- Abortion, Ant to cause, 170;
- from hurt, Cochineal to prevent, 262.
- Abraxas for curing diseases, 37–39.
- Acanthocinus Ædilis, 73.
- AcaridÆ, 321.
- Acarus, 320, 321.
- Acheta domestica, 92–97.
- AchetidÆ, 92–97.
- Acid made from Ants, 161.
- Acridites lincola, 126.
- Acridophagi, account of the, 120.
- Adultery, insect to detect, 367.
- Africa, Ants in, 156–7;
- Bees, 191, 200;
- Butterflies, 227, 231;
- Caterpillars, 372;
- Crickets, 95;
- Dragon-flies, 140;
- Flies, 288;
- Gnats, 282;
- Goliath-beetle, 46;
- LarvÆ, 71;
- Lice, 317;
- Locusts, 101–130;
- Mantis, 84–88;
- Soap from beetle, 23;
- Spiders, 354;
- Termites, 132–137.
- Agaric-Gnat, 286.
- Agestrata luconica, 49.
- Agrotis telifera, 247.
- Ague, Bed-bugs as a remedy for, 67;
- Dung-beetle, 44;
- Oil of Scorpions, 330;
- Spiders, 357–360;
- Stag-beetle, 26.
- Albugo, Cobwebs remedy for, 357.
- Ali Gamooni, f
;, 78–82.
- Bleeding of wounds, cobwebs to arrest, 357.
- Blind as a beetle, 49.
- Blindness, Death’s-head Moth supposed to cause, 233.
- Blister-flies, 62–64.
- Blood, showers of, 216–225.
- Boars drowned in Honey, 211.
- Boils cured by Ants, 162.
- BombicidÆ, 234–241.
- Bombus, 213.
- Bombyx Madroni, 239.
- Books perforated by beetles, 61.
- BostrichidÆ, 61.
- Bostrichus typographus, 61.
- Botany, study of, from cabinet of insects, 369.
- Bot-flies, 302–304.
- Brain, Scorpion in a woman’s, 322.
- Brandy flavored with Ants, 161.
- Brides in Holland, pupÆ compared to, 232.
- Briers, May-bug grubs changed into, 48.
- Brazen Fly, game so called, 294.
- Brazil, Ants in, 160, 168;
- Blister-flies, 63;
- Diamond-beetles, 68;
- Gold-beetles, 23;
- Termites, 134–5.
- Browny invoked in hiving Bees, 190.
- Bruce and the Spider, 333.
- Bubo, pestilential, Oil-beetles for, 63.
- Buenos Ayres, Flies in, 287.
- Buffalo, Locusts a cross between the and Spider, 113.
- Bug-bear, meaning of, 265.
- Bug-poison, vending of, in London, 268.
- Bull, fat of, in charm to destroy Fleas, 308.
- Bullocks, Bees generated from, 183.
- Burn-cows, 50–51.
- Burnie-bee, Lady-bird so called, 22.
- Burning Spiders for amusement, 350.
- BuprestidÆ, 50–51.
- Buprestis attenuata, 50.
- fascicularius, 51.
- maxima, 50.
- ocellata, 50.
- vittata, 50.
- in Egypt, 29.
- of the ancients, 51.
- Butterflies, 216–232.
- Butter, Grou-grou worm made into, 69.
- Cabbage-tree worm, 68–70.
- Cactus cochinilifer, 261.
- Caffres make ovens of Ant-hills, 134.
- Calandra palmarum, 27, 68–70.
- Calichroma alpina, 367.
- California, Mosquitoes in, 284.
- Callidryas alcmeone, 227.
- hilariÆ, 201.
- Conradus, Bishop, Spider drank in wine by, 356.
- Consumption, Honey-dew for, 257.
- Continental money, Bees on, 197.
- Convulsions, Silk-worms for, 240.
- Coprion of the ancients, 27.
- Copris molossus, 44.
- sabÆus, 41.
- in Egypt, 29.
- Coral for sting of Scorpions, 326.
- Corixa femorata, 276.
- Corn, Indian mode of destroying Caterpillars injurious to, 244;
- Stag-beetle supposed to injure, 25;
- stored by Ants, 148–150.
- Correspondence by means of Cucuji, 53.
- Cortes, army of, saved from attack by Cucuji, 53.
- Cosmogonies, Spiders in various, 342.
- Cossus of the ancients, 27, 74.
- Counterfeiting Scarab-gems, 38, n.
- Country depopulated by Spiders and Scorpions, 353.
- Courtezans, Cantharides employed by, 62.
- Corynetes violaceous, 41.
- Cow, in names of Lady-bird, 17;
- killed by Ants, 156;
- bewitched by killing Ants, 152;
- Scarab figured with head of, 35.
- Crabley, Mrs. Jane, stiffness in knees of, cured by Ants, 162.
- Crabs for sting of Scorpions, 326.
- Crane-flies, 286.
- Cray-fish, Scorpions generated from, 322.
- Creator, Scarab sacred to, 30;
- Creoles not attacked by Chigoes, 315.
- Crete, Galls eaten in, 145.
- Crickets, 92–97.
- Crimea, Gnats in, 282;
- Criminals tortured with Ants, 158;
- Crimson, Galls for dyeing, 258;
- Crocodile, Scorpions generated from carcass of, 323;
- Wasps, 171;
- Scorpions enemies to, 324;
- worship of, in Egypt, 43, n.
- Crow, dung of, for sting of Scorpions, 326.
- Cuckoo to prevent breeding of Fleas, 307.
- Cucujus, 51.
- Culex pipiens, 278.
- CulicidÆ, 278–286.
- Cumana, Grasshoppers eaten in, 98.
- CurculionidÆ, 68–72.
- Curculio anti-odontalgicus, 71.
- Frankfort, massacre of the Jews at, 218.
- Franklin and the Ants, 155.
- Freak of nature: five-winged Butterfly, 230.
- Frogs killed with hot charcoal, 55;
- foot in chalk, to keep away witches, 247;
- for sting of Scorpions, 327.
- Fruit, wasps generated from rotten, 171, 184.
- Fulgora candelaria, 256.
- FulgoridÆ, 255–256.
- Funereal rites, Scarab connected with, 33, 36.
- Funerals, Bees invited to, 187.
- Gad-fly, 291.
- GallerucidÆ, 74.
- Galleria cereana, 249.
- Gall-flies, 143–145.
- Galls, 143–145.
- Gambaia, Lice in, 317.
- Garlic, to keep away Scorpions, 327.
- Gasterophilus hÆmorrhoidalis, 302.
- Generation of Fleas, 305;
- Geography, study of, from cabinet of insects, 369.
- GeometridÆ, 248.
- Geotrupes stercorarius, 28, 44.
- Germany, Agaric-Gnat in, 286;
- Ants, 159;
- Blister-flies, 63;
- bloody-rain, 218;
- Butterflies, 225;
- Canker-worms, 248;
- Crickets, 96;
- Gall-flies, 143;
- Lady-bird, 17;
- Stag-beetle, 25;
- Typographer-beetle, 61.
- Ghosts, Glow-worms supposed to be, 56.
- Gilded-Dandy, 23.
- Gleanthus and the Ants, 154.
- Glow-worms, 55–58, 339.
- Gnats, 52, 194, 278–286.
- Goat, blood of, to destroy Fleas, 308;
- fat of, for sting of Scorpions, 325;
- gall of, in medicine, 210;
- liver of, to drive away Moths, 243;
- maggots in the brain of, 302.
iles@41625@41625-h@41625-h-3.htm.html#Page_34" class="pginternal">34. Italy, Blister-flies in, 63; Ivory, Ants carved out of, 170. - Jack-’o-lanterns, Glow-worms supposed to be, 57;
- James I., anecdote of, 239.
- Jamaica, Cantharis maxima, in, 64;
- Cockroaches, 78;
- Crickets, 96;
- Dragon-flies, 140;
- frogs, 55;
- Gnats, 282.
- Japan, Grasshoppers in, 100;
- Moths and Night-flies, 242.
- Jaundice, Blatta of Pliny for, 67;
- Lice, 319;
- Oil of Scorpions, 330.
- Java, larvÆ of beetle eaten in, 70;
- Jays preserved to kill Locusts, 114.
- Jerusalem saved by Locusts, 119.
- Jews, Locusts eaten by, 101;
- as playthings for children, 130;
- massacred on account of bloody-rain, 218;
- not permitted to burn Fleas, 311.
- Jiggers, 314.
- Julian the Apostate, army of, routed by Mosquitoes, 282.
- July, swarm of Bees in, 192.
- June, swarm of Bees in, 192.
- Jupiter in the form of an Ant, 151.
- Katy-did, 131.
- Kermes-dye, 259.
- Killing Bees for their Honey, 190.
- King Calowa, Lady-bird called, 20.
- King-fisher to keep away Clothes’-moth, 249.
- King of the Fleas, 307;
- King’s evil, Blatta of Pliny for, 66.
- Knife-grinder, Hercules-beetle called the, 46.
- Koran, the Ant of the, 153.
- Kuffelar’s color, origin of, 262.
- Labor, Flies driven away from women in, 292;
- Lac, -dye, -lake, 262.
- Lady-birds, 17–23.
- La Lande, Spiders eaten by, 355.
- Lamp, Cucuji used as, 54.
- LampyridÆ, 55–58.
- Lantern-flies, 255–6.
- Laock, Cockroach in the ear of, 79.
- Lapland, Acanthocinus Ædilis in, 73;
- Lard, Fleas kept away with, 44;
- Glow-worms, 57;
- Gold-beetles, 23;
- Lady-bird, 21;
- Scarabs, 38;
- Spiders, 354.
Orthoptera, 78–131. Oryctes rhinoceros, 46. Ovens, Ant-hills made into, 134; Owlet antidote for sting of Bees, 193. Oxford, bringing in the Fly at, 291. - Painted, Flies on vessels newly, 287.
- Palm-tree, generation of the, 322.
- Palm-weevil, 68–70.
- Palpitations, wax to prevent, 254.
- Palsy, Ants remedy for, 162.
- Pans, beating of, when Bees swarm, 189.
- Paper, manufacture of, from silk, 239.
- PapilionidÆ, 216–232.
- Paradise, Solomon’s Ant in, 153.
- Paraguay, Spiders in, 362.
- Parasol, swarm of Bees on a lady’s, 214.
- Paris, Cucujus in, 53.
- Park, Mungo, attacked by Bees, 203.
- Parnassius Apollo, 367.
- Paroxysms, Spiders for, 358.
- Parthians, Locusts eaten by, 121.
- Passalus cornutus, 27.
- Paul, Prince, anecdote of, 369.
- PausidÆ, 23–24.
- Peace foretold by Locusts, 119.
- PediculidÆ, 316–320.
- Pediculi corporis, 317.
- Pedipalpi, 321–331.
- Peiresc’s solution of bloody-rain, 218.
- Pelisson and his pet Spider, 335.
- Pennsylvania, Bees in, 182, 188;
- Persia, Aphis in, 258;
- Scorpions, 328;
- Silk-worms, 235.
- Peruvians, Flies offered to the Sun by, 292.
- Pestilence foretold by Spiders, 143.
- Petrified Bee-hive, 214.
- Pets, beetles as, 50;
- Pewter for sting of Scorpions, 326.
- Phaerus, Spiders eaten by, 355.
- Phaeton’s sisters, origin of fable of, 91, n.
- PhalangidÆ, 321.
- Phalangium, 321.
- Philology, study of, from names of insects, 369.
- Phonetic, Scarab as a, 35.
- Phosphor Paste for killing Roaches, etc., manufacture and vending of, 80–82.
- Phthiriasis, 121,
- Russia, Honey in, 195;
/a>; Dragon-flies, 138, 140; Dung-beetle, 28; Ear-wig, 76; Flies, 290; Gall-flies, 143; Glow-worm, 57; Grasshoppers, 98, 100; Katy-did, 131; Lady-birds, 17–23; Locusts, 119; Mantis, 82–92; Silk-worms, 239; Stag-beetles, 25; Scorpions, 322–331; Spiders, 339; Wasps and Hornets, 173; Span-worms, 248. Surinam, Cicadas in, 254; - Fire-ants, 157;
- Gnats, 280;
- Lantern-flies, 255.
Surat, hospital at, for animals, 266. Swallow, heart of, for lunacy, 330; Swammerdam, anecdote of, 363. Swarms of Ants, 164; - Aphides, 258;
- Butterflies, 225;
- Cantharides, 64;
- Day-flies, 138;
- Dragon-flies, 139–140;
- Flies, 287;
- Gnats, 278;
- Lady-birds, 21;
- May-bugs, 48.
Swarming of Bees, notions concerning, 185–190. Sweat, Fleas generated from, 305. Sweden, Acanthocinus Ædilis in, 73; - Ants, 161;
- Blaps mortisaga, 65;
- Fleas, 308;
- Grasshoppers, 100;
- Lady-bird, 17;
- Lice, 316.
Switzerland, Caterpillars in, 158, n. Swoonings, wax to prevent, 254. Sword, in charm to destroy Fleas, 308. Sybils resorted to, to drive away Locusts, 113. Syria, Galls from, 145; - Tamableness of the Fly, 289.
- Tarantula, 351.
- Taylor, Mrs., and her Crickets, 95;
- Telephorus fuscus, 364.
- Tempests raised by magicians, 45.
- Tendons, Stag-beetle for contractions of, 26.
- Tenebrio molitor, 65, 6
5@41625-h@41625-h-13.htm.html#Page_201" class="pginternal">201.
- Wind, Aphides produced by a, 258.
- Winter, prognostication from May-bug as to, 47.
- Wisdom of the Ant exaggerated, 148–151.
- Witchcraft, beetle against, 44;
- Bot-fly in, 303;
- Humble-bees, 213;
- use of wax in, 206.
- Witches in the forms of Flies, 294.
- Wolf, tail of, to drive away Flies, 288;
- Wasps generated from carcass of, 171.
- Women, hatred of Scorpions for, 324.
- Wood-louse, Death-watch supposed to be, 61.
- Woodpecker to keep Bees from stinging, 193.
- Wood-carrying Moth, 245.
- Wood-tic, 321.
- Wool, rain of, 348;
- Woolly-bear Moths, 242–245.
- World, Scarab symbolical of, 30.
- Worm in the heart of a horse, 365;
- from stomach of a woman, 364.
- Wormals, 303.
- Worms extracted from children’s ears, 371;
- intestinal, Bedeguar for, 144;
- charm, 365;
- Cockroaches, 78;
- oil of Scorpions, 330;
- powder of a tombstone, 363.
- Worm-wood to destroy Fleas, 308.
- Worship of the Mantis, 83–88;
- Wounds, Blatta of Pliny for, 66;
- Crickets, 97;
- Oil-beetles, 63;
- Spiders, 359.
- Zephyr, Butterfly symbol of, 229.
- Zisca, what he meant by “cobwebs,” 356.