
The brain of Sparrows being eaten, provokes lust exceedingly.

The brain of an Hare being roasted, helps trembling, it makes children breed teeth easily, their gums being rubbed with it, it also helps scald heads, and falling off of hair, the head being anointed with it.

The head of a young Kite, being burnt to ashes and the quantity of a drachm of it taken every morning in a little water, is an admirable remedy against the gout.

Crab-eyes break the stone, and open stoppings of the bowels.

The lungs of a Fox, well dried, (but not burned) is an admirable strengthener to the lungs: see the Lohoch of Fox lungs.

The liver of a Duck, stops fluxes, and strengthens the liver exceedingly.

The liver of a Frog, being dried and eaten, helps quartan agues, or as the vulgar call them, third-day agues.

Castoreum resists poison, the bitings of venomous beasts; it provokes the menses, and brings forth birth and after-birth; it expels wind, eases pains and aches, convulsions, sighings, lethargies; the smell of it allays the fits of the mother; inwardly given, it helps tremblings, falling-sickness, and other such ill effects of the brain and nerves: A scruple is enough to take at a time, and indeed spirit of Castorium is better than Castorium, raw, to which I refer you.

A Sheep’s or Goat’s bladder being burnt, and the ashes given inwardly, helps the Diabetes.

A flayed Mouse dried and beaten into powder, and given at a time, helps such as cannot hold their water, or have a Diabetes, if you do the like three days together.

Ivory, or Elephant’s tooth, binds, stops the Whites, it strengthens the heart and stomach, helps the yellow jaundice, and makes women fruitful.

Those small bones which are found in the fore-feet of an Hare, being beaten into powder and drank in wine, powerfully provoke urine.

Goose grease, and Capons grease, are both softening, help gnawing sores, stiffness of the womb, and mitigate pain.

I am of opinion that the suet of a Goat mixed with a little saffron, is as excellent an ointment for the gout, especially the gout in the knees, as any is.

Bears grease stays the falling off of the hair.

Fox grease helps pains in the ears.

Elk’s Claws or hoofs are a sovereign remedy for the falling sickness, though it be but worn in a ring, much more being taken inwardly; but saith Mizaldus, it must be the hoof of the right foot behind.

Milk is an extreme windy meat; therefore I am of the opinion of Dioscorides, viz. that it is not profitable in head-aches; yet this is for certain, that it is an admirable remedy for inward ulcers in any part of the body, or any corrosions, or excoriations, pains in the reins and bladder: but it is very bad in diseases of the liver, spleen, the falling-sickness, vertigo, or dissiness in the head, fevers and head-aches; Goat’s milk is held to be better than Cow’s for Hectic fevers, phthisick, and consumptions, and so is Ass’s also.

Whey, attenuates and cleanses both choler and melancholy: wonderfully helps melancholy and madness coming of it; opens stoppings of the bowels; helps such as have the dropsy and are troubled with the stoppings of the spleen, rickets and hypochondriac melancholy: for such diseases you may make up your physic with whey. Outwardly it cleanses the skin of such deformities as come through choler or melancholy, as scabs, itch, morphew, leprosies, &c.

Honey is of a gallant cleansing quality, exceeding profitable in all inward ulcers in what part of the body soever; it opens the veins, cleanses the reins and bladder. I know no vices belonging to it, but only it is soon converted into choler.

Wax, softens, heats, and meanly fills sores with flesh, it suffers not the milk to curdle in women’s breasts; inwardly it is given (ten grains at a time) against bloody-fluxes.

Raw-silk, heats and dries, cheers the heart, drives away sadness, comforts all the spirits, both natural, vital and animal.


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