- Abbot, Morris W.—Contributor of reports and “Transactions” from the Yale Library
- Airy, Mrs. Percy—The story of entertaining Mears
- Baker, Bert—Data on the snowshed, the explosion and the snowslides
- Beaber, Ross—Publisher of the Silverton Standard—much assistance
- Camp, A. M.—A nephew of John L. McNeil who was an incorporator and secretary-treasurer of the S. R. and the R. G. S.—data
- Cooper, Ray—Silverton and S. R. history
- Cooper, R. E.—Data on engines
- Day, Vest—A member of the survey crew on the S. N.—data and stories
- Dresbach, Joe—An auditor and general superintendent of the S. N.—data and assistance
- Fischer, Robert A—Work on the S. R. map
- Ferguson, John—Information on the Meldrum and Treasury Tunnels
- Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.—Mr. Gibbs was Chief Engineer and builder of the S. R., part of the S. N. and most of the R. G. S.—data.
- Henry, Myron—Data concerning the S. R.
- Keenan, John—Information on the Meldrum and Treasury Tunnels
- Keller, John—Data on the Shay engine and a S. G. & N. coach
- Marshall, John—Data on the mines and history of the region and contributor of reports from the Los Angeles Library
- Meyer, Edward—A locomotive engineer on all three railroads and a superintendent of the S. N.—much information
- Railway and Locomotive Historical Society—Loan of the copyright of most of the material herein
- Ridgway, Arthur—General Superintendent of the Silverton Railway and the S. N. in 1904 and ’05. He was also Engineer and Chief Engineer for the D. & R. G. for about fifty years.
- Speer, Marion A.—A member of the construction crew on the S. N.—data
- Terry, John—His father and uncle were owners of the Sunnyside mine—data
- Terry, Mrs. William—Her husband was half-owner of the Sunnyside—stories
- Wampler, Harold—Loan of Mears letters
- Wigglesworth, William—Constructor of the Boston Coal and Fuel Co. line—data concerning his father, Thomas Wigglesworth