I need scarcely say the diamond is almost pure carbon, and it is the hardest substance in nature. When heated in air or oxygen to a temperature varying from 760° to 875° C., according to its hardness, the diamond burns with production of carbonic acid. It leaves an extremely light ash, sometimes retaining the shape of the crystal, consisting of iron, lime, magnesia, silica, and titanium. In boart and carbonado the amount of ash sometimes rises to 4 per cent, but in clear crystallised diamonds it is seldom higher than 0·05 per cent. By far the largest constituent of the ash is iron. The following table shows the temperatures
HardnessDiamonds vary considerably in hardness, and even different parts of the same crystal differ in their resistance to cutting and grinding. Beautifully white diamonds have been found at Inverel, New South Wales, and from the rich yield of the mine and the white colour of the stones great things were expected. In the first parcel which came to England the stones were found to be so much harder than South African diamonds that it was at first feared they would be useless except for rock-boring purposes. The difficulty of cutting them disappeared with improved appliances, and they now are highly prized. The famous Koh-i-noor, when being cut into its present form, showed a notable variation in hardness. In cutting one of the facets near a yellow flaw, the crystal became harder and harder the further it was cut, until, after working the mill for six hours at the usual speed of 2400 revolutions a minute, little impression was made. The speed was increased to more than 3000, when the work slowly proceeded. Other portions of the stone were found to be comparatively The intense hardness of the diamond can be illustrated by the following experiment. On the flattened apex of a conical block of steel place a diamond, and upon it bring down a second cone of steel. On forcing together the two steel cones by hydraulic pressure the stone is squeezed into the steel blocks without injuring it in the slightest degree. In an experiment I made at Kimberley the pressure gauge showed 60 atmospheres, and the piston being 3·2 inches diameter, the absolute pressure was 3·16 tons, equivalent on a diamond of 12 square mm. surface to 170 tons per square inch of diamond. The use of diamond in glass-cutting I need not dwell on. So hard is diamond in comparison to glass, that a suitable splinter of diamond will plane curls off a glass plate as a carpenter’s tool will plane shavings off a deal board. The illustration (Fig. 17) shows a few diamond-cut glass shavings. Density or Specific GravityThe specific gravity of the diamond varies ordinarily from 3·514 to 3·518. For comparison, I give in tabular form the specific gravities of the different varieties of carbon and of the minerals found on the sorting tables:
There is a substance, the double nitrate of silver and thallium, which, while solid at ordinary temperatures, liquefies at 75° C. and then has a specific gravity of 4·5. Admixture with water lowers the density to any desired point. If a glass cell is taken containing this liquid diluted to a density of about 3·6, and in it is thrown pieces of the above-named minerals, all those whose density is lower than 3·6 will rise to the surface, while the denser minerals will sink. If now a little water is carefully added with constantly stirring until the density of the liquid is reduced to that of the diamond, the heterogeneous collection sorts itself into three parts. The graphite, quartz, beryl, mica, and hornblende rise to the surface; the garnet, corundum, zircons, etc., sink to the bottom, while the diamonds float in the middle of the liquid. With a platinum landing-net I can skim off the swimmers and put them into one dish; with the same net I can fish out The table shows that diamonds vary somewhat in density among themselves, between narrow limits. Occasionally, however, diamonds overpass these figures. Here is an illustration. In a test-tube of the same dense liquid are three selected diamonds. One rises to the top, another floats uncertain where to settle, rising and falling as the temperature of the sorting liquid is raised or lowered, whilst the third sinks to the bottom. Allowing the liquid to cool a degree or two slightly increases the density and sends all three to the surface. Phosphorescence of DiamondAfter exposure for some time to the sun many diamonds glow in a dark room. Some diamonds are fluorescent, appearing milky in sunlight. In a vacuum, exposed to a high-tension current of electricity, diamonds phosphoresce of different colours, most South African diamonds shining with a bluish light. Diamonds from other localities emit bright blue, apricot, pale blue, red, yellowish green, orange, and pale green light. The most phosphorescent diamonds are those which are fluorescent in the sun. One beautiful green diamond in the writer’s collection, when phosphorescing in a good vacuum, gives almost as much light as a candle, and you can easily read by its rays. But the time has hardly come when diamonds can be used as domestic illuminants! The emitted light is pale green, tending to white, and in its spectrum, when strong, can be seen bright lines, one at about The rays which make the diamond phosphoresce are high in the ultra-violet. To illustrate this phosphorescence under the influence of the ultra-violet rays, arrange a powerful source of these rays, and in front expose a design made up of certain minerals, willemite, franklinite, calcite, etc.—phosphorescing of different colours. Their brilliant glow ceases entirely when a thin piece of glass is interposed between them and the ultra-violet lamp. I now draw attention to a strange property of the diamond, which at first sight might seem to discount the great permanence and unalterability of this stone. It has been ascertained that the cause of phosphorescence is in some way connected with the hammering of the electrons, violently driven from the negative pole on to the surface of the body under examination, and so great is the energy of the bombardment, that impinging on a piece of platinum or even iridium, the metal will actually melt. When the diamond is thus bombarded in a radiant matter tube the result is startling. It not only phosphoresces, but becomes discoloured, and in course of time becomes black on the surface. Some diamonds blacken in the course of a few minutes, while others require an hour or more to discolour. This blackening is only superficial, and although no ordinary means of cleaning will remove the discolouration, it goes at once when the stone is polished with diamond powder. FIG. 17. DIAMOND-CUT GLASS AND SHAVINGS. FIG. 18. DIAMONDS IN RÖNTGEN RAYS. A. BLACK DIAMOND IN GOLD FRAME. To face p. 98. The superficial dark coating on a diamond after exposure to molecular bombardment I have proved to be graphite. M. Moissan has shown that this graphite, on account of its great resistance to oxidising reagents, cannot have been formed at a lower temperature than 3600° C. It is thus manifest that the bombarding electrons, striking the diamond with enormous velocity, raise the superficial layer to the temperature of the electric arc and turn it into graphite, whilst the mass of diamond and its conductivity to heat are sufficient to keep down the general temperature to such a point that the tube appears scarcely more than warm to the touch. A similar action occurs with silver, the superficial layers of which can be raised to a red heat without the whole mass becoming more than warm. Conversion of Diamond into GraphiteAlthough we cannot convert graphite into diamond, we can change the diamond into graphite. A clear crystal of diamond is placed between two carbon poles, and the poles with intervening diamond are brought together and an arc formed between. The temperature of the diamond rapidly rises, and when it approaches 3600° C., the vaporising point of carbon, it breaks down, swells, and changes into black and valueless graphite. Tribo-LuminescenceA few minerals give out light when rubbed. In the year 1663 the Hon. Robert Boyle read a paper before the Royal Society, in which he described several experiments made with a diamond which markedly showed tribo-luminescence. As specimens of tribo-luminescent bodies I may instance sphalerite (sulphide of zinc), and an artificial Mrs. Kunz, wife of the well-known New York mineralogist, possesses, perhaps, the most remarkable of all phosphorescing diamonds. This prodigy diamond will phosphoresce in the dark for some minutes after being exposed to a small pocket electric light, and if rubbed on a piece of cloth a long streak of phosphorescence appears. Absorption Spectrum of DiamondOn passing a ray of light through a diamond and examining it in a spectroscope, Walter has found in all colourless brilliants of over 1 carat in weight an absorption band at wave-length 4155 (violet). He RefractivityBut it is not the hardness of the diamond so much as its optical qualities that make it so highly prized. It is one of the most refracting substances in nature, and it also has the highest reflecting properties. In the cutting of diamonds advantage is taken of these qualities. When cut as a brilliant the facets on the lower side are inclined so that light falls on them at an angle of 24° 13´, at which angle all the incident light is totally reflected. A well-cut brilliant should appear opaque by transmitted light except at a small spot in the middle where the table and culet are opposite. All the light falling on the front of the stone is reflected from the facets, and the light passing into the diamond is reflected The following table gives the refractive indices of diamonds and other bodies:
In vain I have searched for a liquid of the same refraction as diamond. Such a liquid would be invaluable to the merchant, as on immersing a stone the clear body would absolutely disappear, leaving in all their ugliness the flaws and black specks so frequently seen even in the best stones. The Diamond and Polarised LightHaving no double refraction, the diamond should not act on polarised light. But as is well known, if a transparent body which does not so act is submitted to strain of an irregular character it becomes doubly refracting, and in the polariscope reveals the existence of the strain by brilliant colours arranged in a more or less defined pattern, according to the state of tension in which the crystal exists. I have examined many hundred diamond crystals under polarised light, and with few exceptions the colours show how great is the strain to which some of them are exposed. On rotating the So great is this strain of internal tension that it is not uncommon for a diamond to explode soon after it reaches the surface, and some have been known to burst in the pockets of the miners or when held in the warm hand. Large crystals are more liable to burst than smaller pieces. Valuable stones have been destroyed in this way, and it is whispered that cunning dealers are not averse to allowing responsible clients to handle or carry in their warm pockets The anomalous action which many diamonds exert on polarised light is not such as can be induced by heat, but it can easily be conferred on diamonds by pressure, showing that the strain has not been produced by sudden cooling, but by sudden lowering of pressure. The illustration of this peculiarity is not only difficult, but sometimes exceedingly costly—difficult because it is necessary to arrange for projecting on the screen the image of a diamond crystal between the jaws of a hydraulic press, the illuminating light having to pass through delicate optical polarising apparatus—and costly because only perfectly clear crystals can be used, and crystals of this character sometimes fly to pieces as the pressure rises. At first no colour is seen on the screen, the crystal not The Diamond and RÖntgen RaysThe diamond is remarkable in another respect. It is extremely transparent to the RÖntgen rays, whereas highly refracting glass, used in imitation diamonds, is almost perfectly opaque to the rays. I exposed for a few seconds over a photographic plate to the X-rays the large Delhi diamond of a rose-pink colour weighing 31½ carats, a black diamond weighing 23 carats, and a glass imitation of the pink diamond (Fig. 18). On development the impression where the diamond obscured the rays was found to be Action of Radium on DiamondThe -rays from radium having like properties to the stream of negative electrons in a radiant matter tube, it was of interest to ascertain if they would exert a like difference on diamond. The diamond glows under the influence of the -radiations, and crushed diamond cemented to a piece of card or metal makes an excellent screen in a spinthariscope—almost as good as zinc sulphide. Some colourless crystals of diamond were imbedded in radium bromide and kept undisturbed for more than twelve months. At the end of that time they were examined. The radium had caused them to assume a bluish-green colour, and their value as “fancy stones” had been increased. This colour is persistent and penetrates To find out if this prolonged contact with radium had communicated to the diamond any radio-active properties, six diamonds were put on a photographic plate and kept in the dark for a few hours. All showed radio-activity by darkening the sensitive plate, some being more-active than others. Like the green tint, the radio-activity persists after drastic treatment. To me this proves that radio-activity does not merely consist in the adhesion of electrons or emanations given off by radium to the surface of an adjacent body, but the property is one involving layers below the surface, and like the alteration of tint, is probably closely connected with the intense molecular excitement the stone had experienced during its twelve months’ burial in radium bromide. A diamond that had been coloured by Boiling- and Melting-point of CarbonOn the average the critical point of a substance is 1·5 times its absolute boiling-point. Therefore the critical point of carbon should be about 5800° Ab. But the absolute critical temperature divided by the critical pressure is for all the elements so far examined never less than 2·5; this being about the value Sir James Dewar finds for hydrogen. So that, accepting this, we get the maximum critical pressure as follows, viz. 2320 atmospheres: 5800° Ab. CrP = 2.5, or CrP = 5800° Ab. 2.5 , or 2320 atmospheres. Carbon and arsenic are the only two elements that have a melting-point above the boiling-point; and among compounds carbonic acid and fluoride of silicium are the only other bodies with similar properties. Now the melting-point of arsenic is about 1·2 times its absolute boiling-point. With carbonic acid and fluoride of silicium the melting-points are about 1·1 times their boiling-points. Applying these ratios to carbon, we find that its melting-point would be about 4400°. Therefore, assuming the following data:
the Rankine or Van der Waals formula, calculated from the boiling-point and critical data, would be as follows: log. P = 10·11 - 39120/T, and this gives for a temperature of 4400° Ab. a pressure of 16·6 Ats. as the melting-point pressure. The results of the formula are given in the form of a table:
Fig. 19. Curve of Vapour Pressure of Carbon If, then, we may reason from these rough estimates, above a temperature of 5800° Ab. no amount of pressure will cause carbon vapour to assume liquid form, whilst at 4400° Ab. a pressure of above 17 atmospheres would suffice to liquefy some of it. Between these extremes the curve of vapour pressure is assumed to be logarithmic, as represented in the accompanying diagram. The constant 39120 which occurs in the logarithmic formula enables us to calculate the latent heat of evaporation. If we assume the vapour density to be normal, or the molecule in vapour as C2, then the heat of |