WHO "NEVER TOLD HER LOVE, BUT LET CONCEALMENT," ETC. "She speaks, yet she says n—th—g!"—R—o and J—t. Go, bid the st—rs forget to shine, The o—n-tides to ebb and flow, Bid fl—rs forget to blush and pine, But bid not me to b—n—sh w—e! Thou canst not guess my s—rr—w's source, My pass—n's spring thou canst not see; Thou knowest not its depth and force,— Thou dreamest not 'tis l—ve for th—! Fiercer than fires in Æ—a's breast My s—cr—t burns in this lone h—t; D—y brings no light, sl—p yields no rest, And h—vn no air, but where th— art. I listen to the w—nds at night, They speak of th— in whispers fine; In D—n's or Au—ra's light, I see no beauty, none but th—! All l—ve save mine's an idle tale Of Hy—n's torch and C—d's bow; I envy Cl—p—ra's wail, Or S—pho leaping, wild, below. For V—ry's pÂtÉ holds for me— Or G—nt—r's soup—no poison rare; And leaping from a b—lc—y, Were quite absurd—in Belg—ve Square. My s—st—r raves of H—w—ll, Ja—s, And thinks with dr—ss to ease my thrall; She deems not of d—vour—g flames Beneath one's f—fty-g—nea sh—wl! M—ma to M—rt—r and St—rr Drags me with sweet maternal haste; My p—rls of s—l they can't restore, Nor l—fe's bright d—m—ds, turn'd to paste! P—pa and br—th—r N—d would win My spirit forth to ball and rout; They think of course to t—ke me in— Alas! they only t—ke me out! In vain R—b—ni's sweetness now, In vain Lab—che's boldest air; In vain M—cr—dy plays,—if th—, Th—, the Ad—r'd one, art not there! Whilst thou, unbless'd with st-ck or l-nd, Hast not one cr—wn per annum clear, Thou knowest not that—"here's my h-nd, With f-ft—n th—s—d p—-ds a year." And were it known, this pass—n wild, Then d—th would at my h—rt-st—gs tug! No, none shall know that th— art styled, The H-n-r-ble Fr-nk F-tz M—gg! L. B. |