As there are Works continually advertised "with Plates by Cruikshank," the Public are particularly requested to observe, that George Cruikshank has no connexion with any Publications to which his Christian Name is not affixed; and that all Works, for which he has made Designs, are advertised with his name in full. He has made Designs for the following Works:— ITALIAN TALES. Just published, price 10s. in one volume beautifully printed, with sixteen Original Designs by George Cruikshank, Italian Tales OF HUMOUR, GALLANTRY, AND ROMANCE. Selected and translated from a variety of Authors.
Second Edition, in 12mo. (250 pages) price 7s. with 12 plates, designed and engraved by George Cruikshank, GERMAN POPULAR STORIES, Translated from the Kinder und Haus-MÄrchen of M. M. GRIMM. With a Preface and Notes by the Translators.
Vol. II. is preparing for Publication. POINTS OF HUMOUR.—No. I. ? An imitation of the last Work having appeared, George Cruikshank takes leave to say, that he did not make a single Drawing for it. |