Acapulco, 67 note 42, 76–77, 77 note 57, 174. Acuerdo, 23, 91, 91 note 37, 126, 129 note 27, 147, 162, 164, 189, 190, 195–196, 199, 200, 208, 210, 211, 213–220, 225, 240ff., 252–254, 269, 287, 293, 299, 301, 302, 315, 367, 375, 376, 387, 390, 400, 403, 427, 435; Acuerdo de hacienda, 24, 52, 60. AcuÑa, see Bravo de AcuÑa. Ad interim, administration, 304–361; Adelantado, 11 note 6, 162 note 3. AdministraciÓn, Consejo de, 220, 220 note 80. Agriculture in the Philippines, committee of audiencia charged with encouragement of, 186. Aguilar y Ponce de LeÓn, Rafael, governor, 142ff., 142 note 60, 300, 396 note 85. Albay, 382. Alcabala, 44, 44 note 19, 162. Alcalde, 9, 10 note 3, 11 note 6; Alcalde del crimen, 16 note 20, 86, 86 note 11, 88, 203; Alcalde del PariÁn, 248, 248 note 45, 250. Alcalde mayor, 53ff., 100, 116, 135, 157, 196, 218, 282, 287, 300, 309 note 12, 346–347, 381, 396 note 85, 417; Alcalde ordinario, jurisdiction, 26, 30, 71, 86, 116, 207, 237, 248; Alcaraz, AndrÉs de, oidor, 245, 246 note 40, 321–322. Almansa, Pedro de, oidor, 318, 318 note 32. Almojarifazgo, 44, 45 note 19, 61, 162, 182, 335 note 64. Alzadas, tribunal de, 112 note 73. AmparÁn, AugustÍn de, regent, 141ff. Anda y Salazar, SimÓn de, oidor and governor, 15 note 18, 138 notes 53, 54, 175 note 40, 228 note 2, 246–247, 289, 289 note 46, 343ff., 343 note 76, 345 note 87, 347 note 89, 356 note 104, 360, 363, 369 note 7, 428, 443; Antioch, Patriarch of, 278. Appointment, power of, 302, 303, 315, 316, 323. Appointments, ecclesiastical, 374, 374 note 25, 375, 377. ArandÍa, Santisteban, Pedro Manuel de, 139 note 54, 228 note 2, 341, 342, 343. Arce, Pedro de, Bishop of CebÚ, 376. Arrechedera, Juan de, bishop and governor, 340, 341. Arribadas, Juez de, 174, 175 note 40, 181. Asesor, 72, 97 note 46, 132, 154, 166, 167ff., 209, 209 note 50, 218 note 78, 229 note 18, 283, 285, 317, 342; Asylum, right of, 411, 411 note 5, 426, 427. Audiencia, integral part of administrative system, 1, 31; Audiencia of Manila, 17; Audiencia of Manila in relation to the Church, 362, 409, 410. Audiencia of Manila in relation to the governor, 84–85, 95–96, 102, 108–109, 122, 147, 214; Auditor de guerra, 16 note 20, 24, 118, 233, 233 note 14, 238ff. Auditor de marina, 16 note 20, 233. Augustinians, 68, 103ff., 272, 354, 378 note 35, 379 and note 36, 384, 406–408, 416 note 15. Autos, 111. Autos acordados, 27 note 40, 215 note 71, 216. Ayala, Gaspar de, fiscal, 71. Basco y Vargas, JosÉ, governor, 129, 139–140, 140 note 55, 179, 217, 234, 234 note 18, 280ff. Beringuer de Marquina, Felix, 129, 140 note 56, 167ff., 217–218, 229 note 7, 234, 255–256; BernÁldez Pizarro, Manuel, 157 note 87. Bienes de difuntos, 53, 66, 171ff., 174, 177 note 43, 181. BolÍvar y MeÑa, Pedro Sebastian de, oidor, 255. BÓnifaz, see PeÑa BÓnifaz. Bravo de AcuÑa, Pedro de, governor, 108, 217, 220ff., 227, 227 note 1, 245, 286ff. and 43 and 44, 304. Bravo de Saravia, Melchoir, 307. Bribery, 261, 274 note 16, 329, 341, 383 note 47, 398–399. British, The, hostility of, 158, 186, 240, 244, 246; Buenos Ayres, audiencia of, 17, 19, 20, 161. Bustamente y Rueda, Fernando Manuel de, governor, 241, 241 note 31, 338, 380; CalderÓn EnrÍquez, Pedro, oidor, 103, 342, 342 note 75, 398, 399, 419–420. Camacho y Avila, Diego, archbishop, 375. Camarines, bishop of, 354, 369 note 7. Captain-general, see Governor and captain-general. Captaincies-general, rank of audiencias, 21–22. Caracas, audiencia of, 17, 17 note 32. Carvajal, see Gonzales Carvajal. Casa de ContrataciÓn, 232–233; Castillo y Negrete, Manuel de, oidor, 168, 217. Cavite, 114, 245, 274, 347, 406–407. CebÚ, audiencia of, 17, 35 note 4, 382; CÉdulas, significance of form of address used, 368, 368 note 5. Cerezo de Salamanca, Juan, 327–328. Charcas, audiencia of, 20, 21 note 32, 305, 307. Charles V, founds audiencia of Manila, 18. Chile, Santiago de, audiencia, 17, 20–21, 307. China, 32, 48, 69–70, 80, 196 note 5, 213, 229, 241, 241 note 30, 285, 325, 374, 375 note 27, 386; Chinese, problems in connection with commerce with, 58, 61, 62–63, 69, 79, 80, 85, 240, 241, 330, 354; Church, 185, 190, 195, 197, 214, 268ff.; Churchmen, not subject to residencia, 122; Cisneros, Felipe, oidor, 205, 205 note 41. Code of 1680, see RecopilaciÓn de leyes de los Reinos de las Indias. College of San Juan de LetrÁn, 390. Coloma y Maceda, Francisco de, oidor, 131–132, 332ff., 434. Columbus, colonial system under, 8–10. Comisos, 118. Commerce, see Trade. Commissions, 160–191, 203 note 28, 238ff., 238 note 25, 327 note 51, 348 note 91, 394, 440–442. Compensation of officials, 72, 161, 195, 199, 199 note 13, 201, 201 note 20, 209 note 50, 247, 289, 289 note 45, 305 note 2, 319–320, 391 note 72. Confiscation of property, 270 note 10, 272. Conflicts, between officials and authorities, 63–64, 169–170, 291–292, 292 note 50, 334–335; Conquest, expeditions of, 243, 317; Consejo de Guerra, 234 and notes 17 and 18, 243–244 and note 36. Constitution of 1812, 101–102, 215, 219; Consulado de Manila, 115, 210, 283, 296 note 85; Consulado de Sevilla, 13. Contador, 24, 385 note 53; ContadurÍa, 186; Contreras, see Moya de Contreras. Corcuera, SebastiÁn Hurtado de, 138, 142 note 60, 217, 228, 246, 304, 327 note 51, 377, 397 note 87. Corregidor, 26–30, 30 note 47, 33ff., 33 note 3, 40, 47, 53ff., 71, 76, 86, 100ff., 121, 126, 174, 179, 196, 200ff., 206, 212, 215, 300, 309 note 12, 396 note 85, 439; Corregimientos, 18, 51, 309 note 12. Corte del Rey, tribunal of, 14. CortÉs, Hernan, captain-general of Mexico, 308–309. Council of Castile, 14, 14 note 17. Council of the Indies, 11, 13, 14–16, 18, 24, 48, 52, 67, 68, 72, 84, 107, 111ff., 125, 132ff., 140, 143ff., 155 note 83, 159, 162–163, 174, 177–178, 190, 195, 196 note 5, 200, 203–204, 205, 210 note 54, 224, 234, 235, 265, 268, 277, 279–281, 303, 305, 305 note 2, 313, 333, 371 note 11, 372, 372–374, 382, 388, 389, 392, 401, 421, 429. Cruzat y GÓngora, Fausto, governor, 111, 217. Cuba, audiencias in, 17, 20–21, 161; Cuesta, Fray Francisco de la, archbishop and governor, 279ff., 338, 340 note 71, 380. Curuzaelegui y Arriola, Gabriel de, governor, 213, 272–273, 275, 268–269, 334. Cuzco, audiencia of, 17, 20, 21 note 32. DasmariÑas, see Perez DasmariÑas. DÁvalos, Melchoir, oidor, 57ff., 260. Decano, 85, 131, 161–162, 280, 316, 357. Defense, 59, 141, 197, 220, 222, 225ff.; Delgado, Juan JosÉ, historian and Jesuit, 195; DÍaz de Rivera, Francisco, fiscal, 206. DÍaz Quejada y Obrero, FÉlix, 165–166. Diezmos, collection of, 23; Dominicans, 103ff., 242, 264, 268, 271–272, 276–277, 324 note 45, 338–339, 354, 374 note 25, 389–390, 396 note 85, 418ff., 427. Durango, Governor, letters of, 29 note 45. Dutch, 240, 244, 317, 321, 325, 397 note 87, 434, 434 note 63; Education, 23; Encomenderos, relation to Spanish colonial land system, 33; Encomiendas, 28, 33 note 1, 34ff., 35 note 4, 37, 46, 47, 51, 96, 110, 110 note 67, 213, 221, 221 note 82, 315, 323, 323 note 43, 336–337, 381, 393, 410 note 15; English, see British. Enrile y Alcedo, Pascual, governor, 219, 300. EspaÑola, early government, 10, 11; Espeleta, see Lino de Espeleta. Espolios, 23, 391, 401, 401 note 89, 402, 403, 404 note 104. Excommunication, of officials, 75, 80, 279, 411, 411 note 4, 415, 422–428; Exile, sentence of, 212–213, 212 note 60, 268–269, 339, 379 note 36, 422; Expedientes, 209 note 50, 218 note 78. Fajardo y ChacÓn, Diego, 138, 304, 330. Fajardo y Tenza, Alonso, governor, 108, 117–118, 127, 202, 217, 228 note 2, 246, 247, 262, 265ff., 291, 321, 322ff., 397 note 87. FalcÉs, MarquÉs de, 310. FernÁndez ZÉndera, Francisco, alcalde mayor, 152–155. Finance, see Real hacienda. Finances, church, see The Church, finances. Fiscal, 53–54, 65, 72, 97, 100ff., 114, 137, 141, 149, 201, 221, 250, 259, 263, 275, 318 note 32, 349, 354, 384, 387, 403, 407; Fiscales, number of, 21 note 32, 38, 430; Flores y Cassila, Matias, oidor, 326. Florida, under Audiencia of Santo Domingo, 19; Fonseca y Azevedo, Alfonso, Archbishop of Seville, 9. Foreigners, in Philippines, 170, 375, 375 note 26; Formosa, capture and loss, 246. Franciscans, 272, 354, 381–382, 383, 384, 434 note 63, 437, 441 note 74. Free-masonry forbidden, 183. Friars, see Religious. Friar lands, 408–409, 440–442, note 75. Fuero mixto, 105, 60; fuero militar, 237, 430 note 55. Fuerza, Recurso de, 23, 25, 420–423, 424, 426, 429, 444. GalbÁn y Ventura, Manuel de, oidor, 354. Galleons, 67, 67 note 42, 113, 127, 134, 158–159, 177, 177 note 44, 188, 194 note 2, 216–221, 222, 263, 274; GalvÉz, Jose de, 15. Gobernadorcillos, 154 note 81. Gobernadores, of provinces, 27, 30 note 45, 48; Gonzales Carvajal, Ciriaco, 140 note 55, 156 note 85, 205 note 41, 217. Gorospe É Irala, Diego, bishop, 403. Governor, powers and duties, 39, Grao y MonfalcÓn, Juan, 79 note 61. Great Britain, see British. Guadalajara, audiencia of, created, 17, 20; Guatemala, audiencia of, see Santiago de Guatemala. Guerela, Francisco, oidor, 381–382, 424. Guerra, auditor de, appointment, jurisdiction, duties, 233; Guerrero, Hernando, archbishop, 376–377, 380. Hacienda, see Real hacienda. Hacienda, acuerdo general de, 24; Havana, audiencia of, 17, 21 note 32. Honduras, Cape of, boundary of, New Spain, 20. Humboldt, Alexander von, 60 note 31, 131. Hurtado de Corcuera, SebastiÁn, see Corcuera, SebastiÁn Hurtado de. Igorrotes, 154. Ilocanos, 154. Ilocos, 179, 217, 341; Indians, provisions for just treatment and protection of, 23, 53ff., 87, 99–102, 104, 107, 152–156, 164, 336–337, 380–381, 411; Indies, Council of the, see Council of the Indies. Informaciones de servicio, 121, 385 and note 53. Inquisition, in Manila, relations with audiencia, 188–189; Intendants, 255; Interdicts, see Excommunication. Intestates, administration of estates of, 170–181. Japan, relations with Philippines, 32, 48, 213, 220, 229, 324–325, 372. Japanese, 59, 240, 241–242; Jesuits, in Philippines, 68, 266, 268, 271 note 13, 272, 276, 278 note 28, 241, 280, 354, 386, 388–389, note 66, 395, 418ff., 426. Juan, Jorge, authority on Spanish colonization, 130 note 28. Judges, see alcalde, corregidor, juez de, oidor, residencia, etc. Juez conservador, 166 and note 16, 380 note 41. Juez letrado, 13. Juez de difuntos, 170ff., 172–173, 264. Junta de guerra, 22 note 32, 113–114, 114 note 79, 232, 233, 234. Junta ordinaria de la real hacienda, 162, 162 note 6. Junta superior de la real hacienda, 162 note 7. Justice, administration of, before establishment of audiencia, 40; King, officials appointed by, 200; King’s Fifth, see Quinto. Ladrones (Marianas Islands), 127, 144; La Plata, audiencia of, 17, 20, 21 note 32. Laudin, Fray Alonso, 414. Lavezares, Guido de, 37. Laws of the Indies, see RecopilaciÓn de leyes de las Indias. Leandro de Viana, Francisco, fiscal, 15 note 18, 182, 217, 300, 345 note 85, 354, 407. Legaspi, GerÓnimo de, governor, 37, 326, 326 note 48. Le Gentil de la GalaisiÈre, Joseph Hyacinthe, 195, 381. Legislation, see Acuerdo. LeÓn, Manuel de, governor, 333, 434ff., 434 note 64. Leyte, encomiendas in, 110. Lieutenant-governor, 316, 317. Lima, audiencia of, 18–21, 86, 117 note 88; Lino de Espeleta, Miguel de, bishop and governor, 139 note 54, 341–342, 341 note 73; LizÁrraga, Conde de, governor, 128, 335. Loarca, MiguÉl de, encomendero, 35 note 4. Louisiana, under audiencia of Santo Domingo, 19. LÓpez de Legaspi, Miguel de, governor, 37, 260 note 1. LuzÓn, 35 note 4, 243, 248, 310. Macao, rival to Manila, 62. Maestre de campo, 231, 336, 338, 369 note 7. Maldonado, see Rivera Maldonado. Malines, Law of, 92–93, 94, 95, 106, 107, 108. Manila, captured by British, 343, 344, 349. Marianas Islands, 127, 144, 222. Marique de Lara, Sabiniano, 330. Marina, auditor de, appointment, jurisdiction, duties, 233. Marquina, see Beringuer de Marquina. Marriage, of officials, laws forbidding, 205–207; MÁs, Sinibaldo de, 130; Medias anatas, 165–166, 165 notes 11, 13, 335 note 64. Mestizos, Chinese, 390 note 71, 393, 419. Messa y Lugo, Álvaro, oidor, 263ff. Mexico, 115, 177; Mindoro, Recollects in, 418. Misa, Francisco de la, factor, in re encomiendas, criticizes the government, 37 note 9; Misericordia, see Santa Misericordia. Missionaries, see Religious. Moluccas, expeditions to, 243, 245, 246, 318, 321, 323. Monopolies, royal, 166ff., 166 note 15, 281, 335 note 64. Montemayor y Mansilla, Francisco de, oidor, 297ff., 332ff., 332 note 58, 434. Montero y Vidal, cited on military aspect of governor’s position, 230. Morga, Antonio de, teniente y asesor, 74 note 54, 77, 98–99, 245, 248 note 45, 300, 317ff. Moros, defense against, 141, 243, 341. Moses, B., cited on assumption of government by audiencia, 306; Moya de Contreras, Pedro, archbishop and viceroy, 67. Natives, see Indians. New Granada, audiencia of, 19–20. New Mexico, references to, 29 note 45. New Spain, audiencias of, comparison of powers with audiencia of Manila, 8 note 1; NiÑo de Tavora, Juan, governor, 109, 246, 251 note 49, 304, 327, 328. Notaries, 55. Nueva Galicia, references to correspondence regarding, 29 note 45; Nueva Segovia, Bishop of, 340, 351, 371 note 11, 376, 377 note 32, 403. Nueva Vizcaya, references to correspondence relating to, 29 note 45. Nuevo LeÓn, references to correspondence relating to, 29 note 45. NuÑez Vela, Blasco, 305. Obando y SolÍs, JosÉ Francisco de, governor, 244. Observants, Order of, 418. Offices, sale of, 221, 261, 263, 302–303. Officials, minor, appointment of, 146ff., 202; Oficiales reales, 24, 23 note 37, 28, 34 note 3, 46, 75, 118, 174, 210, 237, 262, 385 note 53, 391 note 72; Oidores, duty of, 24; Olazo, Lorenzo de, soldier, 327. Ordenanzas reales para la Casa de ContrataciÓn, 26 note 40. Orders, religious, see Religious. Ordinance of Intendants, see Intendants, Ordinance of. Ordinance of Good Government, 217. OredaÍn, Santiago, asesor, 342ff. Orient, Spain in, 66. Ortega, Fray Francisco de, Bishop of Nueva Segovia, 68. Otazo, Diego de, Jesuit, 278 note 28. PalÓu, Francisco de, 374. PanamÁ, 18, 20; PangasinÁn, 155 note 82, 206, 403. Pardo de Tavera, T. H., historian, 33, 99 note 1. Pardo (FernÁndez de), Felipe, archbishop, 268ff., 334, 369, 369 note 7, 419, 422, 427, 432 note 60, 442–443. Pareceres de servicio, 121, 121 note 2. PariÁn, 85, 85 note 6, 216, 248ff., 248 note 45, 252ff. Paternina, Joseph de, commissary of the Inquisition, 435ff. PavÓn, JosÉ, oidor, 336, 336 note 65. PeÑa BÓnifaz, Manuel de la, oidor and temporary governor, 297ff., 332, 434. PÉrez DasmariÑas, GÓmez, governor, 35 note 5, 72, 75, 197, 241, 285, 316–317. PerÚ, comparison of audiencia with audiencia of Manila, 8 note 1; Pesquisa, 119, 123 note 10, 125, 307. Pesquisidores, oidores as, 23, 91, 91 note 34, 125, 215; Philip II, founds audiencia of Manila, 19, 48; Philip III, extends institution of audiencia, 19; Philip IV, founds audiencias, 19; Philippines, geographical position, 32; Pimentel, Antonio, governor of Marianas, 127ff., 271–272, 271 note 13. Pinelo, LeÓn, contribution to RecopilaciÓn, 25 note 40, 26–27. Pizarro, Francisco, relations with audiencia of Lima, 305, 305 note 2. Pizarro, GonzÁlo, relations with audiencia of Lima, 306. Playa Honda, Battle of, 245, 322. Pliegos de Providencia, 340ff. Poblete (MilÁn de Poblete) JosÉ, archbishop, 212 note 60, 369, 380. Portuguese, incursions of, 62–63; PotosÍ, 307. Prelate, see Church. Prescott, William, 130 note 28. Presidency, audiencia of, 21–22; President, see Governor and Captain-general. Presidents, of audiencias, powers and duties, 22. Procurador general, duties of, 44, 44 note 18. Property, administration of, 170ff. Provincial administration, 26–31. Provisor, 378 note 35, 380 note 40, 412 note 6, 426. Puerto Principe, audiencia of, 17; Puerto Rico, government of, 11, Quiapo, 386. Quinto, 118, 162, 162 note 3, 182. Quito, audiencia of, created, 17; RaÓn, JosÉ, governor, 139, 139 note 54, 217. Real hacienda, audiencia and, 52, 67, 75, 76, 87, 97, 118, 143, 151, 156 note 85, 162–163, 162 notes 6, 7, 166 note 15, 169, 174–175, 175 note 40, 174–182, 197–198, 222, 262, 265–266, 272–273, 274–275, 281, 283, 318–319, 320, 325, 353–355, note 98, 394–395, 400. RecopilaciÓn de leyes de los Reinos de las Indias, 25, 25 note 40, 83, 130, 130 note 28, 250, 276, 301, 305, 314–315, 373, 387, 415, 417, 429. Recurso de fuerza, 105, 411, 411 note 3, 420ff., 421 note 27. Reforms, 37, 46 note 21, 81–82, 132–134, 144, 154–157, 184, 217, 274–275, 329–330, 331, 392–393. Regents, salaries of, 21 note 32; Religious, 103ff., 185, 372, 378 note 35, 380ff., 386–387, 387 note 61, 405ff., 410–444, 417 note 18; Removals, of civil officials, 123, 218, Repartimientos, of Indians, 28, 28 note 44, 93, 93 note 40. Residencia, 23, 25, 50, 74, 97–98, 118, 119, 121–151, 123 note 10, 159, 203, 209, 209 note 50, 247, 261, 264, 270 note 10, 269, 273, 274 note 16, 280, 283–284; Revenues, ecclesiastical, 366, 389ff., 396ff. Revista, 49. RÍos Coronel, Fernando de los, 228. Rivera, Gabriel de, procurador de las islas del poniente, 44ff. Rivera de Maldonado, Antonio de, oidor, 71. Robertson, James Alexander, historian, 130 note 28, 310 note 15. Rojas, Pedro de, teniente y asesor, 71; Rojas y Ornate (OÑate), Francisco de, visitor-general, 251, 313, 326–327. Rojo del RÍo y Vieyra, Manuel Antonio, archbishop and governor, 139 note 54, 246, 341; Ronquillo de PeÑalosa, Diego, governor, 42. Ronquillo de PeÑalosa, Gonzalo, governor, 39ff., 41 note 14, 107, 137, 260, 425. Royal patronage, shared by audiencia and governor, 23, 82, 268ff., 302, 362–409; Ruego y Encargo, 365 note 3, 378 note 35, 382. Salaries, see Compensation. Salas, number in respective audiencias, 21 note 32. Salazar, Domingo de, bishop and first archbishop, 38ff., 64ff., 73, 73 note 51, 107, 260, 362, 368–369, 418 notes 15 and 16, 431. Salcedo, Diego de, governor, residencia of, 131ff.; San Francisco de Quito, see Quito. San JosÉ, royal college of, 388–389, 390. San Juan de DiÓs, 396 note 86, 397. San Juan de LetrÁn, college of, 390. SÁnchez, Fray Alonzo, 68, 362. Sande, Francisco de, governor, 36, 37, 38ff., 137, 162 note 3, 196 note 5. Santa Cruzada, asesor de, 24, bull of, 24. Santa FÉ (de BogotÁ), audiencia of, 17; Santa Misericordia, 396, 397–401. Santiago de Chile, audiencia of, created, 17, 20; Santiago de Cuba, audiencia, created, 17. Santiago de Guatemala, audiencia created, 17, 20; Santo Domingo, audiencia, 12, 16, 19, 20, 31; Santo TomÁs, University of, 387, 388, 389, 390. Saravia, see Bravo de Saravia. Sarrio, Pedro, teniente del rey and acting governor, 178, 214, 281, 390. Segundo Cabo, 230, 281, 357–358. Serrano (GarcÍa y Serrano) Miguel de, archbishop, 376. Seville, Consulado of, 13, 319 note 33. Silva, Fernando de, governor, 324, 325–326. Silva, GerÓnimo de, governor, 138, 142 note 60, 321, 324, 326, 328. Silva, Juan de, governor, 251, 295, 304, 321. Slavery, 184. Sociedad de los amigos del paÍs, 186, 281 note 33. Soldiers, trial of, 231, 247. SolÓrzano y Pereyra, Juan de, author of Politica Indiana, 15 note 18, 22, 22 note 23, 24, 26 note 40. South America, audiencias and governments of, 304ff. Spain, colonial administration: definition of, 1; Spanish, instruction in, 154. Spielberg, George, Dutch free-booter, 321. Subsidy, deductions at Acapulco, 25 note 37, 175 note 40, 176 and note 41, 319 note 33, 175 note 27. Succession, of audiencia to government, 266, 273, 304–361; Suits, 112ff., 400; Sulus, Mohammedan, expeditions against, 57. Superintendente general de la real hacienda, 177. Superintendente subdelegado de la real hacienda, 167, 198, 254–255, 394, 400. Supreme Council of War, 232. Supreme Tribunal of Justice, 157, 157 note 86, 159, 162 note 7, 181, 190. Tabasco, relation to New Spain, 20. Tavora, see Nino de Tavora. Taxation, on imported money, 61; Tayabas, inspection in, 179. Tello de GuzmÁn, Francisco, governor, 75, 78, 108, 245, 317–318. Temporalities, 389, 391, 395 note 83. Teniente del governador, 11, 71, 74, 154, 285, 344ff.; Tidore, request for assistance from king of, 245. Tierra Firme, 305. Tithes, ecclesiastical, see Diezmos. Tondo, a ward of Manila, 100, 100 note 53, 179. Tormento, Josef, alcalde mayor, residencia of, 149. Torralba, JosÉ, oidor and acting governor, 127, 142 note 60, 158, 273, 274 note 16, 278–279, 335–336, 335 note 64. Torre, Gaspar de la, governor, 243, 340. Torre, Francisco Xavier de la, teniente del rey and acting governor, 139 note 54, 219, 243–244, 355–356, 355 note 102, 347 note 89, 348 note 91. TourÓn (TournÓn-Millard Touron), CarlÓs TomÁs, papal delegate 278 note 27, 336 note 65, 374–375, 375 note 27. Towns, administration of justice in, 30, 33–34. Trade, 287, 287 note 44, 302, 318–319, 327, 401; Tribunals, ecclesiastical, 412ff., 412 note 6, 420, 436ff., 440 note 72. Tribute, 34 note 4, 37 note 9, 59 note 61, 215, 220; Trinidad, Archbishop, 341, 341 note 73. Ulloa, Antonio, authority on Spanish colonization, 130 note 28. UnamanÚ, Pedro, voyage to China, 62. Universities in the Philippines, see San JosÉ, San Juan de LetrÁn, Santo Tomas. University of Santo TomÁs, founding of, 387, 388, 389, 390. Urdaneta, AndrÉs de, 310 note 15. UstÁriz, Bishop of Nueva Segovia, 351–352, 354. Vacancies, 312, 315, 351, 375ff. Valderrama, Domingo de, visitor-general to New Spain, 310. Valdivia (Campos Valdivia) Francisco, visitor-general, 273, 423, 443. Valladolid, chancery of, 19, 23, 170. Van Noordt, Oliver, Dutch free-booter, 74 note 54, 245. Vargas, see Basco y Vargas, JosÉ. Vargas Hurtado, Juan de, governor, 140, 213, 228 note 2, 268–269, 333, 368, 423, 432 note 60. Venezuela under audiencia of Santo Domingo, 19. Vera, Santiago de, governor, 55ff., 62, 66, 67, 71, 241 note 30, 260. Viana, Francisco Leandro de, fiscal, 15 note 18, 182, 217, 300, 345 note 85, 354, 407. Vicepatron, assisted by oidores, 28, 216, 269, 364ff., 369 note 7, 370ff., 426. Viceroyalty, audiencia of, 21–22. Viceroy, 85, 133, 157 note 86, 170, 210 note 54. VigÁn, audiencia of, created, 17; Villacorta, Francisco Enriquez de, oidor, 139, 139 note 54, 354ff. Villa, Gregorio Manuel, oidor, 128ff. Visayas, 28. Visitador, see Visitor. Visitation, ecclesiastical, 375, 399. Visitor, 24, 91 note 34, 267–268, 306, 344, 384. Visitor-General, 266, 272ff., 299–300, 310, 313, 326. Vista, 49. Vivero de Laredo, Rodrigo, temporary governor, 320–321. Wittert, FranÇois, Dutch admiral, attacks Philippines, 321. YucatÁn, relation to New Spain, 18, 20. ZÉndera (FernÁndez ZÉndera), Francisco, residencia of, 152–155. |