MOTHER HUBBARD, as we all know, had a cupboard which she found bare on one occasion. Well, this is Mother Hubbard’s Picture Book, and it’s rather bearish, too, for there are no less than THREE BEARS therein. But you must not suppose that the book is altogether bear, because there are other things in it. There’s Apple pie, for instance to my certain knowledge, and “victuals and drink” of sorts, as well—but I must not let the cat out of the bag (or the cupboard) all at once—besides Mother Hubbard’s clever dog is still feeding it, for his day (in spite of muzzles) is not over yet, and he is up to all his old tricks. When you are tired of him, and if you [Pg 7] [Pg 8] can manage to get past the Three Bears, you will find the rest as ABSURDly easy as A.B.C. and probably meet many old friends on the way. Walter Crane [Contents]
The cupboard was bare Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To get her poor Dog a bone; But when she came there The cupboard was bare, And so the poor Dog had none.
[Pg 13] [Pg 14] [Pg 15] The poor dog was dead She went to the baker’s To buy him some bread, But when she came back, The poor Dog was dead.
She went to the joiner’s To buy him a coffin, But when she came back, The poor Dog was laughing.
[Pg 16] [Pg 17] He was smoking a pipe She took a clean dish To get him some tripe, But when she came back, He was smoking a pipe.
She went to the ale-house To get him some beer, But when she came back, The Dog sat in a chair.
[Pg 18] [Pg 19] [Pg 20] She went to the tavern For white wine and red, But when she came back, The Dog stood on his head.
She went to the hatter’s, To buy him a hat, But when she came back, He was feeding the cat.
She went to the barber’s To buy him a wig, But when she came back, He was dancing a jig.
She went to the fruiterer’s To buy him some fruit, But when she came back, He was playing the flute.
[Pg 21] [Pg 22] [Pg 23] He was riding a goat She went to the tailor’s To buy him a coat, But when she came back, He was riding a goat.
She went to the cobbler’s To buy him some shoes, But when she came back, He was reading the news.
The Dog was a-spinning She went to the sempstress To buy him some linen, But when she came back, The Dog was a-spinning.
She went to the hosier’s To buy him some hose, But when she came back, He was drest in his clothes.
[Pg 25] [Pg 26] The Dame made a curtsey The Dame made a curtsey, The Dog made a bow; The Dame said, “Your servant,” The Dog said, “Bow wow!”
This wonderful Dog Was Dame Hubbard’s delight, He could sing, he could dance. He could read, he could write.
She gave him rich dainties Whenever he fed, And erected a monument When he was dead.
WALTER CRANE’S PICTURE BOOKS RE-ISSUE: Series list The following may be had in this series: This Little Pig The Fairy Ship King Luckieboy Mother Hubbard The Three Bears The Absurd A.B.C.
John Lane The Bodley Head London & New York