[Transcriber's Note: Numerals above or before an entry indicate a lineage paragraph where that person is mentioned. The same number is used in the index to locate an entry. Superscript numbers after a name indicate that person's generation, with Jacob (Jacques) Caudebec assumed as the first generation of the family. Name spellings are those used in the original book.]
JACOB CAUDEBEC,1 b. about 1666 in Normandy, d. after 1767, m. Oct. 21, 1695, at New York City, Margaretta Provost. Children (Caudebec):
Benjamin,2 bap. Feb. 19, 1699, at Kingston, d. about 1779, unmarried. He was an Ulster Co. Militiaman in 1738, a signer of revolutionary pledge in 1775.
2 Maria, bap. Aug. 2, 1696, at Kingston, m. (1) Aug. 20, 1716, Jurian Westfall, m. (2) William Cole.
3 Elsie, bap. Oct. 19, 1701, m. June 11, 1727, Harmonas, (Herman) Van Gorden.
4 William, bap. June 2, 1704, in New York, d. about 1778, m. Apr. 8, 1733, at Kingston, Jemima Elting.
5 Jacob, bap. July 7, 1706, in New York, m. Jannetje Westbrook.
6 James (Jacobus), bap. July 7, 1706, in New York, d. about 1735, m. Neltje Decker.
7 Eleanor, m. Evert (Ebert) Hornbeck. Magdalena, bap. Jan. 31, 1712, at Kingston.
8 Dinah, bap. Jan. 19, 1714, d. about 1778, m. May 31, 1738, Abraham Louw.
9 Abraham, bap. Aug. 19, 1716, d. Aug. 18, 1796, m. May 29, 1751, Esther Swartwout.
10 Naomi, bap. Jan. 16, 1726, in Rochester, m. May 11, 1757, Lodewyke Hornbeck.David William Provost, of a French Huguenot family, came from near Rouen in Normandy, in 1638, to New Amsterdam. His son, Benjamin Provost, b. at Hartford, Conn., bap. July 17, 1646, m. June 11, 1666, Sara Barents of Haerlem, Holland, afterwards m. Nov. 5, 1671, Elsje Alberts of New York, whose dau. Margaretta, bap. Sept. 16, 1673, m. Oct. 21, 1695, Jacob Codebec.
Benjamin Provost was named in treaty of peace with the Indians at Kingston, Feb. 11, 1679, was on May 1, 1687, by letters patent constituted one of the trustees of Kingston and continued as such until 1690. He d. at Peenpack, July 16, 1720, and was buried there, where his grave may be seen today in the burying ground on a knoll near by Pioneer knoll. His sons-in-law, Jacob Codebec, Anthony DeMill, who m. Maria Provost, Sept. 26, 1706, and his son, David Provost, on May 8, 1725, petitioned for letters of administration on his estate.
David Provost, Jr., was Mayor of New York in 1698-99, having served as alderman, chamberlain, and treasurer of the city.