimation of the sulphides in vacuo; the active sulphide is much more volatile than bismuth sulphide.

2. Precipitation of solutions of the nitrate by water; the precipitate of the basic nitrate is much more active than the salt which remains in solution.

3. Precipitation by sulphuretted hydrogen of a hydrochloric acid solution, strongly acid; the precipitated sulphides are considerably more active than the salt which remains in solution.

Radium is a substance which accompanies the barium obtained from pitchblende; it resembles barium in its reactions, and is separated from it by difference of solubility of the chlorides in water, in dilute alcohol, or in water acidified with hydrochloric acid. We effect the separation of the chlorides of barium and radium by subjecting the mixture to fractional crystallisation, radium chloride being less soluble than that of barium.

A third strongly radio-active body has been identified in pitchblende by M. Debierne, who gave it the name of actinium. Actinium accompanies certain members of the iron group contained in pitchblende; it appears in particular allied to thorium, from which it has not yet been found possible to separate it. The extraction of actinium from pitchblende is a very difficult operation, the separations being as a rule incomplete.

All three of the new radio-active bodies occur in quite infinitesimal amount in pitchblende. In order to obtain them in a more concentrated condition, we were obliged to treat several tons of residue of the ore of uranium. The rough treatment was carried out in the factory; and this was followed by processes of purification and concentration. We thus succeeded in extracting from thousands of kilogrms. of crude material a few decigrammes of products which were exceedingly active as compared with the ore from which they were obtained. It is obvious that this process is long, arduous, and costly.

Other new radio-active bodies have been notified since the termination of our work. M. Giesel, on the one hand, and MM. Hoffmann and Strauss on the other, have announced the probable existence of a radio-active body similar to lead in its chemical properties. At present only a few samples of this substance have been obtained.

Radium is, so far, the only member of the new radio-active substances that has been isolated as the pure salt.

Spectrum of Radium.

It was of the first importance to check, by all possible means, the hypothesis, underlying this work, of new radio-active elements. In the case of radium, spectrum analysis was the means of confirming this hypothesis.

M. DemarÇay undertook the examination of the new radio-active bodies by the searching methods which he employs in the study of photographic spark spectra.

The assistance of so competent a scientist was of the greatest value to us, and we are deeply grateful to him for having consented to take up this work. The results of the spectrum analysis brought conviction to us when we were still in doubt as to the interpretation of the results of our research.

The first specimens of fairly active barium chloride containing radium, examined by M. DemarÇay, exhibited together with the barium lines a new line of considerable intensity and of wave-length ? = 381·47 µµ in the ultra-violet. With the more active products prepared subsequently, DemarÇay saw the line 381·47 µµ more distinctly; at the same time other new lines appeared, and the intensity of the new lines was comparable with that of the barium lines. A further concentration furnished a product for which the new spectrum predominated, and the three strongest barium lines, alone visible, merely indicated the presence of this metal as an impurity. This product may be looked upon as nearly pure radium chloride. Finally, by further purification, I obtained an exceedingly pure chloride, in the spectrum of which the two chief barium lines were scarcely visible.

The following is a list, according to DemarÇay, of the principal radium lines for the portion of the spectrum included between ? = 500·0 and ? = 350·0 µµ. The intensity of each line is represented by a figure, the strongest being marked 16:—

?. Intensity.
482·63 10
472·69 5
469·98 3
469·21 7
468·30 14
464·19 4
460·03 3
453·35 9
443·61 8
434·06 12
381·47 16
364·96 12

All the lines are clear and narrow, the three lines 381·47, 468·30, 434·06 are strong, and equal the most intense of those actually known. Two well-marked misty bands are also visible in the spectrum. The first, which is symmetrical, extends from 463·10 to 462·19, with a maximum at 462·75. The second, which is stronger, fades towards the ultra-violet; it begins, sharply defined, at 446·37, and passes through a maximum at 445·52; the region of the maximum extends as far as 445·34, then a nebulous band, gradually fading, extends about as far as 439.

In the least refrangible part, not photographed in the spark spectrum, the only significant line is 566·5 (approx.), much more feeble, however, than 482·63.

The general aspect of the spectrum is that of the metals of the alkaline earths; these metals are known to have well-marked line spectra with certain nebulous bands.

According to DemarÇay, the position of radium may be among the bodies possessing the most sensitive spectrum reaction. I also have concluded from the work of concentration, that in the first specimen examined, which showed clearly the line 3814·7, the proportion of radium must have been very small (perhaps about 0·02 per cent). Nevertheless, an activity fifty times as great as that of metallic uranium is required in order to distinguish clearly the principal radium line in the spectra photographed. With a sensitive electrometer the radio-activity of a substance only 1/100 of that of metallic uranium can be detected. It is clear that, in order to detect the presence of radium, the property of radio-activity is several thousand times more sensitive than the spectrum reaction.

Bismuth containing polonium and thorium containing actinium, both very active, examined by DemarÇay, have so far each only yielded bismuth and thorium lines.

In a recent publication, M. Giesel, who is occupied in preparing radium, states that radium bromide gives a carmine flame colouration. The flame spectrum of radium contains two beautiful red bands, one line in the blue-green, and two faint lines in the violet.

Extraction of the New Radio-active Substances.

The first stage of the operation consists in extracting barium with radium from the ores of uranium, also bismuth with polonium and the rare earths containing actinium from the same. These three primary products having been obtained, the next step is in each case to endeavour to isolate the new radio-active body. This second part of the treatment consists of a process of fractionation. The difficulty of finding a very perfect means of separating closely allied elements is well known; methods of fractionation are therefore quite suitable. Besides this, when a mere trace of one element is mixed with another element, no method of complete separation could be applied to the mixture, even allowing that such a method was known; in fact, one would run the risk of losing the trace of the material to be separated.

The particular object of my work has been the isolation of radium and polonium. After working for several years, I have so far only succeeded in obtaining the former.

Pitchblende is an expensive ore, and we have given up the treatment of it in large quantities. In Europe the extraction of this ore is carried out in the mine of Joachimsthal, in Bohemia. The crushed ore is roasted with carbonate of soda, and the resulting material washed, first with warm water and then with dilute sulphuric acid. The solution contains the uranium, which gives pitchblende its value. The insoluble residue is rejected. This residue contains radio-active substances; its activity is four and a-half times that of metallic uranium. The Austrian Government, to whom the mine belongs, presented us with a ton of this residue for our research, and authorised the mine to give us several tons more of the material.

It was not very easy to apply the methods of the laboratory to the preliminary treatment of the residue in the factory. M. Debierne investigated this question, and organised the treatment in the factory. The most important point of his method is the conversion of the sulphates into carbonate by boiling the material with a concentrated solution of sodium carbonate. This method avoids the necessity of fusing with sodium carbonate.

The residue chiefly contains the sulphates of lead and calcium, silica, alumina, and iron oxide. In addition nearly all the metals are found in greater or smaller amount (copper, bismuth, zinc, cobalt, manganese, nickel, vanadium, antimony, thallium, rare earths, niobium, tantalum, arsenic, barium, &c.). Radium is found in this mixture as sulphate, and is the least soluble sulphate in it. In order to dissolve it, it is necessary to remove the sulphuric acid as far as possible. To do this, the residue is first treated with a boiling concentrated soda solution. The sulphuric acid combined with the lead, aluminium, and calcium passes, for the most part, into solution as sulphate of sodium, which is removed by repeatedly washing with water. The alkaline solution removes at the same time lead, silicon, and aluminium. The insoluble portion is attacked by ordinary hydrochloric acid. This operation completely disintegrates the material, and dissolves most of it. Polonium and actinium may be obtained from this solution; the former is precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen, the latter is found in the hydrates precipitated by ammonia in the solution separated from the sulphides and oxidised. Radium remains in the insoluble portion. This portion is washed with water, and then treated with a boiling concentrated solution of carbonate of soda. This operation completes the transformation of the sulphates of barium and radium into carbonates. The material is then thoroughly washed with water, and then treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, quite free from sulphuric acid. The solution contains radium as well as polonium and actinium. It is filtered and precipitated with sulphuric acid. In this way the crude sulphates of barium containing radium and calcium, of lead, and of iron, and of a trace of actinium are obtained. The solution still contains a little actinium and polonium, which may be separated out as in the case of the first hydrochloric acid solution.

From one ton of residue 10 to 20 kilogrms. of crude sulphates are obtained, the activity of which is from thirty to sixty times as great as that of metallic uranium. They must now be purified. For this purpose they are boiled with sodium carbonate and transformed into the chlorides. The solution is treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, which gives a small quantity of active sulphides containing polonium. The solution is filtered, oxidised by means of chlorine, and precipitated with pure ammonia. The precipitated hydrates and oxides are very active, and the activity is due to actinium. The filtered solution is precipitated with sodium carbonate. The precipitated carbonates of the alkaline earths are washed and converted into chlorides. These chlorides are evaporated to dryness, and washed with pure concentrated hydrochloric acid. Calcium chloride dissolves almost entirely, whilst the chloride of barium and radium remains insoluble. Thus, from one ton of the original material about 8 kilogrms. of barium and radium chloride are obtained, of which the activity is about sixty times that of metallic uranium. The chloride is now ready for fractionation.


As I said above, by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through the various hydrochloric acid solutions obtained during the course of the process, active sulphides are precipitated, of which the activity is due to polonium. These sulphides chiefly contain bismuth, a little copper and lead; the latter metal occurs in relatively small amount, because it has been to a great extent removed by the soda solution, and because its chloride is only slightly soluble. Antimony and arsenic are found among the oxides only in the minutest quantity, their oxides having been dissolved by the soda. In order to obtain the very active sulphides, the following process was employed:—The solutions made strongly acid with hydrochloric acid were precipitated with sulphuretted hydrogen; the sulphides thus precipitated are very active, and are employed for the preparation of polonium; there remain in the solution substances not completely precipitated in presence of excess of hydrochloric acid (bismuth, lead, antimony). To complete the precipitation, the solution is diluted with water, and treated again with sulphuretted hydrogen, which gives a second precipitate of sulphides, much less active than the first, and which have generally been rejected. For the further purification of the sulphides, they are washed with ammonium sulphide, which removes the last remaining traces of antimony and arsenic. They are then washed with water and ammonium nitrate, and treated with dilute nitric acid. Complete solution never occurs; there is always an insoluble residue, more or less considerable, which can be treated afresh if it is judged expedient. The solution is reduced to a small volume and precipitated either by ammonia or by excess of water. In both cases the lead and the copper remain in solution; in the second case, a little bismuth, scarcely active at all, remains also in solution.

The precipitate of oxides or basic nitrates is subjected to fractionation in the following manner:—The precipitate is dissolved in nitric acid, and water is added to the solution until a sufficient quantity of precipitate is formed; it must be borne in mind that sometimes the precipitate does not at once appear. The precipitate is separated from the supernatant liquid, and re-dissolved in nitric acid, after which both the liquids thus obtained are re-precipitated with water, and treated as before. The different fractions are combined according to their activity, and concentration is carried out as far as possible. In this way is obtained a very small quantity of a substance of which the activity is very high, but which, nevertheless, has so far only shown bismuth lines in the spectroscope.

There is, unfortunately, little chance of obtaining the isolation of polonium by this means. The method of fractionation just described presents many difficulties, and the case is similar with other wet processes of fractionation. Whatever be the method employed, compounds are readily formed which are absolutely insoluble in dilute or concentrated acids. These compounds can only be re-dissolved by reducing them to the metallic state, e.g., by fusion with potassium cyanide. Considering the number of operations necessary, this circumstance constitutes an enormous difficulty in the progress of the fractionation. This obstacle is the greater because polonium, once extracted from the pitchblende, diminishes in activity. This diminution of activity is slow, for a specimen of bismuth nitrate containing polonium only lost half its activity in eleven months.

No such difficulty occurs with radium. The radio-activity remains throughout an accurate gauge of the concentration; the concentration itself presents no difficulty, and the progress of the work from the start can be constantly checked by spectral analysis.

When the phenomena of induced radio-activity, which will be discussed later on, were made known, it seemed obvious that polonium, which only shows the bismuth lines and whose activity diminishes with time, was not a new element, but bismuth made active by the vicinity of radium in the pitchblende. I am not sure that this opinion is correct. In the course of my prolonged work on polonium, I have noted chemical effects, which I have never observed either with ordinary bismuth or with bismuth made active by radium. These chemical effects are, in the first place, the extremely ready formation of insoluble compounds, of which I have spoken above (especially basic nitrates), and, in the second place, the colour and appearance of the precipitates obtained by adding water to the nitric acid solution of bismuth containing polonium. These precipitates are sometimes white, but more generally of a more or less vivid yellow, verging on red.

The absence of lines other than those of bismuth does not necessarily prove that the substance only contains bismuth, because bodies exist whose spectrum reaction is scarcely visible.

It would be necessary to prepare a small quantity of bismuth containing polonium in as concentrated a condition as possible, and to examine it chemically, in the first place determining the atomic weight of the metal. It has not yet been possible to carry out this research on account of the difficulties of a chemical nature already mentioned.

If polonium were proved to be a new element, it would be no less true that it cannot exist indefinitely in a strongly radio-active condition, at least when extracted from the ore. There are therefore two aspects of the question:—First, whether the activity of polonium is entirely induced by the proximity of substances themselves radio-active, in which case polonium would possess the faculty of acquiring atomic activity permanently, a faculty which does not appear to belong to any substance whatever; second, whether the activity of polonium is an inherent property, which is spontaneously destroyed under certain conditions, and persists under certain other conditions, such as those which exist in the ore. The phenomenon of atomic activity induced by contact is still so little understood, that we lack the ground on which to formulate any opinion on the matter.

(Note.—A work has recently appeared on polonium by M. Marckwald. He plunges a small rod of pure bismuth into a hydrochloric acid solution of the bismuth extracted from the pitchblende residue. After some time the rod becomes coated with a very active deposit, and the solution now contains only inactive bismuth. M. Marckwald also obtains a very active deposit by adding tin chloride to a hydrochloric acid solution of radio-active bismuth. From this he concludes that the active element is allied to tellurium, and gives it the name of radiotellurium. This active substance of M. Marckwald seems identical with polonium, from its behaviour, and from the easily absorbed rays it emits. The choice of a new name for this substance is futile in the present state of the question).

Preparation of the Pure Chloride of Radium.

The method by which I extracted pure radium chloride from barium chloride containing radium consists in first subjecting the mixture of the chlorides to fractional crystallisation in pure water, then in water to which hydrochloric acid has been added. The difference in solubility of the two chlorides is thus made use of, that of radium being less soluble than that of barium.

At the beginning of the fractionation, pure distilled water is used. The chloride is dissolved, and the solution raised to boiling-point, and allowed to crystallise by cooling in a covered capsule. Beautiful crystals form at the bottom, and the supernatant, saturated solution is easily decanted. If part of this solution be evaporated to dryness, the chloride obtained is found to be about five times less active than that which has crystallised out. The chloride is thus divided into two portions, A and B—portion A being more active than portion B. The operation is now repeated with each of the chlorides A and B, and in each case two new portions are obtained. When the crystallisation is finished, the less active fraction of chloride A is added to the more active fraction of chloride B, these two having approximately the same activity. Thus there are now three portions to undergo afresh the same treatment.

The number of portions is not allowed to increase indefinitely. The activity of the most soluble portion diminishes as the number increases. When its activity becomes inconsiderable, it is withdrawn from the fractionation. When the desired number of fractions has been obtained, fractionation of the least soluble portion is stopped (the richest in radium), and it is withdrawn from the remainder.

A fixed number of fractions is used in the process. After each series of operations, the saturated solution arising from one fraction is added to the crystals arising from the following fraction; but if after one of the series the most soluble fraction has been withdrawn, then, after the following series, a new fraction is made from the most soluble portion, and the crystals of the most active portion are withdrawn. By the successive alteration of these two processes, an extremely regular system of fractionation is obtained, in which the number of fractions and the activity of each remains constant, each being about five times as active as the subsequent one, and in which, on the one hand, an almost inactive product is removed, whilst, on the other, is obtained a chloride rich in radium. The amount of material contained in these fractions gradually diminishes, becoming less as the activity increases.

At first six fractions were used, and the activity of the chloride obtained at the end was only 0·1 that of uranium.

When most of the inactive matter has been removed, and the fractions have become small, one fraction is removed from the one end, and another is added to the other end consisting of the active chloride previously removed. A chloride richer in radium than the preceding is thus obtained. This system is continued until the crystals obtained are pure radium chloride. If the fractionation has been thoroughly carried out, scarcely any trace of the intermediate products remain.

At an advanced stage of the fractionation, when the quantity of material in each fraction is small, the separation by crystallisation is less efficacious, the cooling being too rapid and the volume of the solution to be decanted too small. It is then advisable to add water containing a known quantity of hydrochloric acid; this quantity may be increased as the fractionation proceeds.

The advantage gained thus consists in increasing the quantity of the solution, the solubility of the chlorides being less in water acidified with hydrochloric acid than in pure water. By using water containing much acid, excellent separations are effected, and it is only necessary to work with three or four fractions.

The crystals, which form in very acid solution, are elongated needles, those of barium chloride having exactly the same appearance as those of radium chloride. Both show double refraction. Crystals of barium chloride containing radium are colourless, but when the proportion of radium becomes greater, they have a yellow colouration after some hours, verging on orange, and sometimes a beautiful pink. This colour disappears in solution. Crystals of pure radium chloride are not coloured, so that the colouration appears to be due to the mixture of radium and barium. The maximum colouration is obtained for a certain degree of radium present, and this fact serves to check the progress of the fractionation.

I have sometimes noticed the formation of a deposit composed of crystals of which one part remained uncoloured, whilst the other was coloured, and it seems possible that the colourless crystals might be sorted out.

The fractional precipitation of an aqueous solution of barium chloride by alcohol also leads to the isolation of radium chloride, which is the first to precipitate. This method, which I first employed, was finally abandoned for the one just described, which proceeds with more regularity. I have, however, occasionally made use of precipitation by alcohol to purify radium chloride which contains traces of barium chloride. The latter remains in the slightly aqueous alcoholic solution, and can thus be removed.

M. Giesel, who, since the publication of our first researches, has been preparing radio-active bodies, recommends the separation of barium and radium by fractional crystallisation in water from a mixture of the bromides. I can testify that this method is advantageous, especially in the first stages of the fractionation.

Determination of the Atomic Weight of Radium.

In the course of my work I determined at intervals the atomic weight of the metal contained in specimens of barium chloride containing radium. With each newly obtained product I carried the concentration as far as possible, so as to have from 0·1 grm. to 0·5 grm. of material containing most of the activity of the mixture. From this small quantity I precipitated with alcohol or with hydrochloric acid some milligrams of chloride for spectral analysis. Thanks to his excellent method, DemarÇay only required this small quantity of material to obtain the photograph of the spark spectrum. I made an atomic weight determination with the product remaining.

I employed the classic method of weighing as silver chloride the chlorine contained in a known weight of the anhydrous chloride. As control experiment, I determined the atomic weight of barium by the same method, under the same conditions, and with the same quantity of material, first 0·5 grm. and then 0·1 grm. The figures obtained were always between 137 and 138. I thus saw that the method gives satisfactory results, even with a very small quantity of material.

The first two determinations were made with chlorides, of which one was 230 times and the other 600 times as active as uranium. These two experiments gave the same figure as the experiment with the pure barium chloride. There was therefore no hope of finding a difference except by using a much more active product. The following experiment was made with a chloride, the activity of which was about 3500 times as great as that of uranium; and this experiment enabled me, for the first time, to observe a small but distinct difference; I found, as the mean atomic weight of the metal contained in this chloride, the number 140, which showed that the atomic weight of radium must be higher than that of barium. By using more and more active products, and obtaining spectra of radium of increasing intensity, I found that the figures obtained rose in proportion, as is seen in the following table (p. 28).

The figures of column A must only be looked upon as a rough estimate. The calculation of the activity of strongly radio-active bodies is difficult, for many reasons which will be discussed later.

A. M.
3500 140 Spectrum of radium faint.
4700 141
7500 145·8 Spectrum of radium strong, but that of barium predominating.
Order of Magnitude, 106... 173·8 The two spectra of almost equal intensity.
225 Only a trace of barium present.

A represents the activity of the chloride, that of uranium being unity; M the atomic weight found.

At the termination of the processes described above, I obtained, in March, 1902, 0·12 grm. of radium chloride, of which DemarÇay made the spectral analysis. This radium chloride, in the opinion of DemarÇay, was fairly pure; its spectrum, however, showed the three principal barium lines with considerable intensity. I made four successive estimations of the chloride, the results of which as follows:—

Anhydrous radium chloride. Silver chloride. M.
I. 0·1150 0·1130 220·7
II. 0·1140 0·1119 223·0
III. 0·11135 0·1086 222·8
IV. 0·10925 0·10645 223·1

I then re-purified this chloride, and obtained a much purer substance, in the spectrum of which the two strongest barium lines were very faint. Given the sensitiveness of the spectrum reaction of barium, DemarÇay estimated that the purified chloride contained only the merest traces of barium, incapable of influencing the atomic weight to an appreciable extent. I made three determinations with this perfectly pure radium chloride. The results were as follows:—

Anhydrous radium chloride. Silver chloride. M.
I. 0·09192 0·08890 225·3
II. 0·08936 0·08627 225·8
III. 0·08839 0·08589 224·0

The mean of these numbers is 225. They were calculated in the same way as the preceding ones by considering radium as a bivalent element, the chloride having the formula RaCl2, and taking for silver and chlorine the values Ag = 107·8, Cl = 35·4.

Hence the atomic weight of radium is Ra = 225.

The weighings were made with a Curie aperiodic balance, perfectly regulated, accurate to the twentieth of a milligrm. This direct reading balance permits of very rapid weighing, a condition which is essential in the case of the anhydrous chlorides of radium and barium, which gradually absorb moisture, in spite of the presence of desiccating substances in the balance. The bodies to be weighed were placed in a platinum crucible; this crucible had been long in use, and its weight did not vary the tenth part of a milligrm. during the course of one operation.

The hydrated chloride obtained by crystallisation was placed in the crucible and heated till converted into the anhydrous chloride. When the chloride has been kept for several hours at 100° its weight becomes constant, and does not change even if the temperature is raised to 200°. The anhydrous chloride thus obtained constitutes, therefore, a perfectly definite body.

The following is a series of determinations on this point. The chloride (100 m.g.) is dried in the oven at 55°, and placed in a desiccator over anhydrous phosphoric acid; it then gradually loses weight, which proves that it still contains moisture; in the course of twelve hours the loss was 3 m.g. The chloride is replaced in the stove, and the temperature raised to 100°. During this process, the chloride lost 6·3 m.g. in weight. After being left three hours fifteen minutes in the oven, it lost 2·5 m.g. more. The temperature was maintained for forty-five minutes between 100° and 120°, which caused a loss of weight of 0·1 m.g. Then after being kept for thirty minutes at 125°, the chloride showed no diminution in weight. Then, however, after thirty minutes at 150°, it lost 0·1 m.g. Finally, after being heated for four hours at 200°, it lost 0·15 m.g. During these operations the crucible varied from 0·05 m.g.

After each determination of the atomic weight, the radium was converted into the chloride in the following manner:—To the solution containing the weighed radium nitrate and excess of silver nitrate was added pure hydrochloric acid; the silver chloride was filtered off; the solution was evaporated to dryness several times with excess of pure hydrochloric acid. In this way the nitric acid is entirely removed.

The precipitated silver chloride was always radio-active and phosphorescent. In determining the amount of silver contained in it, I satisfied myself that no ponderable amount of radium had been carried down with it out of the solution. The method I pursued was to reduce the silver chloride precipitated in the crucible by hydrogen generated from dilute hydrochloric acid and zinc; after washing, the crucible was weighed with the metallic silver contained in it.

I made another experiment which showed that the weight of radium chloride regenerated was the same as that before beginning the operation.

These verifications are not so reliable as direct experiments; but they serve to indicate the absence of any significant error.

From its chemical properties, radium is an element of the group of alkaline earths, being the member next above barium.

From its atomic weight also, radium takes its place in Mendeleeff’s table after barium with the alkaline earth metals, in the row which already contains uranium and thorium.

Characteristics of the Radium Salts.

The salts of radium, chloride, nitrate, carbonate, and sulphate, resemble those of barium, when freshly prepared, but they gradually become coloured.

All the radium salts are luminous in the dark.

In their chemical properties, the salts of radium are absolutely analogous to the corresponding salts of barium. However, radium chloride is less soluble than barium chloride; the solubility of the nitrates in water is approximately the same.

The salts of radium are the source of a spontaneous and continuous evolution of heat.

Fractionation of Ordinary Barium Chloride.

We have endeavoured to determine whether commercial barium chloride contains small quantities of radium chloride, which escape detection with the means of estimation at our command. For this purpose we fractionated a great quantity of commercial barium chloride, in the hope of thus concentrating the trace of radium chloride if such were present.

Fifty kilos. of commercial barium chloride were dissolved in water; the solution was precipitated by hydrochloric acid free from sulphuric acid, which yielded 20 kilos. of the precipitated chloride. This was dissolved in water and partially precipitated by hydrochloric acid, which gave 8·5 kilos. of precipitated chloride. This chloride was fractionated by the method used for the barium chloride containing radium; and at the end of the process, 10 grams of chloride were obtained, corresponding to the least soluble part. This chloride showed no radio-activity; it therefore contained no radium; this substance is, consequently, absent from the ores of barium.


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