
BENJAMIN3 WESTFALL (Jacob,1 Maria2), b. in Menissink, bap. Jan. 28, 1718, m. Annetje Van Aken. Children (Westfall):

Maria,4 bap. Feb. 7, 1741.

Cornelis Van Aken, bap. Oct. 18, 1743.

Sara, bap. Aug. 14, 1745.

Jury, bap. Mar. 29, 1747.

Marya, bap. June 21, 1747.

Margriet, bap. Jan. 29, 1749.

Jacobus, bap. Feb. 24, 1751.

Cornelis Van Aken, bap. Oct. 7, 1753.

Lizabeth, bap. April 14, 1756.

Rusje, bap. Jan. 28, 1759.


MARRETJEN (MARYTJEN)3 WESTFALL (Jacob,1 Maria2), m. Jan Van Etten, son of Jacob Van Etten and Jannetje Westbrook, grandson of Jan Van Etten and Jannetje Roosa, greatgrandson of Jacob Janson Van Etten and Annetje Adriance. He settled near Easton, Pa., about 1760. Children (Van Etten):

37 Jan,4 bap. April 17, 1720, m. Margaret Westfall.

38 Magdalen A, b. 1721, m. Rev. Johannes Casparus Freyenmoet.

Cornelis, b. 1723, bap. Jan. 19, 1724, m. Mar. 26, 1746, Heyltje Westbrook, dau. Johannes and Antje Rosa Westbrook.

Jane, b. 1728.

39 Johannes, b. 1730, m. (1) Maria Gonsales, m. (2) Rachel Williams Decker.

Sarah, b. 1736.

Richard, b. 1739.

Daniel, bap. July 25, 1742.


DANIEL3 WESTFALL (Jacob,1 Maria2), bap. Sept. 21, 1723, m. Maria Westbrook, dau. of Johannes Westbrook. Child (Westfall):

40 Altje,4 m. Jonathan Clark.


MARGRIET3 VAN GORDEN, (Jacob,1 Elsie2), bap. June 18, 1734, m. Jacobus Van Aakin. Farmers, Smithfield, N.J. Children (Van Aakin):

Harmanus,4 bap. Sept. 22, 1762.

Elssie, bap. Dec. 8, 1766.

Elizabeth, bap. June 8, 1777.


ELIZABETH3 VAN GORDEN, (Jacob,1 Elsie2), bap. May 19, 1736, m. Sept. 16, 1758, Wilhelmus Van Fredenburgh of Shepekunk, son of Aaron Van Fredenburgh, b. 1709 and Sarah Rosenkrans, a great, great granddaughter of Aneke Jans. Farmer, New Jersey. Aaron Vredenburg was son of Willems Vredenburg, bap. at New Amsterdam, Dec. 20, 1673, who m. Heyltje Van Etten, Nov. 12, 1699, at Kingston, whose parents were Willem Isaacsen Van Vredenburg, who came to America in 1658 and Appolonia Barents. Children (Van Fredenburgh):

Elsie,4 bap. Jan. 27, 1759.

Aaron, bap. April 20, 1760, m. Sarah Van Auken. Farmer, N.J.

Catrina, bap. April 28, 1764.

Benjamin, bap. April 13, 1767, m. (1) Oct. 6, 1796, Mary Case, Montague, N.J., and had children: (1) Absalom, b. Feb. 16, 1802, d. 1870, Minnesota, m. Hannah Rolyea Ammerman and had 12 children; (2) Aaron, b. Mar. 7, 1807, d. Dec, 1869, Sparrowbush, m. May 11, 1839, Maria A. Dewitt, dau. of Aaron and had 6 children; (3) Elizabeth, b. Oct. 9, 1798, d. Nov. 5, 1876, Port Gracio, Mich., m. Benjamin Cole Van Aken, b. Sept. 8, 1782, d. Nov. 7, 1871, and had 8 children; (4) Loranch, m. Peter Roloson; (5) Mary Conkhng, b. Sept. 12, 1812, m. James Van Sickle; (6) Glorana, b. May 5, 1816. Benjamin Van Gordon m. for his second wife, Mrs. Kelsey, and had (7) David; (8) Katherine, m. David Longcer, of Sussex Co., N.J.

Daniel, m. Lena Hopkins.


Joshua, bap. Oct. 17, 1773.


BENJAMIN3 VAN GORDEN (Jacob,1 Elsie2), bap. Oct. 31, 1739, m. Elizabeth Van De Mark. Farmer, Shepekunk, N.J. Children (Van Gorden):



DANIEL3 VAN GORDEN (Jacob,1 Elsie2), bap. Feb. 7, 1742, m. Hannah Westbrook, dau. of Tjerck Westbrook, of Westbrookville. Farmer, New Jersey. Children (Van Gorden):

Mary,4 b. July 15, 1773.

Elsie, b. Feb. 18, 1775.

Eleanor, b. April 23, 1777.

41 Martine, ("Tine"), m. Jane Van Gorden Geege.

Sarah, b. April 14, 1781.

Abraham, ("Brom"), b. April 14, 1781.

42 Levi, b. May 17, 1783, m. Amy____


SARAH3 CUDDEBACK (Jacob,1 William2), bap. May 4, 1737, in "Menessing," d. about 1807, m. Dec. 8, 1752, Daniel Van Fleet, bap. Feb. 4, 1738, son of John Van Fleet and Jane Swartwout, grandson of Jan Van Vliet and great grandson of Ariaen Gerretsen Van Vliet, the emigrant who came to America from Utrecht in the ship _Faith,_ in Mar., 1662, m. Judith Hossey of Kingston. They owned and occupied the Ezekiel Gumaer farm, the present Godeffrey farm. Children (Van Fleet):






Magerie, b. Aug, 31, 1768.

Abram, bap. Oct. 1, 1768.


ABRAHAM4 CUDDEBACK (Jacob,1 William2), bap. Oct. 31, 1738, in Minisink, d. Aug. 25, 1817, m. Feb. 12, 1759, Esther Gumaer, b. Jan. 2, 1730, dau. of Peter Gumaer, the emigrant who m. Esther Hasbrouck, April 18, 1692, Abraham was a farmer, owning and occupying one-half of his father's farm (Cuddebackville). He was a large man, weighing over 200 pounds, was over 6 feet tall, a mechanical genius of great dexterity, a weaver, shoemaker, tailor and a great marksman. He was a captain of militia during the Revolution, was in the battle at Lackawaxen and was very active in the defense of the settlers at the time of the Indian raids. He was in command at Fort Gumaer at the time of Brandt's invasion. He served at Fort Montgomery in guarding the chain across, the Hudson and as a member of the Committee of Safety throughout the Meckheckemeck Valley. He was a signer of the Revolutionary pledge in 1775. After the Revolution, he returned to his farm where he died. Children (Cuddeback):

43 William Abram,4 b. Nov. 5, 1759, d. Jan. 27, 1846, m. Charlotte Van Inwegen.

Peter G., b. Feb. 26, 1761, m. July 7, 1793, Elizabeth Helm and removed to Onondaga Co., where their people are still prosperous farmers.

44 Jacob G., b. April 1, 1763, d. July 8, 1826, m. Blandina Van Etten.

45 Cornelius, b. Feb. 2, 1772, d. Aug. 20, 1841, m. (1) Sarah Van Etten, m. (2) Margery Van Auken.

Esther, b. April 29, 1765, m. Evert Hornbeck, see No. 25.

46 Jemima, b. Feb. 4, 1768, d. May 16, 1852, m. David Westfall.


BENJAMIN3 CUDDEBACK (Jacob,1 William2), bap. June 21, 1747, d. about 1787, became the owner of one-half his father's farm and occupied the "Cuddeback Stone House" just south of Port Clinton, m. 1767, Catherine Van Fleet, bap. April 23, 1744, dau. of John Van Fleet and Jane (Jesyntje) Swartwout and a granddaughter of Anthony Swartwout. He served in the company of militia of which his brother Abraham was Captain. He was in charge at Fort Dewitt at the time of Brandt's raid, was a signer of the Revolutionary pledge in 1775 and was a member of the Committee of Safety. Children (Cuddeback):

Jesyns,4 bap. Sept. 24, 1768, at Mackhackemeck.

47 William, b. Aug. 30, 1768, d. July 4, 1845, m. Annatje (Salith) (Hannah) Van Inwegen.

48 Henry, b. Mar. 23, 1771, d. Oct. 30, 1860, m. Esther Gumaer.


49 Benjamin, b. Oct., 1779, d. July 25, 1870, m. Blandina Van Etten.

50 Jemima, b. Aug. 10, 1773, d. June 9, 1861, m. Anthony Van Etten.

51 Cynthia (Syntche), b. Sept. 10, 1777, d. Aug. 20, 1837, m. Simon Westfall.


JAMES3 CUDDEBACK (Jacob,1 James2), bap. April 23, 1744, m. Neyltje Westbrook. He was a hunter, trapper and farmer. Settled in Wantage township in 1770, where he accumulated a large tract of land, later purchased large tract on Holland Purchase, where his children located and where he died. This branch of the family omitted one "d" in spelling the name. They moved to Niagara Co., N.Y., to be with their children, who had emigrated to that locality. Children (Cudeback):

52 John,4 b. 1779, m. Roxana Siebold.

53 James, m. Elizabeth Cox.

54 Richard, m. Ruth Cox.

55 Eleanor, m. Samuel Shelley.

56 Mary Westbrook, m. Samuel Adams.

57 ____, m. James Wilson.


JAMES3 HORNBECK (Jacob,1 Eleanor2), m. Margaret Ennes, dau. of William Ennes. A farmer of New Jersey. Children (Hornbeck):


Elizabeth Ennes, bap. April 23, 1772.

Lena, bap. Dec. 23, 1780.


JOSEPH3 HORNBECK (Jacob,1 Eleanor2), bap. June 18, 1734, in Menessing "by Dominie Mancius," m. Lydia Westbrook, dau. of Jacob Westbrook of Shepekunk. Children (Hornbeck):

58 Jacob,4 m. Greetje Enness.

59 Benjamin, m. Mary Shimer.

60 Saffrein, m. ____ Decker.

61 Lydia, m. James Bennett.


BENJAMIN3 HORNBECK (Jacob,1 Eleanor2), bap. June 20, 1747, m. Rebecca Wells. Children (Hornbeck):

Joseph,4 bap. Oct. 29, 1780.

Jacob, bap. Feb. 23, 1780, Pike Co., Pa.

Sarah, bap. Nov. 25, 1776.


EVERT3 HORNBECK (Jacob,1 Eleanor2), bap. May 29, 1739, m. Esther Cuddeback, dau. of Capt. Abraham Cuddeback, No. 19. Farmer, New Jersey, and afterwards on the Joseph Cuddeback farm in Deerpark. Owned and occupied the farm adjoining and north of her brother Jacob Cuddeback on the highway to Huguenot. Children (Hornbeck):

Joseph,4 bap. Feb. i6, 1785.

62 Jacob, m. Sally Benedict.

Abraham, bap. June 22, 1783, farmer, Cayuga Co., N.Y.

63 Benjamin, m. Rebecca Weiss.

64 Cornelius.


65 Jemima, m. Daniel Enness.


MARIA3 HORNBECK (Jacob,1 Eleanor2), bap. Aug. 23, 1743, m. Apr. 19, 1770, James (Jacobus) Rosencrantz, b. April 20, 1745, farmer in Pennsylvania, at whose home (Theesacht, later Rosetown), Thomas Quick, the Indian slayer, died. James Rosencrantz was son of Herman, bap. Mar. 28, 1703, m. April 29, 1725, Arriantje Osterhout, bap. Sept. 29, 1706, lived in Penn., grandson of Derrick Rosenkrans, who m. Jan. 3, 1697, Wyntje Kierstede. A great grandson of Herman Hendricksen Rosen-kranz, who came from Bergen, Norway, to Ulster Co., N.Y., 1660, m. Mar. 3, 1667, Magdaleine (Dirks) Caper. Children (Rosencrantz):

Betsey,4 b. 1771, m. Manuel Brink.

Lena, b. 1773, m. Feb. 17, 1791, Martyne Cole, had son Jacobus, who had son, Judge Martin Cole.

66 Catherine, b. 1775, m. (1) Daniel Decker, m. (2) Crissie Bull.

Roanna (Choney), m. Alexander (Sender) Enness.

67 Diana, b. 1779, m. John B. Quick.


MARGARET3 HORNBECK (Jacob,1 Eleanor2), bap. Aug. 26, 1736, m. Isaac Van Auken, farmer. New Jersey. Children (Van Auken):

Joseph,4 bap. Feb. 12, 1758.

James (Jacobus), bap. April 8, 1764.

68 Evert (Everitt), m. Sarah Westbrook.

Seletie, bap. Oct. 17, 1773.

Madeline, bap. Nov. 25, 1776.

Grietje, bap. June 23, 1778.


LYDIA3 HORNBECK (Jacob,1 Eleanor2), bap. Oct. 17, 1743, m. John Jacob Westbrook, farmer, New Jersey, son of Johannes Westbrook, an original settler of Montague and large land owner on the Delaware, d. 1755. Children (Westbrook):

Catherine,4 b. July 15, 1767.

69 Jane, b. Nov., 1757, d. Dec. 15, 1837, m. Levi Van Etten.

70 Maria, m. Cornelius Westbrook, Montague, N.J.

71 John I., m. ____.

72 Solomon, b. Oct. 6, 1762, d. Mar, 30, 1824, m. Margaret De Witt.

73 Saffrein, m. Blandina Westbrook.


ELEANOR (LENA)3 HORNBECK (Jacob,1 Eleanor2), bap. Jan. 12, 1746, m. Daniel Ennes, blacksmith and farmer in New Jersey, son of William Ennes, b. in Marbletown, Jan. 12, 1712, m. June 19, 1745, Elizabeth Quick, dau. of Thomas Quick, grandson of William Ennes and Cornelia Viervant. Children (Ennes):


Cobus, bap. April 13, 1767.

Elizabeth, bap. Feb. 5, 1769, m. July 7, 1788, Thomas Van Etten.

Sally Ann.

74 Alexander.


JANE3 LOUW (Jacob,1 Dinah2), bap. June 17, 1740, m. Jacob Van Etten, son of John, farmers in Pennsylvania, near the Delaware. Children (Van Etten):





SARAH3 LOUW (Jacob,1 Dinah2), bap. June 15, 1746, m. (1) Moses DePuy, who was drowned in the Neversink River, m. (2) Jonathan Stanton and lived at Wurtsboro, N.Y. Children (De Puy):


Abraham, bap. June 1, 1777.

Martynas, bap. Oct. 29, 1780.

Children (Stanton):

William, farmer, Wurtsboro.

Moses, farmer, Wurtsboro.


MARGARET3 LOUW (Jacob,1 Dinah2), bap. Oct. 9, 1748, m. Capt. Martynas Westbrook. They owned and occupied a farm in Northern New Jersey. Martynus Westbrook was the son of Abraham Westbrook and Maria Helm, a grandson of Johannes Westbrook, who m. Altje Roosa, Dec. 19, 1715, whose father Johannes, b. Albany, Oct. 9, 1665, m. May 12, 1687, Magdalena Janse Dekker, and came to Sandyston, 1731. His grandfather was Anthony and his great grandfather Jan Westbrook came from Holland. Children (Westbrook):

75 Mary,4 b. Oct., 1774, m. Judge Daniel W. Dingman.

76 Abraham, b. Nov. 15, 1775, m. Nancy Ann Buckley.


NAOMI3 LOUW (Jacob,1 Dinah2), bap. June 21, 1747, m. June 29, 1770, Ezekiel Gumaer, b. Dec. 29, 1742, son of Peter Gumaer, b. Nov. 15, 1708, and Charity De Witt, b. 1710, d. Nov. 12, 1756, grandson of Peter Gumaer, who April 18, 1692, m. Esther Hasbrouck. They owned and occupied the Gumaer homestead farm and built the present Gumaer stone house. Children (Gumaer):

77 Peter E.,4 b. May 28, 1771, d. Dec. 18, 1869, m. Esther Cuddeback, see under No. 44.

Abraham, bap. April 20, 1774.


ABRAM A.3 CUDDEBACK (Jacob,1 Abraham2), b. Mar. 11, 1754, d. Oct. 22, 1831, m. Jane De Witt, d. Feb. 22, 1836, dau. of Jacob R. De Witt. When a young man he went as a surveyor to the Holland Purchase in Western N.Y., and afterwards in July, 1794, with his wife and children settled in the town of Skaneateles, on the west shore of the lake, about one-half mile south of the present village of Skaneateles. Their descendants became farmers about Skaneateles. Children (Cuddeback):

78 Hester,4 b. Dec. 26, 1785, m. Richard Conkhng.

79 Isaiah, b. Oct. 29, 1787, m. (1) ____ Courtright, m. (2) Rachel Cole, m. (3) Maria Smith.

80 Jacob, b. Jan. 27, 1789, m. (1) Elizabeth De Witt, m. (2) Catherine Spurbeck.

James, b. Oct. 20, 1789.

81 Egbert, b. Dec. 7, 1792, m. Maria Gumaer.

Philip, b. May 23, 1794.

82 Moses, b. Jan. 13, 1795, m. Helen Spurbeck.


83 Levi, b. April 29, 1799, m. Rudy Foote.

84 Dewitt, b. July 20, 1801, m. Sarah Peckham.

85 Simeon b. July it, 1803, m. Angelica Wycoff.

Abram, b. Feb. 5, 1805.

Louisa, b. April 11, 1808.


PETER3 CUDDEBACK (Jacob,1 Abraham2), bap. Nov. 28, 1757, m. Margaret De Witt, dau. of Jacob R. De Witt and Jane De Puy and granddaughter of Moses Depuy of Rochester and of Egbert De Witt of Neponaugh. Peter was a surveyor and farmer, who emigrated to Holland Purchase. Children (Cuddeback):

86 Moses,4 bap. Sept. 6, 1781, m. Mary Tenure.

Esther, m. ____ Stone. Lived at Owasco, N.Y.

87 Peter, m. ____ Stevens.

88 Abram, m. Hannah De Witt.


JAMES3 CUDDEBACK (Jacob,1 Abraham2), bap. Jan. 28, 1759, m. Esyntje Van Fleet, dau. of John Van Fleet. Child (Cuddeback):

Gerardus Swartwout,4 bap. Sept. 6, 1781.


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