1. JACOB JANSEN VAN ETTEN came from Etten, North Brabrandt, Holland. He died at Hurley, Ulster County, in 1693. He m. on Dec. 28, 1664, Annatje Adriance of Amsterdam. His son, 2. Jan Van Etten, bap. Jan. 3, 1666, m. 1692, Jannetje Rossa. His son, 3. Jacob Van Etten, bap. Dec. 25, 1696, m. April 22, 1719, Antjen Westbrook. His son, 4. Anthony Van Etten, b. at Naponach, bap. at Kingston, June 12, 1726, d. 1778, m. Aug. 3, 1750, at Nameneek, Annatje (Hannah) Decker. His son, 5. Anthony Van Etten, m. Jemima Cuddeback of the fourth generation. Another son, 5. Levi Van Etten, bap, Feb. 12, 1758, m. Nov. 27, 1777 Jane Westbrook. His dau., 6. Blandina Van Etten, m. Dec. 26, 1805, Benjamin Cuddeback of the fourth generation. Caudebec, France map Cuddebackville, America Traditional Home in France CAUDEBEC IN NORMANDY, FRANCE The home of our ancestor, from which he fled, a Huguenot refugee in 1685, is a small town on the right bank of the Seine, about midway between Havre and Rouen. At this point the river St. Gertrude, flowing down between the two mountain peaks Mt. Calidee and Mt. Vignette, empties into the Seine. Caudebec, the capital of Caux, is within a triangle, its base the bank of the Seine on which is a wharf 13.78 ft. above sea level and on which runs the government road toward Havre. The apex of the triangle lies at a point along the St. Gertrude river between the mountain peaks which have an altitude of about 500 ft. The region has a light, alluvial, productive soil—soft, mild temperature and is most healthful. The valley of the Seine through Normandy is one of the most beautiful in France, rich in memories, a paradise for the artist and archaeologist. For centuries Caudebec was a seaport. The incoming tide, a wall of water 5 or 6 ft. high, was forced upstream with great rumbling. This alternating with the natural flowing downstream has caused the river to become shallow. These factors together with the building of larger ships have caused the abandonment of Caudebec as a seaport. As to the origin of the name Caudebec, authorities differ. It is thought to be of Norse or Icelandic origin, coined by the Normans. Kalder—Kalt—cold, and Bek meaning a rivulet—Kalt bek (Caudebec) meaning cold brook and applying it to the St. Gertrude river as it flows into the Seine. Traces of former occupation of this region and of varying degrees of civilization are abundant. For centuries the land was occupied by barbarous, wandering tribes of various origin. They were continually disputing, fighting and exterminating one another. About 49 B. C. the Romans were attracted to this region. They conquered and subdued the tribes and continued to control that part of Normandy for about five centuries. There are yet evidences of Roman occupation in and about Caudebec and of the occupancy of it by barons, dukes and other royalties. Fragments of Gallo-Roman potteries are found at Caudebec, also coins stamped with Calidu upon them. Calidu was the chief tribal town of the Caletes at the time of the Roman conquests of France. Julius Caesar conquered these people and constituted a Roman colony on the site of Caudebec about 648 A. D. St. Vandrille founded a monastry "near a sparkling stream in the forest" which under the influence of Charlemange grew rapidly. It had many students, at one time over three hundred. The village of Caudebec was formed below it and the town developed rapidly in population and importance. This condition continued until late in the 9th century. Following this the Franks gained control and established their first monarchy and with their feudal rules controlled the country and the people. In the ninth century the Norsemen—Northmen (Normans) established their colonies and took possession of the fertile valleys of northern France, where their aggressive industry and assertive ways enabled them to possess the land. They adopted civilized manners, language, customs and pursuits and became an energetic, skillful, warm-hearted, patriotic people—the best sailors, fishermen, agriculturists, and manufacturers in all France. In the 11th century Caudebec became the commercial town and the central market in the land of Caux. In the 16th century tanneries were established and the manufacture of gloves and hats developed extensively, becoming the chief industry. The black hat of Caudebec with the large black feather was made here as was most of the headgear worn in France. The French court adopted this Caudebec hat, a large black beaver with a long feather, and later it was used almost universally in France. The church at Caudebec is said to be one of the finest in Normandy. It has suffered greatly by reason of the sectional wars that have repeatedly devastated the country, especially those of the 16th and 17th centuries. It was built originally in the 11th century and has been enlarged and repaired repeatedly. The splendid tower was completed in 1491. On August 15th, 1415, Henry V of England caused the land of Caux to be the seat of war, which lasted several years. In May, 1418, the town of Caudebec, besieged by the English army under generals Warwick and Talbot, made a heroic defence, but surrendered in September. It remained in English hands until 1435 when the peasantry of Caux rebelled against English rule. A protracted war followed which caused famine and plague and the land was reduced almost to a desert. The province remained the seat of war until 1499 when Charles VII took Rouen by storm and later made triumphal entry into Caudebec with an army of 12,000 men. The country prospered, Caudebec grew—most of the houses in the town date to that period of the 15th century. Caudebec, France river Caudebec, France vista Market Place, Caudebec There are few changes in them, as new windows, new doors, but they remain the same old wooden buildings with wooden galleries suspended over the narrow, irregular, oddly paved streets. Today in Caudebec one breathes the air of the middle ages. The Reformation—the great religious awakening of the 16th century—developed great sympathy in Caudebec. The Protestants, the Huguenots (a term borrowed from Switzerland, meaning bound together by oath) were quite numerous. Religious wars followed. The English assisted the Protestants—the Spanish, the Catholics. Rival dukes and princes sought to take advantage of these conditions and conflicts followed from which pillage, incendiarism, and destruction resulted. On April 24, 1592, Caudebec capitulated to the Duke of Palma, On May 15th it capitulated a second time to Henry IV of France amid the cheers of the people. On April 15th Henry IV issued the "Edict of Nantes" and established universal liberty and equality as to religious professions and worship. Great general prosperity followed, especially in manufacture and agriculture. On Oct. 17, 1685, Louis XIV revoked "the Edict of Nantes." This was followed by persecution, pillage, and destruction of property and people, especially of the Huguenots. Great numbers of people fled from France and among them our progenitor Jacques Caudebec. On Sept. 19, 1749, Louis XV visited Caudebec with all the splendor of the French court. With their enthusiastic Royalist spirit the people unharnessed the horses and they themselves drew the royal carriage. Caudebec is to-day a noted summer resort with a population of about 2,000, with fairs three times a year, with annual boat regattas, with provision for pleasure and entertainment. The people of nearby cities may thus enjoy its healthful climate and its hospitality. A recent traveller has thus viewed Caudebec as approached from the sea by river. "Between the great forest of Maulevrier on our left and the green meadows on our right is the great broad Seine, fringed with shady arbors and with rows of modest homely hotels. The graceful church spire dominates the town which is in the midst of rising green hills. The old Caudebec, one of the oldest of Norman towns, with its medieval houses, narrow, crooked, ill-paved streets, was built on the site of the Roman settlement, Lotum and gives unmistakable evidence of its antiquity. The quaint windows and doorways, the overhanging and irregular roofs almost against one another are everywhere visible and are covered with creeping vines and climbing flowering plants." Caudebec, France church Caudebec, France street Caudebec, France river "A LITTLE THING IS A LITTLE THING, BUT FAITHFULNESS IN LITTLE THINGS IS A GREAT THING." MAY SOME MEMBER OF THE FAMILY COMPLETE AND CONTINUE THIS RECORD, AND MAY THE STERLING WORTH AND CHARACTER OF OUR ANCESTORS ENDURE THROUGH THE COMING GENERATIONS. "RIGHT LIVING IN ITS SILENCE IS MORE POWERFUL THAN WORDS, AND CHARACTER, WHEN TOUCHED, RINGS OUT TRUE SWEET MUSIC." Port Jervis, N.Y., July 4th, 1919 [Transcriber's Note: This is William L. Cuddeback's original index except the numbers after names in this index have been changed from page numbers. They are now the reference number for the lineage paragraph(s) in which a person of that name is discussed or a key to a listing in the table of contents. Again, superscripts are given to indicate the generation. A question mark in brackets indicates the entry could not be verified. If a number precedes the [?], there is a possible, though not exact name in that lineage paragraph.] [Key to Table of Contents] {[1gen] The narrative following lineage paragraph 1. [deed] Deeds, Lands, Papers, Etc. [pat] The Cuddeback Patent Dissolved [ped: name] Pedigrees of Allied Families [pion] Pioneer Days} - Aartss, Garrett, [deed]
- Jacob, [deed]
- Abrams, Elizabeth, 237
- Ackerman, Prudence, 63, 190
- Ackerson, Catherine, 55S, 157, 165
- Adams, Ann Eliza, 163
- C. F., 328
- Charles A., 168
- Elizabeth, 166
- Emerson H., 140
- Ensley,5 56, 171
- Etta, 168
- Frank, 168
- Fred, 168
- Georgetta, 168
- Hannah, 163
- Harry, 140
- Havilah, 168
- Hulda,556
- Hulda, 166, 169
- Ida, 168
- Isaiah,556
- Isaiah,5 170
- James,556
- James, 168
- James B., 168
- Jennie, 170
- John, 168
- John S.,556
- John S., 172
- Josephine, 163
- Lucy, 167
- Maria, 166
- Mary, 167
- Mattie, 170
- M. Estella,168
- Philah,556
- Philah, 167
- Robert, 163
- Samuel, 21, 56, 170
- Sara, 168
- Sarah H., 168
- Spencer, 140
- Susan, 166, 170
- Sylvanus,556
- Sylvanus, 166
- Warren, 140
- Zilla, 171
- Adkins, Ada Grace, 155
- Joseph L., 155
- Adriance, Annetje, 12, [ped: Van Etten]
- Carrie, 214
- Cornelius, 78, 214
- John, 214
- Aelberts, Elsje, [pion], [1gen]
- Alberts, Eva, [ped: Emigrant]
- Alexander, Lizzie, 98
- Allen, Hattie, 125
- Allyn, A. B., Dr., 192
- Alwood, Sophie, 271
- Anderson, Anna Mabel, 95
- W. R., 192
- Andrews, Richard, 210
- Angelo, Harry, 154
- Pearl, 154
- Angle, Catherine, 67
- Ammerman, Hannah R., 15
- Armstrong, John W., 277
- Lancelot W., 112
- Louisa, 193, 294
- Martha, 193, 293
- Mary Agnes, 112
- Mary D., 203
- Arnold, Jennie, 224
- Thos. H.,224
- Willie, 224
- Arnst, Elizabeth M., 126
- Artis, Hazel, 188
- Atchison, William Melville, 101
- Augustine, Linus, 118
- Austin, Annettie, 140
- Anthony, 140
- Cornelia, 140
- Dorr, 140
- Fred C, 140
- George, 140
- Henry Warren, 140
- James, 140
- James B., 140
- Mabel, 140
- M. Estelle, 140
- Miriam, 140
- Ogden, 140
- Warren, 50, 140
- Babcock, Ann, 118
- Betsy, 118
- Catherine, 117
- Edward, 288
- Howard, 288
- Hugh, 288
- Kenneth, 288
- Bacon, Charles L., 123
- Lewis Earl, 123
- W. N., 123
- Bagley, Louis C, 263
- Bailey, Eliza, 102
- Margaret, 56, 172
- Baird, Ada L., 286
- Ballance, Mary, 146
- Barber, Alfred, 154
- Cora, 154
- Barents, Sara, [1gen]
- Barker, Anna, 140
- Barnes, Edward, 175
- Lucien F., 175
- Barrick, Catherine, 179
- Ellen, 179
- Henry, 179
- Sarah, 179
- Barstow, Carrie, 133, 244
- Henrietta, 133, 244
- Bartholomew, Walter, 199
- Bartlet, Eliza, 155
- Bassett, James, 203
- Bate, Clara, 152
- Beaks, John G., 102
- Beattie, Elizabeth, 134, 247
- Beatty, Louise Beckwith, 95
- Beemer, Sarah E., 174
- Beers, Isabella, 104
- Bell, Berteha C., 103, 131
- Emmet H., 319
- Esther, 131
- Margaret, 131
- Reuben, 131
- Sarah, 104
- Benedict, Amanda, 96
- Roger W., 264
- Sally, 25, 62
- William, 95, 96
- William A., 264
- Benjamin, Joshua, 57
- Margaret, 157
- Bennett, Agnes, 112, 289
- Augustus, 290
- Alice, 112, 290, 328, 331
- Almeda, 118
- Anna, 289
- Benjamin, 177
- Bessie, 286
- Blandina, 48, 61
- Burnett, 181
- Clara C., 289
- David, 65, 177, 286
- Denton, 287
- Edith, 288
- Edward E., 213
- Emma, 198, 213, 217
- Emma E., 328
- Esther, 177
- Florence, 290, 328
- Galen, 177, 289
- George, 287
- George M., 209
- Grace, 290, 328
- Hannah,561
- Harrison, 181
- Henry,561
- Henry, 178
- Howard, 289
- Howell S., 120, 290
- Ida, 197
- Jane, 119, 197
- James,4 68
- James, 81
- James,5 87, 155
- James, 132, 155, 156, 157, 198
- James Edgar, 199
- John B., 213
- John E., 112, 198
- John Edgar, 112
- Joseph,561
- Joseph, 181
- Laura, 198
- Lena, 287
- Louisa, 328
- Lydia, 181
- Mary,561
- Mary, 96, 179
- Olive, 286
- Peter, 181
- Saffrein, 178, 287
- Sally, 180, 181
- Samuel, 179
- Sarah, 177, 287, 290
- Soveryn,561
- William, 182
- William E, 328
- William H., 205, 304
- William S., 290
- Wilhelmus Westfall, 177, 288
- Wilton Randolph, 286
- Berg, Christian, 103
- Berger, Ralph, 131
- Bevans, Libbie, 102
- Maggie, 291
- Mary, 275
- Bevier, Ann Maria, [ped: Elting]
- Biddis, Lillie D., 327
- Bidwell, Charles, 252a
- Hector J., 136, 252a
- Jessie, 252a
- Peter, 252a
- Billet, Hazel E., 289
- Bishop, Nettie, 308
- Oscar, 109
- Samuel, 109
- Black, Howard (Col.), 262
- Blanchau, Elizabeth, 8, [ped: Low]
- Blizzard, Kate, 107
- Blood, Charles Kenneth, 129
- James Herbert, 129
- LeRoy, 129
- Nelson, 129
- Raymond C, 129
- Sarah Helen, 129
- William Wallace, 129
- Bodle, Chas. R., 111, 199
- David W., 199
- Howard C, 199
- Bogert, Adelaide, 152
- Adelia, 152
- Cora, 152
- John, 152
- Katie, 152
- Maude, 152
- Peter, 52, 152, 152
- Rachel, 152
- Bonnell, Benjamin W., 259, 321
- Clarence (M. D.), 112
- Cornelia, 321
- Elizabeth, 208
- Emma, 208
- Florence, 112
- Fraser C., 112
- Isaac, 95, 259
- Jennie, 259, 325
- John L., 208
- Jonathan, 147, 259
- Joseph, 259, 324
- Lansing, 259
- Mary, 208
- Myra, 259, 322
- Nancy, 321
- Sarah F., 259, 323
- Thomas J, 112
- Bradley, Armitta, 54, 156
- James B., 33
- Helena, [deed]
- Heyltje,3 58
- J., [deed]
- Jacob,2 5
- Jacob, 35, [deed]
- Jacobus, [deed]
- Jacobus,3 9
- Jacomyntje, [pion]
- James,3 9
- Manual,3 9
- Marytie, [deed]
- Naomi,2 10
- Naomie, [deed]
- Peter,3 9
- Petrus,3 9
- Philip,3 9
- William, [deed]
- Coddebeck, Jacob, [deed]
- Codebecke, James, [deed]
- Codeber, Jacob, [deed]
- Coe, Sarah A., 98
- Cogdill, Salley Jane, 95
- Coldwell, Samuel E., 240
- Cole, Amarantha, 275
- Benjamin, [?]
- Bessie, 102
- Blase, 102
- Blase, Dr., 102
- Carrie, 168
- Catherine,6 102
- Cobus, 102
- Cornelia, 102, 200
- Diana,6 102
- Eaton Shimer, 102
- Eleanor, 102
- Eleanor,6 102
- Elias, 102
- Eliza, 98, 102
- Elizabeth D., 102, 200
- Frederick, 102
- Hannah Jane, 102
- Harry, 102
- Henrietta D., 102
- Isaac,6 102
- J. Irving, 102
- Jacob,6 102
- Jacob, 102
- Jacobus, 26
- Jacobus B., 44
- James,6 102
- James E., 102, 114, 200
- James E., Capt., 102
- Jason, 106
- Judson, 106
- Lena,3 2
- Leonard, 102
- Loren J., 102, 200
- Lydia, 106
- Margaret, [?]
- Margery,5 46
- Maria,357
109 - Ada, 107
- Adaline, 209
- Adeline,6 99
- Augusta, 287
- Augustus,6101
- Albert LeRoy, 129
- Alfred,5 233
- Alice L., 315
- Alice M., 250, 317
- Allen Winter, 95
- Alva, 111
- Alva Elston, 111
- Amanda, 130
- Amelia Marvin, 250
- Ann,5 79
- Ann Eliza, 240
- Ann Maria, 135
- Anna, 111
- Anna Belle, 123
- Anna Mills, 248a
- Aseneth,5 83, 134
- Aseneth J.,6123
- Blanche, 111, 136, 240, 254
- Blandina, 129, 135
- Blandina Maria,6 251
- Benj.,2[pion], [pat]
- Benj.,3 20
- Benjamin,4[pion], 20, 49
- Benj.,5 47, 81
- Benjamin,6 241
- Benjamin, 129, 132, 137, 298, [ped: Van Etten]
- Benjamin E., 69, 249, 313
- Benjamin Elting, 136
- Benjamin Elting,6 249
- Benjamin7 Franklin, 95
- Betsy,5 88
- Blake, 130
- Burt, 123
- Caroline, 132
- Caroline Lee, 101
- Caroline Martha, 249
- Carrie, 123, 230
- Carrie E., 111
- Catherine, 43, 44, 45, 95, 100, 107, 130
- Catherine,5 47, 48, 117, 105
- Lefevre, 217
- Legrand, 123
- Lena, 123
- Letitia, 130
- Levi,4 20, 34
- Levi,5 47, [?], 83, 123, 132
- Lewis5 47, 101
- Lewis,6 240
- Lewis, 43, 101, 105, 129, 132, 309
- Libbie, 123
- Livia, 79
- Locke,5 86
- Louisa,4 34
- Lulu, 109
- Luther L., 95
- Lydia,5 49
- Lydia,6 234
- Lydia, 129, 139, 200
- Maggie, 123, 130
- Margaret,5 43, 45, 47, 86, 96, 110, 119
- Margaret, 49, 97, 125, [?], 130, 135
- Margaret,698, 123
- Margret Alice, 131
- Margaret Ellen, 107
- Maria,5 45, 79, 112
- Maria, 59, 105, 129
- Maria J., 129
- Marion E., [?]
- Martha,5 45, 113
- Martha, 99
- Martha,6 223
- Martha Elizabeth, 131
- Martha Jane, 95, 111
- Martin, 97, 123
- Martin,5 82
- Martin V., 130
- Mary,5 80, 82, 86, 118, 118
- Lea, 118
- Levi, 118
- Nancy,6118
- Nettie, 118
- Mary, 118, 118
- Miriam, 118
- Orlando, 118
- Rosa, 118
- Rosetta, 118
- Roy J, 118
- Vitellus, 118
- William,6118
- Cudney, Rebecca, 96
- Currie, Alexander, 111
- Cutler, Bella, 63, 190
utenberg@html@files@46692@46692-h@46692-h-3.htm.html#p111" class="pginternal">111 Elting, Ann Bevier, 49, 135 Cornelius, [ped: Elting] Cornelius C, Rev., [ped: Elting] Elting, Jan, [ped: Elting] Jemima,2 1, 4 Josias, [ped: Elting] Roelif, [pion], 4, [ped: Elting] Emory, Nettie, 123 Emerson, Alicia Jane, 306 Gouverneur, 306 Gove, Dr., 307 H. E., M. D., 306 Madge, 306 Nellie, 210, 306 Vincent, Dr., 206, 306 Ennes (Enness), Alexander, 26 Alexander,4 29, 74 Alexander,5 65 Benj., 37 Cobus,4 29 Daniel,3 6 Daniel, 25, 29, 65 Daniel,5 74 Elizabeth,4 29 Esther,5 65 James,4 29 Lena,5 65 Lena, 177, 286 Margaret,3 22 Phoebe, 71, 204 Sally Ann, 210 Sally Ann,4 29 Sally Ann.5 74 William, 29 Everitt, Caty J., 193, 291 Charles, 208, 294 Daniel D., 193, 292 Edward, 293 Fannie A., 293 George, 294 Hannah Jennie, 114 Harold, 292 Harvey C, 292 Hazel, 208, 294 Isaac J., 193, 293 James A., 193 John A., 292 John D., 66, 193, 293 John E., 294 Martin, 294 Martin C, 193, [ped: St. John] Guimar, Abraham, 48 Guimair, Peter, [pion], [ped: Guimar] Pierre, [ped: Guimar] Guimard, Peter, [deed], [deed], [deed] Gumaer, Abraham, 33 Adeline, 96 Augustus, 103 Alexander, 96 Alice, 96, 96, 103 Andrew Augustus, 103 Andrew J., 103 Andrew Jackson, 77 Ann, 96 Anna, 96, 96, 122 Annie, 9, 86, 99, 235, [ped: Emigrant] Annie E., 103 Bennett.96[?] Burt, 122 Catherine, 96, 96 Cecil E., 103 Charity, 69, 197 Charles C., 96 Charlotte,6 96 Charlotte, 122, 124 Chauncey I., 103 Christiana, 96 Cynthia, 51, 147 Cyrus, 96 DeWitt, 96 Dolph, 103, 301 Edsall, 96, 96 Eliza, [?], [?] Elizabeth, 96, 103 Ellen, 122 Elmer, 122 Esther, 48 Esther,3 4, 19 Esther,4 20 Esther Harriet,5 77 Esther H., 103 Eunice, 42, 122 Ezekiel, [pion], 33, 99, 103, [ped: Guimar] Ezekiel,3 8 Ezekiel,5 P., 77 Ezekiel P., 103 Florence, 112 Mary, 183, 184 Mary,562 Mary,6112 Mary E., 289 Mary Elizabeth, 112 Mary Jane, 62 Obadiah, 305 Phoebe, 175a Richard, 188 Roanna,4 26 Ross, 305 Saffrein, 23 Saffrein,4 60 Sally, 203 Samuel W., 108, 203 Sara, [ped: Titsworth] Sarah, 183 Wells, 119 Wilhamena, 190 Willhamena, 63 William, 176, 188 William H., 190 William H.,563 William P., 176 Hopkins, Emaline, 124 Deborah, 124[?] Horton, Abigail, [ped: St. John] Mary, 108 Hossey, Judith, 18 House, Eliza, 274 Elizabeth, 150 Howard, DeWitt, 118 Edward, 142 Franklin, 142 Mabel, 142 Mark, 142 Martha, 142 Oscar, 142 Orson, 142 S. Vannette, 142 William, 50, 142 Howe, Clarence, 253 Howes, Claude, 154 Harold, 154 Hoyt, Isadore, 98 Hughes, Georgiana, 200 Hulse, Charles, 163 Grace H..163 Henrietta.163 Ida M..163 Minnie G..163 Thomas, 163 Humphrey, Jane, 180 Hunt, A. M., 118 Lois H. Cudebec, 118 Jefferson Dunning, 104 Mary Cudebec, 118 Samuel, 104 Hunziger, Henry, 213 Louise, 213 Huston, O. P., Dr., 275 - Ingersol, Harry, 162
- Wesley, 162
8 - Abraham, 103, [ped: Low]
- Dinah,4 30
- Jacobus,3 8
- Jane,3 8, 30
- Margaret,3 8, 32
- Naomi,3 8, 33
- Naomi, 103, [ped: Guimar]
- Sarah,3 8, 31
- Sarah,4 30
- Tys, [ped: Low]
- Louwe, Pieter Cornelisse, 8
- Pieter C., [ped: Low]
- Lovett, Lydia, 225
- Low, Thomas, 251
- Lowe, Eva Cuddeback, 233
- Hicks, 233
- Lucas, William, 305
- Lundy, Civila, 210
- Lyon, Annie M., 261, 326
- Benjamin, 261
- Emma C., 261
- Emma M., 200
- Fannie D., 327
- John W., 261, 327
- Josephine W., 327
- Robert E., 327
- Sarah, 261
- Thomas, 327
- Thomas J., 147, 200, 261
- Lytle, Gertrude D., 258
- Mackherter, Mary, 57
- Malven, Alice Dimmick, 135, 250, [ped: St. John], [ped: Malven]
- Anna B., 279
- Anna M., 273
- Elizabeth, 150, 276
- George, 250, [ped: St. John], [ped: Malven]
- John, [ped: Malven]
- John S., 279[?]
- Joseph W., 279
- Martha J., 279
- Philip S., 150, 279
- Mains, Walter S.. Rev..319
- Mapes, Caroline, 43, 99
- Hattie, 97
- Marv, 97
- William, 97
- Marshall, Ellen, 161
- Jennie, 161
- James, 161
- John, 1
- Leonard, 98
- Lewellyn, 98
- Lulu, 98
- Martha, 98
- Mary, 98
- Mina, 98[?]
- Solomon V. E., 98
- William, 98, 298
- Norwin, Nicholas, 181
- Northrop, Hannah J., 123
- Nyce, Anna R., 126
- Eva, 126
- George, 126
- John, 208
- John W., 90
- Margaret, 181
- Solomon W., 208
- Susan Van C., 208
- William H., 72, 208
lass="pginternal">93 Derrick, 26 Eleanor, 102 Harmon Hendrick, 3 James,3 7 Maria, 39, 89 Rachel, 3 Sarah, 15, 39 Royce, Garrison, 62 Ruddick, Florence, 332 Hamilton, 328, 332 Rundle, Egbert, 228 Ella, 228 Eva, 228 Helen, 228 Ida, 228 James, 228 Martha, 228 Mary, 228 Norman, 81, 228 Sarah, 228 William, 228 Russel, Annie, 175 Rust, John, Rev., 262 Rutse, Jacob, [deed] Rutsen, Jacob, [deed] - Sanford, Mary B., 101
- Saviers, John, 152
- Peter W., 152
- Sawyer, Maria B., 199, 303
- Sayre, Caroline Eliza, 75
- Eva, 126
- George T., 126
- Schill, Sarah K., 129
- Schlecht, Jacomyntje, [ped: Elting]
- Schoonmaker, Jacob M., 210
- Schoonover, Chester, 64
- Deborah, [ped: Emigrant]
- Mary J., 64
- Schuyler, Arent, [deed]
- Schwaderer, George J., 302
- Scott, Addie, 99
- Catherine Fountain, 110
- Frank, 99
- Luella, 155
- Marion Stanard, 244
- Samuel Beverly, 244
- William E., 99
- Schultz, Cordelia D., 108
- Sears, Clifford, 98
- Daniel, 98
- Seybolt, Caroline, 125
- Fred, 125
- Ida Caroline, 240
- Jerry, 125
- Ruth, 125
- Sadie, 125
- Shaefer, Jacob, 102
- Jennie, 102
- Shaeffer, Finley D., 102
- Sharp, Elizabeth, 162
- Catherine, 162
- Morris, 55, 162<
ic@vhost@g@html@files@46692@46692-h@46692-h-5.htm.html#p174" class="pginternal">174
- Anthony Struble, 102
- Arminda, 40
- Augustine Barnard, 248
- George, 248
- Henry Farnum, Dr., 248
- Hortense Pinchot, 205, 248
- John B., 207
- John Westbrook, 248
- Luella, 102
- Savilla, 193, 295
- Stone, Cora B., 118
- Frank, 167
- William, 167
- Storms, Clinton, 79
- Strong, Annie F., 77, 103
- Delia, 103
- Richard, 96
- Struble, Alfred, 292
- Daniel D., 292
- Gladys, 292
- Strunk, Walter M., 122
- Stryker, Martha,795
- Styles, Alice, 290
- Sullivan, Mary, 77, 103
- Swart, Thomas, [deed]
- Swarts, Sarah A., 258, 318
- Swartwodt, Anthony, [deed]
- Bernard, [deed]
- Thomas, [deed], [deed]
- Swartwout, Abram,6 108
- Augusta, 209
- Albert, 128
- Alice, 108
- Alice D., 209
- Amanda C., 275
- Anthony, [deed], [deed], [deed], [pat], 9, [ped: Emigrant]
- Benjamin, 136
- Benj. C, 111
- Benj. Cuddeback,6 254, 275[?]
- Bernardus, [deed], [deed], [deed], [deed], [deed], [pat]
- Carrie, 128
- Catherine, 136
- Catherine,6 251a
- Charles, 275
- Charles Howard, 254
- Charlotte, 254a
- Cornelius, 108, 150, 275
- David, 48, 128
- Deborah, 271
- Thorpe, Louise, 129
- Thrall, Lydia C., 92, 238
- Townsend, Burt, 118
- Kate, 118
- Tracery, Eva, 125
- Truesdell, Charles G., 170
- Ette M., 170
- Harry, 170
- John G., 170
- William, 170
- Trumble, Jessie G., 299
- Tubbs, W. Ray, Dr., 130
- Turner, George, 229
- George M., 140
- Newel, 229
- Sarah, 229
- Warren, 229
- Tuthill, Annie Laurie, 272
- Hector H., 149
- Julia E., 272
- Sally, 272
- Tuttle, Elizabeth, 291
- Tymeson, Anna L., 299
- Tys, James, [deed]
- Louw, 8
- Tyse, John, [pat]
@html@files@46692@46692-h@46692-h-5.htm.html#p200" class="pginternal">200 Maria,5 38 Maria,6 <
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@46692@46692-h@46692-h-2.htm.html#p42" class="pginternal">42 Solomon, 46[?] William, 46, 116 Van Patten, Peter, 44 Van Sickle, James, 15 Van Vredenburg, Willem Isaacsen, 15 Van Wyck, George R., 126 Van Zandt, E. H., 107 Vail, Eugene Blanche, 108 Vasburg, William, 119 Vaughn, Howard, 103 Leroy W., 103[?] Viervant, Cornelius, 29 Voorhees, Martha Sophia, 140 Vredenburg, Willems, 15
@files@46692@46692-h@46692-h-4.htm.html#p128" class="pginternal">128 Anna, 114, 155 Wiggers, Aeltje, 3 Wiggins, Charlotte Mae, 106 Evelyn Lamina, 106 Fannie, 106 James W., 106 Judson Kilpatrick, 106 Wilkin, Alice, 98 Wilcox, Frank L., 298 Lewis V. I., 298 Willard, Charlotte, 154 Williams, Elizabeth, [ped: St. John] Geo., 107 Ida, 107 James, 164 Simon, 164 Williamson, Bertha, 307 John, 161, 307 Wilson, Estel,557 Franca, 169[?] George, [?], 206 Jacob, 37 James,557 Janet Raeburn, 99 John, 57 Lydia,557 Mireon, 37 Sarah,557 Thomas, 37 William T., 206 Wiltsie, Artemissa, 96 Winfield, Eleanor, 41 Hannah, 104 Winter, Egbert, Rev., 97 Witschief, Gertrude, 290 Wood, Abby, 152 Burt, 123 Ella, 129 John, 292 Woods, Donna Snow, 114 Woodley, T. N., 126 Woodruff, Archibald V. E., 303 Archibald M., 303 Jennie, 168 Woodward, Augusta, 108 Anne Eliza, 195 Benjamin, 68, 195 Benj., Col., 108 Camilla, 108 Charles, 108 Elinior, Dr., 108 Hattie, 108 Kate, 108 John, 195 Josephine, 195 Margaret, 108 Millicent, 108 Naomi, 108 Robert, 108 Sarah, 108 Washington I., 195 Woolsey, Lester W., 104 Wright, Lansing B., 126 Mary, 97 Millicent, Index Table of Contents