A Gallochus, Lignum Aloes. Wood of Aloes; is moderately hot and dry: a good cordial: a rich perfume, a great strengthener to the stomach. Aspalathus. Rose-wood. It is moderately hot and dry, stops looseness, provokes urine, and is excellent to cleanse filthy ulcers. Bresilium. Brasil. All the use I know of it is, to die cloth, and leather, and make red ink. Buxus. Box. Many Physicians have written of it, but no physical virtue of it. Cypressus. Cypress. The Wood laid amongst cloaths, secures them from moths. See the leaves. Ebenum. Ebony. It is held to clear the sight, being either boiled in wine, or burnt to ashes. Guajacum, Lignum vitm. Dries, attenuates, causes sweat, resists putrefaction, is good for the French disease, as also for ulcers, scabs, and leprosy: it is used in diet drinks. Juniperus. Juniper. The smoak of the wood, drives away serpents; the ashes of it made into lie, cures itch, and scabs. Nephriticum. It is a light wood and comes from Hispaniola; being steeped in water, will soon turn it blue, it is hot and dry in the first degree, and so used as before, is an admirable remedy for the stone, and for obstructions of the liver and spleen. Rhodium. Encreases milk in nurses. Santalum, album, Rubrum, citrinum. White, red, and yellow Sanders: They are all cold and dry in the second or third degree: the red stops defluxions from any part, and helps inflammations: the white and yellow (of which the yellow is best) cool the heat of fevers, strengthen the heart, and cause cheerfulness. Sassafras. Is hot and dry in the second degree, it opens obstructions or stoppings, it strengthens the breast exceedingly; if it be weakened through cold, it breaks the stone, stays vomiting, provokes urine, and is very profitable in the venereal, used in diet drinks. Tamaris. Is profitable for the rickets, and burnings. Xylobalsamum. Wood of the Balsam tree, it is hot and dry in the second degree, according to Galen. I never read any great virtues of it. |