@files@45498@45498-h@45498-h-9.htm.html#Page_288" class="pginternal">288; added meanings, 289.Great seal, Elizabeth, 145; Upper Canada, 195. Great union, Cromwell, 93. Greek national ensign, 24; church reverences St. George, 42. Greek Cross, 43; carried by eight nations, 44. Guiana exchanged for New York, 114; retaken, 114. H Harold loses control of seas, 55. Harp in royal arms, 72, 146; on shillings, 85; in flags, 88, 93; taken out of flags, 96; usage by sovereigns, 145; change under Victoria, 148. Havana, colonials at capture, 168. Hawaii, national ensign, 29. Henri Grace À Dieu, parent ship of navy, 60. Heralds devised Jack of James, 77; committee Queen Anne, 119; George III., 200; objections to Union Jack, 204, 207, 231; requirements met, 233. Heraldry, rules for fimbriations, 77; for crosses, 232. Hibernian Harp in labarum, 143; changed to cross, 144; in royal arms, 146; changed to Irish harp, 149. Hoist, part of flag, 12. I Ireland not sea-going nation, 140; becomes kingdom, 151, 184. Irish harp, Brian Boru, 147. Irish Jack, heraldic description, 141; not joined with St. George, 151, 184; when joined, 186, 199; white ground recognized, 206. Israelites, standard, 14. Italy, national ensign, 23. J Jacks, erroneous explanation name, 33; origin of name, 37, 40; why two used under James I., 75; regulations James I., 76; Charles I., 82; Commonwealth, 25. St. Patrick, banner and legends, 141; adopted by Irish, 144; emblems of, 142, 145, 149. St. Patrick Cross, red of Ireland, 141; origin, 141; first used as banner, 151; not sign of fealty, 151; when placed in Union Jack, 199; same size as St. Andrew, 206; why counterchanged, 218. Saltire Cross, shape, 64; origin, 142; errors in Union Jack, 218. Sardinia royal arms, 23. Scottish Jack, heraldic description, 64; flag of Bruce, 65; forays, 66; national flag, 75; united in James Jack, 76; in Union Jacks, 119, 185. Sea maxims, Alfred, 54; Edward III., 57; Raleigh, 103. Sewall, Samuel, troubles over cross, 164. Shamrock Emblem, 149. Slavery under various flags, 243. Sluys, naval victory, 50, 57. South Africa deeds, 213; contingents, 262. Sovereign of Britain, position of, 257. Spanish flag, 133, 153, 169. Stars, Washington, 178; Orion, 179; in United States Ensign, 180. Stars and Stripes, United States, 31; form in successive periods, 77; stripes, 174; origin, 177; heritage, 180. Stern, place of honour, 94, 99; marks constitutional change, 101. Supremacy of Seas, 53, 63, 111, 116. Surcoats, 33, 34, 36. Switzerland, white cross, 44. T FOOTNOTES: