VEIN ROCKS. All rocks are not embraced in the sedimentary and eruptive divisions, but there is a third grand division, which, although rarely mentioned or recognized in the more comprehensive works on geology, it is deemed best not to leave entirely unnoticed here. These are the vein rocks. They present an immense number of varieties, and yet, taken altogether, form but a small fraction of the earth’s crust. They are, however, the great repositories of the precious and other metals, and hence are objects of far greater interest to the miner and practical man than the eruptive rocks, or, in some parts of the world, even than the sedimentary rocks. The vein rocks, like the eruptive rocks, occupy fissures in the earth’s crust intersecting the stratified formations; but the fissures filled with vein rocks are called veins, and not dikes. We will first notice the mode of formation of a typical vein, and then examine its contents. Geologists are agreed that water penetrates to a very great depth in the earth’s crust. All minerals are more or less soluble in water; and we may consider the water circulating through the rocks, especially at considerable depths, as, in most cases, a saturated solution of the various minerals of which they are composed. Very slight changes in the conditions will cause saturated solutions to deposit part of their mineral load. The water at great depths has a high temperature, and is subjected to an enormous pressure; and both of these circumstances favor solution. Suppose, now, that these hot subterranean waters enter a fissure in the crust and flow upwards, perhaps issuing on the surface as a warm mineral spring; as they approach the surface, the temperature and pressure, and consequently their solvent power, are diminished; and a portion of the dissolved minerals must be deposited on the walls of the fissure, which thus becomes narrower, and in the course of time is gradually filled up. The vein is then complete; and the mineral waters are forced to seek a new outlet. Veins have the same general forms as dikes, since the fissures are formed in the same way for both; but the vein is of slow growth, and may require ages for its completion, while the dike is formed in an hour or a day. It is now generally believed that water is an important agent in the formation of eruptive rocks; since they all contain water at the time of their eruption; and since it has been demonstrated that, while ordinary rocks require a temperature of 2000° to 3000° for their fusion in the absence of water, they are liquified at temperatures below 1000° in the presence of water. In other words, common rocks are very infusible and insoluble bodies, and heat and water acting independently have little effect upon them; but when fire and water are combined in what is now known as aqueo-igneous fusion, they prove very efficient agents of liquefaction. If we adopt these views, then it can be shown that, in origin, veins and dikes differ in degree only, and are not fundamentally unlike; and the formation and relations of the three great classes of rocks may be summarized as follows:— The ocean and atmosphere, operating on the earth’s surface, have worked over and stratified the crust, until the sedimentary rocks have now an average thickness variously estimated at from ten to thirty or forty miles. This entire thickness of stratified rocks, and a considerable depth of the underlying unstratified crust, must be saturated with water; and all but the more superficial portions of this water-soaked crust must be very hot, the temperature increasing steadily downwards from the surface. Both eruptive and vein rocks originate in this highly heated, hydrated crust. Eruptive rocks are formed when the heat, aided by more or less water, softens the rocks, either stratified or unstratified, by aqueo-igneous fusion, and the plastic materials are forced up through fissures to or toward the surface. Vein rocks are formed when the water, aided by more or less heat, dissolves the rocks, either stratified or unstratified, by what may be called igneo-aqueous solution, and subsequently deposits the mineral matter in, i.e., on the walls of, fissures leading up to or toward the surface. In the case of the dike rocks, heat is the chief agent, and water merely an auxiliary; while with the vein rocks it is just the reverse. But between the two it is probably impossible to draw any sharp line. The water circulating through the crust, and saturated with its various mineral constituents, has been called the “juice” of the crust; and veins are formed by the concentration of this earth-juice in fissures. One of the most important characteristics of the vein rocks, as a class, is the immense variety which they present; for nearly every known mineral is embraced among their constituents; and these are combined in all possible ways and proportions, so that the number of combinations is almost endless. The solvent power of the subterranean waters varies for different minerals; and appears often to be greatest for the rarer species. In other words, there is a sort of selective action, whereby many minerals which exist in stratified and eruptive rocks, so thinly diffused as to entirely escape the most refined observation, are concentrated in veins in masses of sensible size; and our lists of known minerals and chemical elements are undoubtedly much longer than they would be if these wonderful storehouses of fine minerals which we call veins had never been explored. As a rule, the minerals in veins form larger and more perfect crystals than we find in either of the other great classes of rocks. This is simply because the conditions are more favorable for crystallization in veins than in dikes or sedimentary strata. In both dike and stratified rocks, the growing crystals are surrounded on all sides by solid or semi-solid matter; and, being thus hampered, it is simply impossible that they should become either large or perfect. In the vein, on the other hand, there are usually no such obstacles to be overcome; but the crystals, starting from the walls of the fissure, grow toward its centre, their growing ends projecting into a free space, where they have freedom to develop their normal forms and to attain a size limited only, in many cases, by the breadth of the fissure. With, possibly, some rare exceptions, all the large and perfect crystals of quartz, feldspar, mica, beryl, apatite, fluorite, and of minerals generally, which we see in mineralogical cabinets, have originated in veins. Those fissures which become the seats of mineral veins are really Nature’s laboratories for the production of rare and beautiful mineral specimens; and hence the vein rocks are the chief resort of the mineralogist, to whom they are of far greater interest than all the eruptive and stratified rocks combined. The leading characteristics, then, of the vein rocks may be summarized as follows: (1) They contain nearly all known minerals, including many rare species and elements which are unknown outside of this class of rocks. (2) These mineral constituents, occurring singly and combined, give rise to a number of varieties of rocks so vast as to baffle detailed description. (3) They exceed all other rocks in the coarseness of their crystallization, and in the perfection and beauty of the single crystals which they afford. PETROLOGY. In lithology we investigate the nature of the materials composing the earth’s crust—the various minerals and aggregates of minerals, or rocks; while in petrology we consider the forms and modes of arrangement of the rock-masses,—in other words, the architecture of the earth. Petrology is the complement of lithology, and in many respects it is the most fascinating division of geology, since in no other direction in this science are we brought constantly into such intimate relations with the beautiful and sublime in nature. The structures of rocks are the basis of nearly all natural scenery; for what we call scenery is usually merely the external expression, as developed by the powerful but delicate sculpture of the agents of erosion—rain and frost, rivers and glaciers, etc.—of the geological structure of the country. And to the practised eye of the geologist, a fine landscape is not simply a pleasantly or grandly diversified surface, but it has depth; for he reads in the superficial lineaments the structure of the rocks out of which they are carved. But, while the magnitude of the phenomena adds greatly to the charm of the study, it also increases the difficulties and taxes the ingenuity of the teacher whose work must be done indoors. According to our ideal method, natural science ought to be taught with natural specimens; and yet here our main reliance must be upon pictures and diagrams. Nature, however, has not been wholly unmindful of our needs; for she has worked often upon a very small as well as a very large scale; many of the grandest phenomena being repeated in miniature. Thus we observe rock-folds or arches miles in breadth and forming mountain masses, and of all sizes from that down to the minutest wrinkle. So with veins, faults, etc. And the wonderful thing is that these small examples, which may be brought into the class-room, are usually, except in size, exactly like the large. Now the aim of every teacher in this department should be to secure a collection of these natural models. It is not an easy thing to do, except one has plenty of time; for they can rarely be purchased of dealers, but must usually come as the choicest fruit of repeated excursions to the natural ledges and quarries, the seashore and the mountains. But for the difficulty of getting the specimens there is some compensation, since it may be truly said that for the collector specimens obtained in this way have an interest, a value, and a power of instruction beyond what they would otherwise possess. Classification of Structures. The structures of rock divide, at the outset, into two classes:—(1) the original structures, or those produced at the same time and by the same forces as the rocks themselves, and which are, therefore, peculiar to the class of rocks in which they occur (e.g. stratification, ripple-marks, fossils, etc.); and (2) the subsequent structures, or those developed in rocks subsequently to their formation, and by forces that act more or less uniformly upon all classes of rocks, and which are, therefore, in a large degree, common to all kinds of rocks (e.g. folds, faults, joints, etc.). The original structures are conveniently and naturally classified in accordance with the three great classes of rocks: (1) stratified rocks, (2) eruptive rocks, and (3) vein rocks; while the subsequent structures, not being peculiar to particular classes of rocks, are properly divided into those produced by (1) the subterranean or igneous agencies, and (2) the superficial or aqueous agencies. Fig. 1.—Section through sediment deposited by rain in a roadside pool: a. surface of roadway; b. layer of small pebbles and coarse sand; c. fine sand passing into d; d. the finest sand and mud. Original Structures of Stratified Rocks. Stratification.—All rocks formed by strewing materials in water, and their deposition in successive, parallel, horizontal layers, are stratified; and this structure is their stratification. It is the most important of all rock structures; and there is no kind of structure the origin of which is more fully or certainly known. The deposition of sediment in carefully assorted horizontal layers is readily brought within the comprehension of children by simple experiments with sand and clay in water; and still better by the examination of the deposits formed in roadside pools during heavy rains (Fig. 1), and by digging into beaches and sandbars, which every child will recognize as formed of materials arranged by water. Great stress should be laid upon the fact that a lake like Erie or Champlain is simply a large pool with several more or less turbid streams flowing into it, while the single stream flowing out is clear, the sediment having evidently been deposited in the lake; and that every lake is, like the roadside pool, being gradually filled up with sedimentary or stratified rocks. But the ocean is a still larger pool, receiving mud and sand from many streams; and since we know that nothing escapes from the ocean but invisible vapor, it is plain that the mud and sand and all other kinds of sediment carried into the ocean must be deposited on its floor, and chiefly, as we have seen, on that part nearest the land. The consolidation of beaches, bars, and mud-flats is all that is necessary to convert them into stratified formations of conglomerate sandstone and slate. Let us notice now, more particularly, the causes of visible stratification. As we can easily prove by an experiment with clay in a bottle of water, if the same kind of material is deposited continuously there will be no visible stratification in the deposit. It will be as truly stratified as any formation, but not visibly so; because there is nothing in the nature of the material or the way in which it is laid down to bring out distinct lines of stratification. Continuous and uniform deposition obtains very frequently in nature, but rarely continues long enough to permit the formation of thick beds or strata. Hence, while the stratification is almost always visible on the large surfaces of sandstone, slate, etc., exposed in quarries and railway cuttings, and may usually be seen in the quarried blocks, it is often not apparent in hand specimens, which may represent a single homogeneous layer. There is one important exception, and that is where the particles, although of the same kind, are flat or elongated. Pebbles of these forms are common on many beaches; and since they are necessarily arranged horizontally by the action of the water, they will, by their parallelism, make the stratification of the pudding-stone visible. The same result is accomplished still more distinctly by the mica scales, etc., in sandstone and slates, the leaves and flattened stems of vegetation in bituminous coal, and the flat shells in limestone. In all other cases, visible stratification implies some change in the conditions; either the deposition was interrupted, or different kinds of material were deposited at different times. The first cause produces planes of easy splitting, or fissility, especially in fine-grained rocks, like shale. This shaly structure or lamination-cleavage may be due, in some cases, to pressure, but it is commonly understood to mean that each thin layer of clay became partially consolidated before the next one was deposited upon it, so that the two could not perfectly cohere. Parallel planes of easy splitting are, however, by themselves, of little value as indications of stratification, since the lamination-cleavage is not easily distinguished from slaty-cleavage (roofing slate) and parallel jointing, structures developed subsequently to the deposition of sediments and quite independent of the stratification. The second cause, or variations in the kind of sediment, gives alternating layers differing in color, texture, or composition, as is seen frequently in sandstone, slate, gneiss, etc.; and of all the indications of stratification these are the most important and reliable. Fig. 2.—Section showing strata and laminÆ: a. conglomerate; b. sandstone; c. shale; d. limestone. A layer composed throughout of essentially the same kind of rock, as conglomerate or sandstone, and showing no marked planes of division, is usually regarded as one bed or stratum, although it may vary considerably in texture or color; while the thinner portions composing the stratum and differing slightly in color, texture, and composition, and the thin sheets into which shaly rocks split, are the laminÆ or leaves. In Fig. 2 the strata are designated by letters, and the fine lines and rows of dots show the constituent laminÆ, while the whole section may be regarded as a small part of a great geological formation. The geological record is written chiefly in the sedimentary rocks; and the formations, strata, and laminÆ may be regarded as the volumes, chapters, and pages in the history of the earth. Now every feature of a rock, lithological or petrological, finds its highest interest in the light which it throws upon the history of the rock, i.e., upon the conditions of its formation. Observe what the section in Fig. 2 teaches concerning the geological history of that locality; premising that any chapter of geological history written in the stratified rocks should be read from the bottom upwards, since the lowest strata must have been formed first and the highest last. The lowest stratum exposed is conglomerate, indicating a shingle beach swept by strong currents which carried away the finer material. Upwards, the conglomerate becomes finer and shades off into sandstone, and finally into shale, showing that the water has become gradually deeper and more tranquil, the shore having, in consequence of the subsidence, advanced toward the land. The next two strata show that this movement is probably reversed; at any rate, the currents become stronger again, and the shale passes gradually into sandstone and conglomerate. The beach condition prevails now for a long time, and thick beds of sand and gravel are formed. The sea then deepens again, and we observe a third passage from coarse to fine sediment. This locality is now remote from the shore, the gentle currents bringing only the finest mud, which slowly builds up the thick bed of shale, in the upper part of which shells are abundant, indicating that the deposition of mechanical sediment has almost ceased, and that the shale is changing to limestone. The purity of the limestone, and the crinoids and other marine organisms which it contains, prove that this has now become the deep, clear sea; and this condition is maintained for a long period, for the limestone is very thick, and this rock is formed with extreme slowness. The most important point to be gained here is that every line of stratification and every change in the character of the sediments is due to some change of corresponding magnitude in the conditions under which the rock was formed. The slight and local changes in the conditions occur frequently and mark off the individual laminÆ and strata, while the more important and wide-spread changes determine the boundaries of the groups of strata and the formations. Strata are subject to constant lateral changes in texture and composition, i.e., a bed or formation rarely holds the same lithological characteristics over an extended area. There are some striking exceptions, especially among the finer-grained rocks, like slate, limestone, and coal, which have been deposited under uniform conditions over wide areas. It is the general rule, however, particularly with the coarse-grained rocks, which have been deposited in shallow water near the land, that the same continuous stratum undergoes great changes in thickness and lithological character when followed horizontally. A stratum of conglomerate becomes finer grained and gradually changes into sandstone, which shades off imperceptibly into slate, and slate into limestone, etc. Where the stratum is conglomerate, its thickness will usually be much greater and more variable than where it is composed of the finer sediments. The rapidity of these changes in certain cases is well shown by the parallel sections in Fig. 3. These represent precisely the same beds, as the connecting lines indicate, at points only twenty feet apart. Fig. 3.—Parallel sections showing rapid lateral changes in strata: c. clay; s. sand; ss. sandstone; l. lignite; f. fireclay. When we glance at the conditions under which stratified rocks are now being formed, it is plain that all strata must terminate at the margin of the sea in which they were deposited, and in the marginal portions of that sea, especially, must exhibit frequent and rapid changes in composition, etc. The sediments forming the surface of the sea-bottom at the present time may be regarded as belonging to one continuous stratum; and it is instructive to examine a chart of any part of our coast, such as Massachusetts Bay, on which the nature of the bottom is indicated for each sounding, and observe the distribution of the different kinds of sediment. On an irregular coast like this, especially, the gravel, sand, and mud of different colors and textures, and the different kinds of shelly bottom, form a patchwork, the patches being, for the most part, of limited extent and shading off gradually into each other. On a more regular coast, like that of New Jersey, the sediments are distributed with corresponding uniformity, the changes are less frequent and more gradual, and we have here a better chance to observe the normal arrangement of the sediments along a line from the shore seawards—gravel, sand, mud, and shells. On the beach we find the shingle and coarse pebbles, shading off rapidly into fine pebbles and sand. The zone or belt of sandy bottom may vary in width from a mile or two to twenty miles or more, becoming gradually finer and changing into clay or mud, which covers, usually, a much broader zone, sometimes extending into the deeper parts of the sea, but gradually giving way to calcareous sediments. Hence we may say that the finer the sediment the greater the area over which it is spread; but, on the other hand, the coarser the sediment the more rapidly it increases in thickness. In other words, the horizontal extent of a formation deposited in any given period of time is inversely, and the vertical extent or thickness is directly, proportional to the size of the particles. Observations made in deep wells and mines, and where, by upturning and erosion, the edges of the strata are exposed on the surface, show that the vertical order of the different kinds of sedimentary rocks in the earth’s crust is extremely variable. But when we take a general view of a great formation, it is often apparent that it consists chiefly of coarse-grained rocks in the lower part and fine-grained rocks in the upper part. This is, in general, a necessary consequence of the fact that a great thickness of sediments can only be formed on a subsiding sea-floor. Such a formation must consist chiefly of shore deposits, and be deposited near the shore where the sea is shallow. Hence, 10,000 feet of sediments implies nearly that amount of subsidence. In consequence, the shore line and the several zones of sediment advance towards the land; and sand is deposited where gravel was at first, and as the subsidence continues, both clay and limestone are finally deposited over the original beach. When the sea-floor rises, the order of the sediments is reversed; and it will be observed that in consequence of the advance and retreat of the shore-line, the formations grow edgewise to a considerable extent. Fig. 4.—Overlap and unconformability. Overlap and Interposition of Strata.—Another consequence of the constant oscillation of the shoreline is that successive deposits in the same sea will often cover different and unequal areas. When, in consequence of subsidence, one formation extends beyond and covers the edge of another, as shown in Fig. 4, we have the phenomenon described as overlap. Interposition is similar, being the case where a formation (Fig. 5, c.) does not, in certain directions, cover so wide an area as the strata (b. d.) above and below it, which are thus sometimes found in contact, although normally separated by the entire thickness of the intermediate and, seemingly, interposed stratum. Fig. 5.—Interposition of strata. Unconformability.—We have already seen that the rocks on the land are being constantly worn away by the agents of erosion; and it is also a matter of common observation that the strata thus exposed are often not horizontal, but highly inclined, having been greatly disturbed and crumpled during their elevation. Now, when such a land-surface subsides to form the sea-bottom, and new strata are spread horizontally over it, they will lie across the upturned and eroded edges of the older rocks, and fill the hollows worn out of the latter, as shown in Fig. 6; and the new formation is then said to rest unconformably upon the older. Two strata or formations are unconformable when the older has suffered erosion (Fig. 6), or both disturbance and erosion (Fig. 4) before the deposition of the newer. Fig. 6.—Unconformability. When strata are conformable, the deposition may be presumed to have been nearly or quite continuous; but unconformability clearly proves a prolonged interruption of the deposition during which the elevation, erosion, and subsidence of the sea-bottom took place. The section in Fig. 7 shows a second unconformability, proving that the sea-bottom has here been lifted three times to form dry land. An unconformability may sometimes be clearly established when the actual contact of the two formations cannot be seen, as where the new formation is a conglomerate containing fragments of the older. Irregularities of Stratification.—These are especially noticeable in sandstone and conglomerate, which have been deposited chiefly by strong, local, and variable currents; the kind and quantity of sediment, of course, varying with the strength and direction of the current. Two kinds of irregularity only may be specially noticed here: (1) contemporaneous erosion and deposit, where, in consequence of a change in the currents, fine material recently deposited is partially swept away and its place taken by coarser sediments; and (2) oblique lamination, or current-bedding, where the strata are horizontal as usual, but the component laminÆ are inclined at various angles. This structure is characteristic of sediments swept along by strong currents, especially when deposited in shallow basins or depressions. Fig. 7.—Double Unconformability: q. quartzite; s. sandstone; d. drift. Ripple-marks.—All who have been on a beach or sand-bar must have noticed the lines of wavy ridges and hollows, or ripples, on the surface of the sand. These are sand-waves, produced by water moving over the sand, or by air moving over dry sand, as ordinary waves are formed by air moving over water. Each tide usually effaces the ripple-marks made by its predecessor and leaves a new series, to be obliterated by the next tide. But where sediment is constantly accumulating, a rippled surface may be gently overspread by a new layer, and thus preserved. Other series of ripples may, in like manner, be formed and preserved in overlying layers; and when the beach becomes a firm sandstone, a section of it will show the rippled surfaces almost as distinctly as when they were first formed (Fig. 8). Ripple-marks are most perfect in fine sand. They are not formed in gravel, because it is too coarse; nor in clay, because it is too tenacious. They are usually limited to shallow water; and are always regarded as proving that the rocks in which they occur are shallow-water or beach deposits. They are normally at right angles to the current that produces them, and where this changes with the direction of the wind, cross-ripples and other irregularities are introduced. Ripple-marks are also usually parallel with the beach, and when they are found in the rocks they give us the direction, as well as the position, of the ancient shore-line. Again, the friction of the water pushes the sand-grains along, rolling them up on one side of the ripple and letting them fall down on the other. Hence ripples, formed by a current are always moving and are unsymmetrical on the cross-section, presenting a long, gentle slope toward the current, and a short, steep slope away from it, the arrow in the figure indicating the direction of the current, or of the sea in the case of a beach. And we may thus learn from the fossil ripples, in some cases, not only the position and direction of the ancient shore, but also on which side the land lay, and on which side the sea. When the water is in a state of oscillation, without any distinct current, more symmetrical ripples are produced. Fig. 8.—Ripple-marks in sandstone. Rill-marks, Rain-prints, and Sun-cracks.—“One of the most fascinating parts of the work of a field-geologist consists in tracing the shores of former seas and lakes, and thus reconstructing the geography of successive geological periods.” His conclusions, as we have already seen, are based largely upon the nature of the sediments; but still more convincing is the evidence afforded by those superficial features of the strata, which, like ripple-marks, seem, by themselves, quite insignificant. And among these he lays special emphasis upon those which show that during their deposition strata have at intervals been laid bare to sun and air. During ebb tide water which has been left at the upper edge of the beach runs down across the beach in small rills, which excavate miniature channels; and when these are preserved in the hard rocks, they prove that the latter are beach deposits, and, like the ripple-marks, show the direction of the old shore. If a heavy shower of rain falls on a muddy beach or flat, the sediment deposited by the returning tide may cover, without obliterating, the small but characteristic impressions of the individual drops; and these markings are frequently found well preserved in the hardest slates and sandstones, testifying unequivocally to the conditions under which the rocks were formed. In some cases the rain-prints are found to be ridged up on one side only, in such a manner as to indicate that the drops as they fell were driven aslant by the wind. The prominent side of the marking, therefore, indicates the side towards which the wind blew. Muddy sediments, especially in lakes and rivers, are often exposed to the air and sun during periods of drouth, and as they gradually dry up, polygonal cracks are formed. The sediment of the next layer will fill these sun-cracks; and when, as often happens, it is slightly different from the dessicated layer, they may still be traced. Sun-cracks preserved in this way are very characteristic of argillaceous rocks, and, of course, prove that in early times, as at the present day, sediments of this class were exposed by the temporary retreat of the water. The foot-prints or trails of land-animals are often, as in the sandstones and shales of the Connecticut Valley, associated with, and of course strongly corroborate, all these other evidences of shore deposits. From the foot-prints preserved in the rocks we pass naturally to the consideration of the fossil remains of plants and animals found entombed in the strata. Fossils.—Although fossils find their highest interest in the light which they throw upon the succession of life on the globe, they may also be properly regarded as structural features of stratified rocks; and any one who has seen the dead shells, crabs, fishes, etc., on the beach will readily understand how fossils get into the rocks. It is not our province here to study the structure of the fossils themselves, for that would involve us in a course in paleontology, a task belonging to the biologist rather than the geologist; but we will merely observe the three principal degrees in the preservation of fossils:— 1. Original composition not completely changed.—Extinct elephants have been found frozen in the river-bluffs of Siberia so perfectly preserved that dogs and wolves ate their flesh. The bodies of animals are also found well preserved in peat-bogs. All coal is simply fossil vegetation retaining in a large degree the original composition; and the same is true of ferns, etc., preserved as black impressions in the rocks. All bones and shells consist of mineral matter which makes them hard, and animal matter which makes them tough and strong. In very many cases, especially in the newer formations, the animal matter is still partially, and the mineral matter almost wholly, intact. 2. Original composition completely changed, but form and structure preserved.—All kinds of fossils are commonly called petrifactions, but only those preserved in this second way are truly petrified, i.e., turned to stone. “Petrified wood is the best illustration, and in a good specimen not only the external form of the wood, not only its general structure—bark, wood, radiating silver-grain, and concentric rings of growth—are discernible, but even the microscopic cellular structure of the wood, and the exquisite sculpturing of the cell-walls, are perfectly preserved, so that the kind of wood may often be determined by the microscope with the utmost certainty. Yet not one particle of the organic matter of the wood remains. It has been entirely replaced by mineral matter; usually by some form of silica. The same is true of the shells and bones of animals.”—Le Conte. 3. Original composition and structure both obliterated, and form alone preserved.—This occurs most commonly with shells, although fossil trees are also often good illustrations. The general result is accomplished in several ways: (a) The shell after being buried in the sediment may be removed by solution, leaving a mould of its external form, (b) This mould may subsequently be filled by the infiltration of finer sediment, forming a cast of the exterior of the shell. (c) The shell, before its solution, may have been filled with mud; and if the shell itself is then dissolved, we have a cast of its interior in a mould of its exterior. Time required for the Formation of Stratified Rocks.—Many attempts have been made to determine the time required for the deposition of any given thickness of stratified rocks. Of course, only roughly approximate results can be hoped for in most cases; but these are at least sufficient to make it certain that geological time is very long. The average relative rate of growth of different kinds of sediment is, however, less open to doubt, for we have already seen that coarse sediments like gravel and sand accumulate much more rapidly than finer sediments like clay and limestone; and we are sometimes able to compare these two classes of rocks on a very large scale. Thus, during what is known as the Paleozoic era, a sea extended from the Blue Ridge to the Rocky Mountains. Along the eastern margin of this sea, where the Alleghany Mountains now stand, sediments—chiefly conglomerate and sandstone, with some slate and less limestone—accumulated to a thickness of nearly 40,000 feet. Toward the west, away from the old shore-line, the coarse sediments gradually die out, and the formations become finer and thinner. In western Ohio and Indiana, slate and limestone predominate; while in the central part of the ancient sea, in Illinois and Missouri, the paleozoic sediments are almost wholly limestones, and have a thickness of only 4000 to 5000 feet. In other words, while one foot of limestone was forming in the Mississippi Valley, eight to ten feet of coarser sediments were deposited in Pennsylvania. The best estimates show that coral-reefs rise—i.e., limestones are formed on them—at the rate of about one foot in two hundred years. But coral limestones grow much more rapidly than limestones in general. Sandstones sometimes accumulate so rapidly that trees are buried before they have time to decay and fall (Fig. 9). Such a buried forest, like a coal-bed, represents a land surface, and proves a subsidence of the land; and in some cases, as indicated by the section, repeated oscillations of the crust may be proved in this way. The mud deposited by the annual overflow of the Nile is forty feet thick near the ancient city of Memphis; and the pedestal of the statue of Rameses II., believed to have been erected B.C. 1361, is buried to a depth of nine feet, four inches, indicating that 13,500 years have elapsed since the Nile began to spread its mud over the sands of the desert. Fig. 9.—Erect fossil trees. But the greatest difficulty in estimating the time required for the formation of any series of strata arises from the fact that we cannot usually even guess at the length of the periods when the deposition has been partially or wholly interrupted. Now and then, however, we find evidence that these periods may be very long. A layer of fossil shells in sandstone or slate proves an interruption of mechanical deposition. Beds of coal, fossil forests, and other indications of land surfaces are still more conclusive. The interposition of strata (Fig. 5) proves a prolonged interruption of deposition over the area not covered by the interposed bed. But the most important of all evidence is that afforded by unconformability; and the length of the lost interval between the two formations is measured approximately by the erosion of the older. Original Structures of Eruptive Rocks. The structures of this class are divisible into those pertaining to the volcanic rocks and those pertaining to the fissure or dike rocks. But since volcanoes are rare in this part of the world, while dikes are well developed in many sections of our country, it seems best to give our attention chiefly to the latter. Fig. 11.—Section of a granite mass. The term dike is a general name for all masses of eruptive rocks that have cooled and solidified in fissures or cavities in the earth’s crust. But the name is commonly restricted to the more regular, wall-like masses (Fig. 10), those having extremely irregular outlines, like most masses of granite (Fig. 11), being known simply as eruptive masses. The propriety of this distinction is apparent when we consider the origin of dike as a geological term. It was first used in this sense in southern Scotland, where almost any kind of a wall or barrier is called a dike. The dikes traverse the different stratified formations like gigantic walls, which are often encountered by the coal-miners, and on the surface are frequently left in relief by the erosion of the softer enclosing rock, so that in the west of Scotland, especially, they are actually made use of for enclosures. In other cases the dike has decayed faster than the enclosing rock, and its position is marked by a ditch-like depression. The narrow, straight, and perpendicular clefts or chasms observed on many coasts are usually due to the removal of the wall-like dikes by the action of the waves. Dikes are sometimes mere plates of rock, traceable for a few yards only; and they range in size from that up to those a hundred feet or more in width, and traceable for scores of miles across the country, their outcrops forming prominent ridges. The sides of dikes are often as parallel and straight of those of built walls, the resemblance to human workmanship being heightened by the numerous joints which, intersecting each other along the face of a dike, remind us of well-fitted masonry. Forms of Dikes.—A dike is essentially a casting. Melted rock is forced up from the heated interior into a cavity or crack in the earth’s crust, cools and solidifies there, and, like a metallic casting, assumes the form of the fissure or mould. In other words, the form of the dike is exactly that of the fissure into which the lava was injected. Now the forms of fissures depend partly upon the nature of the force that produces them, but very largely upon the structure—and especially the joint-structure—of the enclosing rocks. Nearly all rocks are traversed by planes of division or cracks called joints, which usually run in several directions, dividing the rock into blocks. And it is probable that dike-fissures are most commonly produced, not by breaking the rocks anew, but by widening or opening the pre-existing joint-cracks. Hence the straight and regular jointing of slate, limestone and most sedimentary rocks is accompanied by wall-like dikes—the typical dikes (Fig. 10); while the more irregular jointing of granite and other massive rocks gives rise to sinuous, branching, variable dikes. The general dependence of dikes upon the joint-structure of the rocks is proved by the facts that dikes, like joints, are normally vertical or highly inclined, and that they are usually parallel with the principal systems of joints in the same district. The wall-like dikes also give off branches, but usually in a regular manner, as shown in Fig. 12. Fig. 12.—Dike with regular branches. Structure of Dikes.—The rock traversed by a dike is called the country or wall rock. Fragments of this are often torn off by the igneous material, and become enclosed in the latter. Such enclosed fragments may sometimes form the main part of the dike, which then, since they are necessarily angular, often assumes the aspect of a breccia. This is the only important exception to the rule that dikes are homogeneous in composition; i.e., in the same dike we can usually find—from end to end, from side to side, and probably from top to bottom—no essential difference in composition. But there is often a marked contrast in texture between different parts of a dike, and especially between the sides and central portion. The liquid rock loses heat most rapidly where it is in contact with the cold walls of the fissure, and solidifies before it has time to crystallize, remaining compact and sometimes even glassy; while in the middle of the dike, unless it is very narrow, it cools so slowly as to develop a distinctly crystalline texture. There is no abrupt change in texture, but a gradual passage from the compact border to the coarsely crystalline or porphyritic middle portion. It is obvious that a similar gradation in texture must exist between the top and bottom of a dike. Contact Phenomena.—Under this head are grouped the interesting and important phenomena observable along the contact between the dike and wall-rock. These throw light upon the conditions of formation of dikes, and are often depended upon to show whether a rock mass is a dike or not. The student will observe here:— 1. The detailed form of the contact. It may be straight and simple, or exceedingly irregular, the dike penetrating the wall, and enclosing fragments of it, as in Fig. 11, which is a typically igneous contact. 2. The alteration of the wall-rock by heat. This may consist in: (a) coloration, shales and sandstones being reddened in the same way as when clay is burnt for bricks; (b) baking and induration, sandstone being converted into quartzite and even jasper; clay, slate, etc., being not only baked to a flinty hardness, but actually vitrified, as in porcelainite; and bituminous coal being converted into natural coke or anthracite; and (c) crystallization, chalk, and other limestones being changed to marble, and crystals of pyrite, calcite, quartz, etc., being developed in slate, sandstone, and other rocks. 3. The alteration of the dike-rock by (a) more rapid cooling, and (b) the access of thermal waters. The alteration of the wall-rock may extend only a few inches or many yards from the dike, gradually diminishing with the distance; and the cases are surprisingly numerous where there is no perceptible alteration; and, again, the alteration is usually mutual, the dike-rock being altered in texture, color, and composition. Fig. 13.—Ideal cross-section of a laccolite. Fig. 14.—Ideal cross-section of a volcano. Intrusive Beds.—We commonly think of dikes as cutting across the strata, but they often lie in planes parallel with them; and the same dike may run across the beds in some parts of its course and between them in others (Fig. 12), or the conformable dike maybe simply a lateral branch of a main vertical dike, as shown in the same figure. All dikes or portions of dikes lying conformably between the strata are called intrusive beds or sheets. When a dike fails to reach the surface, but spreads out horizontally between the strata, forming a thick dome or oven-shaped intrusive bed, the latter is called a laccolite (Fig. 13). Laccolites are sometimes of immense volume, containing several cubic miles of rock. Fig. 14 enables us to compare the laccolite with the volcano. In the one case a large mound of eruptive material accumulates between the strata, the overlying beds being lifted into a dome; while in the other case the fissure or vent reaches the surface, and the mound of lava is built up on top of the ground. Cotemporaneous Beds.—When the lava emitted by a crater is sufficiently liquid, it spreads out horizontally, forming a volcanic sheet or bed. If such an eruption is submarine, or the lava flow is subsequently covered by the sea, sedimentary deposits are formed over it; and beds of lava which thus come to lie conformably between sedimentary strata are known as cotemporaneous sheets or beds, because they belong, in order of time, in the position in which we find them, being, like any member of a stratified series, newer than the underlying and older than the overlying strata. Cotemporaneous lava-flows are sometimes repeated again and again in the same district, and thus important formations are built up of alternating igneous and aqueous deposits. Evidently, the student who would read correctly the record of igneous activity in the past must be able to distinguish intrusive and cotemporaneous beds. The principal points to be considered in making this distinction are: (1) The intrusive bed is essentially a dike, dense and more or less crystalline in texture, altering, and often enclosing fragments of, both the underlying and overlying strata, and frequently jogging across or penetrating the sediments. (2) The cotemporaneous bed, on the other hand, being essentially a lava-flow, is much less dense and crystalline, being usually distinctly scoriaceous or amygdaloidal, especially at the borders, and the underlying strata alone showing heat action, or occurring as enclosures in the lava; for the overlying strata are newer than the lava, and often consist largely, at the base, of water-worn fragments of the lava. Ages of Dikes.—The ages of dikes may be estimated in several ways. They are necessarily newer than any stratified formation which they intersect or of which they enclose fragments; but any formation crossing the top of a dike must usually be regarded as newer than the dike, especially if it contains water-worn fragments of the dike rock. The relative ages of different dikes are determined by their relations to the stratified formations; and still more easily by their mutual intersections, on the principle that when two dikes cross each other, the intersecting must be newer than the intersected dike. It is sometimes possible, in this way, to prove several distinct periods of eruption in the same limited district. The textures of dikes also often afford reliable indications of their ages; for, as we have already seen, the upper part of a dike, cooling rapidly and under little pressure, must be less dense and crystalline than the deep-seated portion, which cools slowly and under great pressure. Now, the lower, coarsely crystalline part of a dike can usually be exposed on the surface only as the result of enormous erosion; and erosion is a slow process, requiring vast periods of time. Hence, when we see a coarse-grained dike outcropping on the surface, we are justified in regarding it as very old, for all the fine-grained upper part has been gradually worn away by the action of the rain, frost, etc. Other things being equal, coarse-grained must be older than fine-grained dikes; and the texture of a dike is at once a measure of its age and of the amount of erosion which the region has suffered since it was formed. Eruptive Masses.—In striking contrast with the more or less wall-like dikes are the highly irregular, and even ragged, outlines of the eruptive masses; and it is worth while to notice the probable cause of this contrast. The true dikes are formed, for the most part, of comparatively fine-grained rocks—the typical “traps”; while the eruptive masses consist chiefly of the coarse-grained or granitic varieties. Now we have just seen that the coarse-grained rocks have been formed at great depths in the earth’s crust, while the fine-grained are comparatively superficial. But we have good reason for believing that the joint-structure, upon which the forms of dikes so largely depend, is not well developed at great depths, where the rocks are toughened, if not softened, by the high temperature. In other words, trap dikes are formed in the jointed formations, which break regularly; while the granitic masses are formed where the absence of joint-structure and a high temperature combine to cause extremely irregular rifts and cavities when the crust is broken. Volcanic Pipes or Necks.—Every volcano and every lava-flow or volcanic sheet must be connected with the earth’s interior by a channel or fissure, which becomes a dike when the lava ceases to flow. But the converse proposition is not true, for it is probable that many dikes did not originally reach the surface, but have been exposed by subsequent denudation. This is conspicuously the case with laccolites and other forms of intrusive sheets. Volcanic sheets or beds have probably often resulted from the overflow of the lava at all points of an extensive fissure or system of fissures; but the vent of the true volcano must be more circumscribed, an approximately circular opening in the earth’s crust, although doubtless originating in a fissure or at the intersection of two or more fissures, the lava continuing to flow at the widest part of the wound in the crust long after it has congealed in the narrower parts. Such a tube is known as the neck or pipe of the volcano; and volcanic necks are a highly interesting class of dikes, since they determine the exact location of many an ancient volcano, where the volcanic pile itself has long since been swept away. Necks and dikes are the downward prolongations or roots of the volcanic cone or sheet, and cannot be exposed on the surface until the volcanic fires have gone out and the agents of erosion have removed the greater part of the ejected materials. Hence, equally with the dikes which originally failed to reach the surface, they, wherever open to our observation, testify to extensive erosion and a vast antiquity. Original Structures of Vein Rocks. Many things called veins are improperly so called, such as dikes of granite and trap, and beds of coal and iron-ore. The smaller, more irregular, branching dikes, especially, are very commonly called veins, and to distinguish the true veins from these eruptive masses, they are designated as mineral veins or lodes, although the term lode is usually restricted to the metalliferous veins. Origin of Veins.—Various theories of the formation of veins have been proposed, but the most of these are of historic interest merely, for geologists are now well agreed that nearly all true veins have been formed by the deposition of minerals from solution in fissures or cavities in the earth’s crust. In many cases, especially where the veins are of limited extent, it seems probable that a part or all of the mineral matter was derived from the immediately enclosing rocks, being dissolved out by percolating water; and these are known as segregation or lateral secretion veins. But it is quite certain that as a general rule the mineral solutions have come chiefly from below, the deep-seated thermal waters welling up through any channel opened to them, and gradually depositing the dissolved minerals on the walls of the fissure as the temperature and pressure are diminished. This case, however, differs from the first only in deriving the vein-forming minerals from more remote and deeper portions of the enclosing rocks; and thus we see that vein-formation, whether on a large or a small scale, is always essentially a process of segregation. We know that every volcano and every lava flow must be connected below the surface with a dike; and it is almost equally certain that the waters of mineral springs forming tufaceous mineral deposits on the surface, as in the geyser districts, also deposit a portion of the dissolved minerals on the walls of the subterranean channels, which are thus being gradually filled up and converted into mineral veins, which will be exposed on the surface when erosion has removed the tufaceous overflow. This connection of vein-formation with the superficial deposits of existing springs has been clearly proved in several important instances in Nevada and California. Veins occur chiefly in old, metamorphic, and highly disturbed formations, where there is abundant evidence of the former existence of profound fissures, and in regions similar to those in which thermal springs occur to-day. In the supplement to the lithological section the student will find the formation of a typical vein briefly described and contrasted with that of a typical dike; also a brief account of the lithological peculiarities of vein rocks, and general statements concerning their relative abundance and vast economic importance. External Characteristics of Veins.—The typical vein may be described as a fissure of indefinite length and depth, filled with mineral substances deposited from solution. Externally, it is very similar to the typical dike, for the fissures are made in the same way for both. Veins are normally highly inclined to the horizon; they exhibit in nearly every respect the same general relations to the structure of the country rock as dikes; and the ages of veins are determined in the same way as the ages of dikes. The extensive mining operations to which veins have been subjected in all parts of the world, have made our knowledge of their forms below the surface very full and accurate. It has been learned in this way that very often the corresponding portions of the walls of a vein do not coincide in position, but one side is higher or lower than the other, showing that the walls slipped over each other when the fissure was formed or subsequently; and this faulting or displacement of the walls appears to be much more common with veins than with dikes, perhaps because the fissures remained open much longer. This slipping of the walls is the principal cause of the almost constant changes in the width of veins. For, since the walls are never true planes, and are often highly irregular any unequal movements must bring them nearer together at some points than at others. As a rule, the enormous friction accompanying the faulting, either crushes the wall-rock, or polishes and striates it, producing the highly characteristic surfaces known as slicken-sides. Where the wall is finely pulverized in this way, or is partially decomposed before or after the filling of the fissure, a thin layer of soft, argillaceous material is formed, separating the vein proper from the wall-rock. The miners call this the selvage; and it is a very characteristic feature of the true fissure veins. Fragments of the wall-rock are frequently enclosed in veins, and the latter sometimes branch or divide in such a way as to surround a large mass of the wall, which is known as a “horse.” A similar result is accomplished when a fissure is re-opened after being filled, if the new fissure does not coincide exactly with the old. It has been proved that veins have thus been re-opened and filled several times in succession; and in this way fragments of the older vein material become enclosed in the newer. Although usually determined in direction by the joint-structure of the country rock, veins are often parallel with the bedding, especially in highly inclined, schistose formations. Such interbedded veins are commonly distinctly lenticular in form, occupying rifts in the strata which thin out in all directions and are often very limited in extent. Whether conforming with the joint-structure or bedding, veins are commonly arranged in systems by their parallelism, those of different systems or directions usually differing in age and composition, and the older veins being generally faulted or displaced when intersected by the newer. Internal Characteristics of Veins.—Internally, veins and dikes are strongly contrasted; and it is upon the internal features, chiefly, as previously explained, that we must depend for their distinction. In metalliferous veins the minerals containing the metal sought for (the galenite, sphalerite, etc.) are the ore; while the non-metalliferous minerals (the quartz, feldspar, calcite, etc.) are called the gangue or vein-stone proper. Although the combinations of minerals in veins are almost endless, yet certain associations of ores with each other and with different gangue minerals are tolerably constant, and constitute an important subject for the student of metallurgy and mining. When a vein is composed of a single mineral, as quartz, it may rival a dike in its homogeneity. Most important veins, however, are composed of several or a large number of minerals, which may be sometimes more or less uniformly mixed with each other, but are usually distributed in the fissure in a very irregular manner. The great granite veins which are worked for mica, feldspar and quartz, are good illustrations, on a large scale, of the structure of veins in which several minerals have been deposited cotemporaneously. The individual minerals are found to a large extent, in great, irregular masses, with no order observable in their arrangement. When a mineral is deposited from solution, it crystallizes by preference on a surface of similar composition, thus quartz on quartz, feldspar on feldspar, and so on; and it seems probable that this selective action of the wall-rock may be a principal cause of the irregular distribution of minerals in veins. It has often been observed in metalliferous veins that the richness varies with the nature of the adjacent country rock. This dependence of the contents of a fissure upon the wall-rock may be due in part to the selective deposition of the minerals, and in part to their derivation from the contiguous portions of the country or wall-rock, as in the so-called segregated veins. Temperature and pressure exert an important influence upon chemical precipitation, and it is, therefore, probable that the composition of many veins varies with the depth. Fig. 15.—Ideal section of a vein. Frequently, perhaps usually, the minerals of composite veins are deposited in succession, instead of cotemporaneously, giving rise to the remarkable banded structure so characteristic of this class of veins. The first mineral deposited in the fissure forms a layer covering each wall, and is in turn covered by layers of the second mineral, and that by the third, and so on, until the fissure is filled, or the solution exhausted. The distinguishing features of this structure are shown in Fig. 15, in which w w represents the wall-rock, a a, b b, c c are successive layers of quartz, fluorite and barite, and the central band, d, is galenite. Since the vein grows from the outside inward, the outer layers are the oldest, and the central layers are the newest; again, the layers are symmetrically arranged, being repeated in the reverse order on opposite sides of the middle of the vein; and, lastly, in layers composed of prismatic crystals, as quartz (see the figure); the crystals are perpendicular to the wall and often project into, and even through, the succeeding layers. Such a crystalline layer is called a “comb” and the interlocking of the layers in this way is described as the comb-structure of the vein. The banding of veins is thus strongly contrasted with stratification, and with the structure in dikes due to the more rapid cooling along the walls. The duplicate layers are often discontinuous and of unequal thickness, on account of the strong tendency to segregation in the materials. This is clearly shown in Fig. 16, drawn on a reduced scale from a polished section of a lead vein in Cumberland, England, contained in the Museum of the Boston Society of Natural History. In this the gangue minerals are fluorite (f) and barite (b). The central band (f g) is a darker fluorite containing irregular masses of galenite. The banded structure of veins is exactly reproduced in miniature in the banding of agates, geodes, and the amygdules formed in old lavas. Unfilled cavities frequently remain along the middle of the vein. When small, these are known as “pockets.” They are commonly lined with crystals; and when the latter are minute, the pockets are called druses. In metalliferous veins, the ore is much more abundant in some parts than in others, and these ore-bodies, especially when somewhat definite in outline, are known in their different forms and in different localities, as courses, slants, shoots, chimneys, and bonanzas of ore. The intersections and junctions of veins are often among the richest parts, as if the meeting of dissimilar solutions had determined the precipitation of the ore. Fig. 16.—Section of a lead vein, one-fifth natural size. Metalliferous veins, especially, are usually deeply decomposed along the outcrop by the action of atmospheric agencies. The ore is oxidized, and to a large extent removed by solution, leaving the quartz and other gangue minerals in a porous state, stained by oxides of iron, copper, and other metals, forming the gossan or blossom-rock of the vein. Peculiar Types of Veins.—In calcareous or limestone formations, especially, the joint-cracks and bedding-cracks are often widened through the solution of the rock by infiltrating water, and thus become the channels of a more or less extensive subterranean drainage, by which they are more rapidly enlarged to a system of galleries and chambers, and, in some cases, large limestone caverns. The water dripping into the cavern from the overlying limestone is highly charged with carbonate of lime, which is largely deposited on the ceiling and floor of the cavern, forming stalactitic and stalagmitic deposits. These are masses of mineral matter deposited from solution in cavities in the earth’s crust, and are essentially vein-formations. Portions of caverns deserted by the flowing streams by which they were excavated, are often filled up in this way, being converted into irregular veins of calcite. But calcite is not the only mineral found in these cavern deposits, for barite and fluorite, and various lead and zinc ores, especially the sulphides of these metals—galenite and sphalerite—have also been leached out of the surrounding limestone and concentrated in the caverns. The celebrated lead mines of the Mississippi Valley, and some of the richest silver-lead mines of Utah and Nevada are of this character. The forms of these cavern-deposits vary almost indefinitely, and are often highly irregular. The principal types are known as gash-veins, flats and sheets (Fig. 17), chambers and pockets. Where joints and other cracks have opened slightly in different directions and become filled with infiltrated ores, we have what the German miners call a stock-work,—an irregular network of small and interlacing veins. Fig. 17.—Gash-veins and sheets. An impregnation is an irregular segregation of metalliferous minerals in the mass of some eruptive or crystalline rock. Its outlines are not sharply defined, but it shades off gradually into the enclosing rock. Fahlbands are similar ill-defined deposits or segregations in stratified rocks. An impregnation or vein occurring along the contact between two dissimilar rocks is called a contact deposit. These are usually found between formations of different geological ages, and especially between eruptive and sedimentary rocks. Subsequent Structures produced by Subterranean Agencies. The subterranean forces concerned in the formation of rocks are chiefly various manifestations of that enormous tangential pressure developed in the earth’s crust, partly by the cooling and shrinkage of its interior, but largely, it is probable, by the diminution of the velocity of the earth’s rotation by tidal friction, and the consequent diminution of the oblateness of its form. It is well known that the centrifugal force arising from the earth’s rotation is sufficient to change the otherwise spherical form of the earth to an oblate spheroid, with a difference of twenty-six miles between the equatorial and polar diameters. It is also well known that while the earth turns from west to east on its axis, the tidal wave moves around the globe from east to west, thus acting like a powerful friction-brake to stop the earth’s rotation. Our day is consequently lengthening, and the earth’s form as gradually approaching the perfect sphere. This means a very decided shortening and consequent crumpling of the equatorial circumference, and is equivalent to a marked shrinkage of the earth’s interior, so far as the equatorial regions are concerned. The most important and direct result of the horizontal thrust, whether due to cooling or tidal friction, is the corrugation or wrinkling of the crust; and the earth-wrinkles are of three orders of magnitude,—continents, mountain-ranges, and rock-folds or arches. Continents and ocean-basins, although the most important and permanent structural features of the earth’s crust, do not demand further consideration here, since their forms and relations are adequately described in the better text-books of physical geography. The forms and distribution of mountain-ranges might be dismissed in the same way; but, unlike continents, the structure of mountains, upon which their reliefs mainly depend, is quite fully exposed to our observation, and is one of the most important fields of the student of structural geology. Mountains, however, as previously explained, combine nearly all the kinds of structure produced by the subterranean agencies, and their consideration, therefore, belongs at the end rather than the beginning of this section. Inclined or Folded Strata.—Normally, strata are horizontal, and dikes and veins are vertical or nearly so. Hence the stratified rocks are more exposed to the crumpling action of the tangential pressure in the earth’s crust than the eruptive and vein rocks; and it is for this reason and partly because the stratified rocks are vastly more abundant than the other kinds, that the effects of the corrugation of the crust are studied chiefly in the former. But it should be understood that folded dikes and veins are not uncommon. That the stratified rocks have, in many instances, suffered great disturbance subsequent to their deposition, is very evident; for, while the strata must have been originally approximately straight and horizontal, they are now often curved, or sharply bent and contorted, and highly inclined or even vertical. All inclined beds or strata are portions of great folds or arches. Thus we may feel sure when we see a stratum sloping downward into the ground, that its inclination or dip does not continue at the same angle, but that at some moderate depth it gradually changes and the bed rises to the surface again. Similarly, if we look in the opposite direction and think of the bed as sloping upward—we know that the surface of the ground is being constantly lowered by erosion, and consequently that the inclined stratum formerly extended higher than it does now, but not indefinitely higher; for, in imagination, we see it curving and descending to the level of the present surface again. Hence it forms, at the same time, part of one side of a great concave arch, and of a great convex arch, just as every inclined surface on the ground indicates both a hill and a valley. And guided by this principle we can often reconstruct with much probability folds that have been more or less completely swept away by erosion, or that are buried beyond our sight in the earth’s crust. The arches of the strata are rarely distinctly indicated in the topography, but must be studied where the ground has been partly dissected, as in cliffs, gorges, quarries, etc. They are also, as a rule, far more irregular and complex than they are usually conceived or represented. The wrinkles of our clothing are often better illustrations of rock-folds than the models and diagrams used for that purpose. This becomes self-evident when we reflect that the earth’s crust is exceedingly heterogeneous in composition and structure, and must, therefore, yield unequally to the unequal strains imposed upon it. The folds or undulations of the strata may be profitably compared with water-waves. In fact, the comparison is so close that they have been not inaptly called rock-waves. Folds, like waves, unless very large, rarely continue for any great distance, but die out and are replaced by others, giving rise to the en echelon or step-like arrangement. The plan of both a wave and a fold is a more or less elongated ellipse, each stratum in a fold being semi-ellipsoidal or boat-shaped. In other words, a normal fold is an elongated mound of concentric strata, being highest at the centre, sloping very gradually toward the ends, and much more abruptly toward the sides. Fig. 18.—Anticlinal and synclinal folds. The imaginary line passing longitudinally through a fold, about which the strata appear to be bent, is the axis; and the plane lying midway between the two sides of a fold and including the axis is the axial plane. The two principal kinds of folds are the anticline (Fig. 18, A), where the strata dip away from the axis; and the syncline (Fig. 18, B), where they dip toward the axis. They are commonly, but not always, correlative, like hill and valley. Rock-folds are of all sizes, from almost microscopic wrinkles to great arches miles in length and breadth, and thousands of feet in height. The smaller folds, or such as may be seen in hand specimens and even in considerable blocks of stone, are commonly called contortions, and it is interesting to observe that they are, in nearly everything except size, precisely like the large folds, so that they answer admirably as geological models. Large folds, however, are almost necessarily curves, but contortions are frequently angular (Fig. 19). With folds, as with waves, the small undulations are borne upon the large ones; but the contortions are not uniformly distributed. An inspection of Fig. 18 shows that when the rocks are folded they must be in a state of tension on the anticlines (A), and in a state of compression in the synclines (B), and the latter is evidently the normal position of the puckerings or contortions of the strata, as shown in Fig. 20. Contortions are also most commonly found in thin-bedded, flexible rocks, such as shales and schists. And when we find them in hard, rigid rocks, like gneiss and limestone, it must mean either that the structure was developed with extreme slowness, or that the rock was more flexible then and possibly plastic. Fig. 19.—Contorted strata. Fig. 20.—Contorted syncline. Fig. 21.—Section of anticlinal mountains. It is very interesting to notice the relations of anticlinal and synclinal folds to the agents of erosion. At the time the folds are made, the anticlinals, of course, are ridges, and the synclinals, valleys, and this relation sometimes continues, as shown in Fig. 21; but we have seen that the rocks in the trough of the synclinal are compressed and compacted, i.e., made more capable of resisting erosion, while those on the crest of the anticlinal are stretched and broken, i.e., made more susceptible of erosion. The consequence is that the anticlinals are usually worn away very much faster than the synclinals; so much faster that in many cases the topographic features are completely transposed, and in place of anticlinal ridges and synclinal valleys (Fig. 21) we find synclinal ridges and anticlinal valleys (Fig. 22). Fig. 22.—Section of synclinal mountains. Fig. 23.—Monoclinal fold. Fig. 24.—Unsymmetrical and inverted folds. Besides the anticlinal and synclinal folds already explained, there are folds that slope in only one direction, one-sided or monoclinal folds (Fig. 23). Anticlinal and synclinal folds are symmetrical when the dip or slope of the strata is the same on both sides and the axial plane is vertical. The great majority of folds, however, are unsymmetrical, the opposite slopes being unequal, and the axial planes inclined to the vertical (Fig. 24, A). This means that the compressing or plicating force has been greater from one side than from the other, as indicated by the arrows. It acted with the greatest intensity on the side of the gentler slope, the tendency evidently having been to crowd or tip the fold over in the direction of the steep slope. When the steep slope approaches the vertical, this tendency is almost unresisted, and when it passes the vertical, gravitation assists in overturning the fold (Fig. 24, B). Such highly unsymmetrical folds, including all cases where the two sides of the fold slope in the same direction, are described as overturned or inverted, although the latter term is not strictly applicable to the entire fold, but only to the strata composing the under or lee side of it. Fig. 24, B, shows that these beds are completely inverted, the older, as the figures indicate, lying conformably upon the newer. This inversion is one of the most important features of folded strata, and it has led to many mistakes in determining their order of succession. In the great mountain-chains, especially, it is exhibited on the grandest scale, great groups of strata being folded over and over each other as we might fold carpets. An inverted stratum is like a flattened S or Z, and may be pierced by a vertical shaft three times, as has actually happened in some coal mines. Folds are open when the sides are not parallel, and closed when they are parallel, the former being represented by a half-open, and the latter by a closed, book. Closed folds are usually inverted, and when the tops have been removed by erosion (Fig. 25), the repetition of the strata may escape detection, and the thickness of the section be, in consequence, greatly overestimated. Thus, a geologist traversing the section in Fig. 25 would see thirty-two strata, all inclined to the left at the same angle, those on the right apparently passing below those on the left, and all forming part of one great fold. The repetition of the strata in reverse order, as indicated by the numbers, and the structure below the surface, show, however, that the section really consists of only four beds involved in a series of four closed folds, the true thickness of the beds in this section being only one-eighth as great as the apparent thickness. Fig. 25.—Series of closed folds. The most important features to be noted in observing and describing inclined or folded strata are the strike and dip. The strike is the compass bearing or horizontal direction of the strata. It is the direction of the outcrop of the strata where the ground is level. It may also be defined as the direction of a level line on the surface of a stratum, and is usually parallel with the axis of the fold. The dip is the inclination of the beds to the plane of the horizon, and embraces two elements: (a) the direction of the dip, which is always at right angles to the strike, being the line of steepest descent on the surface of the stratum, and (b) the amount of the dip, which is the value of the angle between the line of steepest descent and the horizon. In Fig. 26, s t is the direction of the strike, and d p that of the dip. The strike and direction of the dip are determined with the compass, and the amount of the dip with the clinometer, an instrument for measuring vertical angles. The strike is much less variable than the dip, being often essentially constant over extensive districts; while the dip, except in very large or closed folds, is constantly changing in direction and amount. When the dip and surface breadth of a series of strata have been measured, it is a simple problem in trigonometry to determine the true thickness, and the depth below the surface of any particular stratum at any given distance from its outcrop. When the strata are vertical, the surface breadth or traverse measure is equal to the thickness. By the outcrop of a stratum or formation we ordinarily understand its actual exposure on the surface, where it projects through the soil in ledges or quarries. But the term is also more broadly defined to mean the exposure of the stratum as it would appear if the soil were entirely removed. It is instructive to observe the relations of the outcrop to the form of the surface. Its breadth varies with its inclination to the surface, appearing narrow and showing its true thickness where it is perpendicular to the surface, and broadening out rapidly where the surface cuts it obliquely. The outcrops of horizontal strata form level lines or bands along the sides of hills and valleys, essentially contour lines in the topography; and appear as irregular, sinuous bands bordering the streams and valleys in the map-view of the country. The outcrops of vertical strata, dikes, or veins, on the other hand, are represented by straight lines and bands on the map. While the outcrops of inclined strata are deflected to the right or left in crossing ridges and valleys, according to the direction and amount of their inclination. A geological map shows the surface distribution of the rocks, i.e., gives in one view the forms and arrangement of the outcrops of all the rocks in the district mapped, including the trend or strike of the folded strata. The map may be lithological, each kind of rock, as granite, sandstone, limestone, etc., being represented by a different color; or, it may be historical, each color representing one geological formation, i.e., the rocks formed during one period of geological time, without reference to their lithological character. But in the best maps these two methods are combined. The geological section shows the arrangement of the rocks below the surface, revealing the dip of the strata and supplementing the map, both modes of representation, the horizontal and vertical, being required to give a complete idea of the geological structure of a country. For a detailed and satisfactory explanation of the construction and use of geological maps and sections, students are referred to Prof. Geikie’s “Outlines of Field Geology.” Cleavage Structure.—This important structure is now known to be, like rock-folds, a direct result of the great horizontal pressure in the earth’s crust. It is entirely distinct in its nature and origin from crystalline cleavage, and may properly be called lithologic cleavage. It is also essentially unlike stratification and joint-structure. It agrees with stratification in dividing the rocks into thin parallel layers, but the cleavage planes are normally vertical instead of horizontal. And the cleavage planes differ from joints in running in only one direction, dividing the rock into layers; while joints, as we shall see, traverse the same mass of rock in various directions, dividing it into blocks. Fig. 27.—Slaty cleavage in contorted strata. The principal characteristics of lithologic cleavage are: (1) It is rare, except in fine-grained, soft rocks, having its best development in the slates, roofing slates and school slates affording typical examples. Hence it is commonly known as slaty cleavage. (2) The cleavage planes are highly inclined or vertical, very constant in dip and strike, and quite independent of stratification. (3) It is usually associated with folded strata, and often with distorted nodules or fossils. The more important of these characteristics are illustrated by Fig. 27. This represents a block of contorted strata in which the dark layers are slate with very perfect cleavage parallel to the left-hand shaded side of the block; while the white layers are sandstone and quite destitute of cleavage. Many explanations of this interesting structure have been proposed, but that first advanced by Sharpe may be regarded as fully established. He said that slaty cleavage is always due to powerful pressure at right angles to the planes of cleavage. All the characteristics of cleavage noted above are in harmony with this theory. Cleavage is limited to fine-grained or soft rocks, because these alone can be modified internally by pressure, without rupture. Harder and more rigid rocks may be bent or broken, but they appear insusceptible of minute wrinkling or other change of structure affecting every particle of the mass. Since the cleavage planes are normally vertical, the pressure, according to the theory, must be horizontal. That this horizontal pressure exists and is adequate in direction and amount, is proved by the folds and contortions of the cleaved strata; for, as shown in Fig. 27, the cleavage planes coincide with the strike of the foldings, and are thus perpendicular to the pressure horizontally as well as vertically. The distortion of the fossils in cleaved slates is plainly due to pressure at right angles to the cleavage, for they are compressed or shortened in that direction, and extended or flattened out in the planes of cleavage. Again, Tyndall has shown that the magnetism of cleaved slate proves that it has been powerfully compressed perpendicularly to the cleavage. And, finally, repeated experiments by Sorby and others have proved that a very perfect cleavage may be developed in clay (unconsolidated slate) by compression, the planes of cleavage being at right angles to the line of pressure. When, however, Sharpe’s theory had been thus fully demonstrated, the question as to how pressure produces cleavage still remained unanswered. Sorby held that clay contains foreign particles with unequal axes, such as mica-scales, etc., and that these are turned by the pressure so as to lie in parallel planes perpendicular to its line of action, thus producing easy splitting or cleavage in those planes. And he proved by experiments that a mixture of clay and mica-scales does behave in this way. But Tyndall showed that the cleavage is more perfect just in proportion as the clay is free from foreign particles, and in such a perfectly homogeneous substance as beeswax, he developed a more perfect cleavage than is possible in clay. His theory, which is now universally accepted, is, that the clay itself is composed of grains which are flattened by pressure, the granular structure with irregular fracture in all directions, changing to a scaly structure with very easy and plane fracture or splitting in one definite direction. Observations on distorted fossils and nodules have shown that when slaty cleavage is developed, the rock is, on the average, reduced in the direction of the pressure to two-fifths of its original extent, and correspondingly extended in the vertical direction. Thus, whether rocks yield to the horizontal pressure in the earth’s crust, by folding and corrugation, or by the flattening of their constituent particles, they are alike shortened horizontally and extended vertically; and it is impossible to overestimate the importance of these facts in the formation of mountains. Faults or Displacements.—We may readily conceive that the forces which were adequate to elevate, corrugate, and even crush vast masses of solid rock were also sufficient to crack and break them; and since the fractures indicate that the strains have been applied unequally, it will be seen that unequal movements of the parts must often result. If this unequal movement takes place, i.e., if the rocks on opposite sides of a fracture of the earth’s crust do not move together, but slip over each other, a fault is produced. The two sides may move in opposite directions, or in the same direction but unequally, or one side may remain stationary while the other moves up or down. It is simply essential that the movement should be unequal in direction, or amount, or both; that there should be an actual slip, so that strata that were once continuous no longer correspond in position, but lie at different levels on opposite sides of the fracture. The vertical difference in movement is known as the throw, slip, or displacement of the fault. Fault-fractures rarely approach the horizontal direction, but are usually highly inclined or approximately vertical. When the fault is inclined, as in Fig. 28, the actual slipping in the plane of the fault exceeds the vertical throw, for the movement is then partly horizontal, the beds being pulled apart endwise. The inclination of faults, as of veins and dikes, should be measured from the vertical and called the hade. Faults are sometimes hundreds of miles in length; and the throw may vary from a fraction of an inch to thousands of feet. Fig. 28.—Section of a normal fault. Fig. 29.—Section of a reversed fault. Transverse sections, such as are represented by Fig. 28 and many specimens and models, do not give the complete plan or idea of a fault; but this is seen more perfectly in Fig. 30. We learn from this that a typical fault is a fracture along which the strata have sagged or settled down unequally. The most important point to be observed here is that the strata do not drop bodily, but are merely bent, the throw being greatest at the middle of the fault and gradually diminishing toward the ends. In other words, every simple fault must die out gradually; for we cannot conceive of a fault as ending abruptly, except where it turns upon itself so as to completely enclose a block of the strata, which may drop down bodily; but the fault is then really endless. A fault may be represented on a map by a line; if a simple fault, by a single straight line. But faults are often compound, and are represented by branching lines; that is, the earth’s crust has been broken irregularly, and the parts adjoining the fracture have sagged or risen unequally. Fig. 30.—Ideal view of a complete fault. The rock above an inclined fault, vein, or dike (Fig. 28) is called the hanging wall, and that below the foot wall. Now inclined faults are divided into two classes, according to the relative movements of the two walls. Usually, the hanging wall slips down and the foot wall slips up, as in Fig. 28. Faults on this plan are so nearly the universal rule that they are called normal faults. They indicate that the strata were in a state of tension, for their broken ends are pulled apart horizontally, so that a vertical line may cross the plane of a stratum without touching it. A few important faults have been observed, however, in which the foot-wall[**no hyphen before] has fallen and the hanging-wall[**] has risen (Fig. 29). These are known as reversed faults; and they indicate that the strata were in a state of lateral compression, the broken ends of the beds having been pushed horizontally past each other, so that a vertical line or shaft may intersect the same bed twice, as has been actually demonstrated in the case of some beds of coal. Fig. 31.—Explanation of normal faults. The usual explanation of normal faults is given in Fig. 31. The inclined fractures of the earth’s crust must often be converging, bounding, or enclosing large V-shaped blocks (A, B). If now, through any cause, as the folding of the strata, they are brought into a state of tension, so that the fractures are widened, the V-shaped masses, being unsupported, settle down, the fractures bounding them becoming normal faults, as is seen by tracing the bed X through the dislocations. The single fracture below the block A is inclined, and the stretching has been accomplished by slipping along it and faulting the bed Z as well as X, the entire section to the right of this fracture being part of a much larger V-shaped block the right-hand boundary of which is not seen. But the united fracture below the block B being vertical, any horizontal movement must widen it into a fissure, which is kept open by the great wedge above and may become the seat of a dike or mineral vein. The beds below the V may, in this case, escape dislocation, as is seen by tracing the bed Z across the fissure. These pairs of converging normal faults are called trough faults; and this is the only way in which we can conceive of important faults as terminating at moderate depths below the surface, and not affecting the entire thickness of the earth’s crust. Important reversed faults are believed to occur chiefly along the axes of overturned anticlines (Fig. 24) where the strata have been broken by the unequal strains, and those on the upper side shoved bodily over those on the lower or inverted side. An extensive displacement of the strata is sometimes accomplished by short slips along each of a series of parallel fractures, producing a step fault. Faults cutting inclined or folded strata are divided into two classes, according as they are approximately parallel with the direction of the dip or of the strike. The first are known as transverse or dip faults, and the second as longitudinal or strike faults. The chief interest of either class consists in their effect upon the outcrops of the faulted strata, after erosion has removed the escarpment produced by the dislocation. Fig. 32.—Plan of a dip fault. Dip faults cause a lateral shift or displacement of the outcrops, as shown in Fig. 32, which represents a plan or map-view of the strata traversed by the fault b b, the down throw being on the right and the up throw on the left. The dip of the strata is indicated by the small arrows and the accompanying figures; and it will be observed on tracing the outcrop of any stratum, a a, across the fault that it is shifted to the right. If the throw of the fault were reversed, the displacement of the outcrop would be reversed, also. Strike faults are of two kinds, according as they incline in the same direction as the strata, or in the contrary direction. The effect of the first kind is to conceal some of the beds, as shown in Fig. 33, in which beds 5 and 6 do not outcrop, but we pass on the surface abruptly from 4 to 7. The apparent thickness of the section is thus less than the real thickness. When the fault inclines against the strata, on the other hand (Fig. 34), the outcrops of certain strata are repeated on the surface; and a number of parallel faults of this kind, a step fault, will, like a series of closed folds (Fig. 25), cause the apparent thickness of the section to greatly exceed the real thickness. Repetition of the strata by faulting is distinguished from repetition by folding by being in the same instead of the reverse order. Fig. 33.—Strike fault, concealing strata. Fig. 34.—Strike fault, repeating strata. Folds and faults are really closely related. In the former the strata are disturbed and displaced by bending; in the latter by breaking and slipping; and the displacement which is accomplished by a fold may gradually change to a fracture and slip. This relation is especially noticeable with monoclinal folds (Fig. 23), in which the tendency to shear or break the beds is often very marked. Important faults are rarely simple, well-defined fractures; but, in consequence of the enormous friction, the rocks are usually more or less broken and crushed, sometimes for a breadth of many feet or yards. The fragments of the various beds are then strung along the fault in the direction of the slipping, and this circumstance has been made use of in tracing the continuation of faulted beds of coal. In other cases the direction of the slip is plainly indicated by the bending of the broken ends of the strata (Fig. 35), and the beds are sometimes turned up at a high angle or even overturned in this way. Fig. 35.—Section of beds distorted by a fault. Since faults are not plane, but undulating and often highly irregular, fractures, the walls will not coincide after slipping; and if the rocks are hard enough to resist the enormous pressure, the cavities or fissures produced in this way may remain open. Now faults are continuous fractures of the earth’s crust, reaching down to an unknown but very great depth; and hence they afford the best outlets for the heated subterranean waters; so that it is common to find an important fault marked on the surface by a line of springs, and these are often thermal. The warm mineral waters on their way to the surface deposit part of the dissolved minerals in the irregular fissures along the fault, which are thus changed to mineral veins. This agrees with the fact that the walls of veins usually show faulting as well as crushed rock, slickensides, and other evidences of slipping. If the earth’s surface were not subject to erosion, every fault would be marked on the surface by an escarpment equal in height to the throw of the fault; and, notwithstanding the powerful tendency of erosion to obliterate them, these escarpments are sometimes observed, although of diminished height. Thus, according to Gilbert, the Zandia Mountains in New Mexico are due to a fault of 11,000 feet, leaving an escarpment still 7000 feet high. But, as a rule, there is no escarpment or marked inequality of the surface, the fault, like the fold, not being distinctly indicated in the topography. In all such cases we must conclude either that the faults were made a very long time ago, or that they have been formed with extreme slowness, so slowly that erosion has kept pace with the displacement, the escarpments being worn away as fast as formed. These and other considerations make it quite certain that extensive displacements are not produced suddenly, but either grow by a slow, creeping motion, or by small slips many times repeated at long intervals of time. Joints and Joint-structure.—This is the most universal of all rock-structures, since all hard rocks and many imperfectly consolidated kinds, like clay, are jointed. Joints are cracks or planes of division which are usually approximately vertical and traverse the same mass of rock in several different directions. They are distinguished from stratification planes by being rarely horizontal, and from both stratification and cleavage planes by being actual cracks or fractures, and by dividing the rock into blocks instead of sheets or layers. The art of quarrying consists in removing these natural blocks; and most of the broad flat surfaces of rock exposed in quarries, are the joint-planes (Fig. 36). Some of the most familiar features of rock-scenery are also due to this structure, cliffs, ravines, etc., being largely determined in form and direction by the principal systems of joints; and we have already seen that the same is true of veins and dikes. Joints are divided by their characteristics and modes of origin into three classes as follows:— Fig. 36.—Quarry showing two systems of parallel joints. 1. The parallel and intersecting joints.—This is by far the most important class, and has its best development in stratified rocks, such as sandstone, slate, limestone, etc. These joints are straight and continuous cracks which may often be traced for considerable distances on the surface. They usually run in several definite directions, being arranged in sets or systems by their parallelism. Thus in Fig. 36 one set of joints is represented by the broad, flat surfaces in light, and a second set crossing the first nearly at right angles, by the narrower faces in shadow. By the intersections of the different sets of joints the rock is divided into angular blocks. Although many explanations of this class of joints have been proposed, it has long been the general opinion of geologists that they are due to the contraction of the rocks, i.e., that they are shrinkage cracks. We shall soon see, however, that they lack the most important characters of cracks known to be due to shrinkage; and the present writer has advanced the view that movements of the earth’s crust, and especially the swift, vibratory movements known as earthquakes, are a far more adequate and probable cause. It is well known that earthquakes break the rocks; and, if space permitted, it could be shown that the earthquake-fractures must possess all the essential features of parallel and intersecting joints. 2. Contraction joints or shrinkage cracks.—That many cracks in rocks are due to shrinkage, there can be no doubt. The shrinkage may result from the drying of sedimentary rocks; but more generally from the cooling of eruptive rocks. Every one has noticed in warm weather, the cracks in layers of mud or clay on the shore, or where pools of water have dried up; and we have already seen that these sun-cracks are often preserved in the hard rocks. They have certain characteristic features by which they may be distinguished from the joints of the first class. They divide the clay into irregular, angular blocks, which often show a tendency to be hexagonal instead of quadrangular. The cracks are continually uniting and dividing, but are not parallel, and rarely cross each other. Sun-cracks never affect more than a few feet in thickness of clay, and are an insignificant structural feature of sedimentary rocks. In eruptive rocks, on the other hand, the contraction joints have a very extensive, and, in some cases, a very perfect development, culminating in the prismatic or columnar jointing of the basaltic rocks. This remarkable structure has long excited the interest of geologists, and, although the basalt columns were once regarded as crystals, and later as a species of concretionary structure, it is now generally recognized as the normal result of slow cooling in a homogeneous, brittle mass. The columns are normally hexagonal, and perpendicular to the cooling surface, being vertical in horizontal sheets and lava flows, as in the classic examples of the Giant’s Causeway and Fingal’s Cave, and horizontal in vertical dikes (Fig. 37). They begin to grow on the cooling surface of the mass and gradually extend toward the centre, so that dikes frequently show two independent sets of columns. 3. The concentric joints of granitic rocks.—In quarries of granite and other massive crystalline rocks, it is often very noticeable that the rock is divided into more or less regular layers by cracks which are approximately parallel with the surface of the ground, some of the granite hills having thus a structure resembling that of an onion. The layers are thin near the surface, become thicker and less distinct downwards, and cannot usually be traced below a depth of fifty or sixty feet. These concentric cracks are of great assistance in quarrying, and are now regarded as due to the expansion of the superficial portions of the granite caused by the heat of the sun. In reference to this view of their origin these may be properly called expansion joints. Structure of Mountain-chains.—Mountains are primarily of two kinds,—volcanic and non-volcanic. The structure of the former belongs properly with the original structures of the volcanic rocks; but the latter—the true mountains—owe their internal structure and altitude or relief almost wholly to the crumpling and mashing together of great zones of the earth’s crust, being, as already pointed out, the culminating points of the plication, cleavage, and faulting of the strata. “A mountain-chain consists of a great plateau or bulge of the earth’s surface, often hundreds of miles wide and thousands of miles long. This is usually more or less distinctly divided by great longitudinal valleys into parallel ranges and ridges; and these, again, are serrated along their crests, or divided into peaks by transverse valleys. In many cases this ideal chain is far from realized, but we have instead, a great bulging of the earth’s crust composed on the surface of an inextricable tangle of ridges and valleys of erosion, running in all directions. In all cases, however, the erosion has been immense; for the mountain-chains are the great theatres of erosion as well as of igneous action. As a general fact, all that we see, when we stand on a mountain-chain—every peak and valley, every ridge and caÑon, all that constitutes scenery—is wholly due to erosion.”—Le Conte. The structure of mountains thus fells under two heads: (1) The internal structure and altitude, which are due to the action of the subterranean agencies. (2) The external forms, the actual relief, which are the product chiefly of the superficial agencies or erosion. The study of mountains has shown that: (1) They are composed of very thick sedimentary formations. Thus the sedimentary rocks have a thickness of 40,000 feet in the Alleghanies; of 50,000 feet in the Alps; and of two to ten miles in all important mountain-chains. Such thick deposits of sediments, as we have already seen, must be formed on a subsiding sea-floor, and in many mountain-chains, as in the Alleghanies, the great bulk of these sediments are still below the level of the sea. Again, thick sedimentary deposits can only be formed in the shallow, marginal portions of the sea; and when such a belt of thick shore deposits yields to the powerful horizontal thrust, and is crumpled and mashed up, it is greatly shortened in the direction of the pressure and thickened vertically, so that its upper surface is lifted high above the level of the sea, and a mountain-chain is formed and added to the edge of the continent. We thus find an explanation of the important fact that on the several continents, but notably on the two Americas, the principal mountain-ranges are near to and parallel with the coast lines. 2. The mountain-forming sediments are usually strongly folded and faulted, and exhibit slaty cleavage wherever they are susceptible of that structure; and the older rocks, especially, in mountains are often highly metamorphosed, and are traversed by numerous veins and dikes, the infallible signs of intense igneous activity. “In other words, mountain regions have been the great theatres—(1) of sedimentation before the mountains were formed; (2) of plication and upheaval in the formation of the range; and (3) of erosion which determined the present outline. Add to these the metamorphism, the faults, veins, dikes, and volcanic outbursts, and it is seen that all geological agencies concentrate there.”—Le Conte. Since mountain-ranges are great up-swellings or bulgings of the strata, their structure is always essentially anticlinal; and they sometimes consist of a single more or less denuded anticline (Fig. 38), the oldest and lowest strata exposed forming the summit of the range. More commonly, however, the single great arch or uplift is modified by a series of longitudinal folds, as shown in the section of the Jura Mountains (Fig. 21). Still more commonly the folds are closely pressed together, overturned, broken, and almost inextricably complicated by smaller folds, contortions, and slips. Fig. 38.—Anticlinal mountain. The strata on the flanks of the mountains are usually less disturbed than those near the axis of the range, and are sometimes seen to rest unconformably against the latter. In this way it is proved that some ranges are formed by successive upheavals. But we have still more conclusive evidence that mountains are formed with extreme slowness in the fact that rivers sometimes cut directly through important ranges. This proves, first, that the river is older than the mountains; second, that the deepening of its channel has always kept pace with the elevation of the range. Concretions and Concretionary Structure.—Folds, cleavage, faults, and joints—all the subsequent structures considered up to this point—are the product of mechanical forces. Chemical agencies, although very efficient in altering the composition and texture of rocks, are almost powerless as regards the development of rock-structures; and the only important structure having a chemical origin is that named above. Concretions are formed by the segregation of one or more of the constituents of a rock. But there are three distinct kinds of segregation. If the water percolating through or pervading a rock, dissolves a certain mineral and afterwards deposits it in cavities or fissures, amygdules, geodes, or veins are the result. If the mineral is deposited about particular points in the mass of the rock, it may form crystals, the rock becoming porphyritic; or it may not crystallize, but build up instead the rounded forms called concretions, the texture or structure of the rock becoming concretionary. A great variety of minerals occur in the form of concretions, but this mode of occurrence is especially characteristic of certain constituents of rocks, such as calcite, siderite, limonite, hematite, and quartz. Concretions may be classified according to the nature of the segregating minerals; and in each class we may distinguish the pure from the impure concretions. A pure concretion is one entirely composed of the segregating mineral. Most nodules of flint and chert, quartz, geodes, concretions of pyrite, and many hollow iron-balls are good illustrations of this class. In all these cases the segregating mineral has been able in some way to remove the other constituents of the rock, and make room for itself. But in other cases it has lacked this power, and has been deposited between and around the grains of sand, clay, etc.; and the concretions are consequently impure, being composed partly of the segregating mineral, and partly of the other constituents of the rock. The calcareous concretions known as clay-stones are a good example of this class, being simply discs of clay, all the minute interstices of which have been filled with segregated calcite. The solid iron-balls are masses of sand filled in a similar manner with iron oxides. Concretions are of all sizes, from those of microscopic smallness in some oÖlitic limestones up to those twenty-five feet or more in diameter in some sandstones. The point of deposition, when a concretion begins to grow, is often determined by some concrete particle, as a grain or crystal of the same or a different mineral, a fragment of a shell, or a bit of vegetation, which thus becomes the nucleus of the concretion. The ideal or typical concretion is spherical; but the form is influenced largely by the structure of the rock. In porous rocks, like sandstone, they are frequently very perfect spheres; but in impervious rocks, like clay, they are flat or disc-shaped, because the water passes much more freely in the direction of the bedding than across it; while the concretions in limestones, the nodules of flint and chert, are often remarkable for the irregularity of their forms. In all sedimentary rocks the concretions are arranged more or less distinctly in layers parallel with the stratification, which usually passes undisturbed through the impure concretions. Many silicious and ferruginous concretions are hollow, apparently in consequence of the contraction of the substance after its segregation; and the shrinkage due to drying is still further indicated by the cracks in the septaria stones. The hollow, silicious concretions are usually lined with crystals (geodes), while the hollow iron-balls frequently enclose a smaller concretion. Rocks often have a concretionary structure when there are no distinct or separable concretions. And the appearance of a concretionary structure (pseudo-concretions) is often the result of the concentric decomposition of the rocks by weathering, as explained on page 13. Subsequent Structures produced by the Superficial or Aqueous Agencies.—The superficial agencies, as we have seen in the section on dynamical geology, are, in general terms, water, air, and organic matter. Geologically considered, the results which they accomplish, may be summed up under the two heads of deposition and erosion—the formation of new rocks in the sea, and the destruction of old rocks on the land. In the rÔle of rock-makers they produce the very important original structures of the stratified rocks; while as agents of erosion they develop the most salient of the subsequent structures of the earth’s crust—the infinitely varied relief of its surface. As a general rule, to which recent volcanoes are one important exception, the original and subterranean structures of rocks are only indirectly, and often very slightly, represented in the topography; for this, as we have seen, is almost wholly the product of erosion. Therefore, what we have chiefly to consider in this section is to what extent and how erosion is influenced by the pre-existing structures of rocks. Horizontal or very slightly undulating strata, especially if the upper beds are harder than those below, give rise by erosion to flat-topped ridges or table-mountains (Fig. 39). But if the strata be softer and of more uniform texture, erosion yields rounded hills, often very steep, and sometimes passing into pinnacles, as in the Bad Lands of the west. Broad, open folds, as we have seen, give, normally, synclinal hills and anticlinal valleys (Fig. 22), when the erosion is well advanced. But in more strongly, closely folded rocks the ridges and valleys are determined chiefly by the outcrops of harder and softer strata, as shown in Fig. 40, the symmetry of the reliefs depending upon the dip of the strata. This principle of unequal hardness or durability also determines most of the topographic features in regions of metamorphic and crystalline rocks, in which the stratification is obscure or wanting. Fig. 39.—Horizontal strata and table-mountains. Fig. 40.—Ridges due to the outcrops of hard strata. The boldness of the topography, and the relation of depth to width in valleys, depends largely upon the altitude above the sea; but partly, also, upon the distribution of the rainfall, the drainage channels or valleys being narrowest and most sharply defined in arid regions traversed by rivers deriving their waters from distant mountains. That these are the conditions most favorable for the formation of caÑons is proved by the fact that they are fully realized in the great plateau country traversed by the Colorado and its tributaries, a district which leads the world in the magnitude and grandeur of its caÑons. But deep gorges and caÑons will be formed wherever a considerable altitude, by increasing the erosive power of the streams, enables them to deepen their channels much more rapidly than the general face of the country is lowered by rain and frost. This is the secret of such caÑons as the Yosemite Valley, and the gorge of the Columbia River, and probably of the fiords which fret the north-west coasts of this continent and Europe. For a full description and illustration of the topographic types developed by the action of water and ice upon the surface of the land, and of the various characteristic forms of marine erosion, teachers are referred to the larger works named in the introduction, especially Le Conte’s Elements of Geology, and to the better works on physical geography. We will, in closing this section, merely glance at some of the minor erosion-forms, which are not properly topographic, but may be often illustrated by class-room and museum specimens. Mere weathering, the action of rain and frost, develops very characteristic surfaces upon different classes of rocks, delicately and accurately expressing in relief those slight differences in texture, hardness, and solubility, which must exist even in the most homogeneous rocks. Every one recognizes on sight the hard, smooth surfaces of water-worn rocks. They are exemplified in beach and river pebbles, in sea-worn cliffs, and where rivers flow over the solid ledges. The pot-hole (page 17) is a well-marked and specially interesting rock-form, due to current or river erosion. Ice has also left highly characteristic traces upon the rocks in all latitudes covered by the great ice-sheet. These consist chiefly of polished, grooved, and scratched or striated surfaces, the grooves and scratches showing the direction in which the ice moved. The organic agencies, as already noted, accomplish very little in the way of erosion, especially in the hard rocks, but the rock-borings made by certain mollusks and echinoderms may be mentioned as one unimportant but characteristic form due to organic erosion.