
From Milton’s Hymn on the Nativity 43
Notes: The Southern Festival; Christmas at College; Overdose of Holiday 43
The Bulletin Board 44-45
Burke and Webster 45-46
Oriental and Occidental Character 46-47
Translations 47-48
Correspondence: Letter from “Alumnus,” 49
Letter from “A Trinity Boy” 49-50
“Holidays”—R. R. 50
Editorials: Narrow Gauge; Cigarette-Picture Nuisance; The Gymnasium a Necessity; The Peace Commission; Dr. Burkhead 51-52
Reviews: American Statesmen; Our Country; Cook’s Sievers’ O. E. Grammar 53-54
Meiklejohn’s English Language 54
Exchanges 55
Locals 56-57
Alumni 58-59
Among the Colleges 59


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Trinity Archive.
Published under Supervision of the Professor of English.

Trinity College, Jan., 1888.

It was the winter wilde
While the Heaven-born childe
All meanly wrapt in the rude manger lies;
Nature in aw to him
Had doff’t her gawdy trim,
With her great Master so to sympathize;
It was no season then for her
To wanton with the sun her lusty paramour.
Onely with speeches fair
She woo’s the gentle Air
To hide her guilty front with innocent snow,
And on her naked shame,
Pallute with sinfull blame,
The saintly veil of maiden white to throw:
Confounded, that her Maker’s eyes
Should look so near upon her foul deformities.
But he, her fears to cease,
Sent down the meek-eyed Peace;
She, crown’d with olive green, came softly sliding
Down through the turning sphear,
His ready harbinger,
With turtle wing the amorous clouds dividing,
And, waving wide her mirtle wand,
She strikes a universall peace through sea and land.
No war, or battails sound,
Was heard the world around;
The idle spear and shield were high up hung;
The hooked chariot stood
Unstain’d with hostile blood;
The trumpet spake not to the armed throng;
And kings sate still with awfull eye,
As if they sure knew their sovran Lord was by.

A merry Christmas and a happy New Year! So the phrase goes and many a time has it just been uttered, who knows whether with meaning or unmeaning lips? Christmas, part and parcel of America’s glorious inheritance from Old England, is the sovereign festival in the South. The North may keep its gaudy Fourth of July, the birth of a nation; but, as for us, we will observe the day commemorating the birth of the King of the Universe, a day hoary with centuries of associations.

No one knows the dreariness of Christmas at College but the unfortunate wight condemned to suffer it. The lonesome buildings and quiet streets would bore even a well-regulated ghost, while thoughts of home with trains of recollections paralyze all gayety.

By an oversight the holidays are long drawn out. While several of the exchanges utter touching appeals for more time, Trinity is suffering from too much vacation. Rumor has it that next year will find both terms and holiday readjusted.


The new year opens with some sound financial regulations, the carrying out of which will help considerably to improve the condition of the College treasury. Hereafter, tuition fees will be collected at the end of every month. Only sons of ministers will receive free tuition, and time and credit will be allowed only to such as are found to be actually incapable of paying their bills regularly. Students not otherwise excused, who fail to pay monthly bills due the College, will not be entitled to any further instruction.

The first monthly payment will be due Saturday, Feb. 11th, 1888.

Books and stationery will be sold for cash only.

A discount of 5 per cent. will be made on bills paid a full term in advance.

Superintendent Finger will lecture on “The Public School Problem” on the night of the 18th of January, in the College chapel. Admission free.

Entrance examinations to the College classes will be held in May at Winston, in June at Morehead City, Raleigh, and Trinity College. The Oxford examination

will be held at a date to be announced later. The date of the other examinations has not yet been definitely fixed.

The President’s class in Social and Political Science with the Seniors (elective) engages in informal discussion followed by systematic inquiry in official documents and specific treatises. A prize of $25 in books will be awarded for the best original thesis upon any of the assigned topics.

The Juniors begin Hallam’s Constitutional History of England as a text, with Green’s Shorter History or Bright’s School History as collateral reading (required.) The term’s work will end with an oration and a prize of $25 in cash is offered for the best one.

Encouraging reports are coming in from those who went home to secure help for the new building. There is no doubt of its speedy erection, if the Alumni respond to the proposition of “Alumnus.” The students are determined that this building shall go up. They are ready to make sacrifices, and are making them, to accomplish their purposes. Contributions should be sent

to Prof. J. L. Armstrong, who will acknowledge them in the Raleigh Christian Advocate and in The Archive.

Several of the larger classes in the preparatory department will be divided on the basis of scholarship.


Eloquence does not always display itself in the same form. In reading critically the speeches of Burke and Webster, we find quite a contrast in their styles, yet each ranks amongst the foremost orators of his nation. Each moved thousands by the power of his words, and each possessed a style peculiarly his own.

The first thing noticeable in Burke’s style is its remarkable clearness. He presents his thoughts in such a plain, simple manner that they are easily comprehended, although he handles the deepest subjects with which statesmanship deals. He leaves nothing obscure. We are never at a loss to know what words his relative pronouns relate to, or his conjunctions connect. Few authors could have expressed with such precision and perspicuity as Burke the thought contained in the following sentence: “This commercial motive never was believed by any man, either in America, which this letter is meant to soothe, or in England, which it meant to deceive.”

In regard to clearness, Webster’s style resembles that of Burke. The great American statesman seemed to possess the happy faculty of adapting himself to his audience. If he addressed the Senate of the United States, he was dignified and stately; if he spoke to an assembly of peasants, he made himself perfectly intelligible.

Burke frequently uses pointed satire and bitter sarcasm in his speeches. He says: “By such management, by the irresistible operations of feeble councils, so paltry a sum as three-pence in the eyes of a financier, so insignificant an article as tea in the eyes of a philosopher, have shaken the pillars of a commercial empire that circled the whole globe.” Again: “I conceal the ridiculous figure of parliament hurling its thunders at the gigantic rebellion in America.” In this kind of writing Burke is undoubtedly Webster’s superior.

Burke uses connectives with more skill, perhaps, than any other author in the English language. This is an art of which he was master. There is not space to give quotations illustrating this, but any one who studies his works cannot fail to observe it.

Webster, although he was not so skilful in the use of connectives as Burke, used them well, as the following extract from his speech in Faneuil Hall will show: “Do they find, and

do they admit, and do they feel, that money is scarce and dear?——And how in my judgment, further, so long as this sub-treasury lasts, so long as the tariff of 1846 continues, this state of accumulation by the rich, of distress of the industrious, and of the aggravated poverty of the poor, will go on from degree to degree, to an end which I shall not attempt to calculate.”—Webster is especially fond of beginning his sentences with ‘and.’ Burke and Webster do not use figures of speech to excess, and they use them very advantageously. Burke, in making comparisons, employs the Antithesis effectively. Thus: “Compare the two. This I offer to give is plain and simple, the other full of perplexed and intricate mazes. This is mild, that is harsh. This is found by experience effectual for its purpose, the other is a new project. This is universal, the other calculated for certain colonies only. This is immediate in its conciliatory operations, the other remote, contingent, full of hazard.” Burke at times uses the Climax also. The chief difference between Burke and Webster, as regards the use of figures, is that the former generally employs the strongest Metaphors, while the latter uses Similes more frequently. Note this as a sample of Webster’s style: “We shall see Carolina looming up like one of the Southern Constellations.” Burke, in his speech on

Conciliation with America, argues by means of strong historical illustrations. Webster, on the other hand, often reasons by means of interrogations, and then by appealing strongly to the feelings of his audience. It is said that a dash may be eloquent. This is well illustrated in Webster’s speech in Faneuil Hall.

On the whole, we may say that Mr. Webster was a strong, forcible speaker and writer. His style is smooth and flowing. His arguments are powerful and convincing. The great peculiarity of Burke’s style is that every sentence “grows in the very act of unfolding it.”

H. S.


Whether the Roman idea, that climate affects character be true or not, the Orientals exhibit a character very unlike that of the Occidentals. With the one, impulse is the ruling power, and all others are subordinate to it; with the other, reason interposes to check the uprising passions, and to guard against the extremes of thought or deed. No Western writer would ever have thought of devising the inhuman course pursued by Schahriar, king of Persia, to maintain the honor of his harem, and perhaps no maiden of this hemisphere would have subjected herself to such imminent danger as did the beautiful and accomplished Scheherazade to deliver her sex from

the cruel revenge of a blood-thirsty prince. Both were acting from impulse rather than from reason, and in this at least they conformed to the general character of the Orientals. Capable of the most passionate love yet extremely revengeful, the Oriental is the kindest friend yet the bitterest enemy, the most extravagant in grief yet the most relentless in those things which produce it in others. Such a medley of contradictions and seeming paradoxes are interwoven in Eastern character, making it one of the greatest extremes.

Again, the Orientals are more mythical than the Occidentals. They have chimerical ideas of life. Their minds are shadowy and fanciful in their tendency. There is the home of the genii, the ghouls, and the houri. Their literature is burdened with mythical legends, which show that their minds, the foundation of all character, drift toward the fanciful and unreal. In the literary lore of the West, we find no such fabulous stories as that of Aladdin and his “wonderful lamp,” or of a Samandal, reigning over the empire of the ocean. Where else but in the literature of the Orientals could we hope to find the origin of such a story as the history of Beder presents? The most exciting incidents of fiction contained in Western authors appear tame in comparison.

The Western man, on the contrary,

looks upon life as a reality. He employs no imaginary genie to work miracles for him, but depends upon the strength of his muscle and the ingenuity of his brains for his support. Reason and intuition are the lights which he follows, and, guided by them, he grapples with life as with a real entity—a something that can be realized.



[From the French of Chateaubriand.]

One evening I was wandering in the forests at some distance from the Falls of Niagara. Soon I saw the day fade out around me, and I experienced, in all its solitude, the beautiful spectacle of a night on the plains of the New World. An hour after the setting of the sun, the moon showed herself above the trees. In the opposite horizon, a perfumed breeze, which conducted her from the east, seemed to preceed her as a fresh breath among the forests. Little by little the queen of night majestically mounted the heavens, now following peaceably her azure course, now reposing on a group of clouds which resembled the tops of high mountains crowned with snow. These clouds, furling and unfurling their sails, rolled around in transparent zones of white satin, dispersed themselves in light, foamy flakes, or formed themselves into gigantic banks of dazzling aspect, so agreeable to the eye that one

seemed to feel their softness and elasticity.

The scene upon the earth was not less charming. The blue and velvety light of the moon descended at intervals among the trees, and cast islands of light into the blackness of darkness. The river, which flowed at my feet, now lost itself in the shadow of the woods, now re-appeared all brilliant with the constellations of night which it reflected on its bosom. Upon the vast prairie on the opposite side of the river, the light of the moon slept immovably on the turf. Some birch-trees, dispersed here and there in the savannah, agitated by the breeze, formed isles of floating shadows upon an immovable sea of light. Near, all was silence and repose, except the falling of some leaves, the brusque passage of a sudden wind, or the rare and interrupted hooting of an owl; but at a distance was heard, at intervals, the solemn roaring of the cataract of Niagara, which, in the calm of the night, prolonged itself from plain to plain, and expired in traversing the solitary forests.

The grandeur, the wondrous melancholy of the picture, could not be expressed in human language; the most beautiful night in Europe cannot give an idea. In vain, in our cultivated countries, the imagination seeks to extend itself; it meets everywhere the habitation of man; but in those desert countries the soul delights to sink into

an ocean of forests, to soar over the gulf of cataracts, and, as it were, to find itself only in the presence of God.

B. T.


From Translation of Aristophanes’ ThesmophoriazusÆ.


They’re always abusing the Women as a terrible plague to men:
They say we’re the root of all evil, and repeat it again and again;
Of war and quarrels and bloodshed; all mischief, be it what it may;
And, pray then, why do you marry us, if we’re all the plagues you say?
And why do you take such care of us, and keep us safe at home;
And are never easy a moment, if ever we chance to roam?
When you ought to be thanking heaven that your Plague is out of the way,
You all keep fussing and fretting—“where is my Plague to-day?”
If a Plague peeps out of the window, up go the eyes of the men;
If she hides, then they all keep staring until she looks out again.

And for ways and means,
Trust us, there’s nothing cleverer than a woman.
And as for diplomacy, they’ll be hard indeed
To cheat—they know too many tricks themselves.


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