Conscript 2989: Experiences of a Drafted Man |
NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY 1918 COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY, INC. Service Flag Design on Cover Patented November 6, 1917 Reproduced by Permission of Annin & Co., Flag Makers, New York and every other Mother and Father, who spend hours wondering about the welfare of their son, this book is dedicated. And with it comes the assurance that life in the big cantonment contains a full measure of real happiness, and that all hardships are mitigated by a sense of humor which develops even in the worst of pessimists. We are contented, for to compensate for the absence of you and all that you mean, comes the knowledge that we are doing everything that brave men and women, the world over, would have us do at times like these. We are doing a man’s work and by the token of the service flag in your window you should know that the days of patched trousers, darned stocking, of toy fire engines, play soldiers, and noisy drums, were not spent in vain. CONSCRIPT 2989