html#Page_194" class="pginternal">194 Colombo— Arrival at, 290–291; general description of, 291–299; garden of palms, 311; museum, 311–313 Coromandel Coast, native costumes on, 242 Corsica, 4 Costumes, native, 56, 72; in Southern India, 241–242, 252–253 Cotton factories, 55 Cotton yarn, preparation of, for hand weaving, 81 Cranes, white, 54 Crete, 5 Crows, Indian, 23 Cultivated Crops, 75 Cunningham, General, 205 Curzon, Lord, 119, 120, 122, 150 Cuttack, 241 Dacoits, 198–199 Daulatabad, 34, 36–37, 44–45 Dargah of Ajmir, 66–68 Darjeeling— Journey to, from Calcutta, 223–226; toy railway, 224–225; general description, 226–227; Woodlands’ hotel and its entertainments—the Tibetan masque, 227–232; the town, 233–234; walks and rides round, 235 Dauvergne, M., 33, 44, 45 Delhi— Journey to, from Agra, 146–147; arrival—British residential quarter—Kashmir Gate, 148–149; Mutiny memorial, 149; the palace—peacock throne, etc., 149–151; Moti Musjid (Pearl mosque), 151; Jama Musjid mosque, 151–152; Jain temple, 152; the Chandni Chouk, 152–154; excursion to the Kutab Minar, 154–158; mosque of Shin Shah, 155; Old Delhi, 155; ancient city of Indrapat, 155; tomb of Humayun, 155–156; cemetery of Nizam-ud-din, 156–157; driving experiences, 159–160; departure, 161; otherwise mentioned, 99 Delwara, 62 Digby, Mr William, 141, 191 Di
rst">Kali, goddess, 109 Kandy, visit to—its scenery and foliage, 299–302 Khusru, 156 Kinchin Junga, view of, 227, 232–233, 237 Kipling, Mr, 177, 179 Kites, Indian, 23–24, 110 Koh-i-noor diamond, the, 125 Krishna, festival of, 241 Kunja Sahib, shrine of, 66 Kutab Minar, 157–158 Kutab-ud-din, 157 La Nera, s.s., 2 Lahore— Journey to, from Amritzar, 170–171; the Charing Cross hotel, 171; British residential and business quarter, 171–173, 178–179; native quarter, 173–175; bazaars, 175–176; the Fort, 176–177; the Samadh, 178; Jama Musjid, 178; Wazar Khan tiled mosque, 178, 181; Courts of Justice, 179; Museum, 179–180; street scenes in, 181; visit from the Princess Duleep Singh, 182; departure for Lucknow, 182–183 Lamps, spherical rolling, 102, 222 Lashkar, 131, 134–135 Laurence, Lord, statue of, 179 Laurence, Sir Henry, 192 Leaf insects, 311–312 LÈsseps, M. de, 317 “Light of the World, The,” 249 Lipari Islands, 317 Longden, Lady, 301 Lucknow— Journey to, from Lahore, 183–184; Wurtzler’s hotel, 185; in hospital, 185–186; native jugglers—the mango-tree trick, 187–188; ruins of the Residency, 189–190, 192; the Sikander Bagh, 189–190; Chatter Manzel, 192; architecture of, 192–193; Jama Musjid, 193; the Iambara, 193–195; bazaar of the old city, 194–195; through the bazaar on elephants, 196–197; the MartiniÈre, PRINTED BY TURNBULL AND SPEARS, EDINBURGH