| The Shefro. | Page | I. | The Legend of Knocksheogowna, | 13 | II. | The Legend of Knockfierna, | 17 | III. | The Legend of Knockgrafton, | 21 | IV. | The Priest's Supper, | 26 | V. | The Brewery of Egg-shells, | 30 | VI. | Legend of Bottle Hill, | 34 | VII. | The Confessions of Tom Bourke, | 43 | VIII. | Fairies or no Fairies, | 56 | | Note on the Section. | 61 | | The Cluricaune. | IX. | The Haunted Cellar, | 63 | X. | Master and Man, | 70 | XI. | The Little Shoe, | 77 | | Note on the Section. | 79 | | The Banshee. | XII. | The Bunworth Banshee, | 81 | XIII. | The McCarthy Banshee, | 85 | | Note on the Section. | 100 | | The Phooka. | XIV. | The Spirit Horse, | 101 | XV. | Daniel O'Rourke, | 105 | XVI. | The Crookened Back, | 112 | | Note on the Section. | 117 | | Thierna na Oge. | XVII. | Fior Usga, | 119 | XVIII. | Cormac and Mary (Ballad,) | 122 | XIX. | The Legend of Lough Gur, | 124 | XX. | The Enchanted Lake, | 126 | XXI. | The Legend of O'Donoghue, | 130 | | Note on the Section. | 132 | | The Merrow. | XXII. | The Lady of Gollerus, | 133 | XXIII. | Flory Cantillon's Funeral, | 139 | XXIV. | The Lord of Dunkerron (Ballad,) | 143 | XXV. | The Wonderful Tune, | 146 | | Note on the Section. | 154 | | The Dullahan. | XXVI. | The Good Woman, | 155 | XXVII. | Hanlon's Mill, | 163 | XXVIII. | The Death Coach (Ballad,) | 167 | XXIX. | The Headless Horseman, | 169 | | Note on the Section. | 178 | | The Fir Darrig. | XXX. | Diarmid Bawn, the Piper, | 179 | XXXI. | Teigue of the Lee, | 184 | XXXII. | Ned Sheehy's Excuse, | 190 | XXXIII. | The Lucky Guest, | 201 | | Note on the Section. | 208 | | Treasure Legends. | XXXIV. | Dreaming Tim Jarvis, | 209 | |   |