Abbot, Morris W.—Contributor of reports and “Transactions” from the Yale Library
Airy, Mrs. Percy—The story of entertaining Mears
Baker, Bert—Data on the snowshed, the explosion and the snowslides
Beaber, Ross—Publisher of the Silverton Standard—much assistance
Camp, A. M.—A nephew of John L. McNeil who was an incorporator and secretary-treasurer of the S. R. and the R. G. S.—data
Cooper, Ray—Silverton and S. R. history
Cooper, R. E.—Data on engines
Day, Vest—A member of the survey crew on the S. N.—data and stories
Dresbach, Joe—An auditor and general superintendent of the S. N.—data and assistance
Fischer, Robert A—Work on the S. R. map
Ferguson, John—Information on the Meldrum and Treasury Tunnels
Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.—Mr. Gibbs was Chief Engineer and builder of the S. R., part of the S. N. and most of the R. G. S.—data.
Henry, Myron—Data concerning the S. R.
Keenan, John—Information on the Meldrum and Treasury Tunnels
Keller, John—Data on the Shay engine and a S. G. & N. coach
Marshall, John—Data on the mines and history of the region and contributor of reports from the Los Angeles Library
Meyer, Edward—A locomotive engineer on all three railroads and a superintendent of the S. N.—much information
Railway and Locomotive Historical Society—Loan of the copyright of most of the material herein
Ridgway, Arthur—General Superintendent of the Silverton Railway and the S. N. in 1904 and ’05. He was also Engineer and Chief Engineer for the D. & R. G. for about fifty years.
Speer, Marion A.—A member of the construction crew on the S. N.—data
Terry, John—His father and uncle were owners of the Sunnyside mine—data
Terry, Mrs. William—Her husband was half-owner of the Sunnyside—stories
Wampler, Harold—Loan of Mears letters
Wigglesworth, William—Constructor of the Boston Coal and Fuel Co. line—data concerning his father, Thomas Wigglesworth

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