What happened to Faustus after the signing of the articles. When Faustus had made an end of his writing he called Mephistopheles to him, and delivered him the bond; whereupon the spirit told, him if he did not repent of what he had done, he should enjoy all the pleasure his thoughts could form, and that he would immediately divert him. He caused a kennel of hounds to run down a hart in the hall, and vanished; then a bull danced before Faustus, also there was a lion and a bear, which fell to fighting before Faustus, and the lion destroyed the bear; after that came a dragon and destroyed the lion. And this, with abundance of more pastime, did the spirit present to the doctor's view, concluding with all manner of music, with some hundreds of spirits, which came and danced before Faustus. After the music was over, and Faustus began to look about him, he saw ten sacks full of silver, which he went to dispose of, but could not, for none could handle it but himself, it was so hot. This pastime so pleased Faustus, that he gave Mephistopheles the will that he had made, and kept a copy of it in his own hands. The spirit and Faustus being agreed, they dwelt together, and the devil was in their house-keeping, for there was never anything given away to poor, which before Faustus made this contract was frequently done, but the case is now altered.