SOUTH AFRICA AND THE TRANSVAAL WAR TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: All images apart from the front cover are thumbnails linked to larger images, for faster loading. Images may have been moved to allow the text to flow in the HTML version. LIEUTENANTS MELVILL and COGHILL (24th REGIMENT) DYING TO SAVE THE QUEEN'S COLOURS. An Incident at the Battle of Isandlwana. Painting by C. E. Fripp. LIEUTENANTS MELVILL and COGHILL (24th REGIMENT) DYING TO SAVE THE QUEEN'S COLOURS. An Incident at the Battle of Isandlwana. Painting by C. E. Fripp. South Africa and the Transvaal WarBYLOUIS CRESWICKEAUTHOR OF "ROXANE," ETC. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS IN SIX VOLUMES VOL. I.—FROM THE FOUNDATION OF CAPE COLONY TO THE BOER ULTIMATUM OF 9TH OCT. 1899 EDINBURGH: T. C. & E. C. JACK 1900 PREFATORY NOTEIn writing this volume my aim has been to present an unvarnished tale of the circumstances—extending over nearly half a century—which have brought about the present crisis in South Africa. Consequently, it has been necessary to collate the opinions of the best authorities on the subject. My acknowledgments are due to the distinguished authors herein quoted for much valuable information, throwing light on the complications that have been accumulating so long, and that owe their origin to political blundering and cosmopolitan scheming rather than to the racial antagonism between Briton and Boer. L. C. |