Chapter VIII. (5)


How Faustus ate a load of Hay.

Faustus upon a time having many doctors and masters of arts with him, went to walk in the fields, where they met with a load of hay. "How now, good fellow," saith Faustus, "what shall I give thee to fill my belly with hay?" The clown thought he had been a madman to talk of eating hay, told him he should fill his belly for one penny, to which the doctor agreed, and then fell to eating, and quickly devouring half of the load; at which the doctor's companions laughed, to see how simply the poor country fellow looked, and to hear how heartily he prayed the doctor to forbear. So Faustus pitying the poor man, went away, and before the man got near his house all the hay was in the cart that the doctor had eaten, which made the country fellow very much admire.


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