As in the other Worthies, this Index is intended to guide to Notes and Illustrations of the several words in the places; but mainly in Vol. I., as Vol. II. consists wholly of the Latin and Greek and their translations. G. - A.
- Acidalian, ii. 22.
- Adult'rous, ii. 144.
- Alas, i. 181.
- All-Hallow, ii. 59.
- All-mischiefe, ii. 59.
- Alps, ii. 32.
- Ambush, i. 90.
- Apricockes, i. 269.
- Archer [badly misprinted 'anchor'], i. 176.
- Assyrian, ii. 30.
- B.
- Baal-zebub, i. 133.
- Bilbilician, ii. 26.
- Black-fac'd, ii. 41.
- Blossome, i. 28, 207.
- Bottles, i. 15.
- Brag, ii. 35.
- Breakfast, i. 15.
- Brisk, i. 15.
- Bud, i. 93.
- Bulla, ii. 245, 251.
- Buried, ii. 72.
- C.
- Cadence, i. 17.
- Calls 't, i. 16.
- Canary scribblers, i. xlviii.
- Case, i. 15.
- Cast, ii. 184.
- Cast away, ii. 43.
- Ceaze, i. 214.
- Chaplaine [of Virgin], i. xv.
- Cherrimock, i. 267.
- Child, ii. 28-9.
- Clouds [mortal], i. 90.
- Crawles, i. 14.
- Cruzzle, i. 15.
- D.
- Deaw, i. 15.
- Deliquium, i. 89.
- Devil, speaking and dumbe, ii. 140.
- Divident, i. 24.
- Doome, i. xvi.
- E.
- Ease, i. 15.
- Epigram, sacred, ii. 13.
- F.
- Faithful, i. 16.
- Fides, ii. 101.
- Flight, i. 258.
- Fly, i. 175.
- Food, ii. 41.
- Forlorne, ii. 41.
- Forswearing, i. 133.
- Fragrant, i. 157.
- Fries, i. 118.
- Frighted, ii. 144.
- Froward, ii. 137.
- Full-fac't, ii. 53.
- G.
- Gaie, ii. 43.
- Gloomy, ii. 41.
- Gold, i. 16.
- Golden, ii. 45.
- Groves, i. 93.
- H.
- Heaven-burthen'd, ii. 36.
- Horn [guilded], i. 89.
- Husband-showrs, i. 74.
- I.
- Illustrious, i. 239.
- Indifferent, i. 89.
- Ite, i. 169.
- K.
- Kist, i. 89.
- L.
- Laces, i. 78.
- Large-look't, i. 233.
- Least and last, i. 89.
- Legible, i. 89.
- Lightness, ii. 46.
- Lin'age, i. 119.
- Looke up, looke downe, ii. 69.
- M.
- May balsame, i. 15.
- Med'cinable, i. 15.
- Mint, i. 16.
- N.
- Negotiate, i. 90.
- Nest, i. 78.
- Nightening, i. 43.
- Nuzzeld, i. 15.
- O.
- Oblique, i. 90.
- Officious, i. 75.
- One-mouth'd, ii. 46.
- One, owne, i. 24.
- P.
- Paire, i. 17.
- Paradise, bird of, i. xv.
- Paramours, i. 78.
- Pearle-tipt, ii. 79.
- Pharian, i. 54.
- Phosporos, i. 118.
- Points, i. 75.
- Posts, i. 123.
- Precocious, ii. 12.
- Price=prize, i. 90.
- Prouoke, i. 16.
- Purple, ii. 164.
- Pyx, ii. 27.
- R.
- Rampart, i. 253.
- Rape, ii. 144.
- Rub, i. 68.
- S.
- Sages [sue], i. 92-3.
- Sanite, i. 13.
- Score, ii. 123.
- Seized, i. xlv.
- Send, ii. 35.
- Seven shares and a half, i. xlvi.
- Shadow ['brighter'], i. 91.
- Shipwrack, ii. 49.
- Silver-forded, footed, i. 14.
- Silver-tipt, ii. 144.
- Simpering, i. 17.
- Sixpenny soule, suburb sinner, i. xlvii.
- Sluttish, i. 18.
- Staine, ii. 99.
- Steely, i. 227.
- Stooped, i. 240.
- Strings, i. 140.
- Subtracts, ii. 12.
- Sugar, i. 179.
- SydnÆan, i. 256.
- T.
- Then=than, i. 24, et frequenter.
- Thinne, i. 177.
- Threasure, i. 9.
- Tree=cross, i. 24, 46.
- Trims't, ii. 123.
- Twin'd, i. 242.
- U.
- Uncontrouled, i. 242.
- Unpearcht, i. 68.
- Unwounded, ii. 49.
- V.
- Veronian, ii. 25.
- Violls, i. 5. 15.
- W.
- Washt, ii. 81.
- Wayd, i. 46.
- Wee, i. 14.
- White, i. 149; ii. 41, 165.
- Wine, i. 28.
- Worm, i. 119.
- Wrack, ii. 137.
END OF VOL. II. Finis. LONDON: ROBSON AND SONS, PRINTERS, PANCRAS ROAD, N.W. [1] Crashaw's version is inadvertently inserted here instead of at p. 201. G. ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: /3/8/5/5/38550 Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed.