
Sperma Coeti, is well applied outwardly to eating ulcers, the marks which the small pox leaves behind them; it clears the sight, provokes sweat; inwardly it troubles the stomach and belly, helps bruises, and stretching of the nerves, and therefore is good for women newly delivered.

Amber-grease, heats and dries, strengthens the brain and nerves exceedingly, if the infirmity of them come of cold, resists pestilence.

Sea-sand, a man that hath the dropsy, being set up to the middle in it, it draws out all the water.

Red Coral, is cold, dry and binding, stops the immoderate flowing of the menses, bloody-fluxes, the running of the reins, and the Fluor Albus, helps such as spit blood, it is an approved remedy for the falling sickness. Also if ten grains of red Coral be given to a child in a little breast-milk so soon as it is born, before it take any other food, it will never have the falling-sickness, nor convulsions. The common dose is from ten grains to thirty.

Pearls, are a wonderful strengthener to the heart, encrease milk in nurses, and amend it being naught, they restore such as are in consumptions; both they and the red Coral preserve the body in health, and resist fevers. The dose is ten grains or fewer; more, I suppose, because it is dear, than because it would do harm.

Amber, (viz. yellow Amber) heats and dries, therefore prevails against moist diseases of the head; it helps violent coughs, helps consumption of the lungs, spitting of blood, the Fluor Albus; it stops bleeding at the nose, helps difficulty of urine: You may take ten or twenty grains at a time.

The Froth of the Sea, it is hot and dry, helps scabs, itch, and leprosy, scald heads, &c. it cleanses the skin, helps difficulty of urine, makes the teeth white, being rubbed with it, the head being washed with it, it helps baldness, and trimly decks the head with hair.


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