- Adrian VI., Pope, election of, 87, 88;
- enters league against France, 96;
- death of, 99.
- Agostino, Wolsey's physician, 199, 200.
- Albany, James, Duke of, made Regent of Scotland, 69;
- allied with Queen Margaret, 91;
- retreats before Lord Dacre, 92;
- retires from Wark, 98;
- recalled to France, 107.
- Alcock, John, Bishop of Ely, 141.
- Amicable Loan, 111, 112.
- Angus, Archibald, Earl of, marries Queen-Dowager Margaret, 69;
- in France and England, 107.
- Ardres, fortification of, 68.
- Bainbridge, Thomas, Archbishop of York, 29-39.
- Blunt, Elizabeth, 118.
- Boleyn, Anne, Henry VIII.'s passion for, 152;
- her influence over Henry VIII., 159, 160, 165-168.
- Bourbon, Constable of, revolts from Francis I., 94;
- negotiations of Pace with, 106, 107;
- in Italy, 121.
- Bruges, Wolsey meets Charles V. at, 77, 78.
- Buckingham, Duke of, executed, 70, 71.
- Buttes, Doctor, 192, 193.
- Calais, meeting of Henry VIII. and Charles V. at, 63;
- Cambrai, League of, 8, 9, 14, 15;
- Campeggio, Cardinal, sent to England, 164, 165;
- his action about the divorce, 171-173;
- his interview with Henry VIII., 181;
- seizure of his baggage, 182, 183.
- Cardinal College, 143, 144, 196.
- Carey, Eleanor, 166.
- Cavendish, George, memoir of Wolsey quoted, 156, 158, 175, 200-205;
- his interview with Henry VIII., 207, 208;
- later life of, 209.
- Cawood Castle, Wolsey at, 197, 199-201.
- Charles, Prince of Castile, betrothed to Mary of England, 32;
- betrothed to RenÉe of France, 37;
- King of Spain, 91;
- managed by Wolsey, 108.
- Marignano, battle of, 38.
- Mary, Princess, daughter of Henry VII., married to Louis XII., 32;
- marries Duke of Suffolk, 37.
- Mary, Princess, daughter of Henry VIII., married by proxy to Dauphin, 49;
- betrothed to Charles V., 63, 64;
- betrothed to Duke of Orleans, 122.
- Maximilian, Emperor, joins Italian League, 6;
- allied with Ferdinand, 14;
- relations of Henry VII. with, 21;
- at Terouenne, 25;
- deserts Henry VIII., 27, 28;
- makes a futile expedition against Milan, 40-42;
- signs peace of Noyon, 45;
- dies, 52.
- Medici, Guilio dei, candidate for the Papacy, 87;
- elected Clement VII., 99, 100.
- Montdidier, capture of, 97.
- More, Sir Thomas, Speaker in 1523, 103-105;
- Nanfan, Sir Richard, 19.
- Norfolk, Thomas Howard I., Duke of, 30, 34.
- Norfolk, Thomas Howard II., Duke of, puts down tumult, 113, 114;
- plots against Wolsey, 177, 181;
- receives great seal from Wolsey, 186;
- president of the Council, 190.
- Norwich, tumult in, 113.
- Noyon, Treaty of, 44, 45.
- Oxford, Wolsey's influence in, 145-147.
- Pace, Richard, his mission to Maximilian, 41-43;
- mission to the German Elector, 55;
- mission to Venice, 95;
- mission to Bourbon, 106, 107.
- Parliament, of 1523, 103, 105;
- Wolsey's attitude to, 129, 130.
- Paulet, Sir Amyas, 19.
- Pavia, battle of, 109.
- Picardy, invasion of, 90.
- Putney, Wolsey at, 187.
- Rhodes, captured by Turks, 93.
- Richmond Lodge, Wolsey at, 193.
- Ruthal, Bishop of Durham, 22.
- St. Alban's, Wolsey made Abbot of, 83.
- Sanctuary, right of, 135.
- Scrooby, Wolsey at, 195.
- Sheffield Park, Wolsey at, 202.
- Southwell, Wolsey at, 194.
- Spinelly, Thomas, 31.
- Standish, Henry, 135-138.
- Stile, John, 31
THE END Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. |