Adoration of the Magi, The (Louvre), 37; (Arcevia), 93; (New Haven), 95 Agony in the Garden, The, 88 Ahasuerus and Esther, 103 Annunciation, The (Volterra), 7, 49, 50; (Uffizi), 50; (formerly Mancini collection), 51; Arcevia, Altar-piece at, 11, 92 Baptism, The (Arcevia), 93 Bernabei, Tommaso, 115 Betrayal, The (Florence), 23, 88; Bicchi Family, Altar-piece for, 8, 59 Birth of the Baptist, The (Arcevia), 95 Birth of the Virgin, The (Arezzo), 96 Bode, Dr, 43 Botticelli, 6; his "Calumny," 19; passion for swift movement, 23 Bramante, 11 Caporali, Giambattista, 11 Castagno, Andrea di, 19; influence of on Signorelli, 21 Christ in Gethsemane, 88 CittÀ di Castello, Frescoes at, 4, 5, 53; citizenship of presented to Signorelli, 7 Conception of the Virgin, The, 103 Conversion of Saul, The, 24, 30, 36 Coronation of the Virgin, The, 105 Cortona, Signorelli born at, 2; municipal appointments at, 5, 6, 8, 10; the "Deposition" in the Cathedral of, 10, 87 Crowe and Cavalcaselle, 6, 21, 37, 39, 83, 113, 118 Crowning of the Elect, The, 24, 29, 42, 73 Crucifixion, The (Urbino), 52; Dante, Portraits of, by Signorelli, at Orvieto, 71, 74; scenes from the Divina Commedia, 74, 75 Dead Christ supported by Angels, 26, 91 Death of Lucretia, Study for a, 109 Decapitation in Prison, The, 95 Denouncing of Herod and Herodias, 95 Deposition, The (Cortona), 10, 87; Descent of the Holy Ghost, The, 52, 53 Discovery of the Cross, The, 101 Dispute by the Way, The, 51 Donatello, his influence on Signorelli, 3, 19; mastery of combined movement, 23 Entry of Heraclius into Jerusalem, The, 101 Feast of Herod, The, 95 Feast in the House of Simon, The, 52 Flagellation, The (Brera), 1, 3, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32; (Cortona), 88; (Florence), 88; Flight into Egypt, The, 93 Foiano, Altar-piece at, 16, 105 ForlÌ, Melozzo da, 3 Fra Angelico, frescoes at Orvieto, 8, 64, 65, 69 Franceschi, Pier dei, Signorelli the pupil of, 2, 3, 11, 17, 50; and Signorelli compared, 17, 18; his "Death of Adam," 32; his "Resurrection," 61; his "Baptism," 94 Francesco, NiccolÒ, Portrait of, by Signorelli, 9, 83, 85 Gatta, Bartolommeo della, 6, 35; an imitator of Signorelli, 111, 112, 113 Genga, Girolamo, 9; an imitator of Signorelli, 111, 113 Guidobaldo, of Urbino, 9 Hercules overcoming AntÆus (chalk drawing), 109 Holy Family (Rospigliosi Collection), 27, 30, 46; Homer, Scenes from, at Orvieto, 72 Institution of the Eucharist, The, 95 Journey of Moses and Zipporah, The, fresco by Pintorricchio, 6 Last Supper, The (Cortona), 88; (Florence), 88 Lazzaro de' Taldi, Signorelli's uncle, 2 Lorenzo, Fiorenzo di, Reminiscences of, in Signorelli's work, 21 Loreto, Frescoes at, 5, 24, 29, 34 Lucan, Scenes from, at Orvieto, 81, 82 Luzi, Ludovico, "il Duomo di Orvieto," 69, 72, 74, 78, 81, 83 Madonna and Saints (Brera), 1, 29, 32, 99; (Arezzo), 14; (Florence Academy), 29, 35, 89; (Corsini Gallery), 46; (S. NiccolÒ, Cortona), 91, 92; (S. Domenico, Cortona), 100 Magdalen, The, altar-piece (Orvieto), 85, 88 Mancini, Girolamo, 5 March of Constantine, The, 101 Marriage of the Virgin, The, 96 Medici, Giovanni dei (Pope Leo X.), 12 Medici, Lorenzo dei, 4; friendship with Signorelli, 12, 41, 43 Michelangelo, Story of his dealings with Signorelli, 13 Missaghi, Guiseppe, 37 Monte Oliveto, Frescoes in the Benedictine Cloister at, 7, 22, 54, 63 Morelli, on the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, 6; on his influence, 111; on Girolamo Genga, 114 Murder of the Innocents, The, 93 Nativity, The (Arcevia), 93; (Cortona), 96 Nude, Early treatment of the, 32 Orvieto, Frescoes in the Cathedral of, 8, 9, 29, 42, 58, 63 et seq. Ovid, Scenes from, at Orvieto, 78 Perugia, Altar-piece in the Cathedral of, 7, 28, 38 his influence on Signorelli, 20, 37, 72 PietÀ (Orvieto), 80 frescoes in the Sistine Chapel by, 6; Pollaiuolo, Antonio, his influence on Signorelli, 3, 4, 18, 22, 37, 42, 50, 62, 94, 109; his "S. Sebastian," 18; his "Battle of the Nudes," 18, 22, 32; Portrait of a Man (Berlin), 45 Preaching and Fall of Antichrist, The, 70 Preaching in the Desert, The, 95 Presentation, The, 96 Quercia, Jacopo della, 60 Rain of Fire, The, 82 Resurrection, The, 79 Rome, Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, 6; decoration of the Vatican chambers, 11 Rosselli, Cosimo, 6 Rumohr, on Signorelli, 21 S. Augustine, Scenes from the Life of, 103 S. Benedict, Scenes from the Life of, 54 S. Martin, Scenes from the Life of, 106 S. Sebastian, The Martyrdom of, 53 Signorelli, Francesco, 115 Signorelli, Luca, little known of his life, 1; Vasari on, 1; birth, 2; studied painting under Pier dei Franceschi, 2; influence of Antonio Pollaiuolo and Donatello, 3, 4; gap in his biography, 4; early frescoes, 5; municipal appointments at Cortona, 5, 6, 8, 10, 16; his social status, 5; supposed visit to Rome, 6; frescoes in the Sistine Chapel ascribed to, 6; painted the altar-piece in Perugia Cathedral, 7; received the honour of citizenship from CittÀ di Castello, 7; pictures at Volterra, 7; frescoes in the cloister at Monte Oliveto, 7; altar-piece at Siena, 8; frescoes in the Cathedral of Orvieto, 8, 9; portraits of himself, 8, 9, 71, 85; the "Deposition" at Cortona, 10; death of his son Antonio, 10; and of Polidoro, 10; pictures at Arcevia, 11; decoration of the Vatican chambers, 11; disappointments at Rome, 12; alleged transaction with Michelangelo, 13; death, 15; Vasari's character of, 16; artists who influenced, 17, 20; origin of the swaggering posture so characteristic of his paintings, 19, 20; use of gold and gesso, 21, 29; his great achievement, the rendering of combined action, 22; his colour, 25; his line and modelling, 26; an unequal illustrator, 26, 27; his painting of children, 27; realism, 28; repetitions, 29; chief qualities of his work, 29; earliest works, 32; frescoes at Loreto, 34; altar-piece at Perugia, 38; qualities of his Tondos, 47; works at Volterra, 49; frescoes at Monte Oliveto, 54; later works, 87; altar-piece at Arcevia, 92; his imitators and influence, 111, 119 Signorelli, Pier Tommaso, 15, 115 his death, 10 Signs of the Destruction of the World, 82 Standards painted by Signorelli, 7, 52, 61 Supper at Emmaus, The, 51 Van der Goes, Hugo, 39 Vasari, on Signorelli, 1, 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 35, 38, 40, 54, 59, 60, 64, 87, 95, 96, 102, 113 Verrocchio, Reminiscences of, in Signorelli's work, 21, 36 Vischer, on the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, 6; on Signorelli, 21, 35, 36, 39, 92; list of Signorelli's drawings, 110 Visitation, The, 60 Way to Calvary, The, 88 Zaccagna, Turpino, 116 W. H. WHITE AND CO. LTD., RIVERSIDE PRESS, EDINBURGH NOTICE PHOTOGRAPHS of most of the works mentioned in this volume are to be obtained in various sizes from W. A. MANSELL & Co. Art Photograph Publishers and Dealers, 405, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W. 16, PALL MALL EAST, S.W. Permanent Carbon Points, Permanent Prints, Photogravures, from most of the Pictures in the Galleries AT
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