P. | 23, | Reference, for Appendix I. No I. read No II. | | 24, | for Appendix I. No II. read No III. | | 30, | for Rogii read Kogii. | | 46, | for Riksa read Kiska. | | 96, | for Korovin read Korelin. | | 186, | Note—for Tobob read Tobol. | | 154, | Note—Line 2, after handpauken omitted von verschiedenen Klang. | | 119, | for Saktunk read Saktunak. | | 134, | Line 6, for were read was. | | 188, | l. 16. for pretection read protection. | | 190, | l. 5. for nor read not. | | 195, | for Sungur read Sirgut. | | 225, | l. 13. read other has an. | | 226, | for harlbadeers read halberdiers. | | 234, | Note—line 3, dele See hereafter, p. 242. | | 246, | for Marym read Narym. | | 256, | Note—for called by LinnÆus Lutra Marina read Lutra Marina, called by LinnÆus Mustela Lutris, &c. | | 257, | Line 5, for made of the bone, &c. read made of bone, or the stalk, &c. | | 278, | Note 2—line 2, for Corbus read Corvus. | | 324, | Note—line 4, dele was. | | 313, | Note—line 3, dele that. | | Ibid. | Note—line 10, "I should not" &c. is a separate note, and relates to the extract in the text beginning "In 1648," &c. | Omitted in the ERRATA. P. 242. | l. 9. r. 18, 215. | | l. 11. r. 1, 383, 621. 35. |