Abortion, (to prevent).
Sage, 244.
Tansey, 245
Aches in the joints.
Of Beans, 228, 274
Archangel, 11.
Buck’s-horn-plantain, 33, 281.
Camomile, 39.
Pellitory, 134.
Meadow-sweet, 147
—— Dry.
Maudlin, 114.
Lovage, 108
—— Hot.
Mallows, 111, 302.
Wild Tansey, 179
—— Quartan.
Fumitory, 237.
Cinque-foil, 242
Almonds of the Ears.
Devil’s-bit, 245
Anthony’s Fire.
Crab’s-claws, 57.
Duck’s-meat, 66.
Hawk-weed, 89
Appetite, (to restore).
Wild Marjoram, 112.
Masterwort, 240, 295
Lavender, 103.
Lily of the Valley, 105
Woodbine, 193.
Lungwort, 109, 313, 346
Blood, (to cleanse).
Nettles, 127, 281, 282.
Hops, 240
Bloody Flux.
Amaranthus, 9.
Mallows, 112.
Blackberry, 27.
Brank Ursine, 29.
Clown’s-wood, 52
Blows, (black and blue, marks of).
Daisies, 232.
Of Solomon’s-seal, 225
Barberry, 16.
Cuckow-point, 59.
Wheat, 192
Bowels, (obstructions of).
Stachea, 247.
Hops, 247, 346
Brain, (to strengthen).
Rosemary, 247.
Cowslips, 347.
Nutmegs, 248, 272, 273, 281, 324
Bishop’s-weed, 25.
Chervil, 46.
Solomon’s-seal, Sea-Coleworts, 37.
Cinquefoil, 49.
Black Cresses, 57
—— in the sides.
Violets, 247
Infection, (to preserve from).
Scabious, 168.
Bay, 18
Black-alder, 6.
Celandine, 42.
Stinking-gladwin, 84.
Juniper, 100
Agrimony, 4.
Ash, 14.
Carduus Benedict, 41
—— Yellow.
Wormwood, 196.
Barberries, 227
Wheat, 192
Nigella, 250
Lice, (in the head, to kill).
Stavesacre, 250.
Olibanum, 250
Liver, 398.
Sage, 162.
Strawberries, 175.
Maple-tree, 112
—— (inflammation of).
Wild Thyme, 183
—— (obstructions of).
Rhubarb, 157, 225.
Parsley, 131.
Columbines, 53.
Liver-wort, 107.
Alexander, 6
—— (to strengthen).
Cleavers, 51.
Costmary, 55.
Dock, 64.
Hart’s-tongue, 88
Looseness, (to stop).
Cloves, 248
Lungwort, 109.
Water Agrimony, 5.
Nettles, 127.
Filipendula, 75.
Scabious, 168
—— (inflammation of).
Garden Rue, 159, 244.
Heart’s-ease, 88
—— (ulcers of).
Money-wort, 119.
Horehound, 240
Tormentil, 184.
Saffron, 161
—— (to drive out).
Alkanet, 2.
Marigolds, 114
Melancholy-thistle, 180.
Germander, 83.
Vipers Bugloss, 189.
Mother-wort, 121, 294.
329, 338
Common Alder, 7.
Sea-Coleworts, 37.
Chick-weed, 48
—— in the Throat.
Water Caltrops, 39.
Devil’s-bit, 63.
S. Gladwin, 84
Teeth, (to draw without pain), 252
—— (to fasten).
Mastich, 251.
Bistort, 219.
Silver-weed, 231
—— (to whiten).
Vine, 246, 397
Teething of Children, 253
Tobacco, 177.
Wild Tansy, 179.
Henbane, 91, 397
Cives, 50.
Hemlock, 90.
Lesser Celandine, 42.
True Love, 91, 359, 360
—— (hard).
Misselto, 118.
Mallows, 111
—— (hot).
Water Lily, 105
Centaury, 44.
Coral-wort, 54.
Bistort, 25.
Archangel, 11.
Alehoof, 5
Venereal Disease.
Sope-wort, 244
Voice, (to restore), 310, 314, 347
Antimonial Wine, 292
Vomiting, (to stay).
Lady’s Mantle, 103, 304, 311, 321, 327
Buck’s-horn, 33.
Houseleek, 97.
Poplar, 143
Turnsole, 185.
Fuller’s Thistle, 223
Liquorice, 106.
Hyssop, 95.
Lungwort, 109
Nail-wort, 126
Bishop’s-weed, 25.
Carraway, 42.
Dill, 63.
Fennel, 73.
Hemp, 91, The” to match rest of book’s layout (The shrub is so) (The continual usefulness) and so on.

Page 18, “helps” changed to “help” (help the mother, and kill)

Page 19, “it” changed to “is” (that is to say, white, yellow)

Page 20, “and” changed to “an” (being made into an oil)

Page 20, “couses” changed to “causes” (long running causes)

Page 22, “perishes” changed to “perish” (the stalks perish)

Page 23, “Cesar” changed to “CÆsar” (of Octavius CÆsar)

Page 29, “Scabions” changed to “Scabious” (those of Corn-Scabious)

Page 29, “excellant” changed to “excellent” (excellent good to mollify)

Page 30, “viens” changed to “veins” (of the veins which)

Page 45, “speen” changed to “spleen” (liver, gall, and spleen, helps)

Page 45, “frickles” changed to “freckles” (away all freckles, spots)

Page 45, “offorded” changed to “afforded” (is afforded room in)

Page 45, “Chery” changed to “Cherry” (gum of the Cherry-tree)

Page 45, “horseness” changed to “hoarseness” (cough, and hoarseness of)

Page 46, “keep” changed to “kept” (strung up, are kept)

Page 46, “as” changed to “has” (This has little or no)

Page 49, “colours” changed to “colour” (brown colour, as big)

Page 52, “It” changed to “It” to conform to majority of usage in this context (Place.] It grows in sundry)

Page 52, “vain” changed to “vein” (any vein be swelled)

Page 53, “Foals’s” changed to “Foal’s” (also Coughwort, Foal’s-foot)

Page 56, “stays” changed to “stay” (stay fluxes of)

Page 56, “think” changed to “thing” (without doing any thing)

Page 56, “ounce” changed to “once” (Sun once a month)

Page 56, word “and” removed from text. Original read (remedy palsies, and Greeks)

Page 57, “*as” changed to “has” ( It has long leaves)

Page 59, “phlem” changed to “phlegm” (expectorate the phlegm)

Page 61, “Take” changed to “take” (the year is, take the)

Page 62, “othe*wise” changed to “otherwise” (fits, or otherwise:)

Page 62, “norrower” changed to “narrower” (narrower, but rough)

Page 64, “freekles” changed to “freckles” (freckles, morphews, and)

Page 65, “fine” changed to “find” (shall find a rational)

Page 66, “*he” changed to “the” (stays the lask and)

Page 66, “conpass” changed to “compass” (in a round compass)

Page 66, “others” changed to “other” (other sorts of those)

Page 67, word “a” removed from text. Original read (a square, rough, hairy stalks)

Page 70, “stengthens” changed to “strengthens” (clears, strengthens, and quickens)

Page 73, “so” changed to “to” (liver, to provoke urine)

Page 78, “indammations” changed to “inflammations” (helps all inflammations)

Page 78, “extol” changed to “extols” (Paracelsus extols it)

Page 78, “Fower” changed to “Flower” (flaggy kind of Flower-de-luce)

Page 80, “*as” changed to “has” (spleen. It has been found by)

Page 81, “general” changed to “generally” (is generally known before)

Page 83, “open” changed to “opens” (beasts, opens obstructions)

Page 83, “the” changed to “The” (lost it. The herb)

Page 85, “an” changed to “on” (on both moist and dry)

Page 85, “rule” changed to “rules” (Saturn rules it)

Page 88, “*eally” changed to “really” (really saturnine, something)

Page 90, “druised” changed to “bruised” (leaves bruised, and with)

Page 90, “o*” changed to “of” (It is a tree of)

Page 92, “Diverrs” changed to “Divers” (Divers sorts there)

Page 100, “Dioscocorides” changed to “Dioscorides” (saith Dioscorides)

Page 101, “*igh” changed to “high” (high, with two or)

Page 103, “it” changed to “is” (Ladies’ Mantle is very proper)

Page 104, “*he” changed to “the” (the place be bathed)

Page 105, “with*n” changed to “within” (both within and without)

Page 112, “discolouri***” changed to “discolourings” (all other discolourings)

Page 113, “thatare” changed to “that are” (that are for ornament)

Page 115, “breath” changed to “breadth” (an hand breadth long)

Page 120, “*ungs” changed to “lungs” (lungs, or other inward)

Page 120, “Tre*” changed to “Tree” (The Tree Moss grows)

Page 120, “o*” changed to “of” (All sorts of)

Page 122, “*ormenting” changed to “tormeting” (tormenting pains thereof)

Page 123, “*laces” changed to “places” (places of this land)

Page 123, “*he” changed to “the” (Mercury rules the tree)

Page 124, “o*” changed to “or” (groin or share)

Page 128, “*aste” changed to “taste” (a waterish insipid taste)

Page 128, “th*” changed to “the” (dropped into the ears)

Page 128, “hea*” changed to “heat” (that arise of heat)

Page 128, “mad*” changed to “made” (the bark made in)

Page 130, “*hat” changed to “that” (undoing what that doth)

Page 130, word “them.” added to end of paragraph where a blank line was present in the original. This agrees with an earlier version of the text. (They are so well known, that I need not spend time about writing a description of them.)

Page 130, “ot***” changed to “other” (sore, or any other putrefied)

Page 135, “plegmatic” changed to “phlegmatic” (brain of phlegmatic)

Page 135, “*talks” changed to “stalks” (hairy, as the stalks are)

Page 135, “it” changed to “its” (spring of its own)

Page 136, “weak” changed to “week” (once a week)

Page 139, “fo” changed to “of” (property of St. John’s Wort)

Page 141, “harhness” changed to “hardness” (the hardness of women’s)

Page 141, “an” changed to “all” (against all inflammations)

Page 142, “moistens” changed to “moisten” (moisten the stomach)

Page 142, “*hroat” changed to “throat” (throat, to dry the)

Page 143, “an” changed to “and” (to make Unguentum and)

Page 144, “black” changed to “Black” (Black of the Garden)

Page 144, “baers” changed to “bears” (it bears its flower)

Page 146, “snd” changed to “and” (dreams, and the like)

Page 146, “vitue” changed to “virtue” (the heat and virtue of)

Page 146, “serect” changed to “secret” (ulcers in the secret)

Page 146, “lightening” changed to “lightning” (blasting by lightning)

Page 147, “imflammation” changed to “inflammation” (inflammation in the eyes)

Page 148 “anoin*” changed to “anoint” (available to anoint)

Page 148, word “a” added to text in space (Quinces, and boiled in a)

Page 148, “hea*” changed to “heat” (good to cool the heat)

Page 148, “hai*” changed to “hair” (it brings hair to them)

Page 148, “man*” changed to “many” (at the top many)

Page 155, “*ed” changed to “red” (red, every one standing)

Page 155, “*talk” changed to “stalk” (his own foot-stalk)

Page 155, “lethary” changed to “lethargy” (the lethargy, and fallen-sickness)

Page 156, the first letters of two lines were traded thus “ro” was changed to “to” and “tequires” to “requires” (to take one drop) (requires, for the inward)

Page 158, “slght” changed to “sight” (dimness of the sight)

Page 158, “rwu” changed to “rue” (Meadow-rue rises)

Page 160, “*hready” changed to “thready” (thready branches round)

Page 161, “abundaily” changed to “abundantly” (come down too abundantly)

Page 167, “*ong” changed to “long” (long crested, brownish)

Page 167, “o*” changed to “of” (of a sad green color)

Page 167, “*talks” changed to “stalks” (stalks stand umbels)

Page 169, “costs” changed to “coasts” (sea coasts to Dover)

Page 169, “hedges” changed to “edges” (dented about the hedges)

Page 171, “u*” changed to “up” (especially made up)

Page 173, “erputions” changed to “eruptions” (wheals, and eruptions or)

Page 173, “giv*” changed to “give” (the skin, and give)

Page 174, “pimpels” changed to “pimples” (pimples, pushes or wheals)

Page 174, text misprinted and missing, another copy was consulted and the following changes made:

Original text:

brown colour on the outside, and white
within, from whence rise sundry long stalks
taste, from whece rise sundry long stalks
of most fine cut leaves like hair, smaller

Edited text:

brown colour on the outside, and white
within, smelling well, and of an aromatical
taste, from whence rise sundry long stalks
of most fine cut leaves like hair, smaller

Page 175, word “the” removed from text. Original read (and other the west parts)

Page 178, “naval” changed to “navel” (to the navel, stays)

Page 184, “of the” changed to “and” (herb and root, or the)

Page 184, “plaintain” changed to “plantain” (plantain, and is also)

Page 185, word “a” added to text (Sun, and a good)

Page 185, “berb” changed to “herb” (boiled the herb in)

Page 185, “th*” changed to “the” (flowers, with the)

Page 186, lines were printed out of order. Original read:

therefore always used in drinks, lotions,
green wounds, ulcers, or old sores, in all
balms, oils, ointments, or any other sorts of
which the continual experience of former

After consulting earlier edition, now reads:

therefore always used in drinks, lotions,
balms, oils, ointments, or any other sorts of
green wounds, ulcers, or old sores, in all
which the continual experience of former

Page 187, “browinsh” changed to “brownish” (follows small brownish)

Page 188, “sepents” changed to “serpents” (the biting of serpents)

Page 189, “*he” changed to “the” (the flowers, only picked)

Page 192, “Mitthiolus” changed to “Matthiolus” (cured. Matthiolus commends)

Page 193, “plntain” changed to “plantain” (the greater plantain, but)

Page 194, first instance of repeated phrase “neither is it” removed from text. Original read:

nothing in vain. It is an herb of Mercury,
and appropriated to the lungs; neither is it
Crab claims dominion over it; neither is it
a foe to the Lion; if the lungs be afflicted

Page 194, “calle*” changed to “called” (christened it, and called)

Page 195, “woods” changed to “woody” (lies deep, and is woody)

Page 196, “is” changed to “his” (courtesy is greater than his)

Page 196, “Tamus” changed to “Taurus” (under Taurus her sign)

Page 197, repeated word “it” removed from text. Original read (shall know it it in the)


Page 198, “It” changed to “Its” (parts. Its flowers)

Page 201, “8” changed to “6” (6. Such roots as are)

Page 202, “purtify” changed to “putrify” (coming to putrify)

Page 202, “CHAPTER V.” changed to “CHAPTER I.” (CHAPTER I. Of distilled Waters.)

Page 203, “of” changed to “or” (pewter bason, or an earthen)

Page 204, “**” changed to “is” (is vulgarly used)

Page 205, “makin*” changed to “making” (general way of making)

Page 205, “****” changed to “vary” added to text (ingredients, you may vary)

Page 206, “*hem” changed to “them” (them as you please)

Page 206, “you” changed to “your” (found in your electuary)

Page 206, “other” changed to “others” (roses: others but)


Page 212, “eithe*” changed to “either” (either, or from either)

Page 213, final line of first column not present in this edition. All other editions conclude the paragraph with “is always so.” This has been added to this text.

Page 213, “th*” changed to “the” (the midst of the)

Page 214, “connot” changed to “cannot” (If you cannot stay)

Page 214, “whi*****” changed to “which it” (draws that which it)

Page 215, “Yerus” changed to “Venus” (may join Venus, because)

Page 215, “follaw” changed “follow” (these that follow)

Page 215, “Balno” changed “Balneo” (distil in Balneo MariÆ)

Page 215, “covenient” changed “convenient” (in a convenient vessel)

Page 215, “is” changed to “it” (the like under it)

Page 217, “reins” changed to “veins” (and cleanses the veins)

Page 217, word “a” added to text in blank space (hours after eat a)

Page 218, “*oot” changed to “root” (root and water)

Page 218, “*eing” changed to “being” (being taken in red)

Page 218, “care*ess” changed to “careless” (and whatsoever a careless)

Page 218, “*elps” changed to “helps” (being drank with wine, helps)

Page 218, “*ungs” changed to “lungs” (lungs, hardness of)

Page 218, “Saccharinoe” changed to “SaccharinÆ” (VallanoriÆ, and SaccharinÆ)

Page 218, “ReigÆ” changed to “RegiÆ” (HastÆ RegiÆ foem.)

Page 219, “BroniÆ” changed to “BrionÆ” (BrionÆ, &c. Of Briony)

Page 219, “Centrurii” changed to “Centaurii” (Centaurii majoris. Of Centaury)

Page 221, “*eaves” changed to “leaves” (See the leaves.)

Page 221, “sortness” changed to “shortness” (and shortness of breath)

Page 222, “*unburning” changed to “sunburning” (skin, take away sunburning)

Page 222, line of text at bottom of first column was missing. Text added from the 1814 edition. Original read:

or wind; the smell of it strengthens the brain,
it relieves faint hearts, takes away windiness
amorous diseases. You may take half a dram
at a time.

Now corrected to:

or wind; the smell of it strengthens the brain,
it relieves faint hearts, takes away windiness
of the womb, heats the reins, and provokes
amorous diseases. You may take half a dram
at a time.

Page 222, “bes*” changed to “best” (Of Licorice; the best)

Page 222, “mois*” changed to “moist” (it is hot and moist)

Page 222, “wherin” changed to “wherein” (of white wine, wherein)

Page 224, “Cam*ock” changed to “Cammock” (Of Cammock, or Rest-harrow)

Page 225, “*hese” changed to “these” (these, I am persuaded)

Page 225, “*reed” changed to “breed” (breed ill-favoured)

Page 225, “***y” changed to “they” (they spoil the eyes)

Page 226, “Whethe*” changed to “Whether” (Whether these be roots)

Page 227, “mean*” changed to “meant” (that which is meant)

Page 228, “especeially” changed to “especially” (especially the ashes of)

Page 229, an unusual ligature involving a script “m” was used on this page in place of what seems to be Æ. This was retained as “m” in both “Tillim” and “Guajacum, Lignum vitm.”


Page 229, “dis*ases” changed to “diseases” (for cold diseases)

Page 231, “*he” changed to “the” and “melan*holy” changed to “melancholy” (the heart, makes men merry, helps melancholy)

Page 232, “Beuedicta” changed to “Benedicta” (Benedicta Cariphyllara)

Page 232, “**” changed to “or” (Common or Wood Betony)

Page 232, “a*” changed to “as” (the gout, such as)

Page 236, “Provok**” changed to “Provokes” (Elicampane. Provokes)

Page 236, “whic*” changed to “which” (Dodder of Time, to which)

Page 237, “*t” changed to “it” (it grows upon, as)

Page 239, “ou*” changed to “out” (and the falling out)

Page 240, “Amareus” changed to “Amaracus” (Majorana. See Amaracus.)

Page 241, “Horehouud” changed to “Horehound” (stinking Horehound, I take)

Page 241, “cloanses” changed to “cleanses” (matrix, cleanses filthy)

Page 241, “Memba” changed to “Mentha” (Mentha aquatica. Water Mints)

Page 241, “Spruge” changed to “Spurge” (Spurge-Olive, or Widdow-wail)

Page 241, “thes curvey” changed to “the scurvey” (for the scurvy, sciatica)

Page 245, “Nasturitum” changed to “Nasturtium” (Thlaspi. See Nasturtium)

Page 246, “Voronica” changed to “Veronica” (Veronica. See Betonica Pauli)

Page 246, “Umbslicus” changed to “Umbilicus” (Umbilicus Veneris. Navil-wort)

Page 247, “Watev” changed to “Water” (Water lilies, ease pains)

Page 248, “b*eath” changed to “breath” (a sweet breath)

Page 249, “**eaks” changed to “breaks” (cholic, breaks the stone)

Page 250, repeated word “of” removed from text (inflammations of the sides)

Page 253, “**me” changed to “time” (time, and indeed spirit)

Page 255, “*legm” changed “flegm” (flegm; outwardly in)

Page 255, “*eprosies” changed to “leprosies” (leprosies, scabs, and)

Page 256, “ana” changed to “and” (Spikenard, Celtic and Indian)

Page 258, “chie” changed to “chief” (quote the chief of them)

Page 260, “Daises” changed to “Daisies” (wood and water. Daisies)

Page 260, “Camomle” changed to “Camomile” (Camomile, Chamepytis)

Page 262, “Sabious” changed to “Scabious” (Origanum, Rue, Scabious)

Page 264, “Marjoran” changed to “Marjoram” (John’s Wort, Marjoram)

Page 264, “Bazi” changed to “Bazil” (Water-cresses, Origanum, Bazil)

Page 265, “*pikenard” changed to “Spikenard” (Spikenard, Hops, Schenanth)

Page 272, “an*” changed to “and” (strengthens the stomach and)

Page 272, “commonwealt*” changed to “commonwealth” (do the commonwealth)

Page 272, “o*” changed to “on” (a word or two on)

Page 273, “bring” changed to “being” (a sweet breath; being)

Page 274, “*hin” changed to “thin” (thin subtile parts)

Page 274, “vix.” changed to “viz.” (body, viz. the)

Page 274, “Chermes” changed to “Cherries” (Juice of Cherries, Quinces)

Page 274, “cold” changed to “old” (Olives, both new and old)

Page 275, “when” changed to “Then” (Then the college tells you)

Page 275, “Bore” changed to “Boar” (tooth of a Boar, an Elephant)

Page 276, “**” changed to “of” (stone in the head of)

Page 276, “thells” was retained as printed as more than one copy and resource used this word.

Page 276, final line of first column missing. "Amber." added after consulting other editions.

CarlinÆ, Coral, white and red, Foam of the
Sea, Spunge, Stone Pumice, Sea salt, Spunges,

Page 278, “*ood” changed to “Wood” (Wood Sorrel, Lady’s-Mantle)

Page 279, “Lily-flower*” changed to “Lily-flowers” (water of water Lily-flowers)

Page 280, “stay,” changed to “stays” (stomach exceedingly, stays)

Page 281, “Hooses” changed to “Hooves” (The Hooves of the)

Page 283, “watersnor” changed to “waters nor” (strong waters nor sack)

Page 285, “*ay” changed to “Bay” (tree, Bay berries)

Page 286, “o*” changed to “of” (long Birthwort, of)

Page 290, “spiri*” changed to “spirit” (pour this spirit)

Page 291, “i*” changed to “it” (close stopped till it)

Page 291, the “t” for “let” (the last word on page 291) is present as the first letter on page 292. This has been repaired. (added to every pound, let)

Page 293, “Polipodiu*” changed to “Polipodium” (five drams, Polipodium)

Page 298, “Syru*” changed to “Syrup” (into a Syrup: let)

Page 306, “inty” changed to “into” (into Syrup according)

Page 306, “******” changed to “Syrup,” (boiled into a Syrup,)

Page 308, “an” changed to “and” (pound and a half)

Page 309, “th**” changed to “them” (boil them in the)

Page 311, “respec*” changed to “respect” (made, in respect)

Page 315, “*hat” changed to “that” (sugar; yet note, that)

Page 316, “i*” changed to “it” (make it into Lozenges)

Page 316, “*eaves” changed to “leaves” (of red Rose leaves)

Page 319, “Stag’sh eart” changed to “Stag’s heart” (a Stag’s heart, Ivory)

Page 319, word “College.]” missing and added to text for paragraph under Diamoschu Dulce.

Page 319, “Boses” changed to “Roses” (ounce, red Roses, Violets)

Page 320, “powder” changed to “powders” (of these powders will)

Page 322, “*han” changed to “than” (than they can remove)

Page 322, “*hem” changed to “them” (them into fine powder)

Page 322, “eigh” changed to “eight” (with eight times their)

Page 322, “thefore” changed to “therefore” (therefore they do strengthen)

Page 325, repeated word “a” removed from text. Original read (it at a a time, lest)

Page 326, “it” changed to “its” (its just thickness)

Page 327, “*hickness” changed to “thickness” (thickness of Honey)

Page 327, “*ool” changed to “cool” (cool, exceeding good)

Page 327, final word and closing punctuation added to last paragraph in first column (very seldom so much.)

Page 328, “and” changed to “of” (loins of Scinks)

Page 328, “and” changed to “an” (and an half, with two)

Page 329, word “it” added to text (neither is it so hot)

Page 330, “weigh” changed to “weight” (Treacle the weight)

Page 330, “**” changed to “as” (one, according as)

Page 331, “electuar,” changed to “electuary” (clarified, make it into an electuary)

Page 332, “an” changed to “and” (Water a pound and an half)

Page 334, “onnce” changed to “ounce” (may take an ounce at)

Page 334, “acconut” changed to “account” (I account it a pretty)

Page 335, “no*” changed to “not” (such women as are not)

Page 339, “thay” changed to “they” (form, that they may be)

Page 341, “weakned” changed to “weakened” (weakened by disease)

Page 346, “thre*” changed to “three” (Winter Cherries three)

Page 348, “ha**” changed to “half” (Myrrh, of each half)

Page 349, “lessen” changed to “lesser” (lesser, Cubebs, Gallia)

Page 350, “Mutmegs” changed to “Nutmegs” (Oil of Nutmegs by)

Page 353, “**********megs” changed to “Oil of Nutmegs” (Been, Oil of Nutmegs)

Page 354, “oi*” changed to “oil” (six parts of oil)

Page 354, “puting” changed to “putting” (sweet oil, putting)

Page 355, “*corpions” changed to “Scorpions” (thirty live Scorpions)

Page 355, “**on” changed to “lion” (when the sun is in the lion)

Page 355, “Carduu*” changed to “Carduus” (the roots of Carduus)

Page 359, “watry” changed to “watery” (till the watery part)

Page 361, “Uuguentum” changed to “Unguentum” (Unguentum Pomatum.)

Page 361, “**pis” changed to “Lapis” (ammoniac, Lapis Calaminaris)

Page 361, “Litha*ge” changed to “Litharge” (Litharge of Gold, Ceruss)

Page 363, “the” changed to “them” (first let them sublimate)

Page 363, “Uunguentum” changed to “Unguentum” (Unguentum Martiatum.)

Page 364, “greese” changed to “grease” (Hen’s and Duck’s grease)

Page 364, “benefical” changed to “beneficial” (part, is very beneficial)

Page 366, “*nto” changed to “into” (into an ointment according)

Page 367, “los*” changed to “lost” (ulcers, restores flesh lost)

Page 368, “Platain” changed to “Plantain” (ounces, Plantain, Chamepitys)

Page 370, word “College.]” missing and added to text for paragraph under Emplaistrum Diaphoenicon hot.

Page 371, “o*” changed to “or” (appropriated to ruptures or)

Page 377, “whch” changed to “which” (danger, by considering which)

Page 378, “natura*” changed to “natural” (patient, or the natural)

Page 378, “o*” changed to “of” (attain the third degree of)

Page 378, “pas*” changed to “pass” (hence it comes to pass)

Page 378, “sha**” changed to “shall” (medicines, which I shall)

Page 379, “it” changed to “its” (above its natural temper)

Page 379, “in****” changed to “in the” (cold in the second and)

Page 379, “lenifies” changed to “lenify” (lenify and make slippery)

Page 380, “exteme” changed to “extreme” (moisture be not extreme)

Page 382, “administed” changed to “administered” (safely be administered)

Page 382, “on*y” changed to “only” (which are used only)

Page 386, “seem*” changed to “seems” (the womb, it seems)

Page 387, “Pains” changed to “Pain” (Pain is either taken)

Page 387, “know” changed to “known” (medicines are known)

Page 388, “*ontrary” changed to “contrary” (contrary to them)

Page 390, “evacution” changed to “evacuation” (cured by evacuation)

Page 390, “discussseth” changed to “discusseth” (more than it discusseth)

Page 394, “thurst” changed to “thrust” (violently thrust it)

Page 394, “*nd” changed to “and” (and sweating the last)

Page 396, “int*” changed to “into” (of sweet Almonds into)

Page 399, “fourth” repeated under “Hot in the first degree” under “second”. The first “fourth” was changed to “third” (—— —— third degree, ib.)

Page 401, page number added to entry for “Tamarisk Tree.”

Page 402, “Yellow-water Flag” changed to “Yellow Water-flag” (Yellow Water-flag)

Page 402, “Termintil” changed to “Tormentil” (Measles.
Tormentil, 184)

Page 402, page number added to entry for “Ladies’ Mantle.”

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