Mr. George Cruikshank here concludes the first volume of his "Omnibus," by wishing all his friends and readers a "happy new year." An arrangement entered into, a twelvemonth ago, with Mr. Harrison Ainsworth, and now resumed, with a view to its being carried into effect on the 1st of February, prevents the re-appearance of the "Omnibus" upon the plan of monthly numbers; but the estimation and success it has obtained, encourage him to pursue the object with which he started, by presenting his second volume in the form of an Annual. That object was, to produce a Fireside Miscellany—here it is; and if he and his literary associates herein should meet the reader as agreeably in an Annual, as in a Monthly form, he trusts it will be AS BROAD AS IT'S LONG. FOOTNOTES:Blind Thamyris, and blind MÆonides, (Something like Milton). Pursue the triumph and partake the gale! (Rather like Pope). Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees, (Why, this is Shakspeare). To point a moral, or adorn a tale. (Oh! it's Dr. Johnson). To the succeeding lines the same authority had added in succession the names of Gray Wordsworth, Campbell, and so on throughout the poem. What does he mean? Does he mean to say he has ever met with any one of these lines before? Transcriber notes: '372' changed to '272' which is the correct page number. P.v. '144' changed to '124' which is the correct page number. P.16. 'filagree' changed to 'filigree'. P.21. 'naratives' changed to 'narratives'. P.43. 'though' changed to 'thought'. P.49. 'suffiicently' changed to 'sufficiently' P.84. 'defeaning' changed to 'deafening'. P.184. 'waiscoat' changed to 'waistcoat'. P.195. 'pourtrayed' changed to 'portrayed'. P.224. 'duetts' changed to 'duets'. P.226. 'neighbourhoood' changed to 'neighbourhood'. P.250. 'propects' changed to 'prospects'. p.259. 'Jemina' changed to 'Jemima'. P.278. 'riggled' changed to 'wriggled'. P.292. 'your are' changed to 'you are'. Fixed various punctuation. |