Chapter V. (8)


How Faustus served the Duke of Bavaria.

Faustus having sold his soul to the devil, it was reported among his neighbours, so that none would keep him company but his spirit playing merry tricks for to please him. Not far from Faustus' house lived the Duke of Bavaria, the Duke of Saxony, and the Bishop of Salisburgh, whose houses and cellars Mephistopheles used to visit, and to bring the best of everything they had. One day the Duke of Bavaria invited most of the gentry of the country to dinner, for whose entertainment there was abundance of provision got ready. The gentry being come, and ready to sit down to dinner, in an instant Mephistopheles came and took all away with him, leaving them full of admiration. If any time Faustus had a mind for wild fowl, the spirit would call whole flocks in at a window; also the spirit did teach Faustus to do the like so that no lock nor key could keep them out. The devil also taught Faustus to fly in the air, and to act many things that are incredible and too large for this small book to contain.


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