
The writers of this book are one hundred (one for each year in the century) of the most scholarly and prominent Negroes of America.

ANDERSON, J. H., D. D., Pastor of the A. M. E. Zion Church,Wllkesbarre, Pa. 323
ATKINS, REV. S. G., President of the State Normal and Industrial College of North Carolina 80
BAKER, HON. H. E., Washington, D. C. 399
BIBB, PROF. J. D., A. M., Atlanta, Ga. 449
BLACKSHEAR, MR. E. L., President of Texas Normal and Industrial College, Prairie View, Texas 334
BOWEN, MRS. ARIEL, S. H., Atlanta, Ga. 264
BOWEN, REV. J. W. E, Professor in Gammon Theological Seminary 29
BOWSER, MRS. ROSA D., Teacher in Richmond, Va. 177
BOYD, DR. R. F., Physician and Surgeon, Nashville, Tenn. 215
BRAWLEY, REV. E. M., D. D., Secretary and Expositor of the National Baptist Publishing Company 254
BRAGGS, REV. GEO. F. JR., Rector of Episcopal Church, Baltimore, Md. 356
BROOKS, REV. W. H., D. D., Pastor Nineteenth St. Baptist Church, Washington, D. C. 315
BROWN, REV. S. N., Pastor of Congregational Church, Washington, D.C. 68
BUTLER, HENRY R., A. M., M. D., Atlanta, Ga. 221
CARVER, GEO. W., Professor of Agriculture, Tuskegee Institute 388
CHAPPELLE, REV. W. D., Secretary of Sabbath School Department of the A. M. E. Church 63
CHEATHAM, HON. H. P., Recorder of Deeds, of the District of Columbia 57
CLINTON, BISHOP G. W., A. M. E. Zion Church, Charlotte, N. C. 115
COOPER, E. E. Editor of the Colored American 464
COUNCIL, PROF. W. H., President of Alabama Normal and Mechanical College, Normal, Ala. 325
COX, PROF. J. M., President of the Philander Smith College, Little Rock, Ark. 295
CROMWELL, J. W., Washington, D. C. 291
CROGMAN, W. H., Professor of Greek and Latin, Clark University 7
DAVIS, REV. D. W., Pastor of Baptist Church, Manchester, Va. 38
DAVIS, REV. I. D., Pastor Presbyterian Church, Goodwill, S. C. 124
DUNBAR, MRS. PAUL LAURENCE, Washington, D. C. 139
ELLERSON, REV. L. B., Pastor Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, Fla. 313
FLIPPER, REV. J. S., D. D., Presiding Elder of North Georgia Conference, Atlanta, Ga. 257
FORTUNE, T. T., Editor of The Age, New York City 227
FRANCIS, DR. J. R., Physician and Surgeon, Washington, D. C. 204
FRIERSON, A. U., Professor of Greek, of Biddle University 241
GILBERT, J. W., Professor of Greek in Paine College 190
GILBERT, REV. M. W. D. D., Pastor of Baptist Church, Charleston, S. C. 287
GOODWIN, G. A., Professor in Atlanta Baptist College 132
GREEN, HON. JOHN P., Government Position, Washington, D. C. 89
GRIMKE, REV. F. J., D. D., Pastor of Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C. 427
HARLLEE, PROF. N. W., Principal of High School, Dallas, Tex. 299
HAWKINS, PROF. J. R., Secretary of Educational Department of the A. M. E. Church 153
HEARD, REV. W. H., D. D., Pastor of Allen Temple, Atlanta, Ga. 442
HEWIN, J. T., Attorney, Richmond, Va. 110
HILYER, ANDREW F., Washington, D. C. 375
HOLSEY, BISHOP L. H., C. M. E. Church, Atlanta, Ga. 46
HOOD, BISHOP J. W., of A. M. E. Zion Church, Fayetteville, N. C. 51
HUNT, H. A., Principal of Industrial Department of Biddle University 394
JACKSON, MISS LENA T., Teacher of Latin in High School, Nashville, Tenn. 304
JOHNSON, REV. J. Q., D. D. 270
JOHNSON, PROF. J. W., Principal of Grammar School, Jacksonville, Fla. 72
JOHNSON, REV. H. T., D. D., Editor of Christian Recorder 186
JONES, PROF. J. H., President of Wilberforce University 83
JONES, T. W., Prominent business man, Chicago, Ill. 370
JORDAN, D. J., Professor in Morris Brown College 129
KERR, REV. S., Rector of Episcopal Church, Key West, Fla. 320
KNOX, GEO. L., Editor of the Freeman 454
LEWIS, PROF. W. I., Reporter for Evening Metropolis, Jacksonville, Fla. 272
LOGAN, MRS. WARREN, Tuskegee Institute 199
LOVINGGOOD, PROF. R. S., President of Samuel Houston College, Austin, Tex. 48
MASON, MRS. LENA, The Evangelist, Hannibal, Mo. 445
MASON, REV. M. C. B., Secretary of the Freemen Board of the M. E. Church 34
McCLELLAN, PROF. G. M., Teacher in High School, Louisville, Ky. 275
MILLER, KELLY, Professor of Mathematics in Howard University 158
MORGAN, REV. J. H., Minister, Bordentown, N. J. 383
MORRIS, REV. E. C., D. D., Editor of National Baptist Publishing Co., Helena, Ark. 259
MURRAY, HON. G. W., Providence, S. C. 231
ONLEY, D. W., D. D., Dentist, Washington, D. C. 347
PARTEE, REV. W. E., D. D., Pastor of Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Va. 309
PETERSON, B. H., Professor at Tuskegee Institute 236
PETTIFORD, W. R., President Alabama Penny Savings and Loan Co., Richmond, Va. 468
PETTEY, MRS. BISHOP C. C., Newbern, N. C. 182
PORTER, J. R., D. D. S., Atlanta, Ga. 191
PROCTOR, REV. H. H., Pastor of Congregational Church., Atlanta, Ga. 317
PURCELL, I. L., Attorney, Pensacola, Fla. 104
RICHARDSON, PROF. A. ST. GEORGE, President of Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, Fla. 330
ROBINSON, G. T., Attorney, Nashville, Tenn. 108
ROBINSON, PROF. R. G., Principal of LaGrange Academy 302
RUCKER, HON. H. A., Internal Revenue Collector for Georgia, Atlanta, Ga. 202
SCARBOROUGH, W. S., Professor of Greek of Wilberforce University 414
SMITH, MRS. M. E. C., Teacher in Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, Fla. 246
SMITH, R. S., Attorney, Washington, D. C. 92
SMYTH, PROF. J. H., President of Reformatory School of Virginia, Hanover, Va. 434
STORUM, PROF. JAMES, Teacher in High School, Washington, D. C. 75
TALBERT, MARY B., Buffalo, N. Y. 17
TALLEY, T. W., Professor of Science, Tuskegee Institute 338
TERRELL, MRS. MARY CHURCH, Washington, D. C. 172
THOMPSON, R. W., Associate Editor of the Colored American 351
TUCKER, PROF. T. de S., Baltimore, Md. 418
TURNER, BISHOP H. M., D. D., LL. D., A. M. E. Church, Atlanta, Ga. 42
TURNER, PROF. C. H., Professor of Science in Clark University 162
WALLACE, W. W., Editor of Colored American Magazine 349
WALLER, REV. O. M., Rector of Episcopal Church, Washington, D. C. 363
WALKER, PROF. H. L., Principal High School, Augusta, Ga. 342
WASHINGTON, PROF. BOOKER T., President of Tuskegee Institute 142
WHITAKER, REV. J. W., Traveling Agent for Tuskegee Institute 359
WHITE, HON. GEO. H., Washington, D. C. 224
WILDER, DR. J. R., Physician and Surgeon, Washington, D. C. 210
WILLIAMS, REV. J. B. L., D. D., Pastor of M. E. Church, Fernandina, Fla. 120
WYCHE, REV. R. P., Pastor of Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, N. C. 123
YATES, MRS. JOSEPHINE S., Kansas City, Mo. 21
YOUNG, PROF. N. B., President of Florida State Normal and Industrial College 125


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