
1.Allen, J. A. Cooke's Some New Facts about the Migration of Birds, Auk, xxi., 1904, 501.

2. —— GÄtke's Heligoland, Auk, xiii., 1896, 137.

3. —— Walter's Theories of Bird Migration, Auk, xxv., 1908, 329.

4.Barrington, R. M. "The great rush of Birds, etc." Irish Nat., xx., 1911, 97.

5. —— The Migration of Birds as observed at Irish Lighthouses and Lightships, London, 1900.

6.Baird, S. F. "The Distribution and Migration of North American Birds." Amer. Jnl. Science and Arts, 2, 1866, xli.

7.Brehm, C. L. "Der Zug der VÖgel," Isis, 1828, Naumannia, 1855.

8.Brewster, W. "Bird Migration." Mem. Nuttall Orn. Club Cambridge, Mass. No. 1, 1886.

9.Brooks, W. K. The Foundations of Zoology, New York, 1899.

10.Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club. Reports on Migration, vols. xvii., xx., xxii., xxiv., xxvi., 1906-1910.

11.Carpenter, F. W. "An Astronomical Determination of the Heights of Birds," Auk, xxiii., 1906, 210.

12.Chapman, Abel. Bird-Life of the Borders, 2nd edit., London 1907.

13. —— F. M. "Observations on the Nocturnal Migration of Birds," Auk, 1888, 37.

14.Clarke, A. H. "The Migration of Certain Shore Birds," Auk, xxii., 1905, 134.

15.Clarke, W. E. "Bird Migration in Great Britain." Report of the British Association, London, 1896.

16. —— "Studies in Bird Migration," Ibis, 1902, 246, 1903, 112.

17.Clarke, W. E. "The Birds of Fair Island; Native and Migratory." Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1906, 4.

18.Cooke, W. W. "Distribution and Migration of North American Shorebirds." U.S. Dept. Agric. Biol. Survey, Bull, 35, Washington, 1910.

19. —— "Routes of Bird Migration," Auk, xxii., 1905, 1.

20. —— "Some New Facts about the Migration of Birds." U.S. Dept. Agric. Year Book, 1903, 371.

21. —— "Our Greatest Travellers." Nat. Geog. Mag., 1911, 346.

22. —— "The Migratory Movements of Birds in Relation to the Weather." U.S. Dept. Agric. Year Book, 1910, 379.

23.Cordeaux, J. "Migration in the Humber District," Zool., 1892, 418.

24.Derham, W. Physico-Theology, London. 1737. Lect. delivered in 1711-12.

25.Dixon, C. The Migration of Birds, London, 1892.

26. —— The Migration of British Birds, London, 1895.

27.Frederick II., (Emperor). De Arte Venandi cum Avibus, Ed. Schneider, 1788, (Rhea. ii.. 1849).

28.Gadow, H. F. "Migration," Encyclo. Brit., 11th Edit., Cambridge, 1911.

29.GÄtke, H. Heligoland as an Ornithological Observatory, Trns. Rosenstock. London, 1895.

30.Herman, O. "A.M.O.K. OrnithophÆnologiÆ anyaja," Aquila, 13, 1906, xx.

31. —— Recensio Critica automatica of the Doctrine of Bird-Migration, Budapest, 1905.

32.Laidlaw, T. G. "Reports on the Movements and Occurrences of Birds in Scotland during 1902 and 1903." Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1903-4.

33.(Legg, John). A Discourse on the Emigration of British Birds, London. 1795. (Salisbury, 1780, and London 1811, the latter under name of George Edwards.)

34.LinnÉ. C. Dissertatio migratione Avium. Upsaliae, 1757.

35.Middendorf, A. T. von. Die Isepiptesen Russlands Grundlagen zur Erforschung der Zugzeiten und Zugrichtungen der VÖgel Russlands, St Petersburg, 1853.

36.Menzbier, M. "Die Zugstrassen der VÖgel im EuropÄischen Russland." Bull de la Soc. Imp. d. Nat., Moscou, 1886, 291.

37.Newton, A. A Dictionary of Birds, London, 1893-1896.

38. —— "Migration," Encyclo. Brit., 9th Edit., London.

39.PalmÉn, I. A. Om foglarnes flyttingsvÄgar, Helsingfors, 1874.

40. —— Über die Zugstrassen der VÖgel, Leipzig, 1876.

41.SchÄfer, E. A. "On the Incidence of Daylight as a determining factor in Bird Migration." Nature, 1907, 159.

42.Sclater, W. L. "The Migration of Birds in South Africa." S. African Orn. Union, 1906, II., 14.

43.Scott, W. E. D. "Some Observations on the Migration of Birds." Bull. Nuttall Ornith. Club, vi. 97.

44.Seebohm, H. Geographical Distribution of the Family "Charadriidae," London, 1888.

45. —— The Birds of Siberia, London, 1901.

46.Service, R. "Bird Migration in Solway." Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1903, 193.

47.Stebbins, J. and Fath, E. A. "The use of Astronomical Telescopes in determining the speeds of Migratory birds." Science (New York), xxiv., 1906, 49.

48.Stejneger, L. "Do Birds Migrate along their Ancient Immigration Routes." Condor, vii., 1905, 36.

49.Stone, W. "Bird Waves and their Graphic Representation," Auk, 1891, 194.

50.Stubbs, F. J. "The Use of Wind by Migrating Birds." Mem. and Proc. Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc., vol. 53, 1909.

51.Taverner, P. A. "A Discussion of the Origin of Migration," Auk, xxi., 1904, 322.

52.Tomison, J. "Bird Life as observed at Skerryvore Lighthouse." Ann. Scot. Nat, Hist., 1907, 20.

53.Trumbull, J. "Notes on Land Birds observed in the North Atlantic and the Gulf of St Lawrence." 1904. Zoologist, 1905, 293.

54.Wallace, A. R., Nature, x., 1874, 459.

55.Whitlock, F. B. The Migration of Birds, London, 1897.

In addition numerous notes in the following periodicals have been consulted:—Annals of Scottish Natural History, Auk, British Birds, Condor, Emu, Field, Ibis, Irish Naturalist, Naturalist, Nature, Zoologist.


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