"A delinquent there is, and we ever shall scout him, For roguery never would flourish without him. We're lovers of peace; but regardless of quiet, This knave is the first in a row or a riot; A strange, paradoxical elf, we declare, That shies at a couple but clings to a pair. Though at first in the right, still he's found in the wrong; And though harmony wakes him, yet dies in the song. Three fifths of the error that poisons our youth, Yet boasts of a formal acquaintance with truth. Though not fond of boasting, yet given to brag; And though proud of a dress, still content with a rag. He sticks to our ribs, and he hangs by our hair, And brings with him trouble, and torment and care; Stands thick in our sorrows and floats in our tears, Never leads us to Hope, but returns with our Fears; To the worst of our passions is ever allied, Grief, Anger, and Hatred, Rage, Terror, and Pride. Yet still, notwithstanding, the rogue we might spare If he kept back his old ugly phiz from the Fair." We had by this time stopped at the end of Drury Lane to take up a passenger, who now appeared, emerging from that very dirty avenue, with an exceedingly |