Abraham, Daniel, 30, 47-8
" Emma Clarke, 49
" John, 47-9
" Rachel, 47
" Thomas Fell, 49
Acton, 220, 223
" Church, 220, 228
" Vicarage, 220
Adlington, 78
" Hall, 229, 410
Aggerslack, 253
Agincourt, 314-5
Aikin, Lucy, 136
Ainsworth, Harrison, 397
" Mr., 170
Albany, Duke of, 332
Albemarle, Earl of, 228
Alcock, Alice, 308
" John, 308
Alderley, 50, 68, 286
" Cross, 53
" Edge, 50, 62, 68, 78-9, 174
" Mere, 65
" Mill, 68
" Nether, 75
" Old, 50
" Over, 74-5
" Park, 62
" Rectory, 63, 86, 89
Aldithley, Adam de, 69
AlenÇon, Duke of, 190
Allen, Cardinal, 137
Allithwaite, 253, 261
Amsterdam, 202
Ancaster, Duke of, 139
Anderson, Patrick, 480
Anderton, Christopher, 465
" Elizabeth, 465
Andrews, John, 147
" Nicholas, 147
Angier, John, 240
Anglezark, 107
Anjou, Margaret of, 319
Anson, George Henry Greville, 406
" John William Hamilton, 406
" William, 406
Arderne, John, 74
" Margaret, 75
Argles, Edward, 125
Arnefielde, Ralph, 360-1
Arnold, Dr., 101
Arnside, 31
Ascue, George, 115
Asheley, George, 311
Ashley Hall, 375
Ashton, Colonel, 466
" John, 308
Ashurst, Henry, 119
Aske, General, 267
Askew, Anne, 10-13
" John, 10-12
" Margaret, 10-11
" William, 12
Aslington, 222
Asshawe, Alice, 143, 147
" Hall, 143
" James, 143
" John, 143
" Lawrence, 143
" Ralph, 107
" Thomas, 169
Assheton, Colonel, 10
" Ralph, 361
" Thomas, 375
Astbury Church, 70-1, 230, 434-5
Aston, Thomas, 213-15
Atherton, William, 315
Audithlegh, Adam, 70
" Lyulph, 70
Audlem, 227
Aynesworth, Katharine, 141
" J., 141
Bache Hall, 224
Backbarrow, 251
Baddeley, 212
Baguley, Clemence, 297
" Isabel, 297
" William, 297
Bailey, J. Eglington, 230
Baltinglass, Viscount, 162
Bamville, Joan, 70-2
" Philip, 70-1
Banner, Richard, 240
Bantry, Baron, 162
Barclay, Robert, 43
Bardsley, S. A., 420
Barkyng, Abbess of, 193
Barlow, Alexander, 473
Barnes, William, 38
Barr Bridge, 228
Barret, Thomas, 428
Barrow, Thomas, 126
Barry, James, 477
" Penelope, 477, 480
Barrymore, Earl of, 375, 477, 480
Barthomley, 227
Barton, Justice, 344
" Robert, 353-4
Bathurst, Bishop, 94
Beam Heath, 211
Beamont, William, 192, 293, 324, 358, 369.
Beaulieu Abbey, 258
Beaumont, Adam, 470
" Elizabeth, 470
Bechton, Richard de, 179
Bedford, Duke of, 181-2, 315
Beechy, William, 390
Beeston Castle, 174, 226-7, 235-6, 238
" Hall, 235
" William, 355
Belgrave, Elizabeth, 92
Bell, Edward John, 93
" Isaac, 93
Bennett, Justice, 15
" Martha, 377
" Thomas, 377
Benson, Gervase, 24-25
Bertie, Elizabeth, 117
" James, 117
" Richard, 136
Bethom, Ralph, 258
Bewgenet, 331
Bewsey Hall, 328, 330-1
Biddulph, 231-2
" Captain, 219
" Hall, 219, 230
Bindloss, Robert, 10
Bird, Dr., 144
Biron, John, 152
Bishop Auckland, 162
Black Prince, Edward the, 178-9, 301, 385
Blackburne, Mr., 92
" Mrs, 91-2
" Vicar of, 152
Blackley Forest, 338
" Hall, 361
Blackrod, 108
Bland, John, 429
Blawith, 253
Blois, Earl of, 299
Blore-heath, 320
Blundell, William, 370
Bodura, Mr., 170
Bold, Richard, 185, 392
Boleyn, Anne, 195-6
Bolingbroke, Henry, 305-7
Bolton-le-Sands Church, 187
Booth, Colonel, 238, 467
" Elizabeth, 238
" George, 200, 205, 215, 220, 238, 244, 363
" Lane, 227
" Nathaniel, 245-6
" William, 185
Bordeaux, Richard of, 307
Borwick Hall, 19
Bosden, 174, 178
Bostock, Ralph, 315
Bosworth Field. 319, 337
Boteler, John, 328-30, 332
" Thomas, 185, 342
Bottomley, Mr., 428
Boughton, 236
Bowdon, 286
Bowness, 251
Bowstones, The, 394
Bowyer, Mr., 230
Bradford, John, 149
Bradley, Green, 230
" John, 170
" Thurston, 169
Bradshaw, Dr., 109
" Henry, 206
" John, 30, 364, 473
Bramhall, Captain, 213
" Hall, 227, 440
Brancepeth Castle, 156-7
Brandon, Charles, 136
Breeres, Mr., 170
Breers, Thomas, 144
Breres, Edward, 461
" Andrew, 435, 445-6
" Charles, 245
" Dorothy, 198, 462
" Eleanor, 145
" Hall, 230
" Jane, 198
" John, 197
" Katharine, 198
" Lady, 231, 238
" Lord, 116, 229-232
" Margaret, 197, 199
" Randle, 195, 198
" Richard, 195, 197-9, 357, 462
" Thomas, 244-5
" Urian, 172, 176, 194, 196-199, 203
" William, 172-246, 434-5
Brett, Anne, 478
" Colon
tml#Page_480" class="pginternal">480
" George James, 480
" James, 480
" Lord, 211
" Marquis of, 480
" Randle, 197
" Robert, 375
" Viscount, 205
Chorley Hall, 77, 181
Chorlton Hall, 203
Clarendon, 243
Clarke, Alice, 455
" George, 455
Clayton, John, 403, 406
Cleveland, Duke of, 426
Clifford, Lord, 321-2
" Thomas, 116
Clifton, Catherine, 465
" Thomas, 370, 374
Clinton, Edward, 111
" Margaret, 111
" Miss, 85
Cloud End, 432
Coke, Justice, 166
Colydon, Mrs., 477, 479
Commines, Philip de, 199
Congleton, 331
" Edge, 230
Coniston, 254
Constance, Ivo de, 433
Conway, 305-6
Cooper, Joseph, 246
" William, 428
Cope, John, 405
Coppock, Thomas, 397, 403, 407, 409, 411-2
Coppul, 122
Corbet, Captain, 215
" Vincent, 213, 219
Corona, Ellen, 299, 300
" Thomas, 299, 300
Coupelond, Dawe, 70-1,
Coventry, Ann, 389
" Lord Keeper, 389
" Mr., 123
Cowdall, Richard, 264
Cowper, Thomas, 205
Craigie, John, 434
Cressiac, George, 138
Crewe, " Hall, 227, 229
Croft, James, 325
" Mabel, 325
Crompton, Thomas, 109
Cromwell, Oliver, 26, 28-9, 112-4, 116, 200, 233, 455
Cromwell, Richard, 46, 364
Crook, Mr., 170
Croydon, 242, 244
Cumberland, Duchess of, 163
" Duke of, 411-2
Cunliffe, Edward T., 246
" James, 246
Cunningham, Mr., 44
DALE, Richard, 443-4
Dalton, 270
" Dr., 425
Darby, Agnes, 326
Davenport, Henry, 122, 133
" Hester, 122
" William
D'Anyers, John, 296
" Margaret, 297, 300, 302, 308, 317
" Matilda, 297
" Thomas, 290-292, 295-7, 300, 304
" William, 296
D'Avranches, Hugh, 433
Dawson, Captain, 398, 411-13, 415-6
" Dr., 401, 421, 425-7, 429
" Elizabeth, 402, 427, 429
" James, 398, 401, 403-407, 411, 413, 417-20, 422, 425-6, 429-30
" Mrs., 402, 426
" Sarah, 402, 427, 429
" William, 401-3, 426-8
Deacon, Dr., 408
" Thomas, 412
" Thomas Theodorus, 422
Dean Church, 344
" River, 175, 202, 207
Deane, Thomas, 60
Dee Bridge, 237
Dr., 164
" River, 236
Delamere Forest, 228, 309
" House, 75
" Lord, 369
De-la-Tour, A. J. Deschamps, 381
Delves, Lady, 376
" Thomas, 212
Denbigh, 237
Denison, William, 98
Denton Hall, 199
Derby, 15
" Earl of, 69, 74, 142, 164, 190, 205, 219-20, 262-3, 344, 348,
353-4, 465, 468-9, 473
Derbyshire, Peak of, 278
Dethick, Gilbert, 166
Devonshire, Duke of, 264, 268
" Earl of, 458
Dewhurst, Robert, 169
Dicconson, William, 374
Dickenson, John, 406-7
" Louisa Frances Mary, 406
" Miss, 406
Dieulacres Abbey, 68, 75
Disley, 281, 395
" Church, 332, 339-40, 345-6, 355, 378, 387
Dixie, Beaumont, 117
" Mary, 117
Dobson, George, 152
Dod, John, 392
Doddington, 212, 227, 229
Done, Henry, 194
" John, 315
" Margaret, 194
" Randolph, 194
Dorfold Hall, 220, 223, 227
Dorset, Earl of, 314
Downes, Edmund, 74
" Francis, 474
" Jane, 474
" John, 474, 475, 477
" Lawrence, 474
" Margery, 74
" Roger, 473-7
Downham, William, 151
Drayton, Michael, 312, 319, 432
Drury, Captain, 26
Duckworth, Mr., 170
Dudley Castle, 241
" Lady, 245
" Lord, 244
Dugdale, William, 143
Dukinfield, Captain, 213
" Colonel, 229, 231
" Francis, 227
" Robert, 206
Dunbar, 28
Durham, 28
" Bishop of, 139, 144, 147, 153, 158, 162, 169
" Castle, 159
" Cathedral, 150-1, 166
" Earl of, 380
Dutton, Hugh, 315
" Peter, 315
" Piers, 315
" Roger, 297
Dyott, 216
Ea River, 253-4
Earl, Bishop, 155
Eastham, 239-40
Earwaker, J. P., 168, 179, 184, 198, 203, 232, 340, 368, 388
Eccleshall Castle, 221
Edgehill, 212
Edwards, Alderman, 223
Edinburgh, 28
Edisbury, J., 206
Egerton, Captain, 268
" Dorothy, 122, 357
" Elizabeth Charlotte, 378
" Holland, 378
" Louisa, 268
" Lord, 375
" Philip de M. Grey, 202
" Richard, 122, 357
" Thomas, 119, 357
" William, 119, 133
Elizabeth, Queen, 163, 169
Ellenborough Lord, 252
Ellenbrook Chapel, 122
Ellis, Colonel, 215
Ely, Bishop, 189, 191, 436
Elmer Hurst, 285
Emmerson, Thomas, 264
Erpingham, Thomas, 185, 314
Errol, Earl of, 381
Eskrigg, James, 261
Essex, Earl of, 115, 352
Ethelred, King, 433
Exeter, Bishop of, 147-8
" Duke of, 199, 318
Fairfax, General, 37, 228, 232
" William, 234
Farnworth Grammar School, 148
Fearnside, Adam, 109
Feeilden, Alexander, 146
Fell, John, 10
" Leonard, 38
" Margaret, 12, 19-21, 23, 27, 30, 32-4, 38-40
" Mary, 38
" Thomas, 4, 8-10, 13, 20-1, 23, 25, 29-30, 39, 48
Fenner, Ann, 362
" Edward, 362
Ferrers, Earl of, 456
ffielden, Mr., 170
Fielding, Colonel, 430
" Henry, 429
" Joseph, 430
" Louisa Willis, 430
" Randle Joseph, 430
" Robert, 429
" Robert Mosley, 429
Finsthwaite, 250
Finlow, John, 78
Fisher, Mr., 124
Fitchett, John, 329
Fitton, Edward, 193
" Ellen, 193
Fitz-Nigel, William, 74, 433
Fitzroy, Barbara, 426, 428
"Flame, Lord," 376
Fleetwood, Ann, 470
" Thomas, 365, 212, 227
Hastings, Colonel, 212, 222
Hatherton, 227
Hatton, Richard, 120-1
Haverthwaite, 227
Hawarden, 223-5
Hay, Dulcibella Jane, 381
Haydock, Gilbert, 308, 319
" Joanna, 308
Hayes, Maria, 49
Haysnap, Roger, 457
Heaton Park, 378
Helvellyn, 251
Hemingway, 205-6
Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, 234, 360
Herford, Mr., 259
Hertford, Earl of, 197, 343-4
Hewitson, Anthony, 471
Hewitt, John, 392
" Thomas, 392
Heyricke, Richard, 240, 404, 409
Heywood, Nathaniel, 119
" Oliver, 109, 119, 133
Hibbert-Ware, Dr., 427
High Bullough, 143
High Legh, 65, 91
Highgate, 302
Holcroft, Eleanor, 471
" Thomas, 262-3, 268, 270, 355, 471
Holker Hall, 33, 38, 253, 263, 269-70, 276
Holland, Colonel, 199
" Henry, 199, 318
" John, 302
" Margaret, 198
" Richard, 198-9
" Thomas, 292
Hollinshed, 335
" Richard, 290
Hollingworth, 232
" John, 232
Holme, Randle, 331
Holmes Chapel, " Margaret, 180, 189
" Roger, 178-9
" Sibyl, 189, 300
" William, 180, 185, 187-9, 191
Hook, Theodore, 249
Hoole, Joseph, 406
Hooton, 72
" Margery, 72
" William, 72
Hopton Heath, 216, 219
Hornby, 187
Horwich Chapel, 121, 131
" Church, 123-124, 134
" Forest., 161
Hospice, 253
Hoton, Adam, 70-71
Hotspur, Harry, 309-10
Howard, Edmund, 187
Hubbersty, Mr., 270
Huddleston, Colonel, 9
Humphrey Head, 258
Hurleston, 227
" Brook, 228
" Charles, 375
" John, 215
" Katharine, 198
" Roger, 198
Hurst, Geoffrey, 463-464
Huskisson, Mrs., 92
" William, 91
" Lucy, 112
Hutton, Serjeant, 147
" Captain, 213
Hyde, John, 180
" William, 180
Ince, Mr., 224
Ingham, Mr., 222
Inglis, Rev. Dr., 80
Ipstones, Alice, 194
" William, 195
Ireland, Duke of, 302
Isabella, Queen, 300
Jansen, Cornelius, 357
Joan of Arc, 182
John, King, 257-258
Johnson, Dr., 423
" Samuel, 376, 478
Jones, Arthur, 436
" Colonel, 235-6
" John, 361
Keighley, Henry, 458
" Mary, 458-60
Kelsall, James, 175
Kendal, 15
" Earl of, 315
Kent, Fair Maid of, 292, 301, 304
Kenyon, Mr., 122, 476
Kildare, Earl of, 3
Kinderton, 215
" Baron of, 188-9, 194, 294, 360
Kingsley, Adam, 301
" Charles, 283
Kingsmill, Alice, 158, 163
" John, 158
Kingston, Earl of, 112
Kirkby, Colonel, 32-3, 37, 40, 42
" Hall, 32
" William, 32, 34
Kirkhead, 258
Knight's Low, The, 347, 394-5
Knypersley Hall, 230
Kyre, 65
Lago, Mary, 13
Lake Country, 1, 250
Lakeside, 251-2
Lampitt, 24
Lancaster, 28, 34, 37, 42
" Castle, 35, 40
" Duke of, 301, 305, 445
" William, 267
Langdale, Marmaduke, 236
" Pikes, 251
Langley, 240
Langton, Jane, 461
" Philip, 370
" Ralph, 459-61
Lathom House, 233, 238
" Thomas, 72, 465
Laud, William, 435, 446
Law, Edmund, 251, 253
Lawton, John, 436
Lee, 261
" Peter, 360
Legh, Agnes, 296, 298
" Ann, 356, 359, 392
" Ashburnham, 377-8
" Benet, 378
" Captain, 219
" Catharine, 356
" Charles, 78
" Cicely, 342
" Colonel, 379
" Edward, 307
" Elizabeth, 362
" Ellen, 300
" Ellen Jane, 381
" Frances, 362, 369, 376
" Francis, 356, 360-1, 368
" Galfred, 341
" George, 191
" Gilbert, 356
" Gowther, 341
" Henry, 375, 377
" Hugh, 296
" Isabel, 181
" Joanna, 317
" John, 300-1, 307, 356
" Madame, 374
" Margaret, 295, 307, 356, 362
" Margery, 353-4
" Martha, 378
" Mrs., 373
" Perkyn, 289, 305, 307, 386
" Peter, 122, 191, 289, 291, 295, 307-27, 334, 378, 381, 385-392
" Peter Benet, 378
" Piers, 282, 289-92, 298-309, 311, 313, 319, 328, 331-2,
345, 356, 358, 369, 376, 386
" Radcliffe, 356
" Richard, 296, 299, 362-8, 386
" Robert, 180-1, 298, 300, 313
" Thomas, 282, 356, 361-2, 376-381, 386, 390, 392-3
" Thomas Peter, 309, 378
" William, 379, 381
" William John, 381
Leicester, Earl of, 138-9, 349, 351-3
Leigh, Charles, 124-5
" Elizabeth, 77
" Honora, 119
" John, 77, 358, 393
" Lettice, 360
" Lord, 119, 133
" Mr., 125
" Thomas, 119
Leighe, Myles, 360-1
Leland, 309
Leonard, Stephen, 77
Leoni Giacomo, 378, 384
Lesley, 237
Leven, Earl of, 232
" River, 251, 253, 277
" Sands, 275-6
Lever Hall, 148
" Heath, 147
" John, 148, 155
" Robert, 147
" Thomas, 147-8, 155
" Little Hall, 147
Levy Beck, 2
Ley, John, 240
Leyburn, 262
Leycester, Catharine, 84, 100
" Charles, 100
" George, 84
" Maria, 84-5, 100
" Oswald, 84
" Peter, 315-324
" William, 315
Leyland, Ann, 462-3, 465
" Thomas, 462-4, 472
" William, 197
Leyton, 261
Lichfield, 238-241
" Close, 216
" Earl of, 236
Lilburne, Colonel, 468
Limme, Hugh, 296
" Richard, 296, 298-9
Lincoln Close, 9
" Earl of, 3, 111, 117
Lindale, 441
" Lettice, 433
" Margaren, 446
" Mary, 446
" William, 433-6, 443, 445-6
Morleys Hall, 197, 456, 462-3, 465
Morris, Captain, 215
Morteign, Earl of, 254
Mortimer, Roger, 305
Mosley, Ann, 429
" Edward, 215
" John Parker, 429
" Oswald, 455
Moss House, 220
Moston, Roger, 361, 391
Mostyn, 224
" Roger, 361
Mottram St. Andrew, 245
Mow Cop, 432, 436
Mulineux, Carrel, 360
Munckas, Thomas, 361
Murcal, John, 240
Murray, George, 407, 411
Myerscough Lodge, 456, 458-9, 461, 464-5, 467, 472-3
Mytton, Edward, 244
Naseby, 235
Nantwich, 209, 211, 213-16, 220, 224 227, 229, 234-5, 238
Nevile, Jollan, 456
Neville, Ralph, 456
Newark, 114, 238
Newby Bridge, 248, 250, 252
Newburgh, Lord, 9
Newcastle, 216
" Duke of, 133
" Marquis of, 111
Newcome, Henry, 119, 203, 240
Newton, 253
" Maud, 298
Normandy, Duchess of, 85
" Duke of, 453
Norreis, John, 137
Norreys, Ann, 461
" Henry, 296
" Margaret, 461
" Thomas, 461
" William, 461
Norris, Edward, 220
" Henry, 195
" William, 345
Northampton, Earl of, 215-6
Northumberland, Earl of, 319
Northwich, 214-5, 219, 234
Norton, Gilbert, 453
" Katharine, 401, 413, 417-8
" Richard, 156
" William, 453
Norwich Cathedral, 97
Nottingham, 302
Nowell, Alexander, 149
Oldfield, Somerford, 446
Oldham, Hugh, 147-8
Orange, Prince of, 373
Orell, Hugh, 311
" Robert, 311
Ormerod, George, 240, 434
Ormond, Marquis of, 226, 229
Osbaldeston, Alexander, 460
" Chapel, 460
" Ellena, 460
Overleigh Hall, 224
Owen, Captain, 99
" Hugh, 78
" Margarget,[typo "Margaret"?] 78
Oxford, Earl of, 302
Pageatt, Mr., 202
Paget, John, 203
" Nathan, 203
" Thomas, 203
Paley, Mr., 267
Par, Thomas, 301
Park House, 68
Parker, Archbishop, 150-1, 161
Pass, William, 248
Pegge, Dr., 124
Pembroke, Earl of, 255, 257-8, 267
Pendle Hill, 15
Penn, William, 41, 43, 45
Penultsbury, Adam, 453
Peover, 212
Peploe, Warden, 409
Pepys, Samuel, 365
Percival, Richard, 208
Petre, 261
Pidgeon, Elizabeth, 125
" William, 125
Pierrepoint, Robert, 112
Pilkington, Alice, 141, 161
" Charles 147
" Deborah, 162
" Elizabeth, 319
" George, 147, 169
" Henry Mulock, 147
" Isaac, 161
" James, 105, 144, 147-8, 155-6, 162, 164-6, 169-70
" John, 142, 147, 319
" Joshua, 161
" Katharine, 147
" Leonard, 147
" Ralph, 142
" Richard, 107, 143-5, 147
" Robert, 140-1, 143-4, 147
" Roger, 141
" Ruth, 162
" Thomas, 142, 319
Pincerna, Almeric, 456
" William Fitzalmeric, 456
Plantagenet, Edmund, 292
" Edward, 143, 337
" Joan, 292
Plashy Castle, 304
Pollard, H., 116
Pollitt, Cooke, 126
Poole, Dorothy, 465
Pope, Alexander, 479
Porter, Major, 31
Poyntz, Major-General, 236
Prayers, Margaret, 180-1
" William, 180-1
Prestbury, 275, 303
Preston, 28, 263
" Christopher, 264, 465
" Elizabeth, 465
" George, 263-4, 269
" Katharine, 264
" Richard, 261-2
" Thomas, 270, 274
Prestwich, Parson of, 340
Proctor, Mr., 420
Pulteney, Ann, 426
" William, 426
Pygott, John, 311
Pytts, James, 76
Raby Castle, 157
Radcliffe, Alexander, 375, 460
" John, 298, 300
Radcot Bridge, 302
Radnor Mere, 65
Raikes, Henry, 89
Ravensmoor, 211, 220, 222, 228
Rawson, Mr., 100
Redland Heath, 334
Reilly, John, 379
Remington, Thomas, 253, 269
Renaud, Dr., 388
Richmond, Earl of, 315, 336-7
Rigby, Alexander, 3, 9, 468, 471
" Cicely, 455
" Colonel, 270
" Mary, 471
" Nicholas, 455
Riley, William, 140
Ripon, Major, 24
Rivers, Earl of, 205, 477-8, 480
Rivington, 104
" Alexander, 141
" Chapel, 123, 130-1
" Church, 107, 126, 143
" Cicely, 141
" Grammar School, 144, 166-8
" Pike, 106, 131, 161
" Richard, 169
" Thomas, 169
Roby, Mr., 329, 475
Rochester, Bishop of, 339, 370
Rochford, Countess of, 479, 480
" Earl of, 478
" Lord, 195
Rock, Dr., 454
Rode, Thomas, 434
Roper, Thomas, 162
Roscoe, Baxter, 124, 134
" Ebenezer, 124-5
" Helena, 124
Rostherne Mere, 65
Rothschild, Nathan Meyer, 426
Rothwell, Eleanor, 119, 122
" James, 120-1, 131
Rowton Heath, 236-8
Rudall, Mr., 170
Runchamp, Hugh, 433
Rupert, Prince, 233, 235, 467
Rutland, Earl of, 111
Rycroft, Josiah, 208, 241, 244
Rylands, John Paul, 298, 388
St. Alban's, 319
St. Andrew's, Archbishop of, 188
St. Bernard's Mount, 256
St. Werburgh's, Abbot of, 191
Salisbury, Earl of, 320
Salmes, Mary, 136
Sandal Castle, 321
Sandbach, 227
Sandford, 262
" Thomas, 225-6, 228
Sandiway, 234, 309
Sandys, Edwin, 149
Sankey, Captain, 227
Salt Heath, 216
Saunders, Mr., 170
Savage, Bessey, 480
" Christopher, 188-9, 342
" Elizabeth, 195, 477, 480
" Ellen, 341
" John, 185, 195, 297-8, 300-2, 327, 335, 341, 478
" Margaret, 185, 318
" Richard, 477-9
" Thomas, 328, 332, 339
Saville, Ann, 358
" John, 358
" Lord, 358
Sawrey, Justice, 19, 23-4
Schofield, James, 164
Scots, Mary Queen of, 137
Scott, Walter, 188
Scrope, Richard, 141
Sedbergh, 15
Seddon, Edward, 239
" Peter, 240
" Ralph, 240
" William, 239-41
Sefton Church, 317
" Earl of, 316
Seymour, Jane, 196
Shaftesbury, Earl of, 366
Shakerley, Charles Watkin, 457
" Geoffrey, 460-1
" Parnell, 460
Shaw, Elizabeth, 125
" George, 146, 32-3, 41-2, 44, 47
" Hall, 9, 16, 20, 22, 25, 30, 43-4, 49
Swartz, Martin, 3, 337
Swetenham, William, 191
Syddall, Tom, 407, 411-2, 419, 422
Symonds, Stephen, 246
Tabley, Adam, 296
" Lord de, 84
Talbot, Lord, 183
Talk o' th' Hill, 70
Tancrope, John, 181
Tankerville, Count, 289, 291-2, 295
Tarporley, 214
Tarvin, 234
Tatton Mere, 265
Taylor, Richard, 434
Thalck, 70
Thompson, Justice, 23
Thornburgh, Ethelred, 273
" William, 273
Throgmorton, Nicholas, 155
Throstle, Roger, 74
Thurland Castle, 270
Thyer, Robert, 426
Tildesley, Thomas, 147
Tinsley, Thomas, 471
Tintagel Castle, 304
Tiverton Town Field, 213
Tower Green, 195
Townley, Colonel, 397, 406, 408, 411, 413, 416, 422
" Francis, 405, 407
" Hall, 388
Towton, Battle of, 322-3
Trafford, Alice, 197
" Cecil, 474
" Edmund, 185, 193, 197, 319
Traitors' Gate, 371
Tunstall, 262
Turner, Ellen, " Catharine, 470, 472
" Charles, 471
" Dorothy, 465, 472
" Edward, 461-5, 470-2
" Elizabeth, 461, 465
" Fleetwood, 471
" Geoffrey, 456, 461
" Gilbert, 461
" Henry, 456, 457, 460
" Hugh, 457, 458
" James, 461, 471-2
" John, 457
" Margaret, 342
" Mary, 461
" Nicholas, 342, 457
" Ralph, 470
" Richard, 457, 461
" Thomas, 234, 456-60, 463, 465-473, 475
" Thurston, 456-60, 472
" Winifred, 471
Tynsley, Robert, 461
Ulverston, 1, 31, 42, 49, 251-2, 275
" Church, 17, 20, 23, 30
Vale Royal, Abbot of, 190
Vaughan, C. J., 101
Venables, Alexander, 181
" Gilbert, 194, 299
" John, 299
" Thomas, 188
" William, 298-9, 319
Vere, Robert, 302
Vernon, Dorothy, 70
" Richard, 309
Vicars, John, 208, 213, 234, 244
Wade, Marshall, 411
Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 380
Walker, John, 169
" Mr., 121, 239
Wall, John, 306
Waller, James, 407
Walmsley, Bartholomew, 374
Walpole, 389, 422
Walton, 108
" William, 258, 272
Wansfell, 251
Wanstead, 201
Warburton, John, 185
" Moss, 185
" Peter, 75
" Richard, 315
" Thomas, 315
Ward, Baron, 244-5
" Lady, 246
" Mary, 78
" Theodore, 244-5
" Thomas, 78, 246
Wardley Hall, 449-452, 480-1
Warren, Edward, 346
" George, 391
" John, 339
" Laurence, 185, 189, 339
" Margery, 185
Warrington, 219, 220
Warwick, Earl of, 304, 326
Wase, Christopher, 168
Waters, Lucy, 366
Watson, John, 390-1
" Joseph, 391
Weaver, River, 220, 228
Webber, Mr., 239
Weever, 68, 75, 77
" Elizabeth, 69, 75
" Richard, 74-5
" Thomas, 69, 74
Wellington, Duke of, 91, 379
Wensleydale, 15
Wem, 223, 225
Werden, Mr., 211
West, Colonel, 23-4
" Wickham, 77
Westby, Thomas, 465
Westminster, 103
" Abbey, 192
" Abbot of, 192-3
Westmoreland, Earl of, 158
Weston, Francis, 195
Whalley, Abbot of, 454
" Vicar of, 152
Whitchurch, 220-1, 236
Whitelocke, 115
Whitney, Captain, 219
Whittal, Eleanor, 109, 118-9
" Hugh, 109, 118-9
" Ralph, 109, 169
Widders, Robert, 38
Wigan Church, 476
" Lane, Battle of, 468-9
Wilbraham, George Fortesque, 75
" Mr., 211, 220
" Randle, 77, 432
" Richard, 212, 221, 223
" Thomas, 228
Wilder Lads, 161
Wilders Moor, 161
Wilkinson, Mary Ann, 381
" John 381
Willoughby, Ambrose, 111, 118, 125
" Ann, 133
" Charles, 111, 117-9, 122, 125, 133
" Edward, 119, 122, 133
" Eleanor, 133
" Elizabeth, 117, 123, 125, 134
" Fortune, 125-6
" Francis, 111, 119, 122, 133
" George, 117, 125
" Helena, 123-4, 134
" Henry, 111, 118, 125
" Hester, 133
" Honora, 108, 122, 133
" Hugh, 108, 110, 119, 123-4, 133
" John, 117
" Katharine, 135
" Lady, 116, 122
" Lord, 113-4, 116-7, 119-22, 124-5, 135
" Lord of Eresby, 135-9
" Thomas, 111, 118-9, 133, 169
" William, 111, 117, 125
Wilmslow, Parson of, 340
Windermere, 250
Windham, Judge, 24
Windleshaw, 81
Winster, River, 253
Winwick Church, 341
Wirral Forest, 71
Wizard, The, 62
Wodehouse, Charles Nourse, 381
" Emily Jane, 381
Wolsey, Cardinal, 192
Wolstenholme, Jane, 401
Wolverhampton, 219
Wood, William, 124
Woodhay, 212, 221-3, 229
Woodnoth, Marie, 446
" Mary, 446
" Jonathan, 446
Worcester, 42
" Earl of, 195, 309
Workedley, Richard, 453
" Roger, 453
Workeslegh, Elias, 453
Workesley, Agnes, 453
" Geoffrey, 453-4
" Helias, 454
" Henry, 454
" Jordan, 454
" Richard, 453-4
" Robert, 454
" Roger, 453-4
Worminghurst, 42
Worsley, Alexander, 473
" Charles, 455
" Elizabeth, 473
" General, 455
" Hall, 454
" Henry, 456
" Jordan, 456-7
" Margaret, 456
" Nicholas, 455
" Otwell, 455
" Ralph, 455-6
" Richard, 456, 461
Worth, John, 315
Worthington, Dr., 116
Wrenbury, 227
Wrench, Edward, 246
" Edward Omaney, 246
Wright, Mrs., 478
Wroe, Dr., 121
Yeomans, Isabel, 39
Yewbarrow, 253
York, Abbot of, 259
" Archbishop of, 151-3, 339
" Castle, 364
" Duke of, 319-20, 366, 390
Yorke, Rowland, 137
JOHN HEYWOOD, Excelsior Steam Printing and Bookbinding Works,
Hulme Hall Road, Manchester.
Transcriber's Note
Variations in spelling, punctuation and hyphenation have been retained, but numerous minor typos and errors of punctuation have been corrected.
Page xv "DEAN OF CHESTER, The Very Rev. the, The Deanery, Chester." extra the, removed.
Page 97 Memorial to Edward Stanley. The first and last lines are printed vertically on either side in the original.
Page 116 Duplicate "tidings" removed.
Index reference to Jordan Worsley corrected to p454.