A LIST OF THE 812 VOLUMES ARRANGED UNDER AUTHORS Anonymous works are given under titles. Anthologies, etc., are arranged at the end of the list. - Abbott’s Rollo at Work, etc., 275
- Addison’s Spectator, 164-167
- Æschylus’ Lyrical Dramas, 62
- Æsop’s and Other Fables, 657
- Aimard’s The Indian Scout, 428
- Ainsworth’s Tower of London, 400
- ” Old St. Paul’s, 522
- ” Windsor Castle, 709
- ” The Admirable Crichton, 804
- A’Kempis’ Imitation of Christ, 484
- Alcott’s Little Women, and Good Wives, 248
- Alpine Club. Peaks, Passes and Glaciers, 778
- Andersen’s Fairy Tales, 4
- Anglo-Saxon Poetry, 794
- Anson’s Voyages, 510
- Aristophanes’ The Acharnians, etc., 344
- Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, 547
- Armour’s Fall of the Nibelung, 312
- Arnold’s (Matthew) Essays, 115
- ” Poems, 334
- ” Study of Celtic Literature, etc., 458
- Aucassin and Nicolette, 497
- Augustine’s (Saint) Confessions, 200
- Aurelius’ (Marcus) Golden Book, 9
- Austen’s (Jane) Sense and Sensibility, 21
- ” Pride and Prejudice, 22
- ” Mansfield Park, 23
- ” Emma, 24
- ” Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion, 25
- Bacon’s Essays, 10
- ” Advancement of Learning, 719
- Bagehot’s Literary Studies, 520, 521
- Baker’s (Sir S. W.) Cast up by the Sea, 539
- Ballantyne’s Coral Island, 245
- ” Martin Rattler, 246
- ” Ungava, 276
- Balzac’s Wild Ass’s Skin, 26
- ” EugÉnie Grandet, 169
- ” Old Goriot, 170
- ” Atheist’s Mass, etc., 229
- ” Christ in Flanders, etc., 284
- ” The Chouans, 285
- ” Quest of the Absolute, 286
- ” Cat and Racket, etc., 349
- ” Catherine de Medici, 419
- ” Cousin Pons, 463
- ” The Country Doctor, 520
- ” Rise and Fall of CÉsar Birotteau, 596
- ” Lost Illusions, 656
- ” The Country Parson, 686
- ” Ursule MirouËt, 733
- Barbusse’s Under Fire, 798
- Barca’s (Mme. C. de la) Life in Mexico, 664
- Bates’ Naturalist on the Amazons, 446
- Beaumont and Fletcher’s Select Plays, 506
- Beaumont’s (Mary) Joan Seaton, 597
- Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, etc., 479
- Belt’s The Naturalist in Nicaragua, 561
- Berkeley’s (Bishop) Principles of Human Knowledge, New Theory of Vision, etc., 483
- Berlioz (Hector), Life of, 602
- Binns’ Life of Abraham Lincoln, 783
- BjÖrnson’s Plays, 625, 696
- Blackmore’s Lorna Doone, 304
- Blackwell’s Pioneer Work for Women, 667
- Blake’s Poems and Prophecies, 792
- Boehme’s The Signature of All Things, etc., 569
- Bonaventura’s The Little Flowers, The Life of St. Francis, etc., 485
- Borrow’s Wild Wales, 49
- ” Lavengro, 119
- ” Romany Rye, 120
- ” Bible in Spain, 151
- ” Gypsies in Spain, 697
- Boswell’s Life of Johnson, 1, 2
- ” Tour in the Hebrides, etc., 387
- Boult’s Asgard and Norse Heroes, 689
- Boyle’s The Sceptical Chymist, 559
- Bright’s (John) Speeches, 252
- BrontË’s (A.) The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 685
- BrontË’s (C.) Jane Eyre, 287
- ” Shirley, 288
- ” Villette, 351
- ” The Professor, 417
- BrontË’s (E.) Wuthering Heights, 243
- Brooke’s (Stopford A.) Theology in the English Poets, 493
- Brown’s (Dr. John) Rab and His Friends, etc., 116
- Browne’s (Frances) Grannie’s Wonderful Chair, 112
- Browne’s (Sir Thos.) Religio Medici, etc., 92
- Browning’s Poems, 1833-1844, 41
- ” ” 1844-1864, 42
- ” The Ring and the Book, 502
- Buchanan’s Life and Adventures of Audubon, 601
- Bulfinch’s The Age of Fable, 472
- ” Legends of Charlemagne, 556
- Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, 204
- Burke’s American Speeches and Letters, 340
- ” Reflections on the French Revolution, etc., 460
- Burnet’s History of His Own Times, 85
- Burney’s Evelina, 352
- Burns’ Poems and Songs, 94
- Burrell’s Volume of Heroic Verse, 574
- Burton’s East Africa, 500
- Butler’s Analogy of Religion, 90
- Buxton’s Memoirs, 773
- Byron’s Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works, 486-488
- CÆsar’s Gallic War, etc., 702
- Canton’s Child’s Book of Saints, 61
- Canton’s Invisible Playmate, etc., 566
- Carlyle’s French Revolution, 31, 32
- ” Letters, etc., of Cromwell, 266-268
- ” Sartor Resartus, 278
- ” Past and Present, 608
- ” Essays, 703, 704
- Castiglione’s The Courtier, 807
- Cellini’s Autobiography, 51
- Cervantes’ Don Quixote, 385, 386
- Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, 307
- ChrÉtien de Troyes’ Eric and Enid, 698
- Cibber’s Apology for his Life, 668
- Cicero’s Select Letters and Orations, 345
- Clarke’s Tales from Chaucer, 537
- ” Shakespeare’s Heroines, 109-111
- Cobbett’s Rural Rides, 638, 639
- Coleridge’s Biographia, 11
- ” Golden Book, 43
- ” Lectures on Shakespeare, 162
- Collins’ Woman in White, 464
- Collodi’s Pinocchio, 538
- Converse’s Long Will, 328
- Cook’s Voyages, 99
- Cooper’s The Deerslayer, 77
- ” The Pathfinder, 78
- ” Last of the Mohicans, 79
- ” The Pioneer, 171
- ” The Prairie, 172
- Cousin’s Biographical Dictionary of English Literature, 449
- Cowper’s Letters, 774
- Cox’s Tales of Ancient Greece, 721
- Craik’s Manual of English Literature, 346
- Craik (Mrs.). See Mulock.
- Creasy’s Fifteen Decisive Battles, 300
- CrÈvecoeur’s Letters from an American Farmer, 640
- Curtis’s Prue and I, and Lotus, 418
- Curtis and Robinson’s Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights, 249
- Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast, 588
- Dante’s Divine Comedy, 308
- Darwin’s Origin of Species, 811
- Darwin’s Voyage of the Beagle, 104
- Dasent’s The Story of Burnt Njal, 558
- Daudet’s Tartarin of Tarascon, 423
- Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, 59
- ” Captain Singleton, 74
- ” Memoirs of a Cavalier, 283
- ” Journal of Plague, 289
- De Joinville’s Memoirs of the Crusades, 333
- Demosthenes’ Select Orations, 546
- Dennis’ Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 183, 184
- De Quincey’s Lake Poets, 163
- ” Opium-Eater, 223
- ” English Mail Coach, etc., 609
- De Retz (Cardinal), Memoirs of, 735, 736
- Descartes’ Discourse on Method, 570
- Dickens’ Barnaby Rudge, 76
- ” Tale of Two Cities, 102
- ” Old Curiosity Shop, 173
- ” Oliver Twist, 233
- ” Great Expectations, 234
- ” Pickwick Papers, 235
- ” Bleak House, 236
- ” Sketches by Boz, 237
- ” Nicholas Nickleby, 238
- ” Christmas Books, 239
- ” Dombey & Son, 240
- ” Martin Chuzzlewit, 241
- ” David Copperfield, 242
- ” American Notes, 290
- ” Child’s History of England, 291
- ” Hard Times, 292
- ” Little Dorrit, 293
- ” Our Mutual Friend, 294
- ” Christmas Stories, 414
- ” Uncommercial Traveller, 536
- ” Edwin Drood, 725
- ” Reprinted Pieces, 744
- Disraeli’s Coningsby, 535
- Dixon’s Fairy Tales from Arabian Nights, 249
- Dodge’s Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates, 620
- Dostoieffsky’s Crime and Punishment, 501
- ” The House of the Dead, or Prison Life in Siberia, 533
- ” Letters from the Underworld, etc., 654
- ” The Idiot, 682
- ” Poor Folk, and the Gambler, 711
- ” The Brothers Karamazov, 802, 803
- Dowden’s Life of R. Browning, 701
- Dryden’s Dramatic Essays, 568
- Dufferin’s Letters from High Latitudes, 499
- Dumas’ The Three Musketeers, 81
- ” The Black Tulip, 174
- ” Twenty Years After, 175
- ” Marguerite de Valois, 326
- ” The Count of Monte Cristo, 393, 394
- ” The Forty-Five, 420
- ” Chicot the Jester, 421
- ” Vicomte de Bragelonne, 593-595
- Dumas’ Le Chevalier de Maison Rouge, 614
- Duruy’s History of France, 737, 738
- Edgar’s Cressy and Poictiers, 17
- ” Runnymede and Lincoln Fair, 320
- ” Heroes of England, 471
- Edgeworth’s Castle Rackrent, etc., 410
- Edwardes and Spence’s Dictionary of Non-Classical Mythology, 632
- Eliot’s Adam Bede, 27
- ” Silas Marner, 121
- ” Romola, 231
- ” Mill on the Floss, 325
- ” Felix Holt, 353
- ” Scenes of Clerical Life, 468
- Elizabethan Drama (Minor), 491, 492
- Elyot’s Gouernour, 227
- Emerson’s Essays, 12
- ” Representative Men, 279
- ” Nature, Conduct of Life, etc., 322
- ” Society and Solitude, etc., 567
- ” Poems, 715
- Epictetus’ Moral Discourses, etc., 404
- Erckmann-Chatrian’s The Conscript and Waterloo, 354
- ” Story of a Peasant, 706, 707
- Euripides’ Plays, 63, 271
- Evans’ Holy Graal, 445
- Evelyn’s Diary, 220, 221
- Everyman, and Other Interludes, 381
- Ewing’s (Mrs.) Mrs. Overtheway’s Remembrances, and other Stories, 730
- ” Jackanapes, Daddy Darwin’s Dovecot, and The Story of a Short Life, 731
- Faraday’s Experimental Researches in Electricity, 576
- Fielding’s Tom Jones, 355, 356
- Finlay’s Byzantine Empire, 33
- ” Greece under the Romans, 185
- Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, 808
- Fletcher’s (Beaumont and) Select Plays, 506
- Ford’s Gatherings from Spain, 152
- Forster’s Life of Dickens, 781, 782
- Fox’s Journal, 754
- Fox’s Selected Speeches, 759
- Francis’ (Saint), The Little Flowers, etc., 485
- Franklin’s Journey to Polar Sea, 447
- Freeman’s Old English History for Children, 540
- Froissart’s Chronicles, 57
- Froude’s Short Studies, 13, 705
- ” Henry VIII., 372-374
- ” Edward VI., 375
- ” Mary Tudor, 477
- ” History of Queen Elizabeth’s Reign, 583-587
- ” Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield, 666
- Gait’s Annals of the Parish, 427
- Galton’s Inquiries into Human Faculty, 263
- Gaskell’s Cranford, 83
- ” Charlotte Bronte, 318
- ” Sylvia’s Lovers, 524
- ” Mary Barton, 598
- ” Cousin Phillis, etc., 615
- ” North and South, 680
- Gatty’s Parables from Nature, 158
- Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Histories of the Kings of Britain, 577
- George’s Progress and Poverty, 560
- Gibbon’s Roman Empire, 434-436, 474-476
- Gilfillan’s Literary Portraits, 348
- Giraldus Cambrensis, 272
- Gleig’s Life of Wellington, 341
- Goethe’s Faust (Parts I. and II.), 335
- ” Wilhelm Meister, 599, 600
- Gogol’s Dead Souls, 726
- Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield, 295
- Gorki’s Through Russia, 741
- Gotthelf’s Ulric the Farm Servant, 228
- Gray’s Poems and Letters, 628
- Green’s Short History of the English People, 727, 728. The cloth edition is in 2 vols. or 1 vol. All other editions are in 1 vol.
- Grettir Saga, 699
- Grimms’ Fairy Tales, 56
- Grote’s History of Greece, 186-197
- Guest’s (Lady) Mabinogion, 97
- Hahnemann’s The Organon of the Rational Art of Healing, 663
- Hakluyt’s Voyages, 264, 265, 313, 314, 338, 339, 388, 389
- Hallam’s Constitutional History, 621-623
- Hamilton’s The Federalist, 519
- Harte’s Luck of Roaring Camp, 681
- Harvey’s Circulation of Blood, 262
- Hawthorne’s Wonder Book, 5
- ” The Scarlet Letter, 122
- ” House of Seven Gables, 176
- ” The Marble Faun, 424
- ” Twice Told Tales, 531
- ” Blithedale Romance, 592
- Hazlitt’s Shakespeare’s Characters, 65
- ” Table Talk, 321
- ” Lectures, 411
- ” Spirit of the Age and Lectures on English Poets, 459
- Hebbel’s Plays, 694
- Heimskringla, 717
- Helps’ (Sir Arthur) Life of Columbus, 332
- Herbert’s Temple, 309
- Herodotus (Rawlinson’s), 405, 406
- Herrick’s Hesperides, 310
- Hobbes’ Leviathan, 691
- Holinshed’s Chronicle, 800
- Holmes’ Life of Mozart, 564
- Holmes’ (O. W.) Autocrat, 66
- ” Professor, 67
- ” Poet, 68
- Homer’s Iliad, 453
- Hooker’s Ecclesiastical Polity, 201, 202
- Horace’s Complete Poetical Works, 515
- Houghton’s Life and Letters of Keats, 801
- Hughes’ Tom Brown’s Schooldays, 58
- Hugo’s (Victor) Les MisÉrables, 363, 364
- ” Notre Dame, 422
- ” Toilers of the Sea, 509
- Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature, etc., 548, 549
- Hutchinson’s (Col.) Memoirs, 317
- Hutchinson’s (W. M. L.) Muses’ Pageant, 581, 606, 671
- Huxley’s Man’s Place in Nature, 47
- ” Select Lectures and Lay Sermons, 498
- Ibsen’s The Doll’s House, etc., 494
- ” Ghosts, etc., 552
- ” Pretenders, Pillars of Society, etc., 659
- ” Brand, 716
- ” Lady Inger, etc., 729
- ” Peer Gynt, 747
- Ingelow’s Mopsa the Fairy, 619
- Ingram’s Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 624
- Irving’s Sketch Book, 117
- ” Conquest of Granada, 478
- ” Life of Mahomet, 513
- James’ (G. P. R.) Richelieu, 357
- James (Wm.), Selections from, 739
- Johnson’s (Dr.) Lives of the Poets, 770-771
- Johnson’s (R. B.) Book of English Ballads, 572
- Jonson’s (Ben) Plays, 489, 490
- Josephus’ Wars of the Jews, 712
- Kalidasa’s Shakuntala, 629
- Keats’ Poems, 101
- Keble’s Christian Year, 690
- King’s Life of Mazzini, 562
- Kinglake’s Eothen, 337
- Kingsley’s (Chas.) Westward Ho!, 20
- ” Heroes, 113
- ” Hypatia, 230
- ” Water Babies and Glaucus, 277
- ” Hereward the Wake, 296
- ” Alton Locke, 462
- ” Yeast, 611
- ” Madam How and Lady Why, 777
- ” Poems, 793
- Kingsley’s (Henry) Ravenshoe, 28
- Kingston’s Peter the Whaler, 6
- Kirby’s Kalevala, 259-60
- Koran, 380
- Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare, 8
- ” Essays of Elia, 14
- ” Letters, 342, 343
- Lane’s Modern Egyptians, 315
- Langland’s Piers Plowman, 571
- Latimer’s Sermons, 40
- Law’s Serious Call, 91
- Layamon’s (Wace and) Arthurian Chronicles, 578
- Lear (and others), A Book of Nonsense, 806
- Le Sage’s Gil Blas, 437, 438
- Leslie’s Memoirs of John Constable, 563
- Lever’s Harry Lorrequer, 177
- Lewes’ Life of Goethe, 269
- Lincoln’s Speeches, etc., 206
- Livy’s History of Rome, 603, 669, 670, 749, 755, 756
- Locke’s Civil Government, 751
- Lockhart’s Life of Napoleon, 3
- ” Life of Scott, 55
- ” Burns, 156
- Longfellow’s Poems, 382
- LÖnnrott’s Kalevala, 259, 260
- Lover’s Handy Andy, 178
- Lowell’s Among My Books, 607
- Lucretius: Of the Nature of Things, 750
- LÜtzow’s History of Bohemia, 432
- Lyell’s Antiquity of Man, 700
- Lytton’s Harold, 15
- ” Last of the Barons, 18
- ” Last Days of Pompeii, 80
- ” Pilgrims of the Rhine, 390
- ” Rienzi, 532
- Macaulay’s England, 34-36
- ” Essays, 225, 226
- ” Speeches on Politics, etc., 399
- ” Miscellaneous Essays, 439
- MacDonald’s Sir Gibbie, 678
- Machiavelli’s Prince, 280
- Maine’s Ancient Law, 734
- Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur, 45, 46
- Malthus on the Principles of Population, 692, 693
- Mandeville’s Travels, 812
- Manning’s Sir Thomas More, 19
- ” Mary Powell, and Deborah’s Diary, 324
- Marcus Aurelius’ Golden Book, 9
- Marlowe’s Plays and Poems, 383
- Marryat’s Mr. Midshipman Easy, 82
- ” Little Savage, 159
- ” Masterman Ready, 160
- ” Peter Simple, 232
- ” Children of New Forest, 247
- ” Percival Keene, 358
- ” Settlers in Canada, 370
- ” King’s Own, 580
- Marryat’s Jacob Faithful, 618
- Martineau’s Feats on the Fjords, 429
- Martinengo-Cesaresco’s Folk-Lore and Other Essays, 673
- Mason’s French Mediaeval Romances, 557
- Maurice’s Kingdom of Christ, 146, 147
- Mazzini’s Duties of Man, etc., 224
- Melville’s Moby Dick, 179
- Merivale’s History of Rome, 433
- Mignet’s French Revolution, 713
- Mill’s Utilitarianism, Liberty, Representative Government, 482
- Miller’s Old Red Sandstone, 103
- Milman’s History of the Jews, 377, 378
- Milton’s Areopagitica and other Prose Works, 795
- Milton’s Poems, 384
- Mommsen’s History of Rome, 542-545
- Montagu’s (Lady) Letters, 69
- Montaigne, Florio’s, 440-442
- More’s Utopia, and Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation, 461
- Morier’s Hajji Baba, 679
- Morris’ (Wm.) Early Romances, 261
- ” Life and Death of Jason, 575
- Motley’s Dutch Republic, 86-88
- Mulock’s John Halifax, 123
- Neale’s Fall of Constantinople, 655
- Newcastle’s (Margaret, Duchess of) Life of the First Duke of Newcastle, etc., 722
- Newman’s Apologia Pro Vita Sua, 636
- ” On the Scope and Nature of University Education, and a Paper on Christianity and Scientific Investigation, 723
- Oliphant’s Salem Chapel, 244
- Osborne (Dorothy), Letters of, 674
- Owen’s A New View of Society, etc., 799
- Paine’s Rights of Man, 718
- Palgrave’s Golden Treasury, 96
- Paltock’s Peter Wilkins, 676
- Park (Mungo), Travels of, 205
- Parkman’s Conspiracy of Pontiac, 302, 303
- Parry’s Letters of Dorothy Osborne, 674
- Paston Letters, 752, 753
- Paton’s Two Morte D’Arthur Romances, 634
- Peacock’s Headlong Hall, 327
- Penn’s The Peace of Europe, Some Fruits of Solitude, etc., 724
- Pepys’ Diary, 53, 54
- Percy’s Reliques, 148, 149
- Pitt’s Orations, 145
- Plato’s Republic, 64
- Plutarch’s Lives, 407-409
- Poe’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination, 336
- Poe’s Poems and Essays, 791
- Polo’s (Marco) Travels, 306
- Pope’s Complete Poetical Works, 760
- Prescott’s Conquest of Peru, 301
- ” Conquest of Mexico, 397, 398
- Procter’s Legends and Lyrics, 150
- Ramayana and Mahabharata, 403
- Rawlinson’s Herodotus, 405, 406
- Reade’s The Cloister and the Hearth, 29
- Reid’s (Mayne) Boy Hunters of the Mississippi, 582
- Renan’s Life of Jesus, 805
- Restoration Plays, 604
- Reynolds’ Discourses, 118
- Rhys’ Fairy Gold, 157
- ” New Golden Treasury, 695
- ” Anthology of British Historical Speeches and Orations, 714
- ” Political Liberty, 745
- ” Golden Treasury of Longer Poems, 746
- ” Prelude to Poetry, 789
- ” Mother Goose, 473
- Ricardo’s Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 590
- Richardson’s Pamela, 683, 684
- Roberts’ (Morley) Western Avernus, 762
- Robertson’s Religion and Life, 37
- ” Christian Doctrine, 38
- ” Bible Subjects, 39
- Robinson’s (Wade) Sermons, 637
- Roget’s Thesaurus, 630, 631
- Rossetti’s (D. G.) Poems, 627
- Rousseau’s Emile, 518
- ” Social Contract and Other Essays, 660
- Ruskin’s Seven Lamps of Architecture, 207
- ” Modern Painters, 208-212
- ” Stones of Venice, 213-215
- ” Unto this Last, etc., 216
- ” Elements of Drawing, etc., 217
- ” Pre-Raphaelitism, etc., 218
- ” Sesame and Lilies, 219
- ” Ethics of the Dust, 282
- ” Crown of Wild Olive, and Cestus of Aglaia, 323
- ” Time and Tide, with other Essays, 450
- ” The Two Boyhoods, 688
- Russell’s Life of Gladstone, 661
- Russian Short Stories, 758
- Sand’s (George) The Devil’s Pool, and FranÇois the Waif, 534
- Scheffel’s Ekkehard: A Tale of the 10th Century, 529
- Scott’s (M.) Tom Cringle’s Log, 710
- Scott’s (Sir W.) Ivanhoe, 16
- ” Woodstock, 72
- ” Waverley, 75
- ” The Abbot, 124
- ” Anne of Geierstein, 125
- ” The Antiquary, 126
- ” Highland Widow, and Betrothed, 127
- ” Black Dwarf, Legend of Montrose, 128
- ” Bride of Lammermoor, 129
- ” Castle Dangerous, Surgeon’s Daughter, 130
- ” Robert of Paris, 131
- ” Fair Maid of Perth, 132
- ” Guy Mannering, 133
- ” Heart of Midlothian, 134
- ” Kenilworth, 135
- ” The Monastery, 136
- ” Old Mortality, 137
- ” Peveril of the Peak, 138
- ” The Pirate, 139
- ” Quentin Durward, 140
- ” Redgauntlet, 141
- ” Rob Roy, 142
- ” St. Ronan’s Well, 143
- ” The Talisman, 144
- ” Lives of the Novelists, 331
- ” Poems and Plays, 550, 551
Seebohm’s Oxford Reformers, 665 Seeley’s Ecce Homo, 305 Sewell’s (Anna) Black Beauty, 748 Shakespeare’s Comedies, 153 - ” Histories, etc., 154
- ” Tragedies, 155
Shelley’s Poetical Works, 257, 258 Shelley’s (Mrs.) Frankenstein, 616 Sheppard’s Charles Auchester, 505 Sheridan’s Plays, 95 Sismondi’s Italian Republics, 250 Smeaton’s Life of Shakespeare, 514 Smith’s Wealth of Nations, 412, 413 Smith’s (George) Life of Wm. Carey, 395 Smith’s (Sir Wm.) Smaller Classical Dictionary, 495 Smollett’s Roderick Random, 790 Sophocles, Young’s, 114 Southey’s Life of Nelson, 52 Speke’s Source of the Nile, 50 Spence’s Dictionary of Non-Classical Mythology, 632 Spencer’s (Herbert) Essays on Education, 504 Spenser’s Faerie Queene, 443, 444 Spinoza’s Ethics, etc., 481 Spyri’s Heidi, 431 Stanley’s Memorials of Canterbury, 89 Steele’s The Spectator, 164-167 Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, 617 Sterne’s Sentimental Journey and Journal to Eliza, 796 Stevenson’s Treasure Island and Kidnapped, 763 - ” Master of Ballantrae and The Black Arrow, 764
- ” Virginibus Puerisque and Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 765
- ” An Inland Voyage, Travels with a Donkey, and Silverado Squatters, 766
- ” Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Merry Men, etc., 767
- ” Poems, 768
- ” In the South Seas and Island Nights’ Entertainments, 769
St. Francis, The Little Flowers of, etc., 485 Stopford Brooke’s Theology in the English Poets, 493 Stow’s Survey of London, 589 Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 371 Strickland’s Queen Elizabeth, 100 Swedenborg’s Heaven and Hell, 379 - ” Divine Love and Wisdom, 635
- ” Divine Providence, 658
Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, 60 - ” Journal to Stella, 757
- ” Tale of a Tub, etc., 347
Swiss Family Robinson, 430 - Tacitus’ Annals, 273
- ” Agricola and Germania,274
- Taylor’s Words and Places, 517
- Tennyson’s Poems, 44, 626
- Thackeray’s Esmond, 73
- ” Vanity Fair, 298
- ” Christmas Books, 359
- ” Pendennis, 425, 426
- ” Newcomes, 465, 466
- ” The Virginians, 507, 508
- ” English Humorists, and The Four Georges, 610
- ” Roundabout Papers, 687
- Thierry’s Norman Conquest, 198, 199
- Thoreau’s Walden, 281
- Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War, 455
- Tolstoy’s Master and Man, and Other Parables and Tales, 469
- ” War and Peace, 525-527
- ” Childhood, Boyhood and Youth, 591
- ” Anna Karenina, 612, 613
- Trench’s On the Study of Words and English Past and Present, 788
- Trollope’s Barchester Towers, 30
- ” Framley Parsonage, 181
- ” Golden Lion of Granpere, 701
- ” The Warden, 182
- ” Dr. Thorne, 360
- ” Small House at Allington, 361
- ” Last Chronicles of Barset, 391, 392
- Trotter’s The Bayard of India, 396
- ” Hodson, of Hodson’s Horse, 401
- ” Warren Hastings, 452
- Turgeniev’s Virgin Soil, 528
- ” Liza, 677
- ” Fathers and Sons, 742
- Tyndall’s Glaciers of the Alps, 98
- Tytler’s Principles of Translation, 168
- Vasari’s Lives of the Painters, 784-7
- Verne’s (Jules) Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, 319
- ” Dropped from the Clouds, 367
- ” Abandoned, 368
- ” The Secret of the Island, 369
- ” Five Weeks in a Balloon and Around the World in Eighty Days, 779
- Virgil’s Æneid, 161
- ” Eclogues and Georgics, 222
- Voltaire’s Life of Charles XII., 270
- Wace and Layamon’s Arthurian Chronicles, 578
- Walpole’s Letters, 775
- Walton’s Compleat Angler, 70
- Waterton’s Wanderings in South America, 772
- Wesley’s Journal, 105-108
- White’s Selborne, 48
- Whitman’s Leaves of Grass (I.) and Democratic Vistas, etc., 573
- Whyte-Melville’s Gladiators, 523
- Wood’s (Mrs. Henry) The Channings, 84
- Woolman’s Journal, etc., 402
- Wordsworth’s Shorter Poems, 203
- Wright’s An EncyclopÆdia of Gardening, 555
- Xenophon’s CyropÆdia, 672
- Yellow Book, 503
- Yonge’s The Dove in the Eagle’s Nest, 329
- ” The Book of Golden Deeds, 330
- ” The Heir of Redclyffe, 362
- ” The Litt
Note—The following numbers are at present out of print: 110, 111, 146, 228, 244, 275, 390, 418, 597 LONDON: J. M. DENT & SONS LTD. NEW YORK: E. P. DUTTON & CO. Transcriber’s note The spelling and hyphenation in the original are inconsistent, and have not been changed. A few obvious typographical errors have been corrected, as listed below. Book III, line 447. “My frend’s own son” no change made. Book IV, line 454. “thou must be ideot born” no change made. Book VII, line 294. “Saidst not” no change made. Book IX, Argument. “binds him while he sleeps” changed to “blinds him while he sleeps”. Book IX, line 428, footnote. “It is certian” changed to “It is certain”. Book XV, line 276. Footnote marker missing from original. Book XVII, line 378. “in one moment thou shouldst” no change made. Book XVII, line 508. “(whencesoe’er they came” closing bracket added. Book XVII, line 616. “thou shouldst hear” no change made. Book XIX, line 317. “(with these hands” closing bracket added. Book XXI, line 468. “and re-entring fill’d” no change made. Book XXIII, line 209. “with his own bands” changed to “with his own hands”. Book XXIV, line 629. “his smouldring bolt” no change made. Note II. “???????” changed to “???????”.