It is now time to give a description of the various parts of an ordinary pendulum clock. We will take the “Grandfather” clock as an example. We shall want an hour hand and a minute hand in the centre of the face, and a seconds hand to show seconds a little above them. There will be a seconds pendulum 39·14 inches long, and the centre of the face of the clock will be about seven feet above the ground, so as to give practically about five feet of fall for the weight. Fig. 45. In the first place, we have to consider the axle which carries the minute hand, and which turns This “arbor” is turned in the lathe, so as to have pivots on each end, fitted into holes in the clock plates, that is to say, the flat pieces of brass that serve as the body of the clock. The adjoining diagram shows S T the clock faces, and C, the arbor of the minute hand. Inasmuch as the seconds hand is to turn round sixty times while the minute hand turns round once, it is obvious that the arbor of the minute hand must be connected to the arbor of the seconds hand by a train of cogwheels so arranged as to multiply by sixty. This of course involves us in having large and small cogwheels. Fig. 46. The small cogwheels usually have eight teeth, and are for convenience of manufacture, as also to stand prolonged wear, cut out of the solid steel of the arbor. They are nicely polished. The easiest pair of wheels to use will be two pinions of eight teeth, or “leaves,” as they are called, and two cogwheels, one of sixty-four teeth, the other of sixty teeth. It is then clear that if the arbor A turns round By having 480 teeth on the cogwheel on A, you could, of course, make C go round once in a minute without the use of any intermediate arbor such as B. Fig. 47. But this would not be a very convenient plan. For as the wheel on A is usually about two and a quarter inches in diameter, to cut 480 teeth on so small a wheel would involve us in cutting about sixty teeth to the inch. The teeth would Fig. 48. The clock will be wanted to go for a week without winding, and as people may forget to wind it at the proper hour of the day, we will give it a day extra, and make an “eight-day” clock of it. Hence then, while nine feet of cord is being pulled out by a weight which falls four and a half feet, the minute hand is to be turned round as many times as there are hours in eight days, viz., 192 times. This could be accomplished, of course, by winding the cord round the arbor of the minute hand. But this would require 192 turns. If our cord is to be ordinary whipcord, or catgut, Fig. 49. If we put a pinion of eight leaves on the minute hand arbor c, and engage it with a wheel of sixty-four teeth on another arbor b, then b will obviously turn round once in eight hours, that is to say, twenty-four times in the period of eight days. And, if we fix on b a “drum” or cylinder two inches long, the twenty-four turns of our cord will just fit upon it, since, as has been said, our cord is to be one-twelfth of an inch in diameter. The diameter of the drum must be such that a cord nine feet long can be Fig. 50. We must next provide an arrangement for winding the clock up. It is obvious that we cannot do so by twisting the hands back. It is true that this could be done, but it would take about five minutes to do each time and be wearisome. In order to save this trouble, an arrangement called a ratchet wheel and pall must be provided. A ratchet wheel consists of a wheel with a series of notches cut in Fig. 51. I have thus described the winding mechanism. It now remains to describe the escapement. It is of course obvious that, if the weight and train of wheels were simply let go, the weight would rush down, and the seconds-hand wheel would fly round at a tremendous pace; but we want it to be so restrained as only to be allowed The escapement usually employed in “Grandfather” clocks is the anchor escapement above described. It is not by any means the best sort of escapement, but it is the easiest to make; and hence its popularity in the days sometimes called the “dear, good old days,” when people had to file everything out by hand, and had to take a day to do badly what can now be done well in five minutes. The escape wheel of an anchor escapement has thirty sharp angular teeth on its rim. The wheel is made as light as possible, so that the shock of stoppage at each tick of the clock may be as slight as possible, for a heavy blow of course wastes power and gradually wears out the clock. The anchor consists of two arms of the shape shown in the illustration (Fig.44). As the escape wheel goes round in the direction of the arrow, the anchor, mounted on its arbor, rocks to and fro. The wheel cannot run away, because the act of pushing one arm or “pallet,” as it is called, outwards, and thus freeing the tooth pulls the other pallet in, and this stops the motion of the tooth opposite to it, but when the anchor rocks back again, so as to disengage the pallet from the tooth that holds it, then the opposite tooth is free to fly forward against the Of course it is clear that the heavier the driving weight put on the drum of the clock, and the better the cut and finish of the wheels, and the greater the cleanliness and oil, the more will be the If the amplitude of the pendulum’s swing affected the time of its swing, then the time kept by the clock would vary with the weight, and the dirt and friction, and the drying up of the oil. But here precisely is where the value of the beautiful law governing the harmonic motion of the pendulum comes in. The time of the pendulum is (for small arcs) independent of the length of swing, and therefore of the driving force of the clock, and hence within limits the clock, even though roughly made and foul with the dirt of years, continues to keep good time. But the anchor escapement has imperfections. The only way in which a pendulum can be relied on to keep accurate time is by leaving it unimpeded. But the pressure of the teeth on the pallets in an anchor escapement constantly interferes with this. Fig. 52. A little consideration will easily show that there are some times during the swing of a pendulum at which interference is far more fatal to its time-keeping than at others. Thus the bob of a pendulum may be regarded as a weight shot outwards from its position of rest against the influence of a retarding force varying as its distance from rest—in fact, shot out against a spring. The The alteration is made in the shape of the pallets of the anchor. The wheel is much the same. Each pallet consists of two faces: a driving face a b and a sliding face b c. When the tooth b has done its work by pressing on the driving face, and thus driving the anchor over, say, to the left, then the tooth on the opposite side falls on the sliding face of the other pallet. This being an arc of a circle, has no effect in driving the anchor one way or the other; hence the pendulum is free to swing to the left as far as it likes and return when it feels inclined, always with the exception of a little friction of the tooth on the faces of the pallets, This beautiful escapement is at present used for astronomical clocks; the pallets are made of agate or sapphire, and therefore do not grind away the teeth of the wheel perceptibly, and the loss by friction on the sliding surfaces is exceedingly small. There are several other ways even better than this for securing a free pendulum movement. We have now to return to our clock. The centre arbor moves round once in an hour, and carries the minute hand. In order to provide an hour hand, which shall turn round once in twelve hours, we fasten a cogwheel and tube N on to the minute hand arbor by means of a small spring, which keeps it rather tight, but allows it to slip if turned round hard (see Fig.45). This spring is a little bent plate slipped in behind the cogwheel on which its ends rest; its centre presses on a shoulder on the minute hand arbor; it is a sort of small carriage spring. The cogwheel n has thirty teeth. The minute hand is attached to the tube or slieve which carries the cogwheel N. The hour hand is attached to the tube or slieve which carries the cogwheel Q, and one goes twelve times as slowly as the other. But if you want to set the clock it is easy to do so by reason of the fact that the minute hand is not fixed to the arbor, but only to the slieve on the cogwheel that fits on the arbor, and is held somewhat tight to the arbor by means of the spring. The hands can thus be turned, but they are a little stiff. A washer on the minute hand arbor keeps the slieve on the cogwheel pressed tight against the spring, being secured in its turn by a very small It remains to explain a few subsidiary arrangements, not always found upon all clocks, but which are useful. In order to prevent the overwinding of the clock (see Fig.43), which would cause the cord to overrun the drum, an arm is provided, fitted with a spring. As the weight is wound up the free part of the cord travels along the drum or the fusee; and the cord, when it is near the end of the winding, comes up against the arm and pushes it a little aside. This causes the end of the arm to be pushed against a stop on the axis of the fusee, and thus prevents the clock being further wound up. The stop, being ratchet-shaped, does not prevent the weight from pulling the ratchet wheel round the other way, and thus driving the clock; it only prevents the rotation of that wheel when the string is near it, and the winding is finished. Another arrangement is the “maintaining spring.” It will be remembered that during the process of winding the clock the hand twisting the key takes the pressure of the ratchet wheel off the pall, so that during that operation no force is at work to drive the clock. In consequence the pendulum receives no impulse, but swings simply by virtue of its former motion. If the process of winding were The arrangement shown in Fig.53 will explain it. Fig. 53. The cogwheel a and the ratchet wheel are both mounted loosely on the arbor carrying the drum. a is linked to b by a spring c. The ratchet wheel b is engaged by a pall fixed to some convenient place on the body of the clock frame. When the weight pulls on the drum the pull is communicated to the ratchet wheel b, and this acts on the spring c and If the reader can get possession of a clock, preferably one that does not strike, and, with the aid of a small pair of pincers and one or two screwdrivers, will take it to pieces and put it together again, the mechanism above described will soon become familiar to him. Not every clock is provided with maintaining spring and overwinding preventer. The cause of stoppage of a clock generally is dirt. Where possible, clocks should always be put under glass cases. “Grandfather” clocks will go much better if brown paper covers are fitted over the works under the cases. In this way a quantity of dust may be avoided. To get a good oil is very important. It is best to procure a little clock oil, or else the oil used for gun locks, sold by the gunsmiths. The holes should be cleaned out with the end of a wooden lucifer match, cut to a tapering point. The pivots should be well rubbed with a rag dipped in spirits of wine. If the pivots are worn they should be repolished in the lathe. If the cogs of the wheels are worn, there is no remedy but to get new ones. Old clocks sometimes want a little addition to the driving weight to make them go. The weight necessary to drive the clock depends on its goodness of construction, and on the weight of the pendulum. If the clock is driven for eight days with a cord of nine feet in length with a double fall, then during each beat of the pendulum that weight will descend by an amount = 9/(2 × 24 × 60 × 60 × 8) feet or 1/12800th inch. Whence, if the clock weight is 10 lbs., the impulse received by the clock at each beat is equivalent to a weight of 10 lbs. falling through 1/12800th of an inch, or to the fall of six grains through an inch. The work therefore that is put into the clock by the operation of winding is gradually expended during the week in movement against friction. The work is indestructible. The friction of the parts of the clock develops heat, which is dissipated over the room and gradually absorbed in nature. But this heat is only another form of work. Amounts of work are estimated in pressures acting through distances. Thus, if I draw up a weight of 1 lb. against the accelerative force of gravity through a distance of one foot, I am said to do a foot-pound of work. One pound of coal consumed in a perfect engine would do eight millions foot-pounds of work. Hence, if the energy in a pound of coal could be utilized, it would keep about 100,000 grandfather’s clocks going for a week. As it is consumed in an ordinary steam engine it will do about half a million foot-pounds of work. One pound of bread contains about three million foot-pounds of energy. A man can eat about three pounds of bread in a day, and, as he is a very good engine, he can turn this into about three-quarters of a million foot-pounds of work. The rest of the work contained in the bread goes off in the form of heat. Fig. 54. As has been previously said, the power of the Fig. 55. It wants some rather advanced mathematical knowledge to do this. But in practice clockmakers take no account of it. The correction is not a large one, so they make the rod as nearly true as they can, arrange a screw on the bob to allow of adjustment, and then screw the bob up and down until in practice the time of oscillation is found to be correct. Fig. 56. The mode of suspension of a pendulum of the best class is that shown in Fig.56, which allows the pendulum to fall into its true position without strain. A is a tempered steel spring, which bends to and fro at each oscillation. It is wonderful how long these springs can be bent to and fro without breaking. Inasmuch as lengthening the pendulum increases the time, so that the time of vibration t varies as the square of the length of the pendulum, a very small lengthening of the pendulum causes a difference in the time. In practice, for each thousandth Fig. 57. Another needful correction of the pendulum is that due to changes in temperature. If the rod of the pendulum be made of thoroughly dried mahogany, soaked in a weak solution of shellac in spirits of wine, and then dried, there will not be much variation either from heat or moisture. Fig. 58. Thus if we hang on to the end of a pendulum of iron a bottle of iron about seven inches long, and almost fill it with mercury, then, as soon as the heat increases, the iron of the rod and of the bottle expands, and the centre of oscillation of the Fig. 59. Hence a zinc tube, about twenty inches long (shown shaded in Fig.59), is made to rest upon a disc fastened to the lower part of the iron pendulum rod. On the top of the zinc rests a flat ring A, from which is suspended an iron tube A, which carries the bob B. The expansion of the zinc tube is large enough to compensate the expansion both of the rod and the tube, and the bob consequently remains at the same depth below the point of suspension, whatever be the temperature. It has been already shown that the uniformity of time of swing of a pendulum is only true when the arc through which it swings is very small. If the total swing from one side to another is not more than about two inches very little difference in time-keeping is made by putting a little more driving weight on the clock, and thus increasing its arc of swing; but when the arc of swing becomes say three inches, or one and a half inches on each side of the pendulum, then the time of vibration is affected. At this distance each tenth of an inch The resistance of the air, of course, has a great influence on a pendulum, and is one of the chief causes that bring it ultimately to rest. Even the variations of pressure of the atmosphere which the barometer shows as the weather varies have an effect on the going of a clock. Attempts have been made by fixing barometers on to pendulums with an ingenious system of counter balancing to counteract this, but these refinements are not in common use, and are too complicated to be susceptible of effective regulation. Appendix to Chapter IV.It may be useful to give a simple form of proof of the law which governs the time of oscillation of a pendulum whose length is given. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give one so simple as to be comprehended by those who know nothing whatever of mathematics. It is, however, possible to give a proof that requires very little mathematical knowledge. We know that when a mass of matter is whirled round at the end of a string it tends to fly outwards and puts a strain on the string. The faster the speed at which the mass is whirled, the stronger will be the strain on the string. Suppose that the length of the string equals R, the velocity of the mass Fig. 60. The strain on the body, due to the force tending to pull it inwards, we shall designate by F, meaning by F the number of feet of velocity that would in one second be imparted to the body by the attractive force. Suppose that at some given instant of time the body is at a point a. At that instant its direction will be along a b, tangential to the circle at a, and that is the path it would take if the centripetal or attractive force ceased to act just as the body got to a. In that case the body would be whirled off Hence, then, the space b c, by which the body has been pulled in, is represented by half F, but a b, the space which the body would have travelled forwards, will be represented by V, the velocity of the body in a second; but if the motion be such that the distance b c travelled in a second is very small, then the triangles a b d and a b c are approximately similar, and the smaller a b is the more nearly similar they are. Whence then (a b)/(b c) = (a d)/(a b), that is to say (a b)² = a d × b c. But a b represents the space which would have been traversed by the body in one second at the rate it was going, and hence is equal to V; a d is the diameter of the circle, and hence equals 2 R; b c is the space through which the body has been drawn in the second by the attractive force F, and therefore equals half F. Whence then V² = 2 R × half F = R F. The time of rotation, is of course = length of the path ÷ velocity = (2pR)/V = (2pR)/v(R F) = 2pv(R/F). Whence then we see that for motion in a circle of a mass under the attraction of a centripetal force, or pull of a string, the time of rotation will be uniform, provided that the centripetal force always varies as the radius of the path. From this it is evident that a body fixed on to an elastic thread where the pull varies as the extension would make its rotations always in equal times. If your sling consists of elastic, whirl as you will, you can only whirl the body round so many times in a second, and no more. Any increase in your efforts only makes It also follows that if a body hung by a string of length l, under the action of gravity, be travelling in a circle round and round, then, if the circle is a small one compared with the length of the string, the inward acceleration f towards the centre will be approximately proportional to the radius r of the circle, and the time of rotation will be t = 2pv(r/f). But in this case f, the inward acceleration, is to g the acceleration downwards of gravity as A B:A P or f/g = (A B)/(A P) = (A P)/(O P) = r/l. Fig. 61. Fig. 62. Whence then the time of rotation of this body would be if the circle of rotation was small = 2pv(l/g). And if you try you will find that this is so. For instance, take a thread 39-1/7 inches long, that is 3·25 feet. Hang anything heavy from one end of it, and cause it to swing round and round in a small circle. Now g the acceleration of gravity = 32·2 feet per second. p the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter = 3·14. From which it follows that the time of rotation = 2 × 3·14v(3·25/32·2) seconds = 2 seconds. But if we look at the rotating body sideways, it appears to act as a pendulum; it matters nothing whether we swing it round and round or to and fro. For in any case the accelerative force tending to bring it back to a position of rest is always proportional to the distance of displacement, and, therefore, its time of motion must always be 2pv(l/g) and its motion harmonic. The length of a seconds pendulum, that is a pendulum that makes its double swing in two seconds, will therefore be l = 4/((2p)²) × g feet = (g × 12)/p² inches = 39·14 inches. |