
Emboldened by the popularity of the late entertainment, entitled “Cruikshank at Home,” an Odd Candidate for fame now enters the lists.

The greatest care having been taken to render the subjects which have been selected as interesting as possible, this Volume may safely be pronounced even more attractive than either of its predecessors; and the publisher has the additional pleasure of announcing that the Engravings are the joint production of two clever artists—the one, Mr. Cruikshank, a long-established favorite *—the other, Mr. Seymour, a gentleman of far superior talent, but hitherto not quite, perhaps, so extensively known, in consequence of his short residence in London.

* These designs were originally intended for a fourth volume
of “Cruikshank at Home,” but, in consequence of the late
disagreement between the two brothers Cruikshank (in
reference to the question, “Which is the real Simon Pure?”)
the projected title has been changed, and the work, by the
assistance of Mr. Seymour, metamorphosed into an “Odd”


Original Size

As Mr. Seymour will have the entire management of all future volumes—so far, at least, as relates to the Illustrations—this notice is considered necessary for his formal introduction—it being a far better channel than an ordinary Advertisement, and entirely superseding the necessity for employing a BILL-STICKER.



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