- Page
- A new and contrite heart create 153
- A thousand years have fleeted 105
- At length released from many woes 75
- Christ to my heart true joy can give 185
- Come forth, my heart, and seek delight 169
- Come, tune your heart 17
- Earth has nothing sweet or fair 165
- Encumber’d heart! lay by thy sorrow 59
- Eternity! Eternity! 187
- Far and near, almighty Word 203
- Go! and let my grave be made 83
- Good and pleasant ’tis to see 143
- Heaven and earth, and sea and air 195
- Heavenward still our pathway tends 117
- How oft have I the covenant broken 155
- Jesus lives! no longer now 35
- Jesus, Lord, thy servants see 63
- Life’s course must recommence to-day 49
- Lo! God to heaven ascendeth! 39
- Lo! my choice is now decided 125
- Lo! now the victory’s gain’d me 77
- Look down, O Lord, from heaven behold 207
- Loosed are the bands thy soul which chain’d 67
- Mortals, who have God offended 21
- Most high and holy Trinity! 45
- My God! I call upon thy name 177
- My restless heart, with anguish moaning 149
- My Saviour! make me cleave to Thee 53
- My soul, let this your thoughts employ 133
- O Holy Ghost! thy heavenly dew 43
- O! let him whose sorrow 181
- O Lord! I long thy face to see 97
- One thing’s needful: then, Lord Jesus 137
- O ye your Saviour’s name who bear 121
- Raise high the note of exultation 71
- Seven times our blessed Saviour spoke 31
- Soul, couldst thou, while on earth remaining 113
- Steep and thorny is the way 109
- Sunk is the sun’s last beam of light 57
- The last of days will come indeed 9
- The mighty Saviour comes from heaven 13
- The wondering sages trace from far 23
- Thou who didst die for all and each 147
- Wake! the welcome day appeareth 3
- We come, our hearts with gladness glowing 199
- What laws, my blessed Saviour, hast thou broken 25
- When afflictions sore oppress you 129
- Who are these, like stars appearing 89
- Wilt Thou not, my Shepherd true 101
- With tears o’er lost Jerusalem 159