The migrating bird, when passing between the breeding home and the winter quarters, travels by what is termed its Route. The definition of the route has caused more controversy than perhaps any other incident of migration; the chief point at issue is whether the bird uses a particular high road, along which all its fellows from the same area travel, or if all birds move in what has been called a "Broad Front." Ornithologists have been, and to some extent still are, divided into two camps, one upholding defined routes and the other the extended or broad front movement. After all the difference is merely one of degree. Even the widest notion of the broad front, that of GÄtke, who insisted, as dogmatically as he did on most points, that the width or breadth of the migrating host corresponded with the extent of the breeding range (29), is of a route, bounded on the one hand by the northern or eastern and on the other by the southern or western lines of latitude or longitude which marked the limits of the range. The idea of a route may be narrowed down to the Had not so much weight been placed upon, and so many arguments based on GÄtke's extraordinary statements by, unfortunately, many of our leading British ornithologists, his theories might have been ignored. Unfortunately he is looked upon as an authority, even an oracle, whereas, as Dr Allen pointed out, on many points which he treats with great positiveness his knowledge is obviously as limited as the little field which was the scene of his life-long labours (2). Glibly he tells of hooded crows "in never-ending swarms of hundreds of thousands" passing across and for many miles on either side of the island; of "every square foot of the island" teeming with goldcrests, and of "dark autumn nights" when "the sky is often completely obscured" by the migrants, which pass thousands of feet overhead. How did he observe the obscured As emphatically he maintains that most observable migration over Heligoland is due east to west or west to east, though the birdstuffer Aeuckens, who supplied him with much of his information, told Seebohm that it was north-east in spring and south-west in autumn (45). Is it not perfectly evident that the geographical position of Heligoland makes it a convenient resting place for large numbers of migrants, for it is certainly true that large numbers are observed there, which pass southward and westward along the Baltic, crossing Schleswig-Holstein and the mouth of the Elbe, or coast south along Denmark, and cross the Elbe diagonally, en route for the Dutch and French coasts and Coasting undoubtedly exists; birds, day migrants especially, may be observed following coast-lines in steady flight, though a mile or less inland no passage is visible. On the North Norfolk coast I have seen little parties of swallows passing along the shore in spring, coasting slowly but steadily from east to west. All day long and almost every day for more than a week this steady flight was continued, though I never saw any passing within sight more than a few yards out at sea, nor any at all more than a few hundred yards inland. Evidence which cannot be refuted shows that this habit of coasting is general, though a deeply indented bay, an estuary or strait, is usually crossed, and by no means always at the narrowest point. The same careful observations prove that both narrow and wide river valleys are followed by migrating birds in greater numbers than are ever observed passing beyond the limits of these valleys. Seebohm's experience in Siberia led him to doubt the existence of routes, but his later studies of migration in autumn at Arcachon and in spring at Biarritz, caused him to modify his ideas. He found a gentle but continuous stream of migrants following the coast of the Bay of Biscay, arriving from over the Pyrenees on their northward journey, On the other hand many birds undoubtedly pass over inland localities independently of any river valley or mountain range which might indicate a route. Even such typical coast-lovers as the maritime waders constantly cross or pass through inland England. They are heard at night, or met with resting or feeding on inland waters, or their bodies are found when, on a dark night, they have collided with telegraph or telephone wires. So long ago as 1886 Mr W. Brewster maintained that the breadth of the fly-line varied according to the character of the country which was being crossed. The migrating column, he said, might be hundreds of miles in length, "a continuous but straggling army," which only became a "solid stream" when travelling through some narrow pass (8). This solid stream or army passage is, however, seldom observed when the birds are crossing continents, especially if they are traversing a wide area in which food is equally plentiful for miles on either side of the direction of flight. The consolidation of their numbers appears only to take place In America Mr Cooke proves that the Mississippi Valley is undoubtedly utilised as a fly-line by a large number of species, but by no means all, and his evidence, though proving the use of routes, is that these are seldom constricted pathways but broad areas crossed in a generally coincident direction by the birds which make use of them. This main fly-line is however formed in America as in other places by the convergence of subsidiary streams, and it is these tributaries, as Herr Herman points out, which have in many instances led to error; they have been mistaken for main routes. The main route may be compared to the trunk of a tree, the birds following the roots from the area in which they have been nesting or wintering, and at the end of the journey splitting off in various directions, like the branches, to their temporary winter or summer homes. The contrast in the method of travelling of different species or of the same species under different conditions, may be realised by taking two examples. Firstly, Mr Eagle Clarke's experiences at the Eddystone and Kentish Knock Lightship, when birds passed during the daytime at varying elevations, sometimes close to the waves, in twos or Dr I. A. PalmÉn was the great upholder of routes in the Old World, but his routes were largely speculative; they were founded on a considerable knowledge of migratory birds, but not sufficient to cover the vast area mapped out (39). Until a very large band of workers, working on similar lines all the world over, accumulate a sufficient mass of evidence as to which birds do or do not pass their various stations, with the times at which they appear, accurate knowledge of the routes of birds is impossible. Von Middendorf collected statistics of the passage of birds in the Russian Empire, and by reckoning the average date of arrival of a few species at certain points of observation, worked out a number of curves or lines which he calls "isepipteses," or lines of simultaneous arrival (35). The result was, according to his argument, a general convergence northwards; the birds passing through Central Siberia travelled But all birds do not go in the direction of the magnetic poles, and many of those which do, stop short at suitable breeding places long before they have travelled so far north. The Taimyr Peninsula, a vast area in the extreme north of Siberia, is each spring a "zoological vacuum"; towards this desirable spot migrants will stream. Herr Otto Herman cleverly shows the absurdity of many of the reputed routes by cartography; his map is crossed in all directions by the routes upheld by various theorists. Birds could not possibly follow all the directions "which authors invented for them," most of which he adds are founded on mere supposition (31). Dr PalmÉn, he shows, usually managed to avoid districts where there were Only to a certain extent can it be safely contended that the present route of a species is an indication of its earlier journeys, or that the direction of original dispersal is recapitulated in the present line of migration. Heredity, experience, and imitation would certainly tend to preserve and confirm the general direction; the shortest and easiest passage from food-base to food-base would become an hereditary route, unless circumstances arose which caused a change. Mr Cooke shows how there has probably been evolution of the route as well as of everything else concerned with a mutable animal. The fly-line across an arm of the sea may be lengthened if this lengthening means a corresponding advantage in reaching the desired haven. Thus the birds which now cross the Gulf of Mexico at its widest part, at one time probably coasted round the Gulf, as many do still, by the land-bridge of Mexico and Central America. The gradual straightening of this curve would shorten the journey both in time and distance, though lengthening the actual single flight across a portion of the sea. We can imagine a bird arriving in autumn at the mouth of the Mississippi, at first passing from Louisiana to Mexico, so as to save the time of travel through Texas. Generations Great weight has been placed upon the use of land-bridges and the hereditary habit of crossing seas where these land-bridges once existed but have been submerged during the great geological changes in the earth's surface. Many have insisted that wherever migrants cross the sea they do so along submerged coast-lines or over submerged land-bridges, arguing that the gradual evolution which has made the advantageous adoption of a habit of migration possible was unable to eliminate the hereditary tendency to follow the exact route by which their ancestors passed from place to place. That there have been considerable alterations in coast-lines and in the general distribution of land In the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea there is evidence of perhaps the most recent land-bridge in the chain of islands from Florida to Venezuela, collectively known as the West Indies. Although vast numbers of North American birds winter in South America only a few of the species which annually pass from one continent to the other make use of this comparatively easy passage. One might naturally conclude that the final severance of England from the Continent was in the neighbourhood of the Straits of Dover, yet this short passage is only used by a comparatively small number of our migrants. Mr Dixon indeed argued that there is no greater barrier to migration than even a narrow arm of the sea (26). He refers to many Continental species which are common breeders in France but are unknown as nesting species in the British Islands, and others which are found in England but not in Ireland. But this is surely but an incident of distribution; the narrow strait or even river may for a time mark the limit of expansion of a species, just as at the present time the westward and northward unseen barrier prevents the range of the nightingale In the evolution of some routes land-bridges certainty appear to have played their part, but once those bridges have ceased to influence direction the shortening of the time occupied by the lengthening of the single oversea flight is only a question of generations when an advantage to a species is to be gained. This subject will be further dealt with in connection with the actual passages performed by certain birds. The study of migration, based on observations at our lighthouses and lightships, shows that even in the comparatively small area of the British Islands there are certain routes followed with regularity. The birds which pass along our western coasts of England and Wales do not as a rule follow the shores round Cardigan Bay or along the eastward tidal scoop of the Irish Sea towards the coasts of Lancashire; the main body passes from Pembroke to the Lleyn Peninsula, and thence to Anglesey and the Isle of Man, on its way to the southern Scottish shores. A source of possible error in the method of deduction from these results must be taken into consideration. Mr Abel Chapman, describing his experiences in the Mediterranean, says—"For forty hours we were passing across (or beneath) the lines of an army of migrants—say 500 miles in width; yet not a sign |