In geology, just as in biology, there are two ways of studying structure,—the small way and the large way. In the case of an organism, we may select a single part or organ, and, disregarding its external form and relations to other parts, observe its composition and minute structure, the various forms and arrangements of the cells, etc. This is histology, and it is the complement of that larger method of studying structure which is ordinarily understood by anatomy. The divisions of structural geology corresponding to histology and anatomy are lithology and petrology. Lithology is an in-door science; we use the microscope largely, and work with hand specimens or thin sections of the rocks, observing the composition and those small structural features which go under the general name of texture. In petrology, on the other hand, we consider the larger kinds of rock-structure, such as stratification, jointing, folds, faults, cleavage, etc.; and it is essentially an out-door science, since to study it to the best advantage we must have, not hand specimens, but ledges, cliffs, railway-cuttings, gorges, and mountains. LITHOLOGY.A rock is any mineral, or mixture of minerals, occurring in masses of considerable size. This distinction of size is the only one that can be made between rocks and minerals, and that is very indefinite. A rock, whether composed of one mineral or several, is always an aggregate; and therefore no single crystal or mineral-grain can properly be called a rock. Before proceeding to study particularly the various kinds of rocks, a little more preliminary work should be done. As already intimated, the more important characteristics of rocks may be grouped under two general heads,—composition and texture. Composition of Rocks.Rocks are properly defined as large masses or aggregates of mineral matter, consisting in some cases of one and in other cases of several mineral species. Hence it is clear that the composition of rocks is of two kinds: chemical and mineralogical; for the various chemical elements are first combined to form minerals, and then the minerals are combined to form rocks. Of course those minerals and elements which can be described as principal or important rock-constituents must be the common minerals and elements. Now it is a very important and convenient fact that although chemists recognize about sixty-five elementary substances, and these are combined to form nearly one thousand mineral species, yet both the common elements and the common minerals are few in number. Chemical Composition of Rocks.The elementary substances of which rocks are chiefly composed, which make up the main mass of the earth so far as we are acquainted with it, number only fourteen:— Non-Metallic or Acidic Elements.—Oxygen, silicon, carbon, sulphur, chlorine, phosphorus, and fluorine. Metallic or Basic Elements.—Aluminum, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, and hydrogen. The elements are named in each group in about the order of their relative abundance; and to give some idea of the enormous differences in this respect it may be stated that two of the elements—oxygen and silicon—form more than half of the earth’s crust. Silicon, calcium, and fluorine, although exceedingly abundant, are also very difficult to obtain in the free or uncombined state, and specimens large enough to exhibit to a class would be very expensive. With these exceptions, however, examples of these common rock-forming elements are easily obtained. My purpose in calling attention to this point is simply to suggest that the proper way to begin the study of minerals and rocks with children is to first familiarize It is very important, too, if the pupil has not already studied chemistry, that he should be led to some comprehension of the nature of chemical union and of the difference between a chemical compound and a mechanical mixture. For this purpose a few simple experiments (the details of which would be out of place here) with the more common and familiar elements will be sufficient. Mrs. Richard’s “First Lessons in Minerals” should be introduced here. Mineralogical Composition of Rocks.The fourteen elements named above are combined to form about fifty minerals with which the student of geology should be acquainted; but not more than one-half of these are of the first importance. It is desired to lay especial emphasis upon the importance of a perfect familiarity with these few common minerals. There is nothing else in the whole range of geology so easily acquired which is at the same time so valuable; for it is entirely impossible to comprehend the definitions of rocks, or to recognize rocks certainly and scientifically, unless we are acquainted with their constituent minerals. With one or two exceptions, these common rock-forming minerals may be easily distinguished by their A MINERAL is an inorganic body having theoretically a definite chemical composition, and usually a regular geometric form. The Principal Characteristics of Minerals.—These may be grouped under the following general heads:— (1) Composition, (2) Crystalline form, (3) Hardness, (4) Specific gravity, (5) Lustre, (6) Color and Streak. 1. Composition.—This, according to the definition of a mineral, ought to be definite, and expressible by a chemical formula. When it is not so, we usually consider that the mineral is partially decomposed, or that we are dealing with a mixture of minerals. It is well to impress upon the mind of the pupil the important fact that the more fundamental properties of the elements, such as specific gravity and lustre, are not lost when they combine, but may be traced in the compounds. In other words, the properties of minerals are, in a very large degree, the average of the properties of the elements of which they are composed; minerals in which heavy metallic elements predominate being heavy and metallic, and vice versa. 2. Crystalline form.—A crystal is bounded by plane surfaces symmetrically arranged with reference to certain imaginary lines passing through its centre and called axes. Crystals of the same species are always constant in the angles between like planes, while similar angles usually vary in different species; so that each species has its own peculiar form. “Besides external symmetry of form, crystallization produces also regularity of internal structure, and often of fracture. This regularity of fracture, or tendency to break or cleave along certain planes, is called cleavage. The surface afforded by cleavage is often smooth and brilliant (see specimens 17, 18, and 21), and is always parallel with some external plane of the crystal. It should be understood that the cleavage lamellÆ are not in any sense present before they are made to appear by fracture.”—(Dana.) Isometric System.—Three equal axes crossing at right angles. Example, cube. Tetragonal System.—Two axes equal, third unequal, all crossing at right angles. Example, square prism. Orthorhombic System.—Three unequal axes, but intersections all at right angles. Example, rhombic prism. Monoclinic System.—Three unequal axes, one intersection oblique. Example, oblique rhombic prism. Triclinic System.—Three unequal axes, all crossing obliquely. Example, oblique rhomboidal prism. Hexagonal System.—Three equal axes lying in one plane and intersecting at angles of 60°, and a fourth axis crossing each of these at right angles and longer or shorter. Example, hexagonal prism. By the truncation and bevelment of the angles and edges of these fundamental forms a vast variety of secondary forms are produced. The limits of the guide will not permit us to follow this topic farther; but it may be added that for the proper elucidation of even the simpler crystalline forms the teacher should be provided with a set of wooden crystal models and Dana’s “Text-Book of Mineralogy.” The crystallization of a mineral may be manifested in two ways: first, by the regularity of its internal structure or molecular arrangement, as shown by cleavage and the polarization of transmitted light; and, second, by the regularity of external form which follows, under When a mineral is entirely devoid of crystalline structure, both externally and internally, it is said to be amorphous. Perfect and distinct crystals are the rare exception, most mineral specimens being simply aggregates of imperfect crystals. In such cases, and when the mineral is amorphous, the structure of the mass may be:— Columnar or fibrous. Lamellar, foliaceous, or micaceous. Granular.—When the grains or crystalline particles are invisible to the naked eye the mineral is called impalpable, compact, or massive. And the external form of the mass may be:— Botryoidal, having grape-like surfaces. Stalactitic, forming stalactites or pendant columns. Amygdaloidal or Concretionary, forming separate globular masses in the enclosing rock. Dendritic, branching or arborescent. 3. Hardness.—By the hardness of a mineral we mean the resistance which it offers to abrasion. But hardness is a purely relative term, calcite, for example, being hard compared with talc, but very soft compared with quartz. Hence mineralogists have found it necessary to select certain minerals to be used as a standard of comparison for all others, and known as the scale of hardness. These are arranged at nearly equal intervals all the way from the softest mineral to the hardest, as follows:— |
Muscovite = | Biotite = |
Acidic mica. | Basic mica. |
Non-ferruginous mica. | Ferruginous mica. |
Potash mica. | Magnesian mica. |
White mica. | Black mica. |
Non-dichroic mica. | Dichroic mica. |
Feldspar Family.—Like mica, feldspar is the name of a family of minerals; and these are, geologically, the most important of all minerals. They are, above all others, the minerals of which rocks are made, and their abundance is well expressed in the name,—feldspar being simply the German for field-spar, implying that it is the common spar or mineral of the fields.
Chemically, the feldspars are silicates of aluminum and potassium, sodium or calcium. They crystallize in the monoclinic and triclinic systems; and all possess easy cleavage in two directions at right angles to each other, or nearly so. The general physical characters, including the cleavage, are well exhibited in the common species, orthoclase (specimen 22).
In hardness the feldspars range from 5 to 7, being usually near 6, and almost always distinctly softer than quartz. Sp. gr. varies from 2.5-2.75; lustre, from vitreous to pearly; color, from white and gray to red, brown, green, etc., but usually light. Streak, always white; rarely transparent. By exposure to the weather, feldspars gradually lose their alkalies and lime, become
The feldspars of greatest geological interest are five in number, and may be classified chemically as follows:—
Orthoclase,—silicate of aluminum and potassium, or | |
potash feldspar. | |
Albite,—silicate of aluminum and sodium, or | |
soda feldspar. | |
Anorthite,—silicate of aluminum and calcium, or | |
lime feldspar. | |
Oligoclase,—silicate of aluminum and sodium, and calcium, or | |
soda-lime feldspar. | |
Labradorite,—silicate of aluminum and calcium, and sodium, or | |
lime-soda feldspar. |
This appears like a complex arrangement, but it can be simplified. Orthoclase crystallizes in the monoclinic system, and all the other feldspars in the triclinic system. With the exception of albite, which is a comparatively
SiO2 | Al2O3 | K2O | Na2O | CaO | Total. | ||
Orthoclase, | 65 | 18 | 17 | -- | -- | = | 100 |
Albite, | 68 | 20 | -- | 12 | -- | = | 100 |
Oligoclase, | 62 | 24 | -- | 9 | 5 | = | 100 |
Labradorite, | 53 | 30 | -- | 4 | 13 | = | 100 |
Anorthite, | 43 | 37 | -- | -- | 20 | = | 100 |
As we should naturally expect, the triclinic feldspars occur usually with other basic minerals, while the monoclinic species, orthoclase, is acidic in its associations; furthermore, the triclinic feldspars are often intimately associated with each other, but are rarely important constituents of rocks containing much orthoclase. In other words, the distinction of orthoclase from the basic or triclinic feldspars is important and comparatively easy, while the distinction of the different basic feldspars from each other is both unimportant and difficult. Hence, in lithology, we find it best to put all these basic feldspars together, as if they were one species, under the name plagioclase, which refers to the oblique cleavage of all these feldspars, and contrasts with orthoclase, which refers to the right-angled cleavage of that species.
This statement of the relations of the feldspars is, of course, beyond the comprehension of many children, and yet it should be understood by the teacher who would lead the children to any but the most superficial views.
15. Orthoclase.—This is the common feldspar, and
16. Plagioclase.—Like orthoclase, these species may be of almost any color; yet these two great divisions of the feldspars are usually contrasted in this respect. Thus, bluish and grayish colors are most common with plagioclase, and white or reddish colors with orthoclase. Specimen 23 is labradorite, and, in every respect, a typical example of plagioclase. On certain faces and cleavage-surfaces of the plagioclase crystals we may often observe a series of straight parallel lines or bands which are often very fine,—fifty to a hundred in a single crystal. These striÆ are due to the mode of twinning, and are of especial importance, since, while they are very characteristic of plagioclase, they never occur in orthoclase. As stated, these twinning striÆ in plagioclase are often visible to the naked eye; and when they are not, they may usually be revealed by examining a thin section under the microscope with polarized light. Plagioclase decays much more rapidly when exposed to the weather than orthoclase. This point becomes perfectly clear when we compare weathered ledges of diabase (or any trap-rock, see specimen 2) and granite; for plagioclase is the principal constituent of the former rock, and orthoclase of the latter.
Hydrous Silicates.—Many silicates contain water, and some of these are of great geological importance. What has been stated on a preceding page concerning the softness and lightness of hydrated minerals is especially
17. Kaolinite (Kaolin).—Hydrous silicate of aluminum: silica (SiO2), 46; alumina (Al2O3), 40; and water (H2O), 14; = 100. Orthorhombic system, in rhombic or hexagonal scales or plates, but usually earthy or clay-like. Hardness, 1-2.5; sp. gr., 2.4-2.65. The pure mineral is white; but it is usually colored by impurities, the principal of which are iron oxides and carbonaceous matter. Kaolin is the most abundant of all the hydrous silicates, and it is the basis and often the sole constituent of common clay,—a very common mineral, but rarely pure. We have already (p. 11) noticed the mode of origin of kaolin or clay. It results from the decomposition of various aluminous silicate minerals, especially the feldspars. Under the combined influence of carbon dioxide and moisture, feldspars give up their potassium, sodium, and calcium, and take on water, and the result is kaolin. This mineral is believed to be always a decomposition product. Perhaps the best, or at least the most convenient, test for kaolin is the argillaceous odor, the odor of moistened clay. Specimen 24.
18. Talc.—Hydrous silicate of magnesium: silica (SiO2), 63 (acidic); magnesia (MgO), 32; water (H2O), 5; = 100. Orthorhombic system, but rarely in distinct crystals. Cleavage in one direction very perfect; the cleavage lamellÆ are flexible, but not elastic,
19. Serpentine.—Hydrous silicate of magnesium: silica (SiO2), 44 (basic); magnesia (MgO), 44; water (H2O), 12; = 100. Essentially amorphous. Hardness, 2.5-4; sp. gr., 2.5-2.65. Lustre, greasy, waxy, or earthy. Color, various shades of green and usually darker than talc, but streak always white. Feel, smooth, sometimes greasy. Distinguished from talc by its hardness, compactness, and darker green. Sometimes results from the alteration of olivine and other magnesian minerals, but usually we are to regard it as an original mineral. Specimen 25.
20. Chlorite.—This is, properly, the name of a group of highly basic minerals of very variable composition, but they are all essentially hydrous silicates of aluminum, magnesium, and iron; and the average composition of the most abundant species, prochlorite, is as follows: silica (SiO2), 30; alumina (Al2O3), 18; magnesia (MgO), 15; protoxide of iron (FeO), 26; and water (H2O), 11; = 100. The chlorites crystallize in several different systems, but in all there is a highly perfect cleavage in one direction, giving, as in talc, a foliated structure with flexible but inelastic laminÆ. The cleavage scales, however, are sometimes minute, and the structure massive or granular. Hardness of
21. Hydro-mica.—This, too, is properly the name of a group of minerals; but for geological purposes they may be regarded as one species. Taking a general view of the composition, these are simply the anhydrous or ordinary micas, which we have already studied, with from 5 to 10 per cent. of water added. In crystallization and structure they are essentially mica-like. Although not distinctly softer than the common micas, they are lighter, always more unctuous and slippery, and usually of a greenish color. The micaceous structure with elastic laminÆ serves to distinguish the hydro-micas from other hydrous silicates.
22. Glauconite.—Hydrous silicate of aluminum, iron, and potassium: silica (SiO2), 50; alumina (Al2O3), protoxide of iron (FeO), and potash (K2O), together, 41; and water (H2O), 9; = 100. Amorphous, forming rounded and generally loose grains, which often have a microscopic organic nucleus. It is dull and earthy, like chalk, and always soft, green, and light, but not particularly unctuous. Glauconite is the principal, often the sole, constituent of the rock greensand, which occurs abundantly in the newer geological formations, and is now forming in the deep water of the Gulf of
This completes our list of minerals occurring chiefly as essential constituents of rocks; and following are three of the more common and important minerals occurring chiefly as accessory, rarely as essential, rock-constituents.
23. Chrysolite (Olivine).—Silicate of magnesium and iron: silica (SiO2), 41; magnesia (MgO), 51; protoxide of iron (Fe2O3), 8; = 100. Orthorhombic system; but usually in irregular glassy grains. Hardness, 6-7. Sp. gr., 3.3-3.5. Lustre, vitreous; color, usually some shade of green; and streak, white. Chrysolite sometimes closely resembles quartz, but its green color usually suffices to distinguish it. It is a common constituent of basalt and allied rocks. By absorption of water it is changed into serpentine and talc. See examples in specimen.
24. Garnet.—The composition of this mineral is extremely variable; but the most important variety is a basic silicate of aluminum and iron: silica (SiO2), 37; alumina (Al2O3), 20; and protoxide of iron (FeO), 43; = 100. Isometric system, usually in distinct crystals, twelve-sided (dodecahedrons) and twenty-four-sided (trapezohedrons) forms being most common. Hardness, 6.5-7.5; average as hard as quartz. Sp. gr., 3.15-4.3; compare with the high percentage of iron. Lustre, vitreous; colors, various, usually some shade of red or brown; and streak, white. Some varieties contain iron enough to make them magnetic. Garnet is easily distinguished by its form, color, and hardness from all other minerals. It is a common but not an
25. Pyrite.—Sulphide of iron: sulphur, 53.3; iron, 46.7; = 100. Isometric system, occurring usually in distinct crystals, the cube and the twelve-sided form known as the pyritohedron being the most common. Hardness, 6-6.5, striking fire with steel. Sp. gr., 4.8-5.2; heavy because rich in iron. Lustre, metallic and splendent. Color, pale, brass-yellow, and streak, greenish or brownish. Pyrite is sometimes mistaken for gold, but it is not malleable; while its color, hardness, and specific gravity, combined, easily distinguish it from all common minerals. As an accessory rock-constituent, pyrite occurs usually in isolated cubes or pyritohedrons. Specimen 10.
Textures of Rocks.
Texture is a general name for those smaller structural features of rocks which can be studied in hand specimens, and which depend upon the forms and sizes of the constituent particles of the rocks, and the ways in which these are united.
By “constituent particles” we mean, not the atoms or molecules of matter composing the rocks, but the pebbles in conglomerate, grains of sand in sandstone, crystals of quartz, feldspar, and mica in granite, etc. The four most important textures are:—
(1) Fragmental texture.—The rock is composed of mere irregular, angular, or rounded, but visible, fragments. Examples: sand, sandstone, gravel, conglomerate, etc. Specimens 30, 31, 28, 29.
(3) Compact texture.—The constituent particles are indistinguishable by the naked eye, but become visible under the microscope, appearing as separate crystalline grains or as irregular fragments. In other words, if, in the case of either the granular or crystalline textures, we conceive the particles to become microscopically small, then we have the compact texture. Examples: clay, slate, many limestones, basalt, etc. Specimens 34, 35, 39.
(4) Vitreous texture.—The texture of glass, in which the constituent particles are absolutely invisible even with the highest powers of the microscope, and may be nothing more than the molecules of the substance, which thus, so far as our powers of observation are concerned, presents a perfectly continuous surface. Examples: obsidian, glassy quartz, and some kinds of coal. Specimens 47, 15.
These four textures, which, it will be observed, are determined by the forms and sizes of the constituent particles, may be called the primary textures, because every rock must possess one of them. We cannot conceive of a rock which is neither fragmental, crystalline, compact, nor vitreous. But in addition to one of the primary textures, a rock may or may not have one or more of what may be called secondary textures. These are determined by the way in which the particles are united, the mode or pattern of the arrangement, etc.
(1) Laminated texture.—This exists where the particles are arranged in thin, parallel layers, which may be marked simply by planes of division, or the alternate layers may be composed of particles differing in composition, form, size, or color, etc. Among the laminated textures we thus distinguish: (a) the banded texture, where the layers are contrasted in color, texture, or composition, but cohere, so that there is no cleavage or easy splitting parallel with the stratification; and (b) the schistose or shaly texture, where such fissility or stratification-cleavage exists. If a fragmental, compact, or vitreous rock is fissile, we use the term shaly; but a fissile, crystalline rock is described as schistose. The banded texture may occur with the fragmental,—banded sandstones, etc.; with the crystalline,—many gneisses, etc. (specimen 41); with the compact,—many slates, limestones, felsites, etc. (specimens 34, 42); with the vitreous,—banded obsidian, furnace slags, and some coal. The schistose texture may occur with the crystalline,—mica schist, etc. (specimen 43); and the shaly texture with the compact and fragmental, but rarely with the vitreous.
(2) Porphyritic texture.—We have this texture when separate and distinct crystals of any mineral, but most commonly of feldspar, are enclosed in a relatively fine-grained base or matrix, which may be either crystalline, compact, or vitreous, but rarely fragmental. Specimens 5, 6, 7 are examples of the porphyritic compact texture.
(4) Vesicular texture.—A rock has this texture when it contains numerous small cavities or vesicles. These are most commonly produced by the expansion of steam and other vapors when the rock is in a plastic state; and hence the vesicular texture is found chiefly in volcanic rocks. Except rarely, it is associated only with the compact texture,—ordinary stony lavas (specimen 49); and with the vitreous texture,—pumice (specimen 48).
(5) Amygdaloidal texture.—In the course of time the vesicles of common lava are often filled with various minerals deposited by infiltrating waters, giving rise to the amygdaloidal texture, from the Latin amygdalum, an almond, in allusion to a common form of the vesicles, or amygdules, as they are called, after being filled. The amygdaloidal texture is thus necessarily preceded by the vesicular, and is limited to the same classes of rocks. Specimen 50.
Besides the foregoing, there are many minor secondary textures. The rocks known as tufas have what may be called the tufaceous texture. Then we have kinds of texture depending on the strength of the union of the particles, as strong, weak, friable, earthy, etc.
Classification of Rocks.
Having finished our preliminary observations on the characteristics of rocks, we are now about ready to begin a systematic study of the rocks themselves; but it is needful first to say a few words about the classification of rocks, since upon this depends not only the order in which we shall take the rocks up, but also the ideas that will be imparted concerning their relations and affinities. The classifications which have been proposed at different times are almost as numerous as the rocks themselves. Some of these are confessedly, and even designedly, artificial, as when we classify stones according to their uses in the arts, etc. But we want something more scientific, a natural classification; that is, one based upon the natural and permanent characteristics of rocks. Rocks have been classified according to chemical composition, mineralogical composition, texture, color, density, hardness, etc.; but these arrangements, taken singly or all combined, are inadequate.
A natural classification may be defined as a concise and systematic statement of the natural relations existing among the objects classified. Now the most important relations existing among rocks are those due to their different origins. We must not forget that lithology is a branch of geology, and that geology is first of all a dynamical science. The most important question that can be asked about any rock is, not What is it made of? but How was it made? What were the general forces or agencies concerned in its formation? Rocks are the material in which the earth’s history is written, and what we want to know first concerning any rock is what it can tell us of the condition of that part of the earth at the time it was made and subsequently.
Classification of Rocks.
Here we have the outlines of our classification, and it will be observed that we have simply reached the conclusion, in a somewhat roundabout manner, that there should always be a general correspondence between the classification of rocks and the classification of the forces that produce them. The general plan of the preceding scheme of the classification must now be clear, and the details will be explained as we go along.
Descriptions of Rocks.
1.—Sedimentary or Stratified Rocks.
1. Mechanically formed or Fragmental Rocks.—These consist of materials deposited from suspension in water, and the process of their formation is throughout chiefly mechanical. The materials deposited are mere fragments of older rocks; and, if the fragments are large, we call the newly deposited sediment gravel; if finer, sand; and, if impalpably fine, clay. These fragmental rocks cannot be classified chemically, since the same handful of gravel, for instance, may contain pebbles of many different kinds of rocks, and thus be of almost any and very variable composition. Such chemical distinctions as can be established are only partial, and the classification, like the origin, must be mechanical. Accordingly, as just shown, we recognize three principal groups based upon the size of the fragments; viz.:—
This mode of division is possible and natural, simply because, as we observed in an early experiment, materials arranged by the mechanical action of water are always assorted according to size. When first deposited, the gravel, sand, and clay are, of course, perfectly loose and unconsolidated; but in the course of time they may, under the influence of pressure, heat, and chemical action, attain almost any degree of consolidation, becoming conglomerate, sandstone, and slate,
(1) Conglomerate group.—The rocks belonging in
Gravel.—The pebbles, as we have already seen, are usually, though not always, well rounded or water-worn; and they may be of any size from coarse grains of sand to boulders. As a rule, however, the larger pebbles, especially, are of approximately uniform size in the same bed or layer of gravel, with, of course, sufficient fine material to fill the interstices. Although the same limited mass of gravel may show the widest possible range in chemical and mineralogical composition, yet hard rocks are evidently more likely than soft rocks to form pebbles; and hence quartz and quartz-bearing rocks usually predominate in gravels. Specimen 28.
Conglomerate.—Consolidated gravel. Children should be led to an appreciation of this point by a careful comparison of the forms of the pebbles in the gravel and conglomerate. The conglomerate seems to contain a larger proportion of fine material than ordinary gravel. But this is because the gravel is usually, as with our specimen, taken from the surface of the beach, where, of course, the pebbles are clean and separate; but if it had remained there to be covered by a subsequently deposited layer, enough fine stuff would have been sifted into the holes to fill them. And in the finished gravel, just as in the conglomerate, the pebbles are usually closely packed, with just sufficient sand and clay, or paste, as the material in which the pebbles are imbedded is called, to fill the interstices. The paste is usually similar in composition to the pebbles, with this difference: hard materials predominate in the pebbles and soft in the paste.
Conglomerate shows the same variations in composition and texture as gravel; it may be composed of almost any kind of material in pebbles of almost any size. We recognize two principal varieties of conglomerate based on the forms of the pebbles; if, as is usual, these are well rounded and water-worn, the rock is true pudding-stone (specimen 29); but, if they are angular, or show but little wear, it is called breccia.
(2) Arenaceous Group.—The conglomerate group passes insensibly into the arenaceous group; for, from the coarsest gravel to the finest sand, the gradation is unbroken, and every sandstone is merely a conglomerate on a small scale.
Sandstone.—Consolidated sand. In proving this, children will notice first the granular or sandy appearance of the sandstone; and then, with the lens, that the grains in the sandstone have the same forms as the sand-grains. The stratification cannot be seen very distinctly in our hand-specimens, but in larger masses it is usually very plain, as may be observed in the blocks used for building, and still better in the quarries. However, even if the stratification were not visible to the eye, we could have no doubt that sandstone is a mechanically formed stratified rock; because the form of the grains, just as in the conglomerate, tells us that. Many sandstones, too, contain the fossil remains of plants and animals, and these are always regarded as affording positive proof that the rocks containing them belong to the aqueous or stratified series.
There are many varieties of sandstone depending upon differences in composition, texture, etc., but we have not space to notice them in detail. In sandstone, just as in sand, quartz is the predominant constituent,
Quartzite.—This rock is simply an unusually hard sandstone. Now the hardness of any rock depends upon two things: (1) the hardness of the individual grains or particles; and (2) the firmness with which they are united one to another. Therefore, the hardest sandstones must be those in which grains of quartz
3. Argillaceous group.—Just as the conglomerate group shades off gradually into the arenaceous group, so we find it difficult to draw any sharp line of division between the arenaceous group and the argillaceous, but we pass from the largest pebble to the most minute clay-particle by an insensible gradation. For the sake of convenience, however, we draw the line at the limit of visibility, and say that in the true clay and slate the individual particles are invisible to the naked eye; in other words, these rocks have a perfectly compact texture, while the two preceding groups are characterized by a granular texture. Although clay, like sand and gravel, may be of almost any composition, yet it usually consists chiefly, often entirely, of the mineral kaolin. The reason for this is easily found. Quartz resists both mechanical and chemical forces, and is rarely reduced to an impalpable fineness; but all the other common minerals, such as feldspar, hornblende, mica, and calcite, on account of their cleavage and inferior hardness, are easily pulverized; but it is practically impossible that this should happen without their being broken up chemically at the same time. Decomposition follows disintegration; and, while calcite is completely dissolved and carried away, the other minerals are reduced, as we have seen, to impalpable hydrous silicates of
Clay.—That kaolin is the basis of common clay is proved by the argillaceous odor, which is so characteristic of moist clay. Pure kaolin clay is white and impalpable, like China clay; but pure clays are the exception. They often become coarse and gritty by admixture with sand, forming loam; and they also usually contain more or less carbonaceous matter, which makes black clays; or more or less ferrous oxide, which makes blue clays; or more or less ferric oxide, which makes red, brown, and yellow clays. By mixing these coloring materials in various proportions, almost any tint may be explained. Clays are sometimes calcareous, from the presence of shells and shell-fragments or of pulverized limestone. These usually effervesce with acid, and are commonly known as marl. It is the calcareous material in a pulverulent and easily soluble condition that makes the marls valuable as soils.
Slate.—Consolidated clay. The compact texture and argillaceous odor are usually sufficient to prove this. To get the odor we need simply to breathe upon the specimen, and then smell of it. We find all degrees of induration in clay. It sometimes, as every one knows, becomes very hard by simple drying; but this is not slate, and no amount of mere drying will change clay into slate; for, when moistened with water, the dried clay is easily brought back to the plastic state. To make a good slate, the induration must be
Slate is usually easily scratched with a knife, and it is distinguished from limestone by its non-effervescence with acid. As we should expect, it shows precisely the same varieties in color and composition as clay. A good assortment of colors is afforded by the roofing-slates. Specimen 34 is a typical slate, for it not only has a compact texture and argillaceous odor, but it is very distinctly stratified. The stratification is marked by alternating bands of slightly different colors, and is much finer and more regular than we usually observe in sandstone, and of course entirely unlike the stratification of conglomerate. These differences are characteristic. Some slates, however, are so homogeneous that the stratification is scarcely visible in small pieces. Thus the roofing-slates (specimen 35) rarely show the stratification; for it is an important fact that the thin layers into which this variety splits are entirely independent of the stratification. This is the structure known as slaty cleavage; it is not due to the stratification, but is developed in the slate subsequently to its deposition, by pressure. Some roofing-slates, known as ribbon-slates, show bands of color across the flat surfaces. These bands are the true bedding, and indicate the absolute want of conformity between this structure and the cleavage. Few rocks are richer in fossils than slate, and these prove that it is a stratified rock. Slate which splits easily into thin layers parallel with the bedding is known as shale.
Porcelainite.—This is clay or slate which has been
2. Chemically and Organically formed Rocks.—We have already learned that from a geological point of view the differences between chemical and organic deposition are not great, the process being essentially chemical in each case; and since the limestones and some other important rocks are deposited in both ways, it is evidently not only unnatural, but frequently impossible, to separate the chemically from the organically formed rocks. Unlike the fragmental rocks, the rocks of this division not only admit, but require, a chemical classification. This is natural because they are of chemical origin; and it is practicable because, with few exceptions, only one class of minerals is deposited at the same time in the same place,—a very convenient and important fact. Therefore our arrangement will be mineralogical, thus:—
Most of the silicate rocks are mixed, i.e., are each composed of several minerals; but some silicate rocks and all the rocks of the other divisions are simple, each species consisting of a single mineral only.
(1) Coal Group.—These are entirely of organic origin, and include two allied series, which are always merely the more or less extensively transformed tissues of plants or animals; viz.:—
Bituminous coal is the typical, the representative coal; and from a good specimen of this variety we may learn two important facts:—
(1) That true coals, no less than peat, are of vegetable origin. To see this we must look at the flat or charcoal surfaces of the coal. These soil the fingers like charcoal, and usually show the vegetable forms distinctly.
(2) That coals are stratified rocks. These dirty charcoal surfaces always coincide with the stratification,
The bitumens form a similar though less perfect series, beginning with the organic tissues, and ending, in the opinion of some of the best chemists and mineralogists, with diamond. In fact the coals and bitumens form two distinct but parallel series. The coals are exclusively of vegetable origin, while the bitumens are largely of animal origin. The organic tissues in which the two series originate are chemically similar,—the animal tissues, which produce the lighter forms of bitumen, however, containing more hydrogen and less carbon and oxygen than vegetable tissues; while the final terms, as just shown, are probably chemically identical, being pure carbon,—graphite for the coals and diamond for the bitumens; so that the entire process of change in each series is essentially carbonization, a gradual elimination of the gaseous elements, oxygen and hydrogen, until pure solid carbon alone remains.
The principal differences between the coals and bitumens are the following:—
Coals are rich in carbon, with some oxygen and little hydrogen.
Bitumens are rich in hydrogen, with some carbon and little or no oxygen.
Coals are entirely insoluble.
Bitumens are soluble in ether, benzole, turpentine, etc., and the solid forms are soluble in the more fluid, naphtha-like varieties.
Coals are never liquid, and cannot be melted or, with trifling exceptions, even softened by heat.
Many bitumens are naturally liquid, and all become so on the application of heat.
The two bitumens of the greatest geological importance are asphaltum or mineral pitch and petroleum; but these substances are too familiar to require any farther description here.
(2) Iron-ore Group.—These interesting and important stratified rocks include the three principal oxides of iron,—limonite, hematite, and magnetite,—as well as the carbonate of iron, siderite; and the rocks have essentially the same characteristics as the minerals. In economical importance they are second only to the coals; and the history of their formation through the agency of organic matter is one of the most interesting chapters in chemical geology (see page 26). The three oxides are easily distinguished from each other by the colors of their powders or streaks, and the magnetism of magnetite, and from all other common rocks by their high specific gravity. Magnetite is the richest in iron, and limonite the poorest. As regards the degree of crystallization and order of occurrence in the formations, they form a series parallel with the coal series, thus:—
Limonite, never crystalline, and found in recent formations.
Hematite, often crystalline, and found in older formations.
Magnetite, always crystalline, and found in oldest formations.
Siderite effervesces with strong acid; and this separates it from all other rocks, except limestone and dolomite; and from these it is distinguished by its
Finally, the iron-ores, at least where of much economical importance, are truly stratified. This can often be seen in hand-specimens; and is well shown by their relations to other rocks, in quarries and mines; and in many cases, for limonite and hematite, by the fossils which they contain.
(3) Siliceous Group.—These rocks are composed of pure silica in the forms of quartz and opal. When first deposited, whether organically, like tripolite, or chemically, like siliceous tufa, the siliceous rocks are soft and light, and the silica is in the form of opal. Subsequently it changes to quartz, and the rocks assume the much harder and denser forms of chert and novaculite, respectively.
Tripolite or Diatomaceous Earth.—This interesting rock is soft, light, and looks like clay; but it is lighter, and the argillaceous odor is faint or wanting. It does not effervesce with acid. Hence, it is neither clay nor chalk. Notwithstanding its softness, it is really composed of a hard substance, viz., silica, in the form known as opal. By rubbing off a little of the dust, and examining it under the microscope, we easily prove that the silica is mainly or entirely of organic origin;
The lightness of tripolite (sp. gr., 1-1.5) is due to the facts that opal is a light mineral (sp. gr., 1.9-2.2), and that many of the shells are hollow. Tripolite is a good example of a soft rock composed of a hard mineral; and it owes its value as a polishing material to the fact that it consists of a hard mineral in an exceedingly fine state of division. Tripolite, when pure, is snow-white; but it is rarely pure, being commonly either argillaceous or calcareous. This rock is now forming in thousands of places, in both fresh water and the ocean.
Flint and Chert.—During the course of geological time, beds of tripolite are gradually consolidated, chiefly by percolating waters, which are constantly dissolving and re-depositing the silica; and, finally, in the place of a soft, earthy rock, we get a hard, flinty one, which we call flint if it occurs in the newer, or chert if it occurs in the older, geological formations. Besides forming beds of nearly pure silica, which we call tripolite, the microscopic siliceous organisms are diffused more or less abundantly through other rocks, especially chalk and limestone. In such cases the consolidation
Siliceous Tufa.—Hot water, and especially hot alkaline water, circulating through the earth’s crust, is always charged with silica dissolved out of the rocks; and when such water issues on the surface in a hot spring or geyser, it is cooled by contact with the air, its solvent power is diminished thereby, and a large part of the silica is deposited around the outlet as a snowy-white porous material called siliceous tufa. Silica deposited in this way is, like organic silica, always in the form of opal. Siliceous tufa is distinguished from clay, slate, chalk, and limestone by the same tests as tripolite, and from tripolite itself by the absence of microscopic organisms.
Novaculite.—Through the action of percolating water and pressure, siliceous tufa, like tripolite, becomes harder and denser and is thus changed to novaculite, which holds the same relation to chemically deposited silica that chert and flint do to organically deposited silica. The white novaculite obtained at the Hot Springs of Arkansas, and commonly known as Arkansas stone, is a typical example of this rock. The rock which, on account of the use to which it is put, is known as buhr-stone, is also an excellent example
(4) Calcareous Group.—These are the lime-rocks, including the carbonate of lime, in limestone and dolomite, the sulphate of lime, in gypsum, and the phosphate of lime, in phosphate rock. These rocks are even more closely connected in origin than in composition; and it is for this reason that rock-salt, which of course contains no lime, is also included in this group. Limestones are formed abundantly in the open sea, through the accumulation of shells and corals; but when portions of the sea become detached from the main body and gradually dry up, like the Dead Sea and Great Salt Lake, dolomite, gypsum, and rock-salt are deposited in succession as chemical precipitates. Phosphate rock may be regarded as a variety of limestone, resulting from the accumulation of the skeletons and excrement of the higher animals.
Limestone.—This is the lithologic or rock form of carbonate of lime or calcite, and one of the most important, interesting, and useful of all rocks. Although so simple in composition,—calcite being the only essential constituent,—limestone embraces many distinct varieties, and is really equivalent to a whole family of rocks. A highly fossiliferous limestone, such as specimen 38, is, perhaps, the best variety with which to begin the study of the species. The softness of the fossil shells of which the rock is so largely composed, and the fact that they effervesce readily with dilute acid, proves that they are still carbonate of lime; and by applying the acid more carefully,
On the coast of Florida, and in many other places, we find beautiful examples of shell-limestone now in process of formation. These are at first very open and porous, because the interstices between the nearly entire shells are not yet filled up with smaller fragments and sand. But when that is done, we shall have a rock similar to the old fossiliferous limestone. Specimen 37.
The shells and fragments, and the grains of calcareous sand, are, as a rule, quickly cemented together by the deposition of carbonate of lime between them; so that limestone is nowhere observed occurring abundantly in an unconsolidated form.
Limestone, as a rule, is not distinctly stratified in hand-specimens, but of course that it is a true sedimentary rock is abundantly proved by the fossils; and it goes almost without saying that limestone, being necessarily mainly composed of organic remains, must be to a greater extent than any other rock the great store-house of fossils; and in no other rock are the fossils so well preserved and perfect as in limestone.
Nevertheless, there are extensive formations of limestone containing no discernible traces of fossils. And some of these non-fossiliferous limestones, too, are of very recent formation. Some of the modern coral-reefs, for example, are composed of limestone which was formed only yesterday, as it were, and which, from its mode of formation, must consist entirely of corals;
Specimen 39 is that variety of limestone known as chalk. It is soft and earthy, resembling both clay and tripolite, but differing from the former in lacking the distinct argillaceous odor, and from both by its lively effervescence with acids. It appears to be entirely destitute of organic remains, but this is a defect of our vision and not of the rock; for, like the tripolite, it often appears under the microscope to be little else than a mass of shells. Tripolite is a deposit built up of the siliceous shells of Diatoms and Radiolaria, while chalk is chiefly composed of the similar but calcareous shells of Foraminifera. Our specimen is from the Cretaceous formation of England; but we have good reason to believe that chalk is now forming on a very extensive scale. There are millions of square miles in the deeper parts of the ocean where the dredge brings up little else but a perfectly impalpable, gray, calcareous slime or ooze. When examined microscopically, this is seen to be composed chiefly of Foraminifera shells, and among these the genus Globigerina predominates; so that the deposit is frequently called Globigerina ooze. Now this gray, calcareous ooze, when dried and compacted by pressure, makes a soft, white rock which can scarcely be distinguished from chalk; in fact, it is a modern chalk. And there seems no good reason
Specimen 40 is also a white rock, easily scratched with the knife, and effervescing freely with acid, and therefore a variety of limestone. But its texture is very different from the other varieties we have studied. It has a sparkling surface, which we explain by saying that the rock is crystalline. It is, in fact, a mass of minute crystals of calcite. The crystalline limestones have not always been crystalline, but it is safe to assume that they were originally entirely uncrystalline, and in many cases rich in fossils; but the fossils have been mainly obliterated by the crystallization.
Crystallization generally in rocks is an indication of great age, so that we usually say crystalline rocks must be older than uncrystalline rocks of the same composition; and this is mainly true with the limestones. When the crystallization is rather fine, as in our specimen, resembling granulated sugar, we have what is commonly called saccharoidal limestone. This is the typical marble. Marble is not a scientific name, and the term is usually applied to any calcareous rock which will take a polish, and sometimes even to rocks which are not calcareous at all.
In the section on dynamical geology, we learned that the carbonate of calcium or calcite is deposited from the sea-water, and limestones formed, in two ways: first, in a purely chemical way, where the water becomes saturated with calcite; and, second, organically, where the calcium carbonate is taken from the water by marine organisms to form their shells and skeletons, and
The limestones forming at the present time are almost wholly organic; but the rock known as calcareous tufa is an exception. This is formed under the same general conditions as siliceous tufa, but much more abundantly, and in cold water as well as warm; because calcite is far more soluble (especially in water containing carbon dioxide) than opal or quartz. It is deposited, not only around the mouths of springs, but also along the beds of the streams which they form, enveloping stones, roots, grasses, etc., and building up usually a loose, spongy mass having a very characteristic turfaceous texture.
The principal accessory minerals occurring in limestone are: (1) kaolin, forming argillaceous or slaty limestone, which may be recognized by the argillaceous odor and dark color; (2) quartz, forming siliceous or cherty limestone, known by its hardness or by the nodules of flint or chert; (3) dolomite, forming dolomitic or magnesian limestone, which effervesces less freely with acid; and (4) serpentine, forming serpentinic limestone, which is sharply distinguished by the green grains of serpentine mingled with the white calcite. A concretionary texture is common with limestone. If the concretions are small, like mustard-seed, we call the rock oÖlite; if larger, like peas, pisolite.
Gypsum.—When pure, this rock (specimen 36) is identical with the mineral gypsum (specimen 17), except that it is rarely crystalline. It is usually, however, not only perfectly compact, but more or less dark-colored from the admixture of clay and other impurities. Its most notable characteristics are its softness, the
Rock-Salt.—This interesting and useful rock, as we have already learned, is deposited in a purely chemical way, and only in drying-up portions of the sea, like the Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake, etc. In some parts of Europe there are beds of solid rock-salt over a hundred feet thick.
Phosphate Rock.—Although not specially abundant or attractive, this rock is of great economic interest and importance on account of its extensive use as a fertilizer. Under the general head of phosphate rock are included: (1) the typical guano, which is the consolidated excrement of certain marine birds inhabiting in great numbers small coral islands in the dry or rainless regions of the tropics; (2) the underlying coral rock, which is often changed to phosphate rock through the percolation of the rain-water falling on the guano; (3) accumulations of the bones and coprolites of the higher animals; (4) phosphatic limestones
(5) Metamorphic Group (stratified silicates).—All the chemically and organically formed rocks which we have studied up to this point are simple, i.e., they consist each of only one essential mineral; but most of the rocks in this great group of silicates are mixed, or consist each of several essential minerals. Quartz is the only important constituent of these rocks which is not, strictly speaking, a silicate, but in a certain sense it is also not an exception, since it may always be regarded as an excess of acid in the rock.
This group of stratified rocks composed of silicate minerals is of exceptional importance, first, on account of the large number of species which it includes, and, second, on account of the vast abundance of some of the species. These are, above all others, the rocks of which the earth’s crust is composed. With unimportant exceptions, all the rocks of this group are crystalline; and they constitute the principal part of what is generally included under the term metamorphic rocks—a general name for all stratified rocks which have been so acted upon by heat, pressure, or chemical forces as to make them crystalline. Although the crystalline limestone, dolomite, iron-ores, etc., show us that metamorphic rocks are not wanting in the other groups.
As already explained, the metamorphic or crystalline stratified rocks are usually older than the corresponding uncrystalline rocks; but a point of greater importance here is this: the development in the silicate rocks of crystalline characters has usually made it impossible to
Some of the details of the classification of this group, as shown in the table, require explanation. In studying the silicate minerals it was stated to be important to recognize two classes—the acidic and the basic—the dividing line falling in the neighborhood of 60 per cent. of silica. This division is important simply because Nature has in a great degree kept the acidic and basic minerals separate in the rocks; and few things in lithology are more important than the distinction of the silicate rocks in which acidic minerals predominate from those in which basic minerals predominate. The amount of silica which any rock of this group contains is shown at a glance by the chart. The vertical broken lines, with the figures at the top, indicate the proportion of silica, which increases from 30 per cent. on the right to 85 per cent. on the left; so that the percentage
Gneiss.—This is the most important of all rocks. It forms not far from one-half of New England, and a very large proportion of the earth’s crust. The name (pronounced same as nice) is known to have originated among the Saxon miners, but its precise derivation is lost in obscurity. To find out what this very important rock is, we will consult specimen 41. The first glance shows us that it is not, like the rocks we have just been studying, composed of a single mineral, but of several minerals, the most conspicuous of which is the pink feldspar—orthoclase. This we recognize as a feldspar: (1) by its hardness, which is a little less than that of quartz, and distinguishes it from calcite, a mineral having the general appearance of feldspar; (2) by its color, which separates it from hornblende and augite; and (3) by its cleavage, which distinguishes it easily from quartz. Finally, we know it is orthoclase, and not plagioclase, by its general aspect, and by its association with an abundance of quartz, which is the
In most books on the subject, these three minerals—orthoclase, quartz, and mica—are set down as the normal or essential constituents of gneiss. But it is now recognized by the best lithologists that we may have true gneiss without any mica; or we may have hornblende in the place of mica. Quartz and orthoclase are the only essential constituents of gneiss; and when these alone are present, we have the variety known as binary gneiss. The addition to these essential constituents of mica, gives micaceous gneiss; and of hornblende, hornblendic gneiss. Of these three principal varieties, the micaceous gneiss is by far the most common and important. The mica may be either the white species, muscovite, or the black species, biotite; but it is usually the former.
Orthoclase is the predominant constituent in all typical gneiss, usually forming at least one-half of the rock. The orthoclase may, however, be replaced to a greater or less extent by albite, or even by oligoclase. But we frequently see the term gneiss carelessly, or ignorantly,
Augite rarely occurs in gneiss; and hence, when we observe a gneiss containing a black mineral which we know is either augite or hornblende, it is pretty safe to call it the latter.
Mica and hornblende, although the principal, are not the only, accessory minerals in gneiss; but the following species are also of common occurrence: garnet, cyanite, tourmaline, fibrolite, epidote, and chlorite. Gneisses, as the table indicates, exhibit a wide range in the proportion of silica which they contain, varying from 60 to 85 per cent.; and there is a concomitant variation in specific gravity, from about 2.5 in the most acidic to 2.8 in the most basic varieties.
That gneiss is a true, stratified rock is very clearly shown in specimen 41; but, unfortunately, the stratification is not always so evident as in this case. The mica-scales, it will be observed, lie parallel with the stratification, and assist very materially to make it visible; and gneisses containing little or no mica, as well as some that are rich in mica, frequently appear almost or quite unstratified. These obscurely stratified varieties are commonly known as granitoid gneiss, having the texture and general aspect of granite. The sedimentary origin of gneiss is also clearly proved by its interstratification with undoubted sedimentary rocks, such as limestone, iron-ores, graphite, quartzite, etc.
Syenite.—This is a much abused term, but, as now employed by the best lithologists, it is the name of a rock having a single essential constituent, viz., orthoclase. Syenite in its simplest variety contains nothing
Syenite, it will be observed, is equivalent to gneiss with the quartz removed; but, while gneiss is the most abundant of all rocks, syenite is a comparatively rare rock; and this is simply another way of saying that nearly all orthoclase is associated with quartz. By admixture of quartz we get a perfectly gradual passage from syenite to gneiss. The orthoclase in syenite is more frequently replaced by plagioclase than it is in gneiss. In syenite, too, hornblende is much more abundant than mica; although just the opposite is true in gneiss. And, again, in gneiss the mica is principally muscovite; but in syenite it is almost exclusively biotite. Augite is a common accessory in the more basic syenite; but garnet, tourmaline, and the other accessory minerals, occurring so frequently in gneiss, are almost unknown in syenite. The specific gravity of syenite varies from 2.7 to 2.9.
Diorite.—This is a more important rock than syenite; but it is of analogous, though more basic, composition, containing a single essential constituent, viz., plagioclase. Any of the triclinic feldspars may occur in this rock, but oligoclase is most common. Like syenite, diorite usually contains hornblende, often in large proportion, forming hornblendic diorite, which sometimes passes into rocks composed entirely of hornblende. It also, but less frequently, contains mica, forming micaceous diorite. The mica is usually biotite, rarely muscovite. Mica and hornblende also often occur together in diorite, and the same is true of
This is a good example of a basic rock, for all its normal constituents are basic; but the percentage of silica varies from 45 in those varieties richest in labradorite and augite to 60 or more in those containing more or less quartz and orthoclase. There is a corresponding change of color from dark to light, and of specific gravity from 2.7 to 3.1.
Diorite is not rich in accessory minerals; besides those already mentioned, the most important are chlorite, epidote, pyrite, and magnetite.
Few rocks are more clearly stratified than diorite, whether we consider the hand-specimen, or its relations to other formations. It is an abundant rock in New England.
Norite.—Like diorite, this is essentially a plagioclase rock; but there are, nevertheless, important differences. The plagioclase in diorite is mainly the more acidic species, like oligoclase; while in norite the more basic species, such as labradorite and anorthite, predominate. Hornblende, which we have observed to be an important and rather constant constituent of diorite and syenite, is much less abundant in norite; but its place is taken by augite and the allied minerals, hypersthene and enstatite. Black mica is common in norite; but white mica, orthoclase, and quartz rarely occur.
Norite is the most basic of all the feldspathic rocks, as gneiss is the most acidic; while syenite and diorite stand as connecting links, forming a gradual passage
The most characteristic accessory constituents of norite, besides those already mentioned, are magnetite and chrysolite; though garnet, serpentine, and pyrite often occur. In texture, this rock varies from compact to very coarsely crystalline. The specimen of labradorite (No. 23), from the norite of Labrador, affords some idea of the coarseness of the crystallization in much of this rock. It is not a common rock, except in certain regions, the best known of which in eastern North America are the coast of Labrador, various points in Canada north of the St. Lawrence, and the eastern border of the Adirondack Mountains. In hand-specimens, norite rarely appears stratified; but in the solid ledges the stratification is often as distinct as could be desired.
Many lithologists call the rocks here designated norite gabbro, and class them all in the eruptive division as essentially a coarse variety of diabase.
We turn now to the important and interesting division of the non-feldspathic rocks or schists.
Mica Schist.—This is, next to gneiss, the most abundant rock in New England. Specimen 43 is a typical example, and from it we can readily learn what mica schist is. A glance suffices to show that it is chiefly composed of mica, but not entirely; for, on carefully examining the edges of the specimen, we cannot fail to see thin layers of hard, glassy quartz interwoven with the mica. The quartz layers are short and overlapping, and we have here a good illustration of the schistose texture; this is, in fact, a typical schist.
Mica schist usually consists, as in this instance, of mica and quartz; but it may be composed of mica alone; and sometimes kaolin or clay takes the place of the quartz, forming argillaceous mica schist. The mica in the latter is usually in very fine scales and rather inconspicuous, and the rock often passes into ordinary clay slate. Similarly, when the mica becomes deficient in the quartzose mica schist, a passage into ordinary quartzite is the result. A little feldspar is sometimes present in the rock, which thus passes into micaceous gneiss. Specimen 43 contains several crystals of red garnet, giving the variety garnetiferous mica schist. There is no other rock that contains such a large variety of beautiful accessory minerals as mica schist; and for the mineralogist it is one of the most attractive rocks. Few rocks are more distinctly stratified;
Closely related to mica schist is the rock now known as hydromica schist, in which the ordinary anhydrous micas are replaced by hydromica. It is distinguished from mica schist by being somewhat softer, less harsh to the touch, and less lustrous. It is to be regarded usually as an incipient mica schist, which has not yet become anhydrous; though it may sometimes be just the reverse; viz.: an old mica schist which has become hydrated through the action of meteoric waters. It contains fewer accessory minerals than mica schist.
Hornblende Schist.—This is a stratified aggregate of hornblende and quartz. The quartz is granular and in thin layers, as in mica schist; but the micaceous structure is wanting, and consequently the rock does not cleave readily in the direction of the bedding. The hornblende is mostly finely crystalline, but sometimes occurs in large, bladed crystals. Garnet and some other minerals are of common occurrence in the rock; but it is not rich in accessories like mica schist. The chief difficulty in recognizing this rock consists in determining whether the white mineral is all quartz or partly feldspar. In the latter case, of course, it becomes a hornblendic gneiss.
Amphibolite (Hornblende Rock).—This is the name applied to a rock having hornblende as its sole essential
By the substitution of augite for hornblende, in the description of amphibolite, we get the much rarer, but otherwise very similar, rock, pyroxenite.
Talc Schist (Steatite or Soapstone).—Although not abundant, this is a useful and familiar rock. The composition is implied in the name; and by comparing it with the specimen of talc (No. 58) we can readily see that they are essentially identical. Typical talc schist is pure talc; but the talc is often mixed with more or less quartz or feldspar; and mica, chlorite, hornblende, garnet, and other minerals are of common occurrence.
This rock embraces two distinct varieties, the massive and the schistose, or foliated. The former is the common soapstone (specimen 71), which is a confused mass of crystals lying in all directions, and with no visible stratification in the small mass. In the latter, as in specimen , the talc scales lie in parallel planes, giving the rock a micaceous structure, and causing it
Chlorite Schist.—The one essential constituent of this rock is chlorite, and the mineral specimen (No. 26) answers equally well as an example of the rock. As with talc schist, quartz, feldspar, and hydromica are rarely entirely absent. Besides these, the principal accessories are hornblende, magnetite, garnet, and epidote. This rock also agrees with talc schist in presenting two principal varieties, the massive and the schistose. It is easily distinguished from talc schist by its darker color and streak, which are very characteristic; while its green color, softness, and unctuous feel separate it from all other rocks.
This is the most basic of all the silicate rocks; but, in consequence of containing a large proportion of water, it is not the heaviest. It is, in fact, interesting and important to observe that all these hydrous silicate rocks—talc schist, chlorite schist, greensand, and serpentine—are distinctly lighter in each case than anhydrous rocks containing the same proportion of silica. They are also notable, as a class, for their softness, smooth feel, and green color.
Serpentine.—As the name implies, this rock is simply the mineral serpentine occurring in large masses, and its characteristics are precisely the same. It is fine-grained, massive, compact, rather soft, but very tough, and varies in color from very dark green to light
Serpentine is often intimately associated with limestone and dolomite. The white veins running irregularly through the variety known as Verd Antique Marble, however, are not calcite, as commonly supposed, but magnesite. They do not effervesce freely with cold, dilute acid, for the entire rock is magnesian, and it is probable have been at one time simply cracks along which water holding carbon dioxide has penetrated, changing the magnesia from a silicate to a carbonate.
Geologists were, at one time, almost unanimous in the opinion that all serpentine is of eruptive origin; but now it is conceded by the great majority to be in some cases a sedimentary rock. It is found interstratified with gneiss, limestone, all the schists, and many other stratified rocks. When occupying the position of an eruptive it is never an original rock; but has been formed by the alteration, in situ, of some basic anhydrous rock, most commonly olivine basalt.
Greensand.—This rock (specimen 27) consists chiefly of the mineral glauconite, mingled usually with more or less sand, clay, or calcareous matter. It is usually very friable, or in an entirely unconsolidated state. It is most abundant in the newer geological formations, especially the Cretaceous and Tertiary; and is, perhaps, the only one of the stratified silicate rocks now forming on an extensive scale in the ocean. Its value as a fertilizer, for which purpose it is extensively employed, is due to the potash that it contains.
Following is a systematic summary of the mineralogical
Names of Species. | Constituent Minerals. | |
? | Orthoclase and Quartz. | |
Gneiss | ? | Orthoclase, Quartz, and Mica. |
? | Orthoclase, Quartz, and Hornblende. | |
? | Orthoclase. | |
Syenite | ? | Orthoclase and Hornblende. |
? | Orthoclase and Mica. | |
? | Plagioclase (chiefly Oligoclase). | |
Diorite | ? | Plagioclase and Hornblende. |
? | Plagioclase and Mica. | |
? | Plagioclase (chiefly Labradorite). | |
Norite | ? | Plagioclase and Augite (Diallage). |
? | Plagioclase and Mica. | |
? | Mica. | |
Mica Schist | ? | Mica and Quartz. |
? | Mica and Kaolin. | |
Hornblende Schist | Hornblende and Quartz. | |
Amphibolite | Hornblende. | |
Pyroxenite | Pyroxene. | |
Talc Schist | Talc. | |
Chlorite Schist | Chlorite. | |
Serpentine | Serpentine. | |
Greensand | Glauconite. |
2. Eruptive or Unstratified Rocks.
The rocks of this great class are formed by the cooling and solidification of materials that have come up from a great depth in the earth’s crust in a melted and highly heated condition. When the fissures in the earth’s crust reach down to the great reservoirs of liquid rock, and the latter wells up and overflows on the surface, forming a volcano, then we may, as was pointed out on page 33, divide the eruptive mass into two parts: first, that which has actually flowed out on the surface, and cooled and solidified in contact with the air, forming a lava flow; second, that which has failed to reach the surface, but cooled and solidified in the fissure, forming a dike.
Lava flows or volcanic rocks and dikes or plutonic rocks are identical in composition; but there is a vast difference in texture, due to the widely different conditions under which the rocks have solidified. The dike or fissure rocks solidify under enormous pressure, and this makes them heavy and solid—free from pores. They are surrounded on all sides by warm rocks: this causes them to cool very slowly, and allows the various minerals time to crystallize. Other things being equal, the slower the cooling the coarser the crystallization; and hence, the greater the depth below the surface at which the cooling takes place, the coarser the crystallization.
The volcanic rock, on the other hand, cools under very slight pressure; and the steam, which exists abundantly in nearly all igneous rocks at the time of their eruption, is able to expand, forming innumerable small
As we descend into the earth’s crust, it is perfectly manifest that the volcanic must shade off insensibly into the dike rocks, and we find it impossible to draw any but an arbitrary plane of division between them; but this is no argument against this classification, for, as already stated, all is gradation in geology, and we experience just the same difficulty in drawing a line between conglomerate and sandstone, or between gneiss and mica schist, as between the dike rocks and volcanic rocks.
We will now observe to what extent the distinctions between these two great classes of eruptives can be traced in the rocks themselves, beginning with the dike rocks. But first it is important to notice the general fact, clearly expressed in the classification, that, with perhaps some trifling exceptions which need not be mentioned here, all eruptive rocks are silicates, and nearly all are feldspathic silicates. They are of definite mineralogical composition, and, like the chemically and organically formed stratified rocks, can be classified chemically. But, although there are eruptives corresponding closely in composition to the feldspathic silicates, which we have just studied, we find among them little to represent the non-feldspathic silicates, and nothing corresponding in composition to the limestones,
1. Plutonic (Dike) Rocks.—These are also known as the ancient eruptive rocks, and for this reason: It is impossible, of course, for us to observe them except where they occur on or near the earth’s surface. But, since they are formed wholly below the surface, and usually at great depths in the earth, it is evident that they can appear on the surface only as the result of enormous erosion; and erosion is a slow process, demanding, in these cases, many thousands or millions of years. Therefore, the more ancient dike rocks alone are within our reach; those of recent formation being still deeply buried in the earth’s crust. It follows, as a corollary to this explanation, that the coarseness of the crystallization of any dike rock must be a rough measure of its age and of the amount of erosion which the region has suffered since its eruption.
As regards composition, the dike rocks present, as already stated, essentially the same combinations of minerals as the feldspathic silicates of the stratified series, but occurring under different physical conditions and having a widely different origin. The only important difference in texture between the two classes of rocks is that the sedimentary rocks are stratified and the dike rocks are not; and when we consider that the dike rocks sometimes present a laminated structure that resembles stratification, while the sedimentary rocks frequently appear unstratified, it is easy to understand why, in the absence of any marked difference in composition, geologists have often found it difficult to distinguish the two classes of rocks. We
Granite.—Granite (from the Latin granum, a grain) is a crystalline-granular rock, agreeing in composition with gneiss. The essential constituents are quartz and orthoclase; and when they alone are present we have the variety binary granite. Mica, however (commonly muscovite, sometimes biotite, and frequently both) is usually added to these, forming micaceous granite (specimen 44); and often hornblende, forming hornblendic granite (specimen 45). The orthoclase is sometimes replaced in part by triclinic species, especially albite and oligoclase. Accessory minerals are not so abundant in granite as in gneiss; but, besides those named, garnet, tourmaline, pyrite, apatite, and chlorite are most common. Orthoclase is always the predominant ingredient; and, except when there is much hornblende present, usually determines the color of the granite. Thus, specimens 44 and 45 are gray because they contain gray orthoclase; while all red granites contain red or pink orthoclase. The quartz has usually been the last of the constituents to crystallize or solidify; and, having been thus obliged to adapt itself to the contours of the orthoclase and mica, it is rarely observed in distinct crystals.
In texture, the granites vary from perfectly compact varieties, approaching petrosilex, to those which are so coarsely crystalline that single crystals of orthoclase measure several inches in length. Of course one of the most important things to be observed
Syenite.—This is an instance where stratified and eruptive rocks, agreeing in composition, have the same name. That rocks consisting of orthoclase, of orthoclase and hornblende, or of orthoclase and mica, i.e., having the composition of syenite, do occur in both the eruptive and stratified series there can be no doubt. They should, however, have distinct names on account of their unlike origins; and would have but for the practical difficulty in determining, in many cases, whether the rock is stratified or not. The best that we can do now, when we desire to be specific, and have the necessary information, is to say stratified syenite or eruptive syenite, as the case may be.
Diorite.—Here, again, we find identity of names, as well as of composition, between the two great series. Eruptive diorite is an abundant and well known rock, and consists of the same minerals as stratified diorite combined in the same proportions. Diorite includes a large part of the dike rocks commonly known as “trap” and “greenstone.” The principal accessories are chlorite, epidote, pyrite, magnetite, apatite, and quartz. The texture varies from perfectly compact or felsitic to coarsely crystalline; averaging, however, less coarse than syenite and granite.
Diabase.—By referring to the classification it will be seen that diabase occupies the same position among
In consequence of their more basic composition, diabase and diorite are usually strongly contrasted with granite and syenite in color and specific gravity, being darker and heavier. The basic rocks, too, decay much more readily than the acidic.
2. Volcanic Rocks.—As regards composition, we shall find nothing new in the volcanic series; for the rocks of this group present essentially the same combination of minerals as the dike rocks. In composition,
Volcanic rocks are rarely found in this part of the world; and specimens of most of them are difficult to obtain. For this reason they can only be noticed briefly here, since it is the plan of this Guide to give especial attention only to those portions of the subject which can be illustrated by material within easy reach of teachers.
Rhyolite.—This rock corresponds in composition with granite and gneiss, but is less frequently micaceous. The orthoclase in rhyolite, and generally in volcanic rocks, is the clear, pellucid variety—sanidine. It is more difficult to separate from quartz than ordinary orthoclase, the chief distinguishing feature being its cleavage. Plagioclase and hornblende are common, but not abundant, constituents. The mica, when present, is usually biotite. The texture of rhyolite is often more or less distinctly porphyritic, having a finely crystalline or granular matrix, with interspersed crystals of sanidine and quartz. The rock has usually a rough, harsh feel; and while the coarser varieties have the aspect of granite, the finer approach petrosilex; but all are somewhat porous, which is seen in the lower specific gravity of rhyolite as compared with granite and gneiss.
Trachyte.—In texture and general aspect rhyolite and trachyte are nearly identical. Trachyte, however,
Obsidian.—Obsidian is sharply distinguished from all other rocks by its perfect vitreous texture; it is a true volcanic glass. Its surface (specimen 47) is smooth and glassy, and its fracture eminently conchoidal. To the naked eye, and usually under the microscope, the typical variety is perfectly homogeneous; chemical analysis, however, shows that it has the composition, commonly of rhyolite, but sometimes of trachyte. Obsidian is, in fact, simply rhyolite or trachyte which, cooling quickly, has not had time to crystallize, but has remained permanently in the amorphous or glassy state. The composition is sometimes partially revealed where a portion of the sanidine comes out in distinct crystals porphyritically interspersed through the glass. The homogeneity of the texture is sometimes disturbed: by numerous minute concentric cracks, forming what is known as perlitic structure and the variety perlite; by numerous small spherical concretions, forming the spherulitic structure and the variety spherulite; and also by the banding, which is the result of flowing while in a plastic state, whereby portions of the glass of slightly different colors are drawn out into layers and interlaminated. The bands are rarely continuous for any distance, being usually merely elongated lenticular streaks. The glassy state is generally one of inferior density, and hence we find that obsidian is lighter than the crystalline rocks of the same composition. Obsidian is a good illustration of a non-essential color, for its
Obsidian is often vesicular, from the expansion of the steam and other gases which it contained when liquid. The most thoroughly vesicular varieties are known as pumice (specimen 48). The vesicular texture, by rendering the rock impervious to light, conceals the impurities, and thus we get a snow-white pumice from black obsidian. The vesicles are frequently elongated, sometimes in a definite direction, though often forming an irregular net-work of glassy fibres. Pumice is often light enough to float on water, and it is transported thousands of miles by the oceanic currents. It is employed in the arts, and good specimens can be obtained at almost any drug-store.
Petrosilex and Felsite.—Sharply defined groups are unknown in lithology, but all is gradation; and between rhyolite and trachyte, which are always more or less distinctly crystalline, and obsidian, which is a true glass and perfectly amorphous, there is no break. It is impossible to draw a sharp line and say, Here the vitreous texture ends and the crystalline begins; for the transition is not abrupt, but gradual. We recognize, really, in these feldspathic rocks, an intermediate state, which is neither crystalline nor colloid, but both; and this lithologists have designated the felsitic texture. Felsitic matter cannot, even with the highest powers of the microscope, be resolved into separate grains or particles; and it does not exhibit, except perhaps very indistinctly, the phenomenon of
Feldspathic rocks exhibiting the felsitic texture in whole or in part are known as felsites. Many high authorities hold that true felsites are found only among the eruptive rocks; while others claim that they are in part, or wholly, of sedimentary origin. The writer accepts the former view. The felsites are in part acid lavas which have cooled too slowly to form a true glass, like obsidian, and yet too quickly to become truly crystalline, like rhyolite and trachyte. But they are also in large part simply devitrified obsidian. Glass is an unstable form of mineral matter; and every species of glass, including obsidian, tends with the lapse of time to become crystalline or stony, the amorphous changing to the felsitic structure. Thus, in many cases or usually, what we now call felsites were originally true glassy obsidian. Being perfectly intimate mixtures of the component minerals, the composition of felsites can usually be determined with certainty only by means of chemical analysis. By this means chiefly, it has been proved that there are felsites agreeing in composition with both rhyolite and trachyte. There is this general difference in composition, however, between these crystalline rocks and the felsites; viz.: mica, hornblende, and augite are generally wanting in the latter. From this it follows that the felsites are, with unimportant exceptions, composed either of quartz and feldspar or of feldspar alone.
The physical differences between the felsites of unlike composition are not great; but they are sufficient
The typical felsite or petrosilex is composed entirely of felsitic matter, and is perfectly homogeneous, like flint or jasper, which it closely resembles in hardness and other physical characteristics. As a rule, however, the rock is not entirely homogeneous, but there is a manifest tendency in the component minerals, and especially in the feldspar, to separate out, usually in the form of crystals. In the banded variety (specimen 42) the rock is built up of thin layers, which are often alternately quartzose and feldspathic. There is not a perfect separation of the minerals; but that the quartz is chiefly in the dark layers, and the feldspar in the light, is shown by the way in which the layers are affected by the weather.
One of the most common varieties is where a portion, frequently a large portion, of the feldspar comes out in the form of distinct, separate crystals, producing a porphyritic texture. Specimens 5, 6, and 7 are examples of porphyritic felsite; and after examining these we can no longer doubt that feldspar is an important
Andesite.—This rock has nearly the texture of rhyolite and trachyte, but is darker and heavier, and corresponds in composition to diorite, consisting of plagioclase and hornblende, with usually more or less sanidine, quartz, augite, biotite, and magnetite.
Basalt.—The rock bearing this familiar name represents diabase among the dike rocks. It is the most basic of the volcanic rocks, and consists of the more basic varieties of plagioclase, especially labradorite, with augite, magnetite, and titanic iron. Olivine is a very common and characteristic constituent, and the plagioclase is often replaced in part by leucite and nephelite. The basalts are usually black, and of high specific gravity; and vary in texture from compact to coarsely crystalline. The contraction due to cooling frequently results in the development of a columnar
Tachylite.—Tachylite is a highly basic volcanic glass, standing in the same relation to basalt and andesite that obsidian does to trachyte and rhyolite. It is much heavier than obsidian, and is perfectly black and opaque, except in the finest fibres. It is a comparatively rare rock, for the reason that basalt and andesite crystallize more readily than the acidic rocks on passing from the liquid to the solid state. On the surface of the basic lava, however, where it is in contact with the air, and congeals almost instantly, a film of glass is formed; but this may not be more than a small fraction of an inch in thickness. Like obsidian, tachylite is often vesicular; but the vesicular basic rocks, as well as the solid, are usually stony. They occur in vast abundance in many volcanic regions, and may be considered the typical lava (specimen 49).
In the more ancient lavas, the vesicles are frequently filled by various minerals—chlorite, epidote, quartz, calcite, etc.—deposited by infiltrating waters, and derived in most cases from the decomposition of the original constituents of the rock. Thus the vesicular is changed to the amygdaloidal texture, and the lava becomes an amygdaloid (specimen 50). The amygdaloidal texture is common in the basic lavas and rare in pumice, simply because the former are more readily decomposed and contain a greater variety of bases from which secondary minerals can be formed.
Volcanic Tuff and Agglomerate.—Besides the crystalline, glassy, and felsitic lavas, already described, and due chiefly to the rate of cooling of the liquid rock, we may recognize a fourth class to include the very abundant lavas which, during explosive eruptions, are ejected in the solid state, being violently blown out of the crater in the form of dust and fragments. Falling on the slopes of the volcano or over the surrounding country, as in the case of the buried city of Pompeii, the fragmental lavas remain largely unstratified. But when, as frequently happens, they fall into the sea, they are assorted by the waves and currents and arranged in layers after the manner of ordinary sediments, with which they are often more or less mixed. Before they become consolidated the finer fragmental lava, of whatever composition, is called volcanic dust, and the coarser lapilli or volcanic sand; while the consolidated materials are known as tuff and agglomerate respectively.