For an Infant.—Knitted with merino wool. Cast on 68 stitches. Knit 24 rounds, 2 plain and 2 pearl stitches alternately. Knit 58 rounds plain, or 2¾ inches in length; increase 1 stitch on first round. Knit the foot same as page 11. For a Child a Year Old.—Knitted with merino wool. Cast on 72 stitches. Knit 24 rounds, pearl and plain alternately. Knit 67 rounds plain, or 3 inches in length; increase 1 stitch on first round. Knit the foot same as page 12. For a Child from 2 to 3 Years.—Knitted with merino wool. Cast on 84 stitches. Knit 26 rounds, pearl and plain alternately. Knit 83 rounds, or 4 inches in length; increase 2 stitches on first round, and knit the foot same as page 14. For a Child from 4 to 5 Years.—Knitted with merino wool. Cast on 92 stitches. Knit 28 rounds, pearl and plain alternately. Knit 93 rounds plain, or 4½ inches in length; increase 1 stitch on first round; and knit the foot same as page 15. For a Boy from 4 to 6 Years.—Knitted with fingering worsted.—Cast on 64 stitches. Knit 24 rounds, 2 pearl and 2 plain stitches alternately. Knit 47 rounds, For a Boy from 6 to 8 Years.—Knitted with fingering worsted.—Cast on 72 stitches. Knit 24 rounds, 2 pearl and 2 plain stitches alternately. Knit 63 rounds, or 4 inches; increasing 1 stitch on first round. Then knit the foot same as page 17. For the Same.—Knitted with lambs'-wool and wheeling-yarn.—Cast on 52 stitches. Knit 20 rounds, 2 plain and 2 pearl alternately. Knit 48 rounds, 2 or 4 inches in length, for the leg. Then knit the foot, same as page 18. For a Boy from 8 to 10 Years.—Knitted with fingering worsted.—Cast on 78 stitches. Knit 24 rounds, 2 pearl and 2 plain alternately. Knit 79 rounds, or 5 inches in length; increasing 2 stitches on the first round. Then knit the foot same as page 21. For the Same.—Knitted with lambs'-wool and wheeling-yarn.—Cast on 57 stitches. Knit 20 rounds, 1 pearl and 2 plain alternately. Knit 60 rounds plain, or 5 inches in length, for the leg, increasing 1 stitch on the second round. Knit the foot same as page 19. For a Boy from 10 to 12 Years.—Knitted with fingering worsted.—Cast on 84 stitches. Knit 24 rounds, 2 pearl and 2 plain alternately. Knit 95 rounds, or 6 inches in length; increase 2 stitches on first round. Divide the stitches; placing 21 on each For the Same.—Knitted with lambs'-wool and wheeling-yarn.—Cast on 69 stitches. Knit 22 rounds, 1 pearl and 2 plain alternately. Knit 72 rounds plain, or 6 inches, for the foot. Increase 1 stitch on second round. Knit the foot same as page 19. Socks for Gentlemen.—Knitted with fingering worsted. Cast on 92 stitches. Knit 24 rounds, 2 plain and 2 pearl stitches alternately. Knit 111 rounds, or 7 inches in length. Increase 2 stitches on first round. Divide the stitches, placing 23 on each side of the seam, leaving 47 for front of the foot. Knit 43 rows, or 2¾ inches, for the heel. Knit the top, and pick up the stitches for the foot till there are 33 on each side of the seam, 10 being for the gusset. When the gusset is finished, knit 62 rounds, or 5 inches, for the foot. Knit the toe; and cast off with 16 stitches on each side. For the Same.—Knitted with lambs'-wool and wheeling-yarn.—Cast on 81 stitches. Knit 24 rounds, 2 plain and 1 pearl alternately. Knit 84 rounds plain, or 7 inches, increasing 1 stitch on each round. Knit the foot same as page 22. |