SUITABLE FOR STOCKINGS. EXPLANATION OF TERMS. O means put over the thread. Leaf Pattern. Calculate 9 stitches for each pattern, and 3 for pearl stripe.
Double Rose-leaf Pattern, suitable for Large Stockings. Calculate for each pattern, 15 stitches, and 2 for pearl stripe. The stripe may be made broader according to size.
Spider Net, with Pearl Stripes. Calculate 12 stitches for each pattern, and 4 for pearl stripes.
Pattern Diamond of Four Holes. Calculate 6 stitches for each pattern.
Simple Pattern. Calculate 6 stitches for each pattern.
Pattern with Two Open Leaves. Calculate 23 stitches for each pattern. 1st row—P2, T, O, T, O, T, P1, O, P1, O, P5, T, O, T, O, T, P2. Every alternate row is plain. 3d, 5th, 7th, and 9th rows same as 1st. 11th row—P2, T, O, T, O, T, P5, O, P1, O, P1, T, O, T, O, T, P2. 13th, 15th, 17th, and 19th rows same as 11th row. Scollop of Three Holes. Calculate 10 stitches for each pattern, and 3 for pearl stripe.
LIST OF NEW WORKS. Now ready, extra foolscap 8vo, cloth, price 2s. 6d., LESSONS FROM THE LIFE OF THE LATE James Nisbet, Publisher, London. A STUDY FOR YOUNG MEN. By his Son-in-Law, the Rev. J. A. WALLACE. A limited number of copies, with Photographic Copy of a Miniature Portrait by Booth, price 3s. 6d. Now ready, crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges, with Six Illustrations, price 5s., Sketches of Scripture Characters. By the Rev. ANDREW THOMSON, D.D. Contents. 1. The Hebrew Maid. 2. Naaman the Syrian. 3. Gehazi. 4. Nehemiah—Part I. The Cup-Bearer; Part II. The Governor. 5. Absalom. 6. Simeon. 7. John the Baptist. 8. The Daughter of Herodias. 9. The Woman with the Alabaster-Box. 10. Pontius Pilate. 11. Simon the Cyrenian. 12. Dorcas. 13. Mary the Mother of John Mark. 'Of the excellence of these sketches, it may be enough to say, that as they appeared successively in the pages of the Christian Treasury, they formed for a twelvemonth one of its most attractive features, and that they were not more popular than they deserved to be.... Externally, the volume is a gem, one of the most tasteful of the many tasteful publications which have recently issued from the same press.'—Brechin Advertiser. Now ready, extra foolscap 8vo, Illustrated, price 2s. 6d.; gilt edges, 3s., The Domestic Circle; OR, The Relations, Responsibilities, and Duties of Home Life. By the Rev. JOHN THOMSON, Paisley. Contents. 1. The Head of the Family. 2. The Wife. 3. The Husband. 4. The Children. 5. The Young Men. 6. The Young Women. 7. The Servants. 8. The Master and Mistress. 9. The Widow and Fatherless. 10. The Family Sabbath. 11. The Family Altar. 12. The Family Bond, 'Love.' 'The author has produced a book whose value may be appreciated by any reader.'—British and Foreign Evangelical Review, January 1867.
[Registered for Transmission Abroad.] THE CHRISTIAN TREASURY SIXPENCE MONTHLY. A Family Miscellany. EDITED BY THE REV. HORATIUS BONAR, D.D., AUTHOR OF 'HYMNS OF FAITH AND HOPE,' ETC. ETC. Also in Weekly Numbers, price 1d.; in Yearly Volumes, price 6s. 6d. This old established magazine (started in 1845) contains Original and Selected Papers by Ministers and Members of various Evangelical Denominations, and will be found eminently adapted for family and private reading. A Recent Opinion of the Press. 'The Christian Treasury is the father of a large and increasing family. It is the oldest of our monthly religious magazines in a cheap form. It aims at a high literary standard, and keeps well up to it.... We cordially recommend this old friend and favourite to the goodwill of our readers, old and young.'—From the London Record, Jan. 1867. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR. THREEPENCE MONTHLY. A Magazine for Our Young Folk. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. EDITED BY M. H., AUTHOR OF 'THE STORY OF A RED VELVET BIBLE,' AND OTHER POPULAR TALES. Between the dark and the daylight, When the night is beginning to lower, Comes a pause in the day's occupations, That is known as "The Children's Hour." —Longfellow. Published also in Half-yearly Volumes, elegantly bound, price 3s.
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. Pg 31: '3d, 5, 7th' replaced by '3d, 5th, 7th'. The advert page at the front of the original book had the first complete line of each of the sixteen entries in bold font. This has been slightly modified so that only the title of each entry is bolded. The back cover had book and magazine adverts printed on both sides. A thin strip of tape covered or partially covered some words on the right hand side of the outside cover page, 3 or 4 letters per line. The obscured letters have been reconstructed with a high degree of confidence in the accuracy of the etext. |