- Page
- A Fortress firm and steadfast Rock 227
- A holy, pure, and spotless Lamb 107
- A new and contrite heart create 177
- A thousand years have fleeted 171
- Bear Jesus Christ the Lord in mind 111
- Come, enter Thine own portal 117
- Come forth, my heart, and seek delight 149
- Come, tune your heart 39
- Earth has nothing sweet or fair 145
- Eternity! Eternity! 139
- Far and near, almighty Word 223
- From blest, unconscious sleep I wake again 185
- Go! and let my grave be made 83
- God liveth still! 129
- Heavenward still our pathway tends 211
- How lovely now the Morning-star 3
- How lovely now the Morning-star 229
- I sing to Thee with mouth and heart 155
- Jerusalem! thou City towering high 101
- Jesus lives! no longer now 61
- Jesus, Lord, Thy servants see 73
- Lift heart, and hands, and voice 239
- Lo! God to heaven ascendeth! 63
- Lo! my choice is now decided 215
- Love, Who in the first beginning 201
- Most high and holy Trinity! 69
- My race is now completed 87
- Now hushed are woods and waters 9
- O fear not, Christians, that rough path to tread 97
- O God, Whose attributes shine forth in turn 191
- O Holy Ghost! thy heavenly dew 67
- O Lord! I long thy face to see 115
- O Lord, Who on that last sad eve 75
- Oh! let him whose sorrow 189
- One thing needful! then, Lord Jesus 217
- Rise high, ye notes, a glad ovation 79
- Seven Times our blessed Saviour spoke 57
- Sing praise to God Who reigns above 235
- Soul, while on earth thou still remainest 197
- Steep and thorny is the way 175
- Sunbeams all golden 13
- The day is o’er 19
- The Last of Days will come indeed 31
- The wondering sages trace from far 43
- Thou good and gracious God 179
- To God thy way commending 161
- Wake! the startling watchcry pealeth 27
- Wake! the welcome Day appeareth 23
- We sing to Thee, Emmanuel 35
- What God bath done is done aright 125
- What is human life below? 135
- What laws, my blessed Saviour, hast Thou broken 51
- Who are these, like stars appearing, 91
- Wilt Thou not, my Shepherd true 169
- With sorrow now for past misdeeds 205
- Within a Garden’s bound 45