Technical Terms Explained.
1. Jobbers and Brokers 19
2. The Bull 19
3. The Bear 19
4. Contango 20
5. Backwardation 24
6. Options 26
7. The “Put and Call” Option 26
8. The “Put” Option 26
9. The “Call” Option 26
10. The Fortnightly Settlement 27
11. Speculation by Members of the House 28
The Importance of Special Knowledge regarding the Regularly Recurring Causes that influence the Markets.
1. The Temper of the Public 32
2. Meteorological Influences 32
3. A Favorable Period of the Year 35
4. Causes affecting the Value of English Railway Stocks 36
5. The Course to pursue at the Turn of the Half-year 36
6. Second Half of the Year more favorable for Bear Operations 37
7. Activity among Buyers 39
8. The Bull Speculator’s Great Chance 39
9. The great importance of being now and again altogether Clear of the Markets 40
10. The Movement of Prices near the Settlements 41
The Right Temperament for a Professional Speculator.
1. Cool-headedness an indispensable Condition of Success 43
2. The Uselessness of Haphazard Speculation 45
3. Accurate Foresight 45
4. The Cool Man, or Professional Speculator 46
5. Observance of the daily published Telegrams from abroad 46
6. The Selfishness and Hard-heartedness of the Professional Speculator 48
7. The Non-professional or Haphazard Speculator 50
8. The Misfortune of Early Gains 55
9. Very few Failures made Public 57
10. Greediness involves Loss 60
11. Keeping one’s own Counsel 60
The Increase of Speculation in Stocks and Shares.
1. Stock Exchange Gambling increases in Europe, while Public Gaming-Houses are on the decline 62
2. Speculation an Out-growth of prosperous times 63
3. Commercial prosperity unhealthily fostered by Illegitimate Speculation 64
4. The Influence of Trade Profits upon the Stock Markets 64


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