- Adaptability in design, 124-126.
- Animal forms, use of in design, 106;
- Architectural mouldings, relief in, 190.
- Architecture, spaces for sculpture in, 113-116.
- Ardebil, holy carpet of the mosque of, f126.
- Athens, the Tower of the Winds, 115-116.
- Bari, 10;
- the "Hundred Birds" of, f044.
- Birds, Japanese drawing of, 68, f044;
- decorative treatment of, f115.
- Blake's Book of Job, "The Morning Stars," 19, f014, 152.
- Border motives, recurrence in, f031, f032, f062.
- Book decoration, 58, 59, 62;
- example of page treatment, f041a.
- Botticelli, frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, 226;
- rendering of the "Primavera" in tapestry, 240;
- his "Nativity," 272-275;
- "Madonna and Child," 275-276.
- Boundaries, definition of, 2, 3;
- use of in designing sprays, 38, f027;
- in designing animal forms, f063a;
- influence of, 108;
- relation of design to, f064;
- decorative spacing of figures in geometric, f063b, 152-156.
- Brush-work, 65-68.
- Canterbury, St. Margaret Street, f086.
- Ceiling decoration, 136.
- Charcoal drawing, 68, 70.
- Chartres, carving on the Cathedral, 197, f108, f109.
- Chiaroscuro, 267-269.
- Chinese porcelain, 101.
- Colour, effect of texture on, 244;
- in stained glass, 252;
- expression of relief in line and form by, 256, 258;
- radiation of, 258;
- complements in, 260;
- harmony in, 261;
- colour sense, 261, 12;
- quality of, 12-14;
- the language of, 23;
- comparison of style in, 24;
- scale of degrees and qualities of, 24, 25;
- its relation to form, 27;
- question and answer in, 35, f025;
- recurring, f031, f032;
- radiating principle of, 46-50;
- range and use of, 47-49;
- choice of, 51;
- degree and emphasis of, 54;
- influence of technical conditions on, 58-62;
- controlling influence of, as a boundary of design, 106, 108-113;
- value of recurring, 119-124;
- combinations of, 139;
- principles of structural and ornamental line, 140-145;
- selection of, f117a, f117b.
- Linear expression, of movement, 15, 16, 17;
- of textures and surfaces, 18, 19;
- of emotion, 19, 20, f015;
- scale of, 21;
- power of, 158, 160;
- of fur and feathers, 208, f113.
- Linear motives and pattern bases, simple, 109-111.
- Lippi, Filippino, study of drapery by, f101.
- Lorenzo di Credi, 226.
- Lysicrates, monument of, 133.
- Madox Brown, Ford, mural painting at Manchester, 226, 227;
- "Christ washing Peter's feet," 280, f142.
- Mantling, treatment of, 170-173.
- Medals, 200, f110.
- Memory, importance of, in design, 39.
- Michael Angelo, ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, 225.
- Modelling, principle of relief in, 192.
- Montague, mantling from Garter plate of, f094b.
- Morris, William, tapestry of, 236, 240.
- Movement, linear expression of, 15-17;
- lines of, in a procession, f091a;
- in a dancing figure, f134, 270, 271.
- Variation of allied forms, 103.
- Variety in design, 40.
- Ver Meer, "Lady at Spinet," f135, 270, 272.
- Veronese, Paul, 280.
- Visch, Martin de, brass of, f094b, f095.
- Walberswick Church, f072.
- Walker, Frederick, 190.
- Wall, decorative spacing of the, 234, f123.
- Wall-paper, principles of design for, 36, f026, 246;
- relation between frieze and field in, 133, 134.
- Water, lines of movement in, f118b.
- Watercourse, lines left by a, f091b.
- Wave lines, f011, f012.
- Westminster, vaulting of chapter house, f035.
- Winchelsea, tomb of Gervaise-Alard, f071.