Printer Errors


Transcriber’s Note: The following is a list of printer errors in the original.

Page Error Correct
A.iiii.v ??t?s ??t??
A.iiii.v ( Eloquence / Eloquence
A.viii.r conceruynge concernyng
B.ii.v his his his
B.iiii.r Tigraues Tigranes Plato Pluto prefaces of prefaces or
B.viii.r & & &
C.i.r landes laudes
C.ii.r channced chaunced
C.iii.r au aut
C.iii.v Frannce Fraunce
C.iii.v Nephien Nephieu
C.iii.v vnder in vnder
C.vii.r p[er]fite p[ro]fite
D.i.r ( of / of
D.ii.r ematers maters
D.iiii.r narraciions narracions
D.iiii.v landes laudes
D.v.v Scisnola ta nala d?s???a t? ?a??
D.v.v garnyssshyng garnysshyng is is is bronght brought
D.viii.r necesry necessary
E.ii.r e tryed be tryed
E.iii.r patria patriae
E.iiii.r E.iii. E.iiii.
E.vii.v tanslatynge translatynge
F.i.r commannded commaunded
F.i.r Agamennon Agamemnon

Note: The following are not typographical errors: “fet” (fetch or fetched); “nat” (not); “tho” (those); “slee” (slay); “lese” (lose); “meuyd” (moved).


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