A Miniature Magazine and Review. Semi-Monthly. STONE & KIMBALL The Caxton Building, Chicago. Price, 5 Cents. $1.00 a Year. CONTRIBUTORS. | Thomas Bailey Aldrich | StÉphane MallarmÉ | Maurice Maeterlinck | Eugene Field | Richard Henry Stoddard | Hamlin Garland | Gilbert Parker | I. Zangwill | Kenneth Grahame | Louise Imogen Guiney | Bliss Carman | Gertrude Hall | John Davidson | Maria Louise Pool | Charles G. D. Roberts | William Sharp | Paul Verlaine | Archibald Lampman | Alice Brown | H. B. Marriott Watson | Julian Hawthorne | Richard Burton | Clyde Fitch | H. H. Boyesen | Edmund Gosse | Lewis Gates | Maurice Thompson | H. W. Mabie | C. F. Bragdon | F. Vallotton | Will H. Bradley | J. F. Raffaelli | Louise Chandler Moulton | C. D. Gibson | Robert Louis Stevenson | William Ernest Henley | Theodore Wratislaw | There is no question that the Chap-Book is the best printed periodical in the world. —Boston Traveller. The Chap-Book continues to be delightfully clever and irresponsible. —Charleston News and Courier. Transcriber's Note: Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. |